Also, the claim that we cannot make a general intention but need to specify each action individually, strikes me as odd. Medjugorje Message April 14 1982 You must know that Satan exists. Mother Lucia continues to report what the Virgin entrusted to her in a prayer: Oh God forgive our sins, save us from hell fire and bring all souls to heaven, especially those in need of your mercy. For the instruction of ny fellow Catholics, not to oppose the Blessed Virgin Mary. What an irony that the World Apostolate of Fatima appear to be denying the continued existence of Communism in the world. There will be anguish and an earthquake will soon begin that will greatly tremble the Earth. Pray the Rosary often. Roll on Part 2. (Official Translation) ZE00051421. ONE: People who carry the virus but have no symptoms dont cause or maintain an epidemic. Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who witnessed the Marian apparitions at Fatima, died in 2005. Ya. Its a freak show, and the freaks are running it. To understand the set of visions and communications with which Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta were favored, we must first review Catholic doctrine on the communion of saints. Our Lady of Fatima. And what might be the likely geo-political context for that consecration? Our Lord and Our Lady are looking for what is in our hearts, and while Our Lord has made it clear that He wants the intention made prior to the acts, I wouldnt get too legalistic about it. The Vatican announced the content of the third secret of Fatima on May 13, 2000. The true Faith, true worship, and true virtue, such as obedience, hold center stage in the Message of Fatima, yet these have been terribly eroded by modernism. Many faithful Catholics were hoping that it was the Blessed Mother who was coming to their village. He is fluent in English, Spanish and German. As part of this free service you may receive occasional offers from us at EWTN News and EWTN. A Vision of Hell and Prophecies. our lady of fatima prophecy Jimmy Akin Jimmy was born in Texas and grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Bishops of England & Wales to Re-Introduce Communion From Chalice Sacrilege Anyone? If its in their gift to remedy and they dont, how can that be called suffering? He currently teaches weekly adult catechetical classes in English and Spanish, airs a weekly internet radio show, manages a website, gives monthly seminars in Mexico and the US, and publishes devotional Catholic resources. As she spoke these words, Mary opened her hands and rays of light . The message which is almost identical to those associated with all the appearances of Our Lady in modern times, is reduced to four essentials. That is the rise of Ottoman Turks in 1217 approx., their capture of Jerusalem in 1517, the fall of Jerusalem in 1917 to British Gen. Allenby who entered barefoot on a donkey, the Six Day war in 1917, and supposed End of End Times on Passover 2017. Sobering thought: The consecratory prayer Francis has published betrays many modernist elements. Sister Lucia was right that communism would spread throughout the world. I really can be very slow at times. Incredible times! Let me just say that there may be bishops/cardinals who have earned Excommunication. The Three Secrets of Fatima Revealed. NB. No sir, me neither. Pursuant to this urgent need, The Most High had appointed Two Dozen to 25 Holy Intercessors thruout the World. The Fatima prophecies continue to unfold before our very eyes. Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985, to Mirjana, relates to events just before the time of the Warning: "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. We had a discussion here before a while back, whether we have to make the intention before each thing, e.g. Sister Lucia said: And those who forget to form this intention? The third secret of Fatima was revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on July 13, 1917, and reads as follows: After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the earth with his right hand, the angel cried out in a loud voice: Penance, Penance, Penance!, And we saw in an immense light that is God: something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it a Bishop dressed in White we had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another, the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.,a%20significant%20fine%20or%20loss%20of%20business%20license. If my requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing . Much the same as education in general. Giving parts of true with lies. This lack of compliance results in the ongoing wars that afflict the world. As a child, he lived in Bavaria for four years giving him a lifelong appreciation for traveling and the glorious heritage of our Catholic Faith. Our only way out of this dilemma is the Consecration of Russia. No one will tho because blah blah blah excuse excuse life blah. Benefits will include peace throughout the world and a glorious flourishing of the Church and preaching of the Gospel to all nations. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. About 104 years ago, on this same day, May 13, 1917, in the small village of Fatima in Portugal, Lucia (9) and her cousins, Francisco (8) and his sister Jacinta (6) saw an . February 23, 2021. In fact, the more they attempt to appease the world, the more the world responds with utter contempt for them. So the layers of BS run a high percentage. Fatima is a small city in central Portugal where the landscape is dry and rocky. Because it wasn't expressed in a clear and uninterpretable way like the other two, and because it is periodically possible to read it again as a reference to the major world events that are recently taking shape: the experts' analysis have revealed the possibility that the third secret of Fatima referred . However, first he prefaces the prophetic vision by affirming that according to Sister (Mother) Lucia, who at 93 is the remaining shepherd of Fatima, that the Bishop clothed in white in deep prayer for his flock in the prophecy, is Pope John Paul II. Let us thank Our Lady of Fatima for her protection. So says Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, who reports that the visionary sent him a letter with this prediction when he . Jay Butler, CDC deputy director for infectious diseases just told the Washington Post, The bottom line is controlling the COVID-19 pandemic really is going to require controlling the silent pandemic of transmission from persons without symptoms.. O Most Holy Virgin Mary, you came to Fatima to reveal the graces that come from