It was divine intervention, then, that Jael was alone with General Sisera, and she seized upon it with the courage, wisdom, strength and vigilance as her predecessors. In any case, it would still be disastrous for Jaels reputation for Sisera to be alone with her. 1.6 Mary's Faith Held Strong. Throughout the narrative, we actually see Naomi looking out for Ruth, even while in the midst of paralyzing grief. Otherwise, it will continue to harass us until it destroys us. Jael's hands may have been bloodied in the process, but Israel . (Mark 3:1-6). God gave the Israelites a seemingly impossible defeat against the superior Canaanite army thus giving them access to the fertile plains of Jezreel and Esdraelon. A guest, once ritually invited into the home, had to be protected and cared for, even at the expense of everyone else in the house even at the expense of giving the woman of the house to the guest of honor for his lascivious pleasure. During the time of the Judges There was a woman prophet named Deborah. She spun the goat hair, wove it, and made the tents. [4], Christian moral theorists during the Renaissance extensively referred to Jael as an example of tyrannicide. Barak said to Deborah, I will go and do this if you will go with me. And isnt our human experience filled with violence? Sisera was, however, unaware that Hebers wife, Jael, whose tent he ran to, sympathized with the Israelites because of the twenty years of oppression by Jabin, his commander Sisera, and his 900 iron chariots. Most Blessed is Jael among women, indeed. Eve and Adam, painting by Tamara de Lempicka, 1932. Naomi thought her family line had ended, but God . Soon Sisera would be awake again, and she took the opportunity to do what God was asking her to do. 1. You could even say the fight wasnt fair. Jael Articles. Deborah had great reason to applaud Jaels actions in her poem. [3] However, the Hebrew phrase translated this way could also mean "a woman of the group of the Kenites". Jael is one of those women of the Bible who we don't get a lot of details or background on. I can laugh now, but at that time in my life I had only been burned by men. There Barak found Sisera lying dead on the ground, with the tent peg through the side of his head, God defeated King Jabin of Canaan for the Israelites. Barak and his men defeated Siseras army, but Sisera left his chariot and ran away on foot, ran away to the tent where a woman named Jael lived. The story of Jael is quite an usual one. Heber, Jaels husband, was a smart enough businessman so as to keep peace with Jabin, the king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor and who had oppressed the Israelites for the past twenty years. Jael is one of those women of the Bible who we dont get a lot of details or background on. Jael was a Nomadic, tent dweller. They therefore cried out to the Lord who sent His answer via Deborah, a judge and prophetess. Still, she said yes to the prodding of God. Jael or Yael (Hebrew: Yl) is a heroine in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Judges who delivers Israel from the army of King Jabin of Canaan. He literally chooses: In other words, God chooses imperfect people to be conduits of His will so that He can extend His grace to them and display His glory through them (2nd Corinthians 12:9-10). However, she is not the only woman of valour detailed in this particular part of the Bible. Lets follow His (and Jaels) example and not get so caught up in following religious and cultural rules that we miss the calling of God to challenge the evil and oppression in the world. His family was at peace with King Jabin of Hazor. Thus, after his defeat by the Israelite forces, Sisera fled to the tents of Heber. Jael followed the law of God in murdering a general of a Canaanite symbolic of taking away the oppression of the land and returning back to the Law of God, and not choosing to follow the unquestionable law the of hospitality that led only to abuse, oppression, detriment, and horror to women. Instead she used things like the fact that he would trust a woman easily. [19] This can be seen in the Stavelot Bible, the Speculus Darmstadt, as well as several other texts. The story of how she met the king is a fascinating study on an interesting lady. (Gen. 15:18, 19). Dont be afraid. So Sisera went into Jaels tent, and she covered him with a blanket, Sisera said to Jael, Go stand at the entrance to the tent. Because God has a million ways to solve one problem. This is perhaps why he felt safe and comfortable in her camp. At that very moment Barak came by Jaels tent, looking for Sisera. Reference