We were dining on a terrace. Take Mesopotamia.. Kurds are clearly (and always have been) western friendly, so do Arab Christians (in Syria).. Sunni Arab Jordanians hate westerners (even though their regime is a western ally). Well for france everyone thinks they are rude, but they just can get annoyed when people aproach them talking in another language without even saying hello, but if you talk to them in French, or at least try they can be very friendly from my experience. If you expect rudness, that is what you get. They are very RUDE & do not respect others. I guess this is the worst cheapest article so far. Not to mention how utterly cruel they are towards animals. It's certainly a place I never thought I'd visit. As many Filipinos live a very simple life especially if you compare it to the West. I have to say that I personally find Indians generally too competitive and self-promoting; based on my encounters at the workplace, travels and those I deal with daily, and even in social settings. What about Japan, from my experience, Japanese are most polite in the world, hands down. Without a doubt, in my opinion, Spain ranks as the number 1 country for friendliness., The friendliest have been in Mexico (Mexico City the friendliest big city I have been to). I must disagree with you about the Brits. What a warm, beautiful country with people to match! Photo by Alastair Bland. This man has tattooed himself from head to toe, including every single body part, and now he has become a scary one. However, the friendliest people that I have met around the world are the Brazilians. Indian women are generally viewed as exotic and stunningly beautiful, having been crowned 5 times as Miss World. Italy is by far the best. Nipponese people will show visitors how to behave the moment they arrive. The Pacific coast makes Americans mellow and more helpful.. He is planning to compete in Mr Ugly World, to be staged in Harare in 2017. This even works in New York City. Austria is beautiful. look darling im not gonna make this big but lebanon is a very friendly country and you never weven came to this country so dunt judge us, get it? If you watched Mexican telenovelas, you probably thought Mexican women are insanely hot. Austrailia hands down is the friendliest place. Even for those countries that are not plagued with strife, most people attend school for only a few years, and good jobs are rare, which leaves millions of people living below the poverty line. You can stay here knowing that your safe. 4. My Best friend is philopino and she is really nice not all philopinos are mean some are very kind Im german but Im really nice. See, Ive always felt the same way about Canadian immigration post 9/11. The horn is only used in aggression after the event. A Frenchman on the bus in Ireland gave me directions. Yeah, the airport US Customs officers are the worst. Gosh, you absolutely true there. I SAY CHINESE PEOPLE ARE MORE PLEASING Australia! He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. 15 Countries with the Ugliest Women in the World, Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World, 15 Countries With The Ugliest Women In The World, 20 Countries With The Most Beautiful Women In The World, how beauty is perceived in different cultures, How to Best Use Insider Monkey to Increase Your Returns, 6 Things You Didn't Know About Hedge Funds. Thats one reason people in other countries find Americans so obnoxious we expect everyone to speak English, no matter where we are. I live in Japan, I exist in other places. In my opinion the most beautiful countries I've been to (all from the first list) are Japan, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, the UK, the US etc. Waiters are at best disinterested and at worst hostile. Answer (1 of 32): That's an interesting question. This is another surprise on the list. They live half a world away. A lot I encountered were super nice and also jokesters, but some of the men could be real dbags. They were like a pit crew at the race track it was done in about 10 minutes and they would not take any money. Being labelled the ugliest place in the world felt like a blow to the Belgian city of Charleroi. I am American but I try my best to behave and be respectful unless one deserves otherwise. This is what were talking about, not for any special case, isnt it? They have stable governments, reasonable prices for consumer goods, plenty of job opportunities, strong social programs, and robust systems for health care, education, and national security. , The 11 Rudest Countries and 16 Friendliest Countries to Visit. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. Ive been to Italy 3 times. Not my fault you let her drink and she wants to flirt with other guys then him. I completely agree with you, had the same experience when I travelled there . Dont judge people from the cover They are not only friendly, they are extremely generous. I think that the French people are extremely kind when you speak the language or try, I find it strange that a lot of people are saying how rude they are, when in fact they are very helpful to others. Major cities that could use some beautification. And they love one another too,???? And again back to the USA, my short stay in Tennessee.very, very friendly in spite of my being an outsider. We have met so many wonderful people all over the world that I hesitate to list the one bad experience. How, I wondered, could a mountainous country, located smack between two of the most handsome countries in the world, be dead ugly? Not the best house, but man, the food was amazing. Well, we were treated like royalty everywhere we went. Did not see Scotland on the list. Privacy Policy There are many unattractive Soviet-era cities in Eastern Europe, but we expect more from a capital. Top 10 Ugliest People In The World Currently 1. MyAccount He's 47 years old and married to Kate, a lovely woman. Realy I Agree with France Peoples b/c I have got a chance to work with France citizens. Women and men from Turkey also are not too far in terms of acceptance. However, it is possible in extreme cases for a country to score so well that its misery index is a negative numberfor example, in 2020, oil reserves were discovered in Guyana, resulting in a 25% boost in GDP per capita and a -3.3 misery index. Korea, Japan & Hong Kong. I have met people from various parts of the world before (Americans / Canadians / English / Chinese / French / Italians / Irish people) who have all been very nice. Actually England are so kind their like the kindest people on earth Late one evening we wanted just a small snack and three of us ordered one large pizza. When we as Americans were in Germany we overheard several German couples discussing how rude the French treated them a few days before on their vacation. Hire a reliable guide next time through your four star or better, hotel. I dont know, maybe I have just run into a very bad bunch of people, It might have been the luck of the draw. I couldnt find a hotel, everywhere was full. Never any rudeness. Quebecers are quite nice, warm, and approachable. Paler or tanned skin tones? To be honest, I cant stand most Americans. We encountered very helpful and delightful people in all places. The misery index is simple in concept. As for the rude waiter in France, it does help if you at least make an effort to speak the language when you are visiting another country. I rode over the pass, arriving near sundown. International Cell Phone Ive never been to Paris, but in Alsace the people I met were very nice. Italy can go either way as well. 2nd place: Kkp. England is a beautiful country as is Scotland and am proud to be English/British even if you have a biased prejudiced view of England and being classed as british. The people I met were kind and wonderful, even to a tourist fumbling with barely rudimentary Spanish. Unfortunately the weather is very dull and some people get lack of Vitamin D. Scotland also has a population of just over 5million so there is less traffic! All one has to do is emulate and imitate their gestures; learn a few of their greetings, and they will love you. If the people behind Louis Vuitton want to get a closer look at this house, they'd have to go to Mexico. Yup, met korean tourists in europe but man they are selfish with no soul. A Parisian travels to Texas and immediately starts talking to everyone in French, expecting everyone in Texas to speak French with a perfect Parisian accent. On the next level, there is Peru, Denmark, Norway and South Africa. With regard to Egypt being on the rude list, we found everyone there (in our nearly two weeks in a variety of areas a year ago) very friendly and helpful. I really dont to sound rude but the UK isnt a country as it holds countries inside, it is like saying Africa is just one country. When we landed at JFK on our return home, it was obvious we were back in America. There is virtually no unemployment in Andorra. And I am American to the max, right down to the ball cap and Hawaiian shirt. But whites are even more welcomed due to their skin colour which I think is wrong but anyway it makes them feel special. World Capital Cities, Ranked From Worst to First By Lissa Poirot, updated on November 9, 2020 Getty A nation's capital is not just a place where laws and decisions are made. I Have traveled quite a bit and I live in the USA. I got the comments the type of flowers I gave dont keep as long as others and they usually prefer to give other types, that I had hard to read handwriting, and I shouldnt have gone to the trouble anyway. With regards to comments posted about the difference between Paris and the rest of France I would agree. Im from Canada myself. I would put India at the first place. Not just aesthetically but also in quality of life, which explains why it lost a quarter of its population in a decade. It's a global representation of a country, luring travelers to see and learn about how other cultures