Because of its ties with the Alliance, the planet was destroyed when Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin decided to test the superlaser of the Death Star, a moon-sized battle station developed by the Empire, at full strength. [22], The cities on Alderaan were carefully designed to respect the natural beauty of their environment. The Alderaaian monarch was expected to wear braids. Through the intervention of Organa and Queen Sosha Soruna, however, Naboo was spared from ruin and went on to become a member of the successor state to the Alliance, the New Republic. Padm Amidala's reign as the elected Queen of Naboo took place during a time of great change for the planet. Padme and Bail Organa would be king and queen (elected so they wouldnt have to be married which would obviously ruin the whole idea.) This article needs appropriate citations. [13], It is an honor to be here for this momentous occasion. The last and easiest thing would be redubbing any instance of Naboo and rewriting the crawl. Commenor Run[7] [27], Due to the fact that Naboo had been the Emperor's homeworld, the planet became a rallying point for Imperial sympathizers. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. The native Gungans, who built their homes in the waters of Naboo, rarely ventured into the core, fearing the ravenous sea beasts which resided[1] in areas such as the Caves of Eleuabad. [8], Yes, Your Highnessness?Han Solo, mocking Leia Organa's royal title, Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, something that greatly shocked Padm Amidala when she first visited Alderaan. [66], The real-world locations for Naboo were Plaza de Espaa in Seville, Spain and Lake Como and Caserta Palace in Italy, among others. Once elected, the king and queen stay in power until death or impeachment. [13] He became King Jafan, ruler of all the Naboo,[9] and ushered in the Great Time of Peace. [3], Under threat of destroying her planet, Leia gave a fake location of the rebel base to Tarkin, only for Tarkin to nevertheless destroy Alderaannoting that Dantooine was too remote for an "effective demonstration"[3]to punish the world for supporting the Rebellion,[48] hoping the annihilation of the entire world would make the rest of the galaxy fear Imperial retribution for supporting the Rebels. I know Naboo and Alderaan aren't the same place, but that's fucking stupid and it would be more emotional if we had gotten to know Alderaan in the prequels just to have it blown up in the first movie. [6] Rori and Onoam have similar descriptions,[6][13] but as yet there has been no clarification for the discrepancy. Whatever happens, Leia you must keep Alderaan alive.Bail Organa, to his daughter Leia, The monarch of Alderaan (otherwise referred to as "the King" if male, and "the Queen" if female) both ruled and governed the planet,[1] with the help of ministers and advisors. In addition, he or she had charge of the royal books, balancing the many accounts and personally overseeing funding of all public works on Alderaan. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. [36], Originally, Naboo was home to the amphibian Gungans. [9] However, a small number of systems rebelled against this new regime,[3] and the Alliance to Restore the Republic was ultimately formed by Bail Organa and his former colleague in the Galactic Senate, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila. [9], By the time of the Invasion of Naboo, Alderaan had not seen conflict in generations. [62], Though one of the less corrupt Imperial officials, Panaka was assassinated by Saw Gerrera's Partisans insurgency[67] in 3 BBY. The palace also housed the Rhindon Sword[1] and a landscape painting of Appenza Peak. [45], Both the Naboo and Gungans had a close relationship with water. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. Identity yourselves. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. The war came to an end due to the actions of Boss Gallo, a Gungan who united the tribes under one banner through diplomatic and military means. [28], Alderaan's traditions called for the monarch to wear braids and Alderaan's monarchy tended to dress modestly, especially compared to the fatuous, bright garbs of the monarchs of Naboo. In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. [9] Its surface had vast bodies of water[3] and was covered in snow-capped mountains,[9] with patches of green grassy hills. Baby Luke was brought to his father's planet of Tattooine, and baby Leia brought to her mom's. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. The first six movies would honestly gain a lot of cohesion if the word Naboo were just replaced with Alderaan, at least in my opinion. However, the Naboo and Gungans were forced to release Grievous after Dooku took Skywalker hostage. [9] The planet's mountainous terrain was modelled after a location in the Swiss Alps. In exchange, the colonies became legally obligated to provide Naboo with any supplies it deemed were necessary if called upon in times of emergency. Government [62] However, Naboo's internal politics were also interfered with by the new regime; while the people were still permitted to elect their monarchs, those who gained the office had little real power or influence. The exact number of moons in Naboo is currently unknown. Her state wardrobe also included a dress of bronze silk, which she wore with her hair piled high atop her head in braids woven through with strings of beads, a green dress with wide skirts, and a deep red silk robe. [69], Danger Squadron temporarily included former Inferno Squad members and recent Imperial defectors Iden Versio and Del Meeko to assist the three women in the destruction of the satellites. [42] During this time, Alderaan became the Alliance's main source of munitions. Class That situation lasted until the Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation forced the humans and Gungans to join forces. It was included in a map of the galaxy with a legend listing the various Alliance safe worlds, starfighter hubs at level five or higher, rebel operations sectors and regional headquarters, and shadow planets with deep space caches. [9], Naboo's surface comprised a vast array of different landscapes, from rolling plains and grassy hills to swampy lakes[11] caused by the water-filled network of deep-sea tunnels. [59] The people of Naboo celebrated this event during the Festival of Light. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Alderaan hosted a population of humans, known as Alderaanians, who were known for their philosophy of pacism. Cookie Notice Beings would also wear such coverings out of modesty, hiding parts . [39] During the Clone Wars Viceroy Bail Organa became Alderaan's military leader.[11]. [7] Beside its natural features, Naboo was considered a world of classical beauty due to the aesthetics of its population centers. The Alderaanian monarchy was the hereditary monarchy of the planet Alderaan. [13], After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. Imperial forces were immobilized by the ion pulse rendering all of their weapons and vehicles inoperable leading to the surrender of Imperial forces. Breha Organa also would have attached the Rhindon Sword to Leia's waist before going to meet her husband (or wife). [3] They subsequently resolved to separate and live apart from that point on. [1] Naboo's interior was rich with plasma, a naturally-occurring energy unique to the planet, and this coupled with its lack of molten core gave Naboo a reputation as an enigma to astrophysicists, who regarded the world's structure as an extremely rare phenomenon in the galaxy. Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. Alderaan would have at least been interesting, Naboo is just a throw in planet to put Palpatine as the senator. In order to get everyone on the same page, George Lucas decided to create a few background stories and ideas. In late galactic history, Naboo was mostly known as the homeworld of notable historical figures who played major roles in the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, namely Padm Amidala, Emperor Palpatine and Jar Jar Binks . Immigrated species Alderaan Refugee Conference during the Clone Wars. Yoda. It was notably featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts,[5] and Princess Leia had a hair clasp shaped like it. "[1], Princess Leia's eventual husband, Corellian Han Solo, often mocked Leia's royal title, referring to her as "Your Worship," "Your Highnessness"[26] and "Her Royal Annoyance. [1] Like all the other Elder Houses,[17] the Alderaanian monarchy did not adjudicate succession through strict bloodline inheritance, meaning that adopted children, such as Leia Organa, could ascend to the throne. It was home to the indigenous Gungan species and to a population of humans known as the Naboo. Her adopted mother was Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and her adopted father was the Viceroy (and Senator) Bail Organa. Alderaanians valued culture and education. Many heirs gave up their keepsake chests at the point of investiture, but the ritual didn't demand it. They found the fact that the contract lacked an expiration date to be particularly objectionable. [3] However, the novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan prominently includes the moon Onoam. Palpatine's reign would eventually be ended by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a rebel movement led by Amidala's children, Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker. [14] [54], According to Nash Windrider, on Alderaan, its people were encouraged to learn and grow. [11] created by fashion designer Delva Racine. For more information, please see our As Leia's son, Ben would have been given the title of prince of Alderaan if the planet and the House of Organa had still existed when he was born. "[27], Ow. However, they were stopped by one of their fellow bounty hunters, Rako Hardeen, who was really Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. As the title says, why did Lucas go to the trouble of introducing Padm as a queen, as an important political figure, a close friend of Bail Organa, and eventual mother to a Princess of Alderaan, if Naboo never appeared in the OT and solely existed in the prequels? [60] The wealthy San Tekka clan was based on Naboo. Sector Gallo eventually attacked the city Spearhead, which was the home of the rogue warlord Boss Rogoe and the other Gungan holdouts, with a massive Gungan army. Fauna The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? Alderaan's treasury had gone to feed so many mouths across the galaxy while the war raged on, yet neither his wealth nor Breha's pedigree could guarantee their family would ever know the love and joy of a child. It had grasslands, mountains and large oceans. Despite such discretion, the Empire knew it to be a haven of rebel activity, making it a target of reprisal as soon as the Death Star was operational. Vader also trusts Palpatine at this point so he would probably just take him for his word like he did in the original. However, they still had not chosen a monarch, and were ruled by Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor. ""And it's going to keep pulling. Senator Padm Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks worked together to represent the interests of the Naboo and Gungans respectively in the Galactic Senate. Following the rise of Sheev Palpatine's Galactic Empire, Alderaan played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Rebel Alliance, a movement that sought to restore the Old Republic's values, and was one of it's earliest supporters. Organa was taken prisoner by Vader, the Emperor's second-in-command, and brought before the Death Star's commanding officer, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin. M-10[6] In 3 BBY,[source?] [75], You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. It's the whole history of Alderaanian architecture in one massive building.Kier Domadi, The monarch's official residence was the Royal Palace of Alderaan, also known as the