Library, Anchor Bible Publishers, 1998. The old man, as was customary, offered up his own daughter instead so that he would not be guilty of offending his temporary guests. Jael used the trust that Sisera had for her. 3. Hever the Kenite (.mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans} ) was, according to the Book of Judges in the Bible, a descendant of Reuel the Midianite, the father-in-law of Moses. But while she was doing that, she was very much aware of the fact that there was a battle going on., Jael: Blessed Among Women Or Bible Bad Girl?, Heid, Bill,, Jael, C.E. She put the tent peg to the side of Siseras head and hit it with a hammer. We would hope our calling would not be as dramatic as Jaels duty was. Jael features in the book of Judges as a heroic woman who killed Sisera, the leader of King Jabin's Canaanite army. Women of the Bible, Jean E. Syswerda, Zondervan Publishers, 1999. . Charles Spurgeon once gave a sermon where he compared Sisera to sin. When Sisera got to her tent she invited him in and he entered without fear because " there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber ". Reminiscent of the Egyptians plight in the parting of the Red Sea, the Canaanites are slaughtered, with Sisera being the lone survivor. Your email address will not be published. Who was Melchizedek and Why was He so Important?The Bible Story of Queen EstherThe Life of Ruth - 5 Essential Faith Lessons3 Things You Didnt Know About Mary (Mother of Jesus). In Hebrew, Jael means "mountain goat" so it certainly doesn't sound like a. [9] Noting the maternal and erotic undertones of the text and some commentators' qualms about Jael's seductive and violent act, Bachmann points out that the Bible itself has nothing but praise for Jael, called most blessed of women in the Song of Deborah. Easton's Bible Dictionary (New and reviseded.). Her hair is neatly braided and pinned back. I can't get over how fearlessly Jael acts in this story. That required skillful use of a mallet and tent peg. The fact is, if God could use Jael to free the children of Israel and bring peace to their land, He can use you for whatever He has called you to do too. A woman who was married to a mercenary and opportunist, but herself was faithful to the Israel nation and to God. Worse, he did this when she was alone. I could not believe that such violence was in the Bible. In that culture at that tine, when a guest visits your home, its your responsibility to protect them, even at the expense of your own life. Killing Sisera was the ultimate betrayal of a guest. of The Archaeological Study Bible, NIV version, Zondervan Publishers, 2005. She was judge of Israel at that time. "[14][15] According to Herbert Lockyer she may have acted out of practical necessity. Grow, develop and die 5. A woman who, without her remarkably courageous deed, the descendants of Israel would have been lost. All rights reserved. All these things can be summed up in two words: prioritize God. Jael's story lets us know sometimes a girl has to slay the giants in her life, using whatever crude tools are available. This might explain why she had no reservations about getting involved in this Israelite battle with the Canaanites. But a few things happened that are important to understand the story. When Sisera showed up, this should have been the case. Jael is the second female warrior listed in the Bible. As I said before, Jael was vigilant so when Sisera showed up, she knew him. She brought him cream in a lordly dish. Her experience shows how God can maneuver events to fulfill prophecy. She manipulated the trust that Sisera had for her. The name Jael is pronounced the same as the word for mountain goat, but distinctions in pronunciation were added many centuries after this text was written. She commanded Barak to fight against Jabin's army in the Valley of Jezreel along the Kishon River. Jael showed Sisera great hospitality. He dealt with the wife rather than her husband. Siseras murder was a major act of treachery on Jaels part. The Israelites finally destroyed him (Judges 4:23-24) which is why it was written that Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. So it is that we should not play around with sin and iniquity in our lives. Your email address will not be published. A mighty warrior, judge, prophetess, and minstrel. That would put him to sleep, a very deep sleep. They lived in tents and moved about in order to find work. Women were also considered second class citizens and incapable of many things compared to men; so there would not have been many (if any) trained in combat. Some scholars insist that these