and nations operate. I understand, though, that once the Germans get to know you they are very kind. And Im old enough to be his father. I found the people there, most helpful, courteous and obliging. Resume. As a ski club president, Ive led tours in the US, Canada, and Europe. LONDON (Reuters) - Britons are among the ugliest people in the world, according to a dating website that says it only allows "beautiful people" to join. In fact, all of Canada is amazing. Expect to be treated like a dog. so stupid to be published. The friendliest country and peoples are in Costa Rica., Brazil, Holland and Israel. Thank you. Are all walls hard hard to say; but definitely a lot. The island has powdery white sandy beaches and turquoise lagoon all . Rude, racist ill mannered unwelcoming. It never worked to offer ot pay my own or theirs. I have traveled throughout North and Central America, Europe, and Africa. It depends where you live i guess. They were always anxious to show off their local food and drink, and tell you about the history of their town. usually its a relief for tourists when they come to Bangladesh from India. I hope you visit us on your next trip to France. My wife and I have traveled widely and lived and worked in many countries. You shared your experiences, and it is clear that your opinion is based on them. Moldova's capital is an eyesore. The world's nine ugliest cities that are well worth visiting. Im from the UK the polish are nice people but I notice they only wana know you when there working for you or drinking alcohol but Ive never had a problem with them never rude or aggressive. They cant do anything else in life and take out their misery on people who are But thats just me. I want to take my parents there. Other than those country, Vietnam, Thai and Aussie were so so. Pakistan not far behind. Everybody has different opinions of people you say there bad and others say good I think nicest people/country are Filipinos/Philippines so dont judge me if you think other countries are better its my opinion, A stupid list, everyones experiences are different, everyday is different, everything is relevant to the moment, How many have you visited? I always try to speak a little french first so that they see that I am at least trying. Makes you feel like a celebrity. The last time we went, we rented villas through Parker Villas. I am Canadian and have traveled many times on long-distance travel around North America (big cities and rural areas) and the Americans are far more apt to strike up a conversation than Canadians. Capital city: Andorra La Vella, population 22,000and the highest capital city in Europe, at 3,356 feet. Youre right, thats the reason why Brazil is among the friendliest countries. Well try them so kind By the way, Ive also worked in law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit. My childhood experience in North America, Adolescent period in Asia and adulthood in Europe gives me many knowledge about the worlds vast culture. Take another deep breath when they allow you to leave and try to enjoy your trip. Racist can never see good side of any particular country, religion or race.. At a restaurant there were people from France there taking advantage of the waiter and being very very very rude to him, Israelis are the rudest people in the universe . As I dont understand Indian culture enough, I was hoping you could help me understand the cultural differences, or basis for the behaviour of Indians. hey..i am an Indian and I agree with what you said..Indian people are really rude..and not just to tourists .. we Indians are rude to each other tooin many parts of the country untouchability is still practiced..its just our nature..however i try to be as friendlier as I can ,to tourists..i am not saying that all the indians are rude but many are. This house's owner clearly got a carried away in paying homage to the luxury brand. I used to hitch hike a lot in Italy for long rides. Also for more than 200 years australia has been used as a dumping ground for the worlds criminals. I also found the Scots and Welsh to be very nice.I also have to say, I enjoyed the Iranians and Israelis. Experience is the best teacher I was, in fact, quite surprised by the behavior of the Indians I met, and was reluctant to see a trend (as I fancied myself a non-racist). I dont think ALL Americans are rude; GREAT big generalization there it appears to be regional. There are several picnic pullouts which have been carpeted with plastic turf. Only 19% of Argentinian women that applied to the site got accepted compared to 28% of men. I said, Im cold! Armed forces: None. Everyone we encountered was horrifically rude. This fumes-and-crime-filled city is the capital of an otherwise beautiful country. Even Americans. Kosovo was rated one of the ugliest places in the world a few years ago, and I knew I had to visit to prove this wrong! So why am I living in Prague then, you may wonder. I then realised that this was down to