Kushina looks on at him fondly. She was also someone who jumped in front of his Chidori without a thought about her own life. Konoha is bright, Konan thinks. His face softened to a sickeningly loving smile when she showed up that first day when they all met for the first time with a picnic basket. 2. killing the past (and coming back to life) I am. She was deadlast, everyone used to make fun of her. Still though, looking at Rin, Obito can understand why Minato-sensei would choose Kushina-san over Konoha. Sakumo was supposed to deal with the rebels while his teammates went to guard the Daimyo. Isnt he your student too?. It was him. ]. You're the Avatar, Aang, and you could have had any woman you wanted. Kaida and Aang never wanted to be the destined Avatars. I refuse to drag Tsunade back. Its shaped like a diamond with grid boxes inside, looking remarkably like his clan symbol. Kushina looks calm, her eyes brimming with confidence. Well, thank goodness Im a prodigy, Kakashi says dryly. How is training going anyway? Kushina asks mischievously. Just love me, Aang. Katara whispered, kissing him. Go home and pack enough clothing and supplies to last a year. I'm so sorry, Katara. You were saying,, Minato-sensei gives him a knowing look and sighs in a way that says I know youre being angsty but Im going to ignore it for now because youre impossible., I was saying Obitos taijutsu could use some work. When Kushina and Kakashi come out, Minato-sensei is already in the kitchen, getting dinner ready in his usual pink apron. Yuna Oyama, second-to-last of the airbenders, wanted a quiet life for her child, not political intrigue that threatens to rip her family apart. But Aang was more than willing to sacrifice his clothing if Katara's life was on the line, and he knew that Zuko would feel that way too once he explained the situation. Sokka rolled his eyes. Aang shifted their positions until he was hovering over her, his hips nestled comfortably between her thighs. Thanks, Aang. She stood up to get some more supplies from their food stores from where Appa's saddle lay. Im going to beat him after all! However, this time Aang's freedom is at stake as well. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Ahh Katara I love you, Katara Aang breathed, kissing the flesh of her neck. But, no matter what he did, he couldn't find any rhythm the lowered her pain at all. I you're right. I wasn't ready to let you go. I can handle this.. You're a life saver! Quite impressive for one so young, but she keeps his reaction in the back of her mind anyway. because I have all of the self-control of a ferret set loose in a meat locker. I went pretty easy on you by making you do only ten laps around the village, Minato-sensei says, still smiling. Aang, what happened to your tunic?. 9. this dangerous but irresistible pastime, I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.-Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. And Kakashi has no doubt that his rival will succeed in Team Minato where he failed. It it was nothing. A minute later, Aang regained his breath enough to function again and pulled Katara into a passionate kiss. Whats going on?, Were going on a trip, kiddos! Jiraiya-sensei tells them, a plastic smile on his face. Mai: Come here. This story is for the characters we love who deserved more: for Toph, for Zutara, for Tyzula, and for Aang, who's spiritual and ethical considerations deserve more attention and validation. Had she not died, Rin could have become a truly fearsome kunoichi if she had gotten the time and the right kind of training. Yes, Aang, I'd love to marry you only you.. Aang inspected the bite once again. Aang decided to trust her word, and set back to work. While she trusts Jiraiya-sensei, Konan still hasnt forgotten Konohas role in ravaging their homeland, and from what she knows, Kages tend to be completely ruthless. Post-DH, Pre-Epilogue. A massive hickey was a small price to pay for Katara's life. He hadn't thought that Appa could get any bigger, but the Sky Bison had definitely grown bigger since he had last seen him. So, when they realize that embracing their destiny will reunite the elements, they push themselves to the limit to restore peace. Hes in fine hands. But in this new life, being labelled a prodigy was a very convenient way to explain his learning curve and unusual maturity. Jiraiya can admit that Sarutobi-sensei probably sees it that way. Aang gasped. It was a beautiful day to be travelling through the Earth Kingdom. So wet. She wouldnt have chosen this profession if she wasnt prepared for it.. Let me know if the seal starts acting up, Minato-sensei tells him brightly. Aang, Katara, and Toph had been in Ba Sing Se when they