Mountain Palace,[20] in the planetary capital of Aldera[1] and near a large wood. [28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail would send aid to worlds that had been ravaged by the Separatists, sending not just money and supplies but also doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. [9] Fish was an important food to the people of Naboo. All education was free, and people would volunteer to teach various skills or crafts just for fun. and our Additionally, after being urged to by Captain Quarsh Panaka, Amidala took on a group of Handmaidens, whom she quickly befriended, planning her days with them instead of Panaka. Naboo's royal starfighters are some of the most beautiful in the galaxy, while the corellian corvettes used by Alderaan are nice but nothing compared to Naboo's. 122 comments 98% Upvoted Eventually, a general named Jafan managed to end the war, uniting the opposing factions through both force of arms and force of will. When she became the queen of Naboo, she adopted a new regnal name to replace her own. [1] He was an early supporter, and funder, of the nascent Rebel Alliance against the empire. At first, Bane and Moralo Eval were successful in capturing Palpatine. [22] The palace embodied the whole history and evolution of Alderaanian architecture,[1] as well as the opulence of royalty,[23] with ancient rooms made of stone in a large labyrinth alongside more modern rooms such as data centers and holochambers. They don't even explain why the blockade is taking place and why Nute Doucheray and all those clowns are sacrificing their ships, capital, and men for some cloaked dude no one's ever met. By the time of the war's end, Palpatine had amassed considerable power and proclaimed himself the head of a new Galactic Empire. I liked Naboo, and I liked that Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker's wife were political allies from the same planet. Region Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [10], Naboo recovered quickly from the invasion under Amidala's remaining years, managing to almost completely restore its harvests and crop yields by the end of her final term. Luke had to go to tatooine because he was stronger in the force so he had to be taken where Vader will never be able to find him. Palpatine subsequently rose to the office of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with Amidala eventually taking his place as the planet's senatorial representative. Moons [13], While the Gungans flourished for thousands of years before, this only lasted until around 3900 BBY. In adulthood, an Alderaanian could then open their chest, look back, and see how they had chosen to tell their own story. Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." Once in space, the three women were attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters, but managed, nonetheless, to knock out all of the satellites. Breha also sent her people to dangerous places where they were needed, and though some of them never came back to their families, they didn't blame her as they knew she had sacrificed and would again if she had to. just make it a law he passes for this one exception or something. It doesn't matter whether or not Guyngans came from there, but keep in mind, we had conceptual art of Alderaan LONG ago. The Naberrie family was a modest one, but Padm's parents recognized greatness in their daughter at an early age. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! [17], By the time of the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Leia Organa was still considered the last princess of Alderaan. We are loved by our people. The Separatists, the clone army, the secret Sith Lord pulling all the s. With the taxation of trade routes in dispute, the Trade Federation set up a blockade of battleships around the star system, stopping all shipping to the planet. That year, an army of clones was discovered on the planet Kamino, which would be appropriated by the Senate in order to combat the Separatists. Among the few survivors of that disaster was Princess Leia Organa, adopted daughter of Bail and Breha Organa and heiress to the royal house of Alderaan. Many heirs of Alderaan would give up their keepsake chest before their investiture as crown prince or princess though the ritual didn't demand it. Amidala and Binks, with the help of the Jedi Order and the Gungan Peppi Bow, discovered the Separatist scientist Nuvo Vindi's secret laboratory in the Eastern swamps. A member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate since the time of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. You must understand this.Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Rugor Nass, Naboo was inhabited by two societies: an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans and a group of peaceful humans who were referred to as the Naboo. Padme Amidala ( Natalie Portman) is the Queen of Naboo at the age of 14, and we know that Leia becomes an influential politician on Alderaan during her adolescence. Despite his origins on the planet, Palpatine did not care at all for his homeworld and, following his death, Naboo was named a priority target for Operation: Cinder, a protocol that the Sith Lord had put in place to destroy Imperial worlds should they fail to protect their Emperor. Author Darth Giacomo Date 28-May-2019, 10:08 PM Author Darth Giacomo Time 28-May-2019 10:08 PM Post link. Grid square It wasn't long ago this was all plasma mines. 5 Reply Share Report Save Follow ""You say that every day. At some point later, Naboo engaged in open rebellion against the First Order, simultaneous with other planets such as Bespin and Coruscant leading to the successful overthrow of the entire regime. All education was free, and funder, of the Naboo moons [ 13 ], is. And queen stay in power until death or impeachment ruled by Regent Administrator Valmor! Referencing valid resource material Invasion of Naboo the humans and Gungans were forced to release Grievous Dooku... 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