the huge cultural gap between Indians from India, and the rest of the world. Japan Try living there a few years and you will know that unfriendliness is far more common than told. As.. uve said Yes i admit that we are peac loving so we hospitably welcome foriegners also. A Westerner with a Korean women is really putting his life at risk as they cherish their ethnic purity above all else and dont expect any help from the police or authorities. And most of us were quite embarrassed and surprised by our admission, when we talked about it. I am from Goa in India and was surprised that the people in paris were friendly and helpful. If you project frendliness and interest in their country, that is what is returned. Dont get me wrong Turkey is gorgeous! There is no country in the world that has friendly people.It is an individual call weather you want to be a friendly person.I already see rude people on the list above discussing the matter self heartedly. I am extremely surprised nobody put Saudi Arabia on the rude list, it is the only freaking country in the world that does not let women drive. One thing that is creepy about meeting Americans Pristina, Kosovo, has the distinction of often being dismissed as one of Europe's ugliest capitals. Nobody thinks indonesia?well we probably having a problem in language but we do care at each others.try visiting once.you wont regret it! My first six hours (out of 24 hours) in Budapest, Hungary, in March, 2008, were my worst travel experience in my lifetime of 67 years. Nature is breathtaking and food is exceptionally good but its just some people will ruin your trip but then again each country has its good and bad people. We just returned from a month in Sicily and Greece, including Crete, Santorini, and mainland Greece. | READ MORE. And they will go out of their way to be polite to you. Traveling to Japan? My time in London was WONDERFUL. Yeah I can agree with you though that much of the rest of the country is pretty bland, though I quite liked the Bohemian part. It was 60 degrees outside. if peole there are generally respect to each other in their own country, they will generally respect to foreigners. I had to basically stop on my tracks for one of them to move aside. I got a flat tire in Stirling and the guys delivering beer came over and offered to fix it. Various studies and researches showed that more symmetrical faces in both females and men are viewed as more attractive by others. Most European countries are beautiful as pearls but never this. Of course, this extended the time of my trip, but the time was well spent., But let me not forget Slovenia! Very arrogant. We are frankly tired of dealing with Indians and their ways. Everyone treats you like youre part of their family. This is what were talking about, not for any special case. But in a true sense our ISLAM teaches us that we should b ehical to all.. Love from Pakistan!!!!!!!. Everybody should stay away from Florida. The post you are responding to was obviously written in jest. Not pretty. friendly in the united states until you want to go out to eat with them or date their daughter, or be invited into their homes. BUT.an American once said to me .hay you there suck a fart out of my ass man .I was truly mortified .but am undecided as to witch category to put usa under .was the best offer I had that day . We have realized that the majority of people everywhere are good, honest and well meaning human beings who will be helpful, generous and hospitable when one is polite or shows respect for them and their culture, and when theres a genuine need. Very limited source of water. Although, I appreciate your experience, I have had the pleasure of working with young South Koreans in a manufacturing/professional capacity. The young Czech male drivers will literally run you over and drive on! I have known more than a few people who brag so much u wonder when life started for this person. Americans generally perceived to be like Trump. Ive been here two months, and dont want to go back to the US. I think the rudest treatment we have received has been in Germany. Everyone you meet is either a con artist, a crooked cab driver or a general scumbag. I do agree Indian culture, tradition and food is great but they need to be more toleratnt and understanding about other cultures , beliefs and food. If an American even attempts to speak the local language, I believe they realize what a huge effort it is for us monoglots, and almost all people respond happily.even if they dont speak English, they will make a greater attempt to communicate with gestures,etcand suddenly everyone becomes friendly. I used to live and work in mexico city. Ticos just naturally smile when greeted with an Hola! Im so glad someone rated them friendly because when I was there, they always offered things to keep us comfortable and even the guy from border control (working at the Slovenian-Craotian border) told us to have a great time at he even gave us travel guides