Issue: Unknown. That the Gunne nowe pduced in Court was about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee remembers) taken by Governor Calvert deceased from the pite vpon pmise to redeliver the same to the plte at his returne from Kent. Ark Crew is one of the emerging software companies established in 2019. Tho: hebden. 1. Issue: Yes. 1. Irish indentured servants in the colonial Americas. It further suggests that Jane and David may have been married by 1638 since she was able to testify to the arrangement made between her husband and William Lewis, the date being confirmed by Richard COLE. 1. Patent for 200a dated 9 Dec 1640. It documents that Jane COCKSHOTT was a widow by 1642 and was named administratrix of the estate of her husband John COCKSHOTT on 14 Oct 1642 and Nathan POPE and Thomas GREEN ordered to appraise his estate. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 63; Liber ABH, folio 98. Historical Timeline: 1603-Queen Elizabeth I of England dies; 1603-James I crowned King; 1607-first permanent English settlement in New World at Jamestown; 1620- Pilgrims settle in Massachusetts; 1625-Charles I becomes king; 1634-Ark & Dove ships arrive in Maryland to establish a colony; 1642-civil war in England . Died: 1654 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. From 1834 to the end of the WWI, Britain had transported about 2 . 1. Capt Robt Vaughan deliuered in uppon his oath an acct of the whole estate amounting to 13793 l Tob: & cask out of wch he proued due to himselfe by acct Bill, & Sallarig 4657 l Tob: & cask. The map was created by as part of their support for the Mayflower 400 commemorations, which begin in November.. Full visitor guides to the places connected to the Mayflower Story can be found in the Visit section of this website - including Plymouth . Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. 2, 1643-1651, p. 192). James Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) Married: (1st) Mary d/o Whitehead; (2nd) Margerite d/o 1. 3. 3, p. 23. 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Issue: Unknown. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Peter Draper, secretary of Gov. The proceedings of the case can be read in the Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts, Volume II (1912), pp. In history, an indentured servant was a man or woman who signed a indenture or a contract. By 25 March they landed at St. Clement's Manor in present-day St. Marys County. 2. . Died: Before 23 September 1646. Many of the people who paid for themselves and their servants were younger sons from wealthy families. of Brentford, Middlesex, by his (1st) wife Susannah Tothill. Although this entry may indicate Jane is still a widow, she could easily have remarried by this date and therefore have been the mother of Henry's daughter Jane BROOKE Hidgen. MD and states land in manor of St. George's. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Archives of Md. the said Nicholas Brooke as by deed. MSA Archives of Md. In a later (1649) record, John Rabley is defined as being of the Colony of Virginia. John UPTON and last Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, died 1674, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. 186. Jan 1644 The letter from Uncle Henry and this entry for Henry BROOKE mrchnt and Nicho. vol. Married: (1st) Ann d/o Cox; and (2nd) Winifred d/o Seybourne, widow of Nicholas Harvey. Issue: Unknown. MSA Liber ABH, folio 94, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore (Proprietor & Investor) Richard Orchard of Wapping, Middlesex, Master of The Dove (crew) The records are arranged by Port of Arrival (See Part 5). 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. Provincial Offices: Assembly (1637, 1641, 1642); Sheriff, St. Marys (1641). Died: Before April 1644. Records would seem to indicate that if one was a merchant or mariner, they had dealings with almost everyone up and down the coast and intermarried often. Captain Robert Vaughan, gentleman (passenger) The Mayflower launched with 102 passengers, as well as at least two dogs, and a crew of 25-30 headed by Captain Christopher Jones. Religious affiliation: Protestant. 1 (1979), p. 234-5. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) A British colony from 1625 until 1966, the island was a hub of the lucrative global sugar and rum trades, and the wealthy planters prospered due to the . John Holderen, servant of Capt. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Here is a list of the kinds of records you might find at a county courthouse. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121. Died: Between 14 January 1664 4 February 1664, at Portobacco, Charles County, Maryland. May 13, 1671 made Deputy to Duke of Albemarle. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. 's divident the right of which said 200 acres this depont saith was given by her said former husband the Lt. Willm LEWIS And further she saith not. PCC PROB 11/167/45 (George Calvert) 1. One of these first African Marylanders was Mathias de Sousa. 5 Jun 1639 John HALLOWES aka HOLLIS married Restitusa TUE. Issue: Yes. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Religious affiliation: Catholic. He urges Nicholas to do his duty to his father and states his own innocence in the matter. These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [GLOVER], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: GLOVER.. Anne. The growth of tobacco, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America. MSA Archives of Md. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. John Robinson, carpenter (passenger) Thomas BALDRIDGE were part of this community who continued their associations and became neighbors in Westmoreland. 1. Q: My ancestor Patience Breeden was an indentured servant of John Oldham in Virginia. John BUTLER prayoth to have confirmed unto him land due himby virtue of . Dict. E.C. Jerome Hawley, Esquire (Commissioner, Investor, and passenger) PCC PROB 11/220/172 (Debora Fleete) Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. 4, p. 317, 356. 2. Died: Before 13 October 1663. 2. July 31, 2021 Posted by Sethmini. Issue: Unknown. 