Author authority can be defined as the reputation an author possesses in relation a certain topic. The answer depends on the person saying it. To him or her, reality and its inhabitants are just stories, characters that can be shaped into whatever they desire them to be, and should they become unsatisfied with the current state of creation, it can all be easily altered through a retcon. Here are the factors that you should include in your content to make sure Google sees your content creators as authoritative. : 2. a person who begins or creates something: 3. to. This type of argument claims that since A is associated with B, then A causes B. Who wrote the material? If the transcendence is treated as sufficiently portrayed and is important to the story (i.e. You can do so by, Only add tags that are directly relevant to the discussion threads. This is when someone attempts to rebut an argument by speculating on what ulterior motives the person making the argument might have, instead of addressing the argument itself. For example, if an updated profile has been created in a sandbox with a new Power & Abilities section, then you should summarize or bullet point in the opening post the major changes that are being proposed so that people don't overlook them. The person in this example starts with a true premise (Goku leaves afterimages), but then jumps to a conclusion which is in no way implied by that premise (Goku is FTL). Do not create discussion threads trying to upgrade Vegito to Low 2-C via scaling from Kefla or Infinite Zamasu. This argument simply recounts a story that may or may not be true, and the person in question expects it to count as evidence of their point of view. Example: "I've never heard of an anime with stronger characters than DBZ, so therefore DBZ characters must be the strongest in all of anime.". Established the mechanisms of life and death, making it so that the souls of all conscious beings in the infinite multiverse went to the Land of the Dead when their bodies perished, Can traverse across Heaven and the multiverse. This ignores the empirical evidence that the person who claimed Itachi can stand a chance against Galactus is simply wrong. ", Person A: "Stop chatting crap! Many of these sources are not made with our specific standards in mind, lack proper source references, and may contain a lot of arguments that have already been discussed or are useless for the purpose of the relevant threads, which makes them hard to evaluate. Instances of minor revisions may include changes to one or two characters, if it is just the addition of simple abilities that do not fall into the categories of acausality (except type 1), concept manipulation, abstract existence, plot manipulation, information manipulation, causality manipulation, nonexistent physiology, law manipulation etc. Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. This is when someone claims that since A has certain qualities, and B is in some way associated with A, then B has those qualities as well, without actual proof of this. Thought Leaders. If you are creating a content revision thread that affects a particular verse, then you need to specify the name of that verse as part of the title of the thread so that other users can recognize what the revision thread in case the rest of the title is unclear. The error in math here is that he skipped a prefix. Google has officially announced author authority as a way to verify and rank content based on a variety of factors. What the person in the example is neglecting to mention is that the forum he's referring to is a Sony - centric forum populated mainly by Sony fans. The Flash is alive, he has spirit! Input from highly respected members of the community, such as experts on the topic, should be taken into consideration when determining the necessary level of review and approval. The concept is most commonly used to apply to author avatars and other beings in the 'real world'. Avoid writing upgrade threads mainly based on assumptions from a limited amount of information, with no additional context or evidence to support them. Example: "It's my opinion that Naruto characters are faster than light, so they are.". Some are more regulated than others. This is when someone makes a claim that is too vague to be proven or disproven. As children of God we have been given a level of authority here on earth, but a. Most people rely on search engines to solve problems in their daily live and mostly end up visiting content produced by what they consider to be "expert" writers. As such, please follow suit and do not try to argue for allowing it again, as it only serves to waste the time of other members. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Bureaucrats primarily have a lot of authority when it comes to major wiki policy changes, rather than regular content revision threads. Please don't attempt to upgrade the Sphere of Gods to tier Low 1-A or 1-A. The content revision process is an important aspect of maintaining the accuracy and quality of our series verse. Is he truly invincible?". Omnipotence is its definition. This is an appeal to flattery, the person complements his opponent in order to get him to concede. The person in this example ignores the possibility that Nami could have seen Enel powering up his attack before he actually fired it and set up her defense in advance. The main purpose of this forum is to discuss how to properly index the statistics of characters from a wide variety of different fictional franchises. This is similar to the previous fallacy, except it works in reverse - a person attempts to use an exception to overturn a rule. Power/Ability to: Be the author of existence. Chapter 2 relates a historical theology of the authority and inspiration of Scripture . Financial Approval/PTA Authority. The person in this example is ignoring any actual evidence and facts and just basing his reasoning on what the majority of people said. So far, he has taken every single attack thrown at him on the chin and either picked himself off the ground or absolutely tanked it, coming out completely unharmed either way. Example: "There can't be a Naruto character that can beat Luffy, because it's always been known that Naruto characters are no match for him.". I win!". The Overmonitor itself, in fact, is meant to be a representation of the blank page on which the comic is drawn. Example: "DBZ characters are so powerful, I find it hard to believe that there are characters stronger than them.". Example: "In Bleach, Arrancars use the 'Sonido' speed technique. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Example: "The OPverse is stronger than the Narutoverse. 4. However, there are also factors that can speak against Reality-Fiction Transcendence, even if all of the above is given. Example: "Samurai Deeper Kyo characters can move faster than light. SEPO. Whether we do or not, it has to do with the perspective of the story. ", Person B: "I already explained this to you, he has trouble sensing people even with strong, familiar ki's if they are too far away, and the dimension thing isn't really quantifiable, especially considering it was harder for him to sense the Nameks in his own dimension than it was to sense King Kai in the afterlife. Author Authority Destiny Manipulation Future Manipulation Identity Manipulation Mental Manipulation Past Manipulation Present Manipulation Samsara Manipulation Soul Manipulation Omnifarious Almighty Absorbing Replication Body Recreation Mindshifting Belief Dependent Physiology Self-Particle Manipulation Personal Status Soul Recreation However, depending on the details and depictions of the Reality-Fiction Transcendence, it can be more than a simple 'dimensional jump', for example because each reality-fiction "level" having been explained to contain more than one level of infinity (e.g. In reality, the person who made that claim would be the one required to prove it. Read 7,472 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. That means he can't have fast combat speed.". Its cosmology, consistency, and ratings have been debated heavily over the years, and attempts at downgrades have frequently been rejected before (Examples include: Do NOT post any threads or comments about, Do not attempt to upgrade the main cast to, Please do not make content revision threads attempting to upgrade, Do not try to upgrade the cast to Low 7-B based on, Do not try to downgrade Touhous speed ratings on the basis of, Don't attempt to upgrade S-class characters in. If the person answers yes, they will admit that they are making a retarded claim, if they answer no, they will admit that the claim they made was retarded. This example is merely a vague statement that carries no real meaning without a point of reference. Tm hiu thm. That makes such states relevant for the tiering of characters. This is when someone states that since there is insufficient evidence of something, it cannot possibly be true. It is understood that there may be instances where a staff member has expertise or knowledge of a particular series verse that allows them to confidently approve a revision on their own. Created by writer Warren Ellis and artist Bryan Hitch, The Authority took the standard superhero tropes and shook them up with a manga-influenced "widescreen" style that used splash pages and large panels to make the business of saving the world actually look impressive for once.. Potential mediums for viewing a cosmology as fiction include: written media (Books or stories), images (Paintings, comics, or movies), data (Simulations or video games), or mental constructs (thoughts or dreams). Another, more common way this could be phrased is: "Are you kidding? Author Bylines and Bios on Every Piece of Content Every blog post or in-depth article on your website should be accompanied with a clearly displayed author byline and bio. He has reached out for Will's hand), Lifting Strength: Class T with Telekinesis (Can lift a large mountain and leave it floating) | Below Average Human (Cannot support his weight, said to weigh as much as paper, though this might have been a hyperbole), Striking Strength: Unknown | Below Average Human level, Durability: Unknown | Unknown for his crystal prison (Supposedly no being in the multiverse could break it, and Will required the sahttr, a blade that can slice through the fabric of reality itself, to shatter it), Below Average Human level for Himself (An extremely old and frail man kept in a state of near-death for millennia. ", More complex descriptions of various logical fallacies. ; ), Stamina: Superhuman possibly Infinite via flight (Angels are tireless) | Below Average (Can't move on his own and is extremely frail and weak. As such, perceiving 1-A characters as fiction should only be considered a higher degree of Outerverse level, unless there are further circumstances suggesting that a reality-fiction difference can be equated to higher tiers, in which case they should be carefully evaluated. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Because of this, she can edit and modify it at a whim, allowing her to do absolutely anything she wants including defeating Lambdadelta just by simply narrating it. Behavior of the created boundary. etc.". In addition, there may have been other factors in play that the person neglected to mention (for example, the Hyenas may have been sick or injured before the fight started). His domain would then spread across many worlds throughout the multiverse, and in each of them, he was believed to be the creator of the Universe. There, it is shown that one universe's reality is another's fiction, and characters will often encounter and read their own comic books when traversing between the Multiverse. The Administrator(s) should provide their evaluations and input regarding the suggested revision, and their decision will be given significant weight in the final determination of approval. So what they're really saying is simply that Goku is not slower, weaker, dumber, and a worse tactician than every American comic book character. Example: "In One Piece, the Cipher Pol units grow progressively stronger as their numbers increase. The listed rules are to be followed for discussions (forums), in addition to the site rules. "Goku is faster than light speed because you can't prove he's not!". However, the medium in which they view the world as fiction generally does not matter, as it being fiction is enough for a Reality-Fiction Transcendence to be considered. The opposite would be true, though. We've seen him travel long distances in a short time, so he has fast travelling speed. However, he could exert enough energy to take Will's hand when he offered it to him), Range: Kilometers with most abilities, Multiversal+ for Soul Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Teleportation / Portal Creation & Illusions | Standard melee range, Intelligence: Incredibly high (Was a cunning and manipulative being with millennia of experience, who convinced not only all of Heaven but most of the multiverse that he was a supreme, Omnipotent deity) | Senile & Dying, incapable of coherent thought, Weaknesses: None notable | Is an extremely old and frail man who can't stand or move on his own. Authenticity, is the embodiment of legitimate self-authorship, self-authority and the influence of being genuine . Author Authority Featherine Augustus Aurora (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) is the author of the whole Umineko story. The Writer, also known as Grant Morrison, among numerous other names, is the representation of all DC Comics writers within the story. "The Green Knight is stated in-universe to be invincible. Likewise, the race of the Monitors are treated as the writers and editors of the entire Multiverse, but even them, alongside the totality of existence are but a microscopic inkblot on white canvas that is The Void. VSBW is a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Boskalis Westminster. Angel of Death Row: My Life as a Death Penalty Defense Lawyer (Hardcover) by. Example: "A fight between KN4 Naruto and Hollow Ichigo would be a lot like a fight between a bear and a fly - one big, hulking monster against a small, fast, maneuverable enemy. Example: "Dark Schneider is really powerful.". Jesus was asked by whose authorization he taught ( Matt 21:23 ). "That is too vague, Goku has trouble sensing someone with normal human ki, even if we assume the Flash has ki (which is not necessarily true), then since he uses the Speedforce for his powers and not ki, his ki would not be any greater than that of a normal human. Margaret Powell. Authority (Southern Reach Trilogy #2) by Jeff VanderMeer Authority book. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Author authority is a concept that has been around for years. Editor in Chief. Whether or not this accusation is true, it has no merit on the actual arguments being presented. This is when someone asks a question that presupposes a conclusion, so no matter what yes or no answer the person gives, it will fit the agenda of his opponent. However, do not add. Here I've reviewed five great martial arts fiction novels that stand apart from the tired Wuxia and Manga-style genres, through great storytelling and even better characters.. This is when someone makes a syllogistic argument that relies on the existence of a set that is not known to exist. Scripture's authority doesn't depend on whether mankind cooperates with it or understands it. It is not uncommon in fiction for characters to view lesser realities as if they were fiction, in much the same way as a real world human would view fiction. Please refrain from creating content revision threads that consist solely of links to off-site sources (such as Youtube, Reddit, other VS