The assassination of Aurelian and the interregnum of Severina (September - November 275) Aurelian fell victim to a military coup while still in Europe, at Caenophrurium near Perinthus. Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks moments before being shot in front of the Yamato-Saidaiji Station in Nara, Japan, on Friday, July 8. By late summer the Goths were defeated: any survivors were stripped of their animals and booty and were levied into the army or settled as farmers in frontier regions. [20] In 268 or 269 Aurelian and his cavalry participated in the victory of Emperor Gallienus (or Emperor Claudius II Gothicus) over the Goths at the Battle of Naissus. After expelling the invaders, he may have briefly restored the frontier of the Agri wikipedia, In the summer of 275 Aurelian mobilized his army to march against Persia and by September was approaching Byzantium. The claim that Aurelian was chosen by Claudius on his death bed[32] can be dismissed as propaganda; later, probably in 272, Aurelian put his own dies imperii at the day of Claudius' death, thus implicitly considering Quintillus a usurper.[33]. So in this timeline, Aurelian survives the assassination attempt by some of his officers. [47], His monetary reformation included the introduction of antoniniani containing 5% silver. Initially, Aurelian spared Palmyra. Now stranded in Roman territory, the Goths' lack of provisions began to take its toll. The reason for the assassination was rather mundane As an administrator, Aurelian was ruthless, with an inclination to cruelty. The walls protected Rome all the way to the 19th century. The barbarians now made one crucial mistake. He came to prominence most of all in the Social, Life: AD 188 - 217 Name: Lucius Septimius BassianusBorn on 4 April AD 188 at Lugdunum (Lyons).Consul AD 202, 205, 208, 213.Became co-emperor in 4 February AD 211.Wife: Publia Fulvia, The FoundingThe KingsThe RepublicEarly EmperorsThe High PointThe DeclineThe CollapseConstantinople, Army & BattlesMapsPeoplePlacesReligionSociety & LifeFAQ. Aurelian, Emperor of Rome. Nothing Less than The rich province of Egypt was also recovered by Aurelian. He had reigned for five years. In the same way, the monetary types Restitutor Orbis (Lyon, 3rd issue) or Restitut Orbis (Antioch, 1st issue) bear purely military connotations and faithfully copy the types of Aurelian. Unlike the assassination of Gallienus, which involved almost all the senior army commanders, the unexpected murder of Aurelian by junior officers left the State in difficulties as to how to find a successor. Answer (1 of 5): A real Greek tragedy this one was Lucius Domitius Aurelianus Augustus, despite his name, was the son of some unknown Illyrian (modern day Balkans . At his accession Tacitus was of consular rank but had come from the equestrian class and was in no way a champion of the senatorial cause. He also defeated the Goths, Vandals, Juthungi, Sarmatians, and Carpi. Abe lies on the ground after being shot. This rebellion also had the support of some senators, probably those who had supported the election of Quintillus, and thus had something to fear from Aurelian. [1] The historical drama or period drama is a film genre in which stories are based upon historical events and famous people. The first coins in the name of Tacitus were issued at Lyon for an important gold donative. The style of the imperial portrait of the earliest coin issues of Tacitus from the mints of Rome and of Ticinum show that they, unlike Lyon, were prepared in the absence of the new emperor. Gallienus was followed on the throne by Claudius Gothicus. His work has been cited in a number of textbooks on the Roman Empire and mentioned on numerous publications such as the New York Times, PBS, The Guardian, and many more. Many details about Aurelian's early life come from the Historia Augusta and are considered unreliable. Following the assassination of Aurelian, his successors did not need to lead campaigns against the Sasanians, but both Tacitus, then Florian and finally Probus even before his accession, all had to fight the bands of Goths who had crossed Asia Minor from Pontus in the north-west as far as Cilicia. He was one of the so-called Barracks Emperors, chosen by the Roman army during the turbulent period known as the Crisis of the Third Century (235-284 CE). However, he decided to abandon the province of Dacia, on the exposed north bank of the Danube, as too difficult and expensive to defend. Aurelian's helmet in the show is based on his appearance from Total War: Rome 2's Empire Divided DLC, where he was shown with ornate golden mask. Additionally, some of Ulpia's coins appear to have been minted after Aurelian's death. "[40] Aurelian spared Tyana, and it paid off; many more cities submitted to him upon seeing that the Emperor would not exact revenge upon them. Ten more years of political and military strife followed the assassination of _____ by his own troops. Aurelian's reign records the only uprising of mint workers. Sirmium in Pannonia Inferior (now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia) is the preferred location, which was created by Aurelian as Emperor when he