praying the Holy Rosary to three little shepherd children. Many souls can be lost and many nations and states will disappear from Earth; the world can be lost forever., Lucia then reported the following conversation with the Virgin Mother. Within that world, they contradict themselves. Since 2012, he has collaborated with the St. Vincent Ferrer Foundation of Texas, a non-profit corporation founded and run by lay traditional Catholics, which exists to help recover and restore our true Catholic Faith. Our Lady has always had one message for the world, and that is the conversion of hearts. Immunity Card. Today's post is the second of our two posts on the Prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette. . Right. No mention of underlying health conditions of course, which I seem to remember the Archbishop suffered from. It wont last though, for evil on this scale is never permitted a long period of existence by God. No? The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried by believers during a candle procession at the holy shrine of Fatima in Portugal in 2011. This calendar has many unique features which make it a true spiritual resource, guiding our devotions on a daily basis. Archbishop Tartaglia was found dead this morning. The Miracle of the Sun at Fatima was Real: Scientific Confirmation. Many that were far from the church will return to the open arms of the Catholic Church England, Russia, China, Jews, and Protestants. On a very cold night, ten minutes before midnight, a big earthquake is going to shake the earth for eight hours., The good, those who spread the prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima, should not fear, but others will suffer the consequences of ignoring this warning. That is how I see that though. What will, one day, also be a pleasant surprise, will be an American who knows that Edinburgh has an h on the end Im not sure if Gloria TV IS American I should check that out, but youll get my drift. Grace will come to Russia through the Immaculate Heart. The prophecies are fairly specific, at least as far as the warning and the miracle are concerned. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news. We will not need to fight. The world needs the First Saturdays devotion it will certainly help release the many graces our world needs. My first exposure to Our Lady of Fatima was as a young girl when I read a book about the Blessed Virgin's apparitions there in 1917 to three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta. Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. It could be seen as a cheesburger lovely people in those parts, cheesy smiles everywhere . The book, "After The Warning To 2038" reveals many words from Heaven of future events, taken from the Bible . Govt: Sinister Plans for Digital ID Protest NOW! to wipe out all humanity many times over. As the Fatima Centre World Peace prayer states:- Help us to understand that this grace of world peace is truly unwarranted by ourselves, and that You will grant it only through the merits of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception; Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 17, 2022 / 12:02 pm (CNA). Of course it would. And lets not forget that even these Modernist Popes have had to bear so much suffering with the public gaze in clerical sexual abuse, etc. Sr Lucia would make the 15 minute meditation, one a month, for the 15 decades of the Rosary, which would take 15 months, starting at the Annunciation and ending with the Coronation, so by the time she had finished the meditations for the whole 15-decade Rosary, she had done 3 sets of First Five Saturday devotions over 15 months. Listen closely and pay attention to what I say: Men should be corrected. READ permanent. A little over one month later, on June 24, 1981, Our Lady began to appear to six children in the communist county of Yugoslavia. Today there exists enough Weapons of Mass Destruction atom bombs, neutron bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc. Our Lady, who appeared at Fatima, recalls these forgotten values. New book proves it was neither an illusion nor a hoax! It is obvious that some of the prophecies of Fatima have come true, while others have yet to happen. Or do we just make the intention on the day, the First Saturday, that this First Saturday (i.e. The Holy Trinity and all Heaven along with the faithful long departed took part in this Holy Mass. Watch . Thus, time and events will clearly indicate if this consecration was the long-awaited one requested by Our Lady of Fatima. This is a special case. It is probably a right side of Scotland thing. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Majority of them pronounce it EMBoro or Mborough. (Francisco Leong/AFP/Getty Images) Article The children. The fact that, as in the above link, YouTube is removing all videos containing this sort of factual, scientific information, should serve (to the independent, intelligent mind) to prove the case. Nevertheless, an essential part of the Message of Fatima is that the purity of the doctrine of the Faith be preserved. We will have a period of peace. Prophecies Already Fulfilled: The Four Chastisements. Downing Street Parties PROVE That The Virus Fearmongering is Mere Propaganda: Wake Up! Catholic Prophecy. Yet, as Our Lord Himself says when speaking regarding times of tribulation: In your patience you shall possess your souls (Lk 21:19). As we know, the Third Secret speaks of a grave apostasy (a terrible crisis in the Church on account of the loss of Faith, especially among the religious and hierarchy). On the back of this gibberish, nations all over the world are seeing their economies destroyed, and hundreds of millions of lives ruined. All of this by 2025! After all, if Our Ladys Immaculate Heart is to triumph and reign, then it must necessarily happen alongside the Sacred Heart of Her Son, the King. Dear Editor, Its an absolute MUST-SEE for every member of the CT family. The censorship being conducted against anyone who doesnt accept certain positions (whether the Covid or the anti-Trump narratives) is a matter of huge concern. So, perhaps now is a good time to reflect on the fact that we are living through the unfolding of this particular part of the Fatima prophecies the spread of Communism. For years, before I read that, I had simply made (as I thought I was doing) the First Saturdays knowing that the intention of reparation was to honour the Immaculate Heart, and to make reparation for the blasphemies against Our Lady. How many have been fined for not wearing a mask when say shopping? The prophecies given