forums, etc.) The final decision on the approval of a content revision should be based on a thorough and unbiased evaluation of the suggested changes and their impact on a verse. Reality-Fiction Transcendence is a state where a being is qualitatively superior to another world, as a result of seeing the world as fiction and thus being more 'real' than said world. You say that there is something objectionable about a person, therefore people shouldn't listen to their arguments. Example: "Luffy wore an afro when he fought Foxy. A component name may also be input for NV. Generally, this type of authority is delegated within the university . Harrier Du Bois is the main protagonist of Disco Elysium. Their authority in this regard may be restricted to specific areas. Vegito has no indication of scaling to either and the proposal would be unfounded without further proof. There's no way he'd sense the Flash, who only has normal human - equivalent ki, and is moving way faster than any DBZ character, and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to react in time to stop him. For minor revisions and self-evident revisions, it is sufficient to seek the approval of one staff member with evaluation rights. Example: "The poll in this thread has more votes for character A than character B, so character A wins". Therefore X is in set A." ( Author ) ] { Hardcover } 2009 by Linder, Stuart A. We currently have 1,184 edits to 97 articles and 199 images on this wiki. For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. They lack any legitimate or notable feats to index, and the author has been notoriously touchy regarding copyright for it. Jon Gabriel Undisputed King of Stuff. We do not really recognise either term, so it may be best to close this. In edge cases, where it is unclear whether a depiction qualifies as truly viewing a world as fiction, the most important deciding factor is whether the depiction justifies an assumption of qualitative superiority for the same reasons as the above mentioned general cases. Note that the medium is usually a representation or container for the fiction on a higher plane and not necessarily the fiction in itself. Please avoid creating image-sharing threads featuring characters that you find attractive. Eventually (or so he hopes), his opponent will get tired of arguing and he can declare victory. So for example, viewing a Low 2-C to 2-A cosmology as fiction would grant Low 1-C, doing so to a 6-Dimensional Low 1-C construct would scale the character to 1-C, doing so to a 10-Dimensional High 1-C structure would be the equivalent of an 11-D High 1-C and so on. This is when someone states that if a certain condition is true for A, then it must also be true for any larger set that A is a part of. However, this is not the case for every setting. The partnership brings together two of the world's leading maritime contractors; VolkerStevin focusing on marine civil engineering and Boskalis Westminster on dredging and reclamation. Life doesn't have plots and subplots and denouements. Reality Equalization as a concept equalizes the 'baseline reality' to be the reality that is most prominent within the story, being treated as a normal 3-D reality. The characters from both realities are generally being portrayed as comparable in power. This is when someone evaluates the merit of an argument based on its origin, or where it comes from, instead of the actual logic and evidence it contains. The answer depends on the person saying it. Originally, the siblings were ancient deities . He falsely declared to the angels who were born after him that he was God, and was worshiped as such. Our staff have also grown tired of the repeated requests to allow this. NOTE: This fallacy is often invoked improperly, because there's a big difference between stating "There is no evidence of A, so A cannot possibly be true" (which would be a fallacy) and "There is no evidence of A, so we cannot assume A to be true" (which is correct logic). Person A never said Luffy was light speed, person B is making that up to make Person A's argument look bad. This is when someone attempts to make someone else prove a claim when the burden of proof is really on them to prove it. Those include: Additionally, the showings should be reasonably clear. ), We have moved to a new external forum hosted at The ones with new replies have bold text: When arguing for changing character statistics, do not assume that the staff will have in-depth knowledge about the fictional franchise in question. However, this is fiction, so nothing is "omnipotent", but logically, it trumps even author authority. Author Authority 5 Paragraph Essay A Hook for an Essay APA Body Paragraph Context Essay Outline Evidence Harvard Hedging Language Used in Academic Writing MHRA Referencing MLA Opinion Opinion vs Fact Plagiarism Quotations Restate Summarize Summary Works Cited Argumentative Essay Emotional Arguments in Essays Ethical Arguments in Essays You're wrong. Generally try to avoid derailing content revision discussion threads from the original topic, We cannot deal with too many different subjects at once, so it is usually better to start a new thread instead. 1. Example: "Superman was tagged by Solomon Grundy, who is slow, therefore Superman can be