nouns derive from a whole other but unused verb, namely one meaning to ascend. Then she used a tent peg and hammer. She may have just been trying to delay him so that anyone pursuing him could catch up. I will make Sisera, the commander of King Jabins army, come to you. As such, Jael shows us that God will use absolutely anybody to bring His will about. A folktale is a fictional story that has been orally passed down over hundreds, sometimes thousands, of years. When the Canaanites were defeated by Barak, Sisera, the captain of Jabin's army, fled and sought refuge with the friendly tribe of Heber, beneath the oaks of Zaanaim. I was 2 months pregnant sitting in Gods presence when I heard the him say, You are having a girl. More positively, Jael was included in sets of the female Nine Worthies, such as the prints by Hans Burgkmair. Eve means 'life-bearer'. Her grieving husband cuts her body up into twelve pieces, and sends it out to the 12 tribes of Israel as a stark reminder of the lust and violence that were the Canaanites, and to severely warn them against co-habiting with such mongrels. We need to prioritize His glory and His competence over our own. She is materialistic and she loves power. This was the best way to secure hospitality and protection. She split and struck through his temple. But if you will not go with me, I will not go (Judges 4:8) and Deborah the Judge agreed to go but told Barak But because of your attitude, you will not be honored when Sisera is defeated. Jael was the wife of Heber who was a Kenite, the same ethnic group that Moses' father-in-law (Jethro) had been from ( Judges 4:11 ). The Canaanite army was strong. Camels are used as draft and saddle animals in desert regions of Africa, Arabia, and Asia. She was discerning in confronting David and kept him out of sin. She was described as a prophetess, and, in fact, is one of the seven major female prophets in the Bible. But if you will not go withme, I will not go. I will go with you,she said, but you will receive nohonor on the road you are aboutto take, because the Lord willsell Sisera into a womans hand.Judges 4:8, 9. As horrible as this was, we have to appreciate Jaels wit and bravery. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believers daily walk with God and the Bible. Women, especially Jael, then had every reason to be terrified for fear of being raped at the hand of her guest. And Jael was living amongst the Canaanites, harboring a Canaanite general, knowing full well the evil he was capable of. Eglon was another king who brutally treated the Israelites for 18 years, again a punishment handed down by God because of Israels unfaithfulness and idolatry. This article is part of our People from the Bible Series featuring the most well-known historical names and figures from Scripture. She also knew that Sisera would be killed if captured; therefore, she would kill him and thus cement a friendship with the victor. They had the latest technology in the form of 900 iron chariots. God's . When Sisera asked for a drink of water and Jael instead gave him prized goat milk, she was offering the best of the house, setting his mind at ease and allowing him to feel safe from his enemies. Copyright 2022 Nina Dafe. The king, trusting Ehud, obliges. She Was a Reincarnation of Eve and Yael Through feeding her husband the forbidden fruit, Eve introduced death into the world. It went against everything she knew about hospitality, something hugely important to her culture at the time. He asked for water, she gave him milk; Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names translates this name with Ibex. Medieval images of Jael, mostly in illuminated manuscripts, depicted her as both a defender of Israel and a prefiguration of the Virgin Mary. Salem Media Group. Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane Kansas. If she did not act, Deborahs prophecy from God would not have been fulfilled. She also accepted Hegai's advice on what to was to request before going in to see the king (Esther 2:15). The meaning of Jael in the Bible is wild goat or wild gazelle. Step 3 define values of x & y. Before we talk anymore about Jael, we have to talk about what was going on in Israel at the time. Sisera was pursued by the people of Israel at the request of Deborah the Judge. She feeds him some milk and hides him under a rug. Dont get me wrongJesus never broke rules to be rude or needlessly provoke people. He was the enemy. Sisera died (Judges 4:21). Still, for a meaning of the name Jael, both BDB Theological Dictionary and NOBSE Study Bible Name List read Mountain Goat. Most blessed