1. The idea of indentured servitude was born of a need for cheap. The ship also had a crew of approximately 30 (possibly 50) captained by Christopher Jones (l. c. 1570-1622 CE) of Rotherhithe, England. Roger Walter (passenger) Captain John Hill, gentleman (passenger) MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 155. PROB C2/Chas. Born: Son of John Robinson of Edmonton, Middlesex MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Perhaps the merchant was Henry BROOKE, citizen and grocer of London since it appears that one Henry BROOKE was piloting a ship belonging to Mr. Rablie. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (15 October 1633) Provincial offices: 4. 1. vol. 1. Kathy Manley Nystrom, in a Rootsweb post, states the following about Thomas and Joan: Thomas Butler began as a haberdasher in London. Issue: Yes. In 1648, one William WHEATELEY, deft., at the suit of James LANGWORTH Sayth tht hee came under the command of Capt Tho: Baldridge, who was Capt & Comder of those Rebelis, who came to take the howse where the plfs Come [corn] was. Born: circa 1600. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Issue: Unknown. 1. His wife, named Dorothy, and his descendants are closely allied with the BUTLERS, LISSONS [SISSON], and WICKLIFFES. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. William Sayre, Esquire (passenger) 1. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Died: Early 1639. John Games. Henry Wiseman, Esquire (Investor and passenger) 6 Apr 1637 Adm. of estate of Zachariah Mottershead granted to James BALDRIDGE. Rowney produced by the deft made oath that the shipp sailed by St michaels point on Satturday, & the next morning she came on ground neare about James point on the Easterne shore; & then returnd back to St michaels point on Sonday night: And the Court found for the plf. all but one of the Dove's crew deserted. Amory Butler. of Thomas de Courtney. John Curke. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 4. 1061. D. Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry (2004), p. 183. 1642 Assessments in St. Maries: includes: J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Octob to shew cause. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) 1. B. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Va., 1654-1800 (1925), p. 1. Married: Alice d/o MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 24. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 5, 66. Simply go to Google Play and search the title.. 1. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by 12 Feb 1644/5 Thomas Bushrod mrcht demandeth of henry Brooke mrcht 5000' tob, due by covenant & 400 l mr Greene tob for interest the said henry Brooke saith the demand is due to be paid at a certaine place in virginea, & that he hath appointed order for the paymt in virginea. Thomas Allen. (Source: The Ark and the Dove by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001)). Religious affiliation: Protestant. During the early settlement of Maryland, many newcomers were indentured servants who wanted to immigrate to the colony, but could not pay for passage. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 41-42; Liber 2, folio 346; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. Cuthbert Fenwick, Esquire MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 23. These are to centifie whom it may concerne that I vnder written doe give full power & authority to my frend mr henry Brooke iunr to recover for me what estate my brother Robert Giover [Glover], left in Maryland, as also what cattell are due to me at Accomack, wch were to be delivered to my said brother, dated in Rotterdame the 14. octob 1644. p. Jo: Giover. Richard Loe, servant to Capt. 1. 4. Collaboration. Click on adventurer names for additional information. Provincial Offices: Lower House (1658); Commissioner (1633-1637); deputy governor (1638); justice of the Provincial Court (1658); chief military officer. 3. This meant agreeing to work for a rich person in Virginia . MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-38, 166. Soule, George, 21-25, servant or employee of Edward Winslow. ALSO found is this this record which clearly indicates Henry's involvement in the trading business:. One question is whether David could be the same as the ____ WICKLIFFE of an entry dated 1635 listing names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co (Accomack Co, VA). 1. From . Married: (1st) Restituta d/o Tue [Tew]; and (2nd) Elizabeth d/o At least two men of African descent were aboard the Ark and the Dove, ships that brought Leonard Calvert, son of George Calvert, first Lord of Baltimore, up the Chesapeake Bay in 1634. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 222. Married: (1st) Bridget d/o Thorsbey; (2nd) John d/o Porter. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Issue: Unknown. 1650 Henry Brookes plte According to the direccon of an order of Nichas Cawseene deft the of June last made in this Cause the deft this day brought the Gunne in question into Court to bee veiwed. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. NOTES: This would be Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland. A 1642 court record documents that David WICKLIFFE presented a petition in the name of the protestant Catholics wherein they complained that Thomas GERRARD, a Catholic, had taken away their books and the key to the chapel where they met. In Westmoreland in 1661, Christopher Butler requests money from the estate of Edward Thompson (administrator John Washington) stating he had cared for the ill wife of Edward Thompson until she died which would mean that Edward remarried after Joane died. Price Genealogy's Immigrant Servants Database is an indexed compilation of records of indentured servants, convicts, and redemptioners, who began their American adventures in servitude. 1. John BUTLER. You can also access census data and death records to help you in your search. 2. W. Dugdale, Vis. MSA Land Warrants Liber 1, folio 110; Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Died: 24 September 1637 of fever in Maryland. David WICKLIFF(E) aka David WHITCLIFF(E) is documented as a Protestant Catholic, and is not found in records after Sep 1642; however, by June 1643, the widd. Issue: Yes. Provincial offices: Council, 1637/38-1638. Those who boarded at Gravesend had to take an oath of fidelity to Charles I of England. (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), 1. Issue: Unknown. Plantations in Virginia many as indentured servants of the plantation owners. 