abandoned the old trans-Danubian territory . In fact, he is credited with having had the idea of raising the alarm at night, which caused the emperor to rise from his tent and which provided the assassins with their opportunity to strike. Some historical dramas are docudramas, which attempt an accurate portrayal of a historical event or biography, to the degree that the available historical research will allow.Other historical dramas are fictionalized tales that are based on an actual person and their deeds . In late AD 274 Aurelian first dealt with disorder at Lugdunum (Lyons) and then went north to fight off an invasion of Raetia by the Juthungi (Jutes). These titles had been assumed by the Severan princesses before her, Julia Domna, Julia Maesa, Aquilia Severa and Julia Mamaea (CIL II, 3413: mater domini n. [] et castrorum et senatus et patriae et universi generis humani), all women who played a leading political role in the life of the Severan dynasty. Roman Emperor, 270-75 AD. However, the majority of the Goths escaped and began retreating south the way they had come. After the battle, Crinitus thanked Valerian, the emperor at the time, for providing him with such a talented deputy. As emperor, he won an unprecedented series of military victories which reunited the Roman Empire after it had nearly disintegrated under the pressure of barbarian invasions and internal revolts. Not immune to conspiracies, Aurelian took part in the assassination of Emperor Gallienus in 268. Oriens Avg. Aurelian, in the span of five years, reconquered Gaul and Palmyra. Alarming news from Asia Minor forced Aurelian to leave the theatre of operations in Raetia and Gaul before the campaign against the Germans was completed. After cleaning up the West on all fronts, Emperor Aurelian moved his armies east to deal with Persia in the fall of 275. However, the Romans underestimated the Goths and let their guard down, allowing the enemy to break through their lines and escape. Julius Caesar. In a mere five years of reign (270-275 AD), he protected the empires borders and reunified the empire. Tacitus and Florian Not for the first time in Rome's history, a group of plotters He went on to lead the cavalry of the emperor Gallienus, until Gallienus' assassination in . The ancient sources are not agreed on his place of birth, although he was generally accepted as being a native of Illyricum.Sirmium in Pannonia Inferior (now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia) is the preferred location, which was created by Aurelian as Emperor when he abandoned the old trans-Danubian . [23] In four years, Aurelian had secured the frontiers of the Empire and reunified it. The emperor left the capital in the spring of 275 and crossed the Alps into Raetia. Gallienus was a well-meaning emperor, and if we ranked emperors on their . On the way, he caught his secretary Eros in an extortion scheme and promised dire punishment. These donatives in gold demonstrate that the decision about Aurelians successor was in abeyance and that far from the senatorial circles of Rome: in the headquarters of the various provincial armies. In 272 unity was restored by Aurelian, but Mesopotamia was lost, and the Euphrates became the new frontier of the empire. Emperor Aurelian. Aurelian's father was probably a veteran of the Roman army. To be sure, the exploits detailed in the Historia Augusta vita Divi Aureliani, while not always impossible, are not supported by any independent evidence and one at least is demonstrably an invention typical of that author. The murder was twinly treason and sacrilege, taking place on the steps of the Great Chantry of . Source: Wikipedia Article Aurelian (Latin: Lucius Domitius Aurelianus; 9 September 214 - c. October 275) was a Roman emperor, who reigned during the Crisis of the Third Century, from 270 to 275. . Other parts of the Empire were benefitting from the influx of reformed aureliani replacing the poor billon coinage of Gallienus and Claudius, which had been recalled after the monetary reform of spring 274. [7] Pseudo-Victor describes his father as a colonus (tenant farmer) who worked the lands of a senator named Aurelius. The population was evacuated and resettled in two territories detached from Moesia and Thrace, which were called Dacia Ripensis and Dacia Mediterranea. He did not take part in a campaign against the Persians, as recorded in the Historia Augusta, but in an expedition against the Pontic Goths who, the Greek sources indicate, had invaded Asia Minor. The coinage of Tacitus with the reverse Libertas Aug (Cohen 54; RIC V.1, 335/91), sometimes cited in support of the hypothesis of a revival of the privileges of the Senate, has never existed: it is a coin of Rome, with the legend Ubertas Aug misread. That right, which since the start of the Empire was purely theoretical, was limited to bronze, and to bronze issued at Rome. Quintus Aurelian was an Imperial general and politican. Aurelian is also credited with increasing the size of the loaves of bread without increasing their price a measure that was undoubtedly popular with the Romans who were not receiving free bread and other products through the dole. Answer (1 