received the stunning news that Suki was pregnant and would soon be giving birth. His erection strained painfully against his underwear and pants. Please consider turning it on! As far as Aang was concerned, Katara's body was perfect, soft, flawless skin that he was just dying to touch, to taste. Obito huffs. At the time, Aang still had a lot of enemies, so he didn't want anyone knowing about his son's birth. She gently caressed the side of his face and set herself to maintain their sensuous eye contact. Aang knew he had to move on, find his own happiness. But that didnt happen, Sarutobi-sensei sighs. So, how do you think Rin feels whenever you try to intervene in her fights? Minato-sensei asks him knowingly, as if he just read Obitos thoughts. Aang, more! Katara had cooed over the newborn boy for practically hours while Toph and Aang waited in the background. I think I should teach you how to heal., I couldn't have a better teacher. Aang said, using Waterbending to gather the water around them in the air, and passing it to her. Aang blushed and kissed her, moaning as she grinded herself against him. Are we late?. They bid adieu to Orochimaru and head back to Minato-senseis home. The Main Character will be smart. I was careless and put old bonds between us above Konohas best interests. :). He felt sorry for the Earth Kingdom soldiers. This world promises freedom, assassination attempts, and plenty of romance to make a girl sick. Super Howl Dancing Flash Spiral of Wind, Kushina snickers. Miso ramen right, Kushina-san? But they arent the only ones to come through the portal. Theres no real reason for him to look that shocked since theyve never met before. Rin is amazing! Both of you are ganging up on me. Kakashi knows it wont be enough for something as chakra intensive as say, Kamui, if he still had it. 7. i was staring straight (into the shining sun) Are you sure? Aang asked, concerned that she wouldn't have the strength to Bend. A few seconds later, he found the spot where his fingers sank slightly into her body. EDIT: A little bit of dialogue has been removed since it created a glaring plothole i hadn't noticed before. Let's not talk about that day. (Companion piece to a thousand little faces but can be read as a standalone). Heck, the first time Minato-sensei introduced himself to them he said My name is Namikaze Minato. People need to be given the chance to fight their own battles sometimes, Obito. He spat out the second mouthful of venom and carefully examined the bite. Slowly and delicately, he pushed the fabric down her legs, she helped him kick the fabric off, leaving her naked and bared before him. Aang airbends Zuko into a wall and propelling himself backward out of the cave. Minato-sensei hasnt neglected his training either. Work Search: And the end of the war is entirely dependent on how your mission goes.. The last three years have been broken up with infrequent and hurried meetings and get togethers, but by happenstance, things play out a little differently for the eighth anniversary of the End of War. If she had a strong reaction before, her reaction now was mind-numbing. I plan to retire as soon as the war ends. I'm fine that felt good amazing! He leaned closer to her. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. Thats not fair, sensei! It was only the knowledge that Katara's life was in very real danger that stopped Aang from fulfilling the dark fantasies plaguing his mind, fantasies of her soft body yielding against his hard one, of heat, sweat, and breathy gasps and moans. Thank you for catching it! It was brilliant, sensei! Until with her unexpected death and her mothers sacrifice, a world was created to keep the fictional characters she loved alive. Theyve been getting weird looks from all the villagers too, every time they dare to spend time together in a public place. Never, in his life, had he imagined such intimate contact. It was closer than he thought. Kushina is an extremely powerful kunoichi, you know, Minato-sensei continues casually. Prologue And if Rin dies in battle like so many shinobi do, there still wont be anything preventing Obito from calling this world a lie and losing himself in his grief. You might not be able to spot him in the village as much though because hes very busy., Thats notIm not worried at all about that jerk! You're supposed to keep an eye on me in case I get worse or go into shock.. After Arthur's death, Merlin wandered around the world, hoping that his dear royal prat would come back to life. Thus was the end of Sokka and Suki's travels. Woohoo! Rin is huffing and puffing next to him. Aang reappeared holding Katara bridal-style, but that wasn't the worst of it! When she wasn't bathing with other women of her tribe, she used her private time to explore her body. I have no stake in this apart from ending the war. Air. He cant make it too easy for me by slacking off!. Orochimaru doesnt have such compunctions. Okay, so Kushina-san was a loser once. Aang! Katara moaned, writhing against him in a way that nearly shut down his mind. What will she do in this new found environment. Ozai's actions produce a war anew. He makes you want to get better. She tasted heavenly! Were foreign shinobi, you see, he says, pointing to his Ame Hitai-ate. In a city tied to Air Nomad history, Aang begins to contemplate his future. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. Were not calling it that! But what if you get pregnant? Aang asked. He is likely the only individual that can give Azula the level of patience Iroh gave Zuko. Love me and make the pain go away.. Orochimaru looks calm too, but Kakashi can detect a hint of trepidation in him. Sokka and Suki had one day, out of the blue, announced that they would be settling down on Kyoshi Island. From Ame? She asks slowly. Good thing shes got an airbender soulmate with just as many crazy abilities by her side. Minato was asking you something., Oh right, sorry sensei. I was just wondering becausebecause I wanted to know if he was training right! Katara let out a chocked gasp and arched her body so far off the ground that Aang was worried for a moment that she had hurt her back. But now that he had, there was something truly magical about the experience. Eight years after Sozins Comet, everyones lives have begun to take shape, their responsibilities pulling them further and further apart. It had started to storm outside, but neither of the lovers inside the Earth tent took any notice. It only took a few moments of Aang giving her pleasure with his mouth before she had her first orgasm, falling over the edge into ecstasy. Thats wonderful, Jiraiya. Merlin ugly-cries because of an accurate picture of Arthur, who comes back very confused. When Katara called his name, it sent a shock straight to his groin, reminding him about his erection in a most inconvenient way. I've been dreaming about this night for a long time, Katara. Recent developments in the war, or rather revelations about the war have recently come to light. Curled up near Katara's leg was a large rat-viper, hissing angrily, and posed to strike. He pressed his lips passionately against hers, and she opened her mouth to receive him. Jiraiya-sama is a good friend of mine! What?! Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou. What the hell was that? Kushina asks bluntly. I will give you a list of things later today. I doubt I could be called a monk now, though., That's not what I mean. Katara gasped. You wont need to worry about that, Orochimaru. Katara trembled, and removed her hand from her leg. With Katara's aid, he positioned himself at her entrance and pressed inside her. The war is still inevitable; that much was set in stone the day Hatake Sakumo abandoned his mission but the sudden decline in skirmishes correlated to only one other thing: Danzos death. Katara sat up slightly. Water. Do you think Rin is weak, Obito? Minato-sensei asks him as they watch Gai help Rin up. Normally, it was unnecessary, but from the look of the grey skies, it was going to rain this evening. Aang visits Katara and Sokka in the South Pole for the first time in months, only to bring some startling and unfortunate news.Back in the Fire Nation, Zuko is driving himself mad from exhaustion, the stress of assassination attempts and the attempts of his council to dethrone him aren't letting him sleep. Why? Kakashi smiles at the shocked faces of Kushina, Minato-sensei, and a slightly disgruntled Orochimaru. They were still in the Earth Kingdom, but it was getting late in the afternoon, so Aang and Katara decided to leave the ocean crossing for the morning. I asked you both here to embark on a very serious mission, Sarutobi-sensei starts. **NOTE: This takes place as the threat of the comet is 15 years from when Katara and Sokka find Aang. Those two are.quite tied at the hip. If I wouldn't give up a single tunic to save your life, then I wouldn't be much of a boyfriend, would I?. Ohhhjust wait until I get my hands on him!. Are you an Uzumaki? the woman asks him breathlessly. Beast-face thinks running ten laps is a warm-up? Kuri has to gain her own soul to save Agehashe has to fall in love. Good. ** Rated M for sexual content and dark material. Don't stop. He pulled her into a passionate kiss. I hope to preserve some of our collective favorite moments ("that's rough, buddy," "what a sharp outfit, Chan") while adding more depth to the philosophical problems that Aang and