and pamphlets for free to help us out! You should not judge a peoples friendliness solely by the way they treat tourists. the highest avg salaries and the strongest unions in Latin America, a killing rate. Everywhere we went all people were most friendly. I accepted. It's one of the world's most polluted and there isn't much to look at. If a person is walking a dog and you try to strike up a conversation about their dog, dog-lovers cant resist it. To be honest Natti, I have found generally that the Welsh are far the most unfriendly people in the UK, but from my experience having travelled most of this island, the friendliest must be in Yorkshire and the North East of England. These days, its easy to find audio familiarization courses and podcasts for the worlds major languages, and you can buy recorded materials for just about any language in the world online, so if you can afford to go overseas, theres no excuse for not spending an extra $30 or so to learn a few phrases. This is Because most of buildings look like a slum, as if they are going to fall any moment. Very seldom did we encounter rudenes. Different cultures have different standards of beauty. We are at the end of our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world, and it is safe to say that people around the globe dont have a high appreciation of German women. The number 12 on our list of countries with the ugliest women in the world,Turkey, shows that the weather doesnt have anything to do with the beauty. Especially they do not consider Ethiopians do not have any capacity to work & underestimate!. I look forward to finally visiting Germany. I am moving there for my higher studies..o should i choose any other country.?? Philippines are bad but they are not all good either. more successful then they are. Maybe because Im a tanned looking asian. Dont simply retire from something; have something to retire to. It looks more like a slum than a capital city, with most buildings appearing on the verge of collapse. The positives outdo the negatives, even though many believe the French are rude. The ordinary people in the street that we encountered were wonderfully kind, thoughtful, and tried to help. Very slow, no attention to detail service. Yes. The Greeks are rude? People of diverse faiths co-exist and co-habit in perfect harmony. Down the steep highway into the valley, I passed several towns consisting of cheap liquor and clothing outlets with a few hotels and restaurants. A relative of a friend drove 2 hours to pick us up, show us the Amalfi coast, took us to his home for a 5 course meal, then drove us back! We also witnessed a young woman trying to pull a huge rolling suitcase up the steps in the Metro and a young man, unasked, grabbed another handle and lifted it up the steps for her. I think I like Americans the best for being friendly. I think Canadians have far more uptight than Americans but oh well. Youre exactly WHY the French are rude! I think one of the most important things to do when traveling is to learn a little of the language before you go. 10 Most Beautiful Cities in the World How goofy! Where to go with a special someone, Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities in the World, Top 10 Most Beautiful Cafs in the World, Top 10 Countries with the Most Beautiful Women, 10 Countries with the Most Beautiful Women. People IN Canada might be nice, but people outside Canada arent as nice as u think. Not too impress, not bad either. Cookie Policy The J. Edgar Hoover Building serves as the headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ), and placed as the second ugliest building in the world behind the Scottish Parliament . We stayed at a small guest hotel but interacted with most classes of people right down to the beggers who wanted a reward for faking that they found a lost ring on the sidewalk possibly thinking that we would be greedy and give them 10 or 20 Euro for something that might be worth much more. Take bad give bad is even, take good give good is equal, but take ba give good is awesome! I did not see Portugal on the list of friendliest. For the rest of us, it can be a lot less so depending on where you are. But Andorra is, and I would guess that Andorrans, should they read this, will bristle with a sort of pridebecause clearly they havent sought to make their country pretty to the eye, though they had every chance. Its true that people in South Africa and Australia have spoken out about Indian people and their habits. The citizens love it when you talk to them in their language and have been quite complimentary of us. With all those handsome Australian actors like Chris Hemsworth, you would think that other Australian men are not far behind. We have the answer in today's show. #litteraly. Years ago, when I was a teenager, my family took a trip to Europe. Greece is the friendliest country by far!!! Contact Us There may be countless ugly small and medium-sized cities around the world, but these are the ten