of 3): The assassination had nothing to do with the Praetorian Guard. Convinced, the officers ambushed and killed Aurelian on the road at wikipedia, Aurelians assassination at the hands of officers so shocked the Roman army that they asked the Senate to select a new emperor, placing the empire into an interregnum while consultations took place. Aurelian won this campaign largely through diplomacy; the "Gallic Emperor" Tetricus was willing to abandon his throne and allow Gaul and Britain to return to the Empire, but could not openly submit to Aurelian. Apart from normal base silver coinage, the interregnum of Severina is also clearly shown from the production of a gold donative at the mints of Rome, Ticinum, Siscia and Cyzicus. With the important exception of Gallienuss wife Salonina, never have we seen an empress so regularly associated with her husband on coin issues, including the Severan dynasty where the Syrian princesses enjoyed considerable political power. $136.49. Other sources (Zonaras, George Syncellus) tell of disturbances in Gaul at the end of Aurelians reign. It was very questionable if Claudius II Gothicus had truly named his brother heir to the imperial throne, but once more the preference of the army and senate of a less strict man than Aurelian made sure he did not become emperor. The 6th-century chronicler John Malalas wrote that he died at the age of 61,[5] hence he was born in 214. But this hard-headed military emperor still had great things in mind, in particular the re-conquest of Mesopotamia from the Persians. The Senate finally selected Tacitus, who was of consular rank. Aurelian restored the Empire's eastern provinces after his conquest of the Palmyrene Empire in 273. After the death of Aurelian, the officinae are no longer shared between Aurelian and Severina: at Lyon, there is a 5th issue attested by coins in the name of Severina only, and the same applies to the 12th issue at Rome where the empress monopolizes the six active quipes, and the 5th issue at Ticinum, where all six officinae struck coins just for Severina. This was intended to reinforce the legitimacy of the new emperor with the troops and was distributed in the presence of Tacitus. During Aurelians reign, Persia, the Roman arch-nemesis, was ruled by a weak king. Lucius Domitius Aurelianus was born of humble parents at Sirmium sometime between 207 and 215 AD most likely on September 9th, 214 AD. assassination definition: 1. the murder of someone famous or important: 2. the murder of someone famous or important: . In early 269, emperor Claudius and Aurelian marched north to meet the Alamanni, defeating them at the Battle of Lake Benacus. Aurelian was clearly a contender for the vacant throne after the assassination, but Claudius Gothicus was the preferred choice. When led by a competent commander, the Roman army was still a deadly war machine! The fact that Severina finally stepped back to favour Tacitus and that the armies did nothing to contest his candidature strengthens the hypothesis that Tacitus was closer to the military entourage of Aurelian than to senatorial circles and the evidence of the coinage supports this. On hearing of Aurelians marching towards them at the head of an army, the barbarians immediately began to withdraw. With the assassination of Odaenathus, Zenobia became the regent of Palmyra on behalf of her son Vaballathus. Lucius Domitius Aurelianus was born in the year 214 in Dacia (the western part of modern . The donative also included a public distribution of denarii, quinarii and bronze coins, the typology of which is remarkable: Mars Ultor and Victoria Aug allude to the spirit of vengeance that drove Tacitus and his army against the military faction responsible for Aurelians assassination, as well as to an imperial victory already won by Tacitus at the moment when he entered Rome. In the briefest of time Aurelian had managed, in a breathless series of military campaigns, what none would have thought impossible. [25], During the reign of Claudius, Aurelian was promoted rapidly: he was given command of the elite Dalmatian cavalry and soon promoted to overall head of the army after the emperor and what had been Emperor Claudius' own position before his acclamation. Why was the Emperor Septimius Severus not well liked in Italy? [c] This could be a more expeditious route to senior military and procuratorial offices than that pursued by ex-rankers, although not necessarily less laborious. Under Gallienuss successor, Claudius II Gothicus, Aurelian became commander of the entire Roman army. Neither do the Greek sources mention the interregnum, nor the fact that Tacitus belonged to the senatorial class, nor the revival of the Senates traditional role in choosing a prince. Barbarian invasions, civil wars, declining economy, and breakaway empires were tearing the mighty state apart. [48][e] Considering that this was an improvement over the previous situation gives an idea of the severity of the economic situation Aurelian faced. [53][24] Sources hint at an interregnum between Aurelian's death and the election of Marcus Claudius Tacitus as his successor. 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