I was after a bladesmith and shieldwright but got the rest while trying to get what I was looking for. Gender Tempersmith Nordheimer Conan Exiles Links Gamepedia in: Thralls, Black Hand, Blacksmiths, NPCs Iria Soot-face Edit Iria Soot-face ID: Blackhand_Blacksmith_Durability Type Blacksmith Specialization Tempersmith Use at Aquilonian Artisan Table Argossean Artisan Table Artisan Table Blacksmith's Bench Campaign Blacksmith's Bench Casting Table Forge of the First Men Tempersmiths provide maximum durability. Faction This topic was automatically closed 7 days after the last reply. Trank the Metalwright is the blacksmith name. Health So its been a long absence from Siptah for me, and I have a couple of questions regarding these two crafters. So if a weapon has 0% armor penetration, Edgesmiths won't provide any bonus. you forgot a lot of derfari canables aka everything in the summoning place. Please see the. Menu New Games Top 50 MMORPGs Black Desert Online Codes Idle Champions Combination Codes New World Diablo 2: Resurrected Conan Exiles Boomer Death Clock Warframe Codes Path of Exile Fallout 76 Funko PoP! Just remember that RNG is a . Bassan Steeltoe at anImproved Blacksmith's Bench. P.S. Erika the Reliable 245 General Discussion. Location Merkel the Edgesmith can be found at the following locations: Freya's Hovel Meadowwatch New Asagarth TeleportPlayer -72,690 -41,153 87 Loot Notable Loot none Full Loot List Absinthe Abyssal Violet Dye Advanced Blunted Weapon Fitting Advanced Reinforcement Kit Notes With the 2.1 Update to Conan Exiles, the crafting speed benefits for blacksmiths have been erased, as this has been baked into the various blacksmith crafting benches. (WIP), If you discover the location of a named thrall that doesn't already have its location listed, please share in the comments. Edit: Exiled Lands This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Mainly looking for crafting thralls , we just got a T4 blacksmith (Tempersmith) but haven't been able to find anything else. "A guide to the best Tempersmith locations in Conan Exiles. Best Tempersmith locations, Conan Exiles 2022. Blacksmith's BenchImproved Blacksmith's BenchGarrison Blacksmith's BenchCampaign Blacksmith's BenchTinker's BenchCasting TableArtisan TableKhitan Artisan TableAquilonian Artisan TableTuranian Artisan TableArgossean Artisan Table. I haven't even seen a named blacksmith while collecting numerous examples of all the other crafting thralls. Blacksmith This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Conan Exiles > Guides > VenomsLust's . Doing Central surges gave me mostly Alchemists. ID: Heirs_to_the_North_Blacksmith_Durability,

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