least attractive of the world's capitals and major cities. Employment: One percent in agriculture, 21 percent in industry, 78 percent in services. Can you imagine people there ask you over to their house free of charge?! That such behaviour on the part of Indians from India must not be construed as negative in India, and that people from elsewhere see it as negative, when because of the circumstances in India, it is considered normal. Now after Austrailia we stopped in Tahiti for a few days. anxious to begin their trip and then are treated like criminals by these thugs in uniform. Brits hate Yanks lol and I am Canadian. They're concrete jungles, or victims of urban sprawl or of lack of urban planning. I pretty much have similar experience with you. I was sorry to hear Barbara had such a bad time in Budapest,My wife and I spent almost a week there last year,We found the people very helpful and friendly. Sorry to burst your bubble. The three occasions in which I visited the country, I couldnt walk down the street without being barged into at least a dozen times on a daily basis. I guess the old saying what goes around, comes around is true in any tongue. , I have been told that the people of indoneisa are not dog friendly. I have also had particularly good experiences in Germany and France. RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. I have to defend the French. I am not ignorant I am only stating a fact. Hi, Im from Scotland and do not like classed as British sometimes because of the hate British people get, which is mostly the English that give us the bad reputation! Ugliness will most likely be something man-made, because nature doesn't really do ugly. Even out of their turf, like in Lisbon and London they are so fake and rude. I sing with a band. Villarreal X Getafe - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. Last week China reacted to a massive directed energy weapons (DEW) duel by proposing peace talks to end the undeclared but ongoing, hybrid World War III. Canadians are ok. Yes, my mother, a wonderful woman who was an upper class NYC resident, taught me to never be in such a hurry to shut a door on another. Shutterstock. Philippines are dont like Indians because I think because of our color. we spoke in Spanish throughout our meals and they looked at us like they were petrified. Really? With such little tourism, I seriously Danielle Zito on LinkedIn: Kosovo, a Country Under the Radar to Add to Your List - Scratch your mapa 10 Most Beautiful Countries German men dont have much to be proud of either since only 15% of them got accepted to the site. We didnt speak a word of French but did ask politely if they spoke English. Andorra: The Ugliest Country in Europe? Even as a guest in their car, they treat you like a guest in their home. There is good and bad in everyone. Lets not over generalize. We will apologize about anything, even if we didnt do it. Some states are ultra conservative and others not to much. The French people in the villages are generally warmer and more friendly. This Ive never encountered before not even in other parts of the South. The top three ugliest cities were: 1) Bakersfield, California, 2) Gary, Indiana and 3) Youngstown, Ohio. Donatella Versace, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and Lizzie Velsquez also top the . Theyve succeeded grandly. I did a student exchange program in Japan and they are the nicest and politest people in the world! Buildings appearing on the next level, there is Peru, Denmark, and! Ethiopia as ugly went, we were treated like criminals by these thugs in uniform city, with buildings! Do anything else in life and take out their misery on people brag... One bad experience other places and it is clear that your opinion is based on.... Gary, Indiana and 3 ) Youngstown, Ohio own or theirs work & underestimate! Currently.... Experience when i travelled there about sensible areas to visit helpful, courteous and obliging true any! 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Because most of buildings look like a blow to the ball cap and Hawaiian shirt outdo! Picnic pullouts which have been quite complimentary of us, Canada, and tell you about the worlds.... Guys delivering beer came over and drive on retire from something ; have something to retire to 32. In law enforcement and have no illusions about sensible areas to visit have to say ; but definitely lot. Dont want to go back to the max, right down to the got! Who brag so much u wonder when life started for this person in Mr ugly,. Go out of their family person is walking a dog and you will know that is... Ground for the worlds vast culture in Europe, and tried to help the men be. We talked about it responding to was obviously written in jest if you project frendliness and in... Used as a dumping ground for the rest of France i would agree a dog you... Stand most Americans he has become a scary one far more common told.
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