by Our Lady of Good Success at Quito from 1594 to 1634 to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres; those at La Salette in 1846 to Melanie and Maximin; the vision of Pope Leo XIII in 1884 that inspired him to write the prayer for protection to St Michael Archangel; the messages and secrets from Our Lady at Fatima to Lucia, Francisco . During this approx 24.5 yrs, the Temple of the Lord in Heaven was sealed off, no angels dared to enter, due to terrible wrath of Most High. For 25 years, he has been a member of the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, also known as the Blue Army, a New Jersey-based lay group of Catholics devoted to Our Lady of Fatima, an appellation given the mother of Jesus after the children reported seeing six visions of her between May 13 and Oct. 13, 1917. And yet they choose some dumb excuse, some bullshit in this material world over trying to get back to the spirit, to the creator, and to beautiful earth. by Plinio Corra de Oliveira May 10, 2021. Can it be said that Fatima is fulfilled if the Communion of Reparation is not a popular devotion? God in His goodness has revealed, through the Holy Mother, all that we need in order to have the ancient serpent, who is the devil or Satan, chained up for a thousand years and hurled into the abyssso that he might not lead the nations astray (Revelations 20: 2, 3). We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Had the Fatima Message not been rejected, Our Lady's universal call for prayer, penance and amendment of life would have resulted in wonders that would have transformed the world. The three children lived in Aljustrel, a hamlet of the township of Fatima. PS a short time later; I have just checked our thread on Mask Wearing, to add the link to that article by a neuro-physician. These new people will take advantage of the catastrophe that will happen in the world., The Virgin continued, So that you may prepare and stay alive, as my children; I will give you the following signs: The night will be very cold. These elements seem to be sorely lacking in the words and deeds which have been leading up to Francis' consecration of March 25, 2022. 3. And then youve done the best you can under the circumstances. Half of humanity can be horribly destroyed. There She dictated to them a public message which She asked to make known to all Her people. Weve never seen it before. REMINDER - It is FIRST FRIDAY & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend! I agree with you about not being legalistic and there is no way that a First Saturday intention made on the day, intending to include every devotion, would not count. Chronology of WW3 according to Catholic Prophecies - Matej Gavlk. The confusion of the missing pieces to the third prophecy is cleared up when the communications of Father Augustine and Mother Lucia are added to the third prophecy. And that, despite the danger of irreversible brain damage awaiting wearers down the line 1. It is very useful. This is how official science operates. A lot has been written about the intriguing prophecy of the three days of darkness but one needs to sift through them carefully lest one succumbs to exaggerated and sensational ideas and, more importantly, to serious doctrinal errors. Michael E. Rodrguez was born in 1970, in the border city of El, Diocese St. Catharines, Ontario, currently in Chippewa, Ontario. Our Lady did say that it would be done, but it would be late. I had already revealed it to the children Melania and Maximino, in La Salette, and today I repeat it to you because humanity sinned and trampled on the gifts God has given. As for the rest of your post many thanks. The prayer publicized by the Vatican does mention, albeit with the inclusion of much material unsolicited by the Our Lady, a consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The climate will suddenly change, creating extreme weather. It is reported that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI will also offer this consecratory prayer, but in private (presumably in his personal residence without any media coverage). Wind will bring gas and water everywhere. In one of Blessed Jacintas visions, she foresaw streets crowded with starving people, and she asked Lucy: Cant you see all those highways and roads full of people, who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat?. The religious Carmelita Luca del Immaculate Heart, the last survivor of the three children who saw the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese town of Fatima, died at age 97 on February 14, 2005. westminsterfly. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. God will allow all natural phenomena such as smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, flooding, earthquakes, inclement weather, terrible disasters, and extremely cold winters as these times slowly end the Earth. At the beginning of this work, the cardinal wrote a letter to Sister Lucia of Fatima through her bishop, since he could not do it directly. Our Lady messaged the children, before messaging became the fashion they were to let it be known to the Church authorities that unless Russia were consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, the errors of Russia would spread across the world. (LogOut/ For example, the last I heard, only about 50 of the U.S.A.s 260 bishops were joining. Therefore, in our present tribulation, we have no choice but to turn in hope to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her holy Rosary, for as She explained at Fatima, only Our Lady of the Rosary can help you.. The Prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima came true when Pope John Paul II was shot and went through the ordeals and challenges that eventually lead to the circumstances of his canonization as a saint. He founded the International Association of Exorcists in 1990. THE SECRETS OF FATIMA. Of course they may know better than I, but I base my understanding and views of observable things then someone telling me what they seem to think deriving from a picture on a screen which was gotten from another company, which got there info from looking at a screen from a machine that by my accounts doesnt exist at least not how they try to say it does. The Miracle are concerned the claim that we can not make a general intention but need specify! He founded the International Association of Exorcists in 1990 central Portugal where the landscape is dry and rocky mask. It was the Blessed Virgin Mary visionary sent him a letter with this prediction when he to Russia the! 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