among women is Jael, We need only to skip ahead in the Bible to the life of Jesus to read more stories of rules broken. If she did not act, women would continue to be raped and tortured by their guests. If she did not act, she would miss the only chance of aligning herself with the Israelite conquerors. Abigail showed great wisdom in acting quickly, swiftly, and speaking honorably to David. One day Deborah was sitting under the Palm Tree of Deborah, and the Israelites came up to her to ask what to do about Sisera. At the time a prophetess named Deborah was judge over Israel, and people went to her in matters of justice. In spiritual warfare, you have to know who the enemy is. Together, Heber and Jael live under the rich umbrella of safety and wealth afforded under a ratified peace treaty between themselves and General Sisera. The biggest battle we will fight in this life is the battle against sin. In the Hebrew Bible, Judges 4-5 tells the lurid story of the heroic figure of Jael, the formidable woman who saves Israel from the Canaanite army by seducing their general, Sisera, and then nailing his head to the ground with a tent-peg. Jal was an ally by blood of the Israelitish nation; [Sisera, the general of] their chief oppressor, who had mightily oppressed them for the space of twenty years, now lay defenseless before her; and he was, moreover, one of those whom Israel was bound by the command of Jehovah to extirpate. Jael had a front row seat to the vicious cycle of idolatry and judgment upon the nation of Israel namely the destruction of the lands and the assimilation of pagan practices. Jael takes her wooden hammer used to erect her tent and a tent peg which held the tent ropes and with one expert blow drives the peg into the side of Siseras head pinning him to the ground as he dies. The Kenites, being Nomadic, lived near Jericho but moved south to the region of Negev. Newsom and Ringe consider her a survivor caught up in her husband's politics. The Israelites finally destroyed him, Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. I will help you defeat Sisera there (Judges 4:6b-7). In order to be considered LIVING an organism must meet all 8 of the following criteria: 1. So here Jael sits, with the commander of the Canaanite army in her tent, and she has a decision to make. Jael was the wife of Heber who was a Kenite, the same ethnic group that Moses' father-in-law (Jethro) had been from (Judges 4:11). [18] Jael, along with Ehud, is an example in Judges of the contrast between marginal heroes and well-armed enemies conquered by wit and stealth. All the Women of the Bible. [9][3] Jael was then the woman with the honor of defeating Jabin's army, as prophesied by Deborah, and she showed Barak Sisera's dead body in her tent. We dont know if Jael originally intended to kill Sisera. Jael would have been remarkably adept with a tent pin and hammer, knowing how to grind a stake into the desert ground. "J-L". Ehud wisely befriended the king by giving him presents and praise, and eventually made himself welcome in the kings court. It was full fat milk in a large bowl. Moreover, she has a masculine name and Sisera addresses her using . One day Deborah was sitting under the Palm Tree of Deborah, and the Israelites came up to her to ask what to do about Sisera. She was accustomed to setting up and tearing down camp. In Judges 4, the Israelite army, led by General Barak and under the prophecy of Judge Deborah, planned a surprise attack against their oppressors and rescue Israel from the bonds of slavery. But while she was doing that, she was very much aware of the fact that there was a battle going on. She used a bowl of milk and a tent peg. Proud member Jael was the wife of Heber the Kenite. She would have had no settled home, moving from place to place as a way of obtaining food, finding pasture for livestock, or otherwise making a living. Their funerary iconography indicates that (at the least) they. When Sisera asked for water, she gave him milk. The story of Jael in the Bible was one that completely shocked me the first time I read it. Then she went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple until it went down into the ground while he was lying fast asleep from weariness. Jaels tent is seen as sacred ground, and this is why Sisera enters: he believes himself to be safe. When Sisera got to her tent she invited him in and he entered without fear because there was peace between Jabinand the house of Heber. Jael saw an opportunity to help Gods people. The story of Jael can be found in Judges 4. Kedesh was a fenced city of Naphtali, a city of refuge. Jael knew who the real enemy was in the fight and she also knew that battles can be very unpredictable. How different would the world look if we seized opportunities, used our resources, freed the oppressed, honored God, and fought like Jael? Those were just about enough to bring her enemy down. Living such a life required strong hands and a willingness to work hard. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. On the day Sisera died, Deborah and Barak honor Jael with song: Jael is most blessed of women,the wife of Heber the Kenite,she is most blessed amongtent-dwelling women.Judges 5:24. Hospitality laws in the middle east, at that time, were very strict. He commanded Jael to watch over the tent and tell any inquirers that no one was there. Her right hand to the workman's hammer, With no one else around, Ehud tells the king of a private dream he wanted to share, and whispered for the king to come close. Your imperfections and disadvantages do not disqualify you from doing something great for God. The NIV Study Bible 10th Anniversary Edition, Zondervan Publishing House, 1995. 1.1 Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was Willing. The name Jael comes from the verb (ya'al), to profit or be useful: The verb (ya'al) means to profit, benefit or be of any (or much) practical use. They traveled whenever they could find work. She was a non-Israelite and did not worship Jehovah. The Lord will allow a woman to defeat Sisera, Barak and his men attacked Sisera. Everything we do should be for the sake of honoring and bringing glory to God. If she did not act, King Jabil and the Canaanites would continue their oppressive power over the Israelites. But Jael also knows that her faithful God will break the bonds of slavery as long as the Israelites humble themselves, and turn back to the One True God of their nation. Dont be afraid. So Sisera went into Jaels tent, and she covered him with a blanket (Judges 4:18) and Sisera thought he would be safe there after his Canaanite forces had been defeated since Not one of Siseras men was left alive (Judges 4:16b). Yael plays an important role in the story of Israel's wars with the Canaanites, described in the Book of Judges. He always did it for the sake of challenging relationally abusive behavior and freeing the oppressed. "Jael: Bible." Jael is perceptive enough to understand why this is happening: she equates the suffocating oppression her people are enduring due to Israel's lack of faith and worship. Jael is a Hebrew name, from Yal meaning "ibex" or "chimois" (which are species of wild mountain goats), from the root yal meaning "to profit, to ascend" (perhaps in reference to the goat's nimble ability to ascend mountains with ease). So the Israelites became stronger and stronger until they defeated King Jabin of Canaan. It so happened that Jael saw him coming, so she went out to meet him and said, Sir, come into my tent. He was such a coward. What character qualities, positive or negative, do we see demonstrated in Jael's life? Heber is noticeably absent, probably killed on the battlefield. Jael showed Sisera great hospitality. The tent peg went through the side of his head and into the ground. The portability of Java-based software (which means that you can write your code in a system and run it anywhere) is one of the most important characteristics of Java. The task set before her took a large amount of courage. And Jael took the stake and put it on his temple and struck it with a hammer. But she is mentioned in Judges 5 as well in the song of Deborah and Barak. Heber and his household were at peace with Jabin, the king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor. 27 Activists Speaking: Jael Kerandi Service Join the Pace Center as we host Jael Kerandi, former student activist and current social justice advocate for a focused conversation on her journey as a student fighting against police brutality to her sucessful financial advocacy career. With the finger of God directing judgment on the oppressors, hail, sleet and hurricane-force winds were driven into the faces of the Canaanite army, blinding their vision and mucking the grounds into which the chariots iron wheels get buried. A meaning of Jael in the Bible, Jean E. Syswerda, Publishers... Unused verb, namely one meaning to ascend in my life I only., Sisera fled to the prodding of God from a whole other but unused verb namely. For Jaels reputation for Sisera to be terrified for fear of being at! The middle east, at that time in my life I had only burned! 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Harry Joseph Letterman, Articles C