30 Dec 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the Isle of Kent. Visitation Pedigrees (H.S.P. St. Maries Co. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121. Married: Anne d/o 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 1) Friday the 22nd of November 1633. (MD SA, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, v3:61). Richard Kenton, Boatswain on The Dove (crew) Jan 1642/3 First appearance (of many) for Henry Brooks in Judicial CTB records. MSA Archives of Md. Died: 1676. 1. MSA Testamentary Proceedings Liber B, folio 188. Issue: No. Born: 8 Aug. 1605, in England; (1st) son of George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, by his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. 1. Robert Edwards (passenger) Hot, miserable, and exhausted, they stood in front of the gawking English colonists who crowded around the dock. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 383. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 26. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. 3. A Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore in Maryland, near Virginia; A Narrative of the First Voyage To Maryland. William Andrews, gentleman (passenger) 154 (Richard Orchard et al. On 20 Jun 1632, Charles I of England granted to Caecilius (Cecil) Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, the charter for the Province of Maryland. Issue: Yes. Northumberland County, Land Office Patents No. Servants usually worked as farm laborers or domestic servants completing manual labor. (1642-1644), folio 170. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. Issue: Yes. E.C. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 54. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Yes. Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates of Land: Northumberland County, Virginia, 1650-1795 (Bowie, Md. Died: 1637. 1 (1979), p. 426. 1. Issue: No. Richard Bradley (passenger) 1. Died: 1666 in St. Marys, Maryland. 3. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Roger Morgan, servant of Capt. The indenture stated that they would work for a set amount of years in return for their freedom. Benjamin Hodges, servant of John Saunders MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 11. Jurat. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Some spelling has been modernized and contractions expanded. Indentured labour was a system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition of slavery. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 12. And Richard COLE being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith. 1 (1979), p. 373-4. Compiled by David Bell 3/30/03. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 9. 1. Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al. Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. Nicholas Harvey, gentleman (passenger) 1. Issue: Unknown. Leonard Calvert 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1935): 467-472. Married: Thomas Greene, Esquire Wilts. 1. Charles Middleton (passenger) Married: (1st) Judith d/o Robert Hawkins, Knt., of Slapton Abbey, Devonshire; and (2nd) Eleanor d/o Thomas Brereton of Yard, Somerset, and wid. 1. Religion affiliation: Catholic. Married: Rose d/o Captain Robert Wintour, Esquire, Commander of the Ark (crew) 134, No. . Society of the Ark and the Dove. A. Collins, The English Baronetage vol. 12 July 1649 York Co. patent showing note of assignment from Nicholas Brooke, Jr. to Nicholas Brooke, Sr. at foot of record (VSLA Land Office Patents 1-42) for 500 acres south East upon the land formerly belonging to Thomas LUCAS; the said land formerly granted to Nicholas Brooke Junior Aug 13 1646 and purchased by the said Nicholas Brooke, Senior, of his son. James Baldridge. Dict. Thomas hebden acknowledgeth himselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietarie 1000 l tob in case he shall kill any swine other then marked swine of his owne or of the owners licence in any his Lops forrests, and shall not shew both the eares together wth the skin betwixt of all swine killed by him by vertue of his license, within 1. month after the killing, vnto some one of his neighbours having swine on that side, viz either mr weston, or widd. Nathaniel POPE'S daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of the Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line. Issue: Yes. Francis deposed on 23 April in 1662 as being 38 years [b c1629] of thereabout. (To Maryland From Overseas, orig: Md Archives, v4:69 & v5:212). Refer to the Combs &c special report for Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA. 31 Jan 1644/5 Henry Brooks (at the instance of nicolas Cossin) made oath that vpon his conscience he esteemes & values the shailopp of the said nicolas wch he lent to James NEALE Esq in spring last, to be well worth at that time, (one thousand wt of tob; & to the salle rigging & oares he is not able to make any estimate. are considered significant. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 63, 121 4. 2. Married: Amy d/o Thomas Penruddock, Knt. Matthias Sousa (passenger) MSA Liber A (1647-1651), folio 290. Most of these servants had been convicted of crimes in England and Ireland. Issue: Unknown. 1. At the time, only about 50% of Europeans newly arrived in North America lived longer than 6 months. Issue: Unknown. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. For some reason he was entitled to a total of 200 acres (or an additional 200 acres) that he assigned to one William LEWIS (see July 1650 record). Issue: Unknown. Richard Gerard, Esquire (Investor and passenger) Issue: No. MSA Archives of Md. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 3. 3. 2. Issue: Yes. Large numbers of early Americans came as indentured servants, redemptioners, or convicts, and lots of Americans today descend from these people. Issue: Unknown. 2. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37, 166; Archives of Md. 3. Henry BROOKE the Younger was deceased by 1646 and numerous records relating to this foursome are found in York County and in St. Marys Co. Pretty Patsy Newgate to Maryland 1737. 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