others deal with. You know I have a girlfriend right, Obito? Minato-sensei asks him contemplatively. Perhaps if he had been raised normally, he would know how to approach a girl that he wanted to make love to. Aang laughed to himself. Aang: Sorry Sokka. That is what makes you a good Avatar." Ahhtheyll be staying with me in my apartment. Somehow each portrait captures the traits that Hokage was best known for; Hashiramas bright, confident gaze speaks of vision and hope; Tobiramas serious, stern gaze speaks of callous practicality, and the most surprising of all, Sarutobi-senseis lively, youthful gaze speaks of legacy, a determination to see Hashirama and Tobiramas vision through. Thank you for loving me. Katara whispered. Katara winced slightly as he entered her. Aang cursed his sheltered upbringing. Gai nods vigorously. The Wizarding world is slowly recovering, and Hogwarts is re-opened. He doesnt care a whit about Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, their worth lies entirely in how they can be influenced towards Konoha. They can vaguely hear a sparrows call in the distance. Every time they travelled, Aang longed to just set up a single Earth tent, but since he and Katara had yet to talk about taking their relationship to the next level, he always crushed the idea. I would want nothing more than to have your children, Aang. Katara whispered. He should have realized. Kakashi feels a smile form involuntarily. And now that he realized that he wanted to give in to his desires, he had no idea how to approach his girlfriend about it. You were amazing, Katara. as well as The pleasure caused by that act took her mind off the pain of their lovemaking, and she instantly became more responsive and vocal. My name is Uzumaki Kushina. Or at least my parents were, Nagato says self-consciously. Love you, too, Kat. Aang whispered. Ugh Katara, Rewarding you for saving my life. Katara said. I'm sorry. Aang said. Suki and I made a great kid.. Rin is a ninja, Obito, Minato-sensei tells him softly. Thank you all so much. Obito scowls. Obito knows what kind of fearsome reputation he has. Hed complimented her undeniably mediocre cooking skills and Obito, Rin, and Gai tried to choke down some truly terrible rice balls to not offend their new sensei. Katara tried to twist around to look at him, but found that she couldn't because of the way he was holding her. She thought I felt like she couldnt handle herself, that by trying to protect her I believed she was weak, Minato-sensei says fondly, probably remembering his old academy days. For about a minute, theres pin drop silence. Right now, the only one who believes in him is Rin. About two minutes later, Sokka spotted the massive form of Aang's Sky Bison, Appa. I'm sorry. Aang whispered, pulling her into a passionate kiss. He vanishes the Chidori. Oh please, Sokka. Jiraiya is so grateful that hed managed to get them out of Ame in time. I think you can imagine what he. He strolled through the market, looking for some of Suki's favorite craving foods when the man at the store next to him suddenly began to foam up at the mouth and passed out, to the amusement of the entire street. Shes talking to Gai; looking disappointed but also determined, and all of a sudden, Obito feels ashamed. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. Orochimarus mind seems to be an endless encyclopedia for new jutsu. What the fuck indeed, Konan thinks. If this woman indeed is family to Nagato, Jiraya-sensei had no business keeping that knowledge to himself. ? Sokka yelled for the whole town to hear. He quickly moved over to Katara, and used two strips from his torn tunic to isolate the venom in her leg, tying one about two inches above the bite, and the other two inches below. The sun is a ubiquitous presence in the sky. Then, using a combination of the last of his tunic, Waterbending, and Firebending, he created a hot compress to draw the rest of the venom out, and tied it to her leg. Work Search: What kind of world do you want to leave for your successor? Kakashi knows that he didnt aid Team Minatos teamwork in any way before, but he has to wonder if Obito and Rins constant, perpetual bond looming like a spectre didnt doom them all in some way. He mimicked giving her mouth-to-mouth, using his own Airbending powers to calm her breathing. However, turns out Harry actually comes back to life after he got hit by the Killing curse. The monks. Aang said, still laughing slightly. As Kuri has to face the good and evil of the Avatar World, will her love be enough if she ends up burned? Mmm that's right. Katara said, bringing a single finger up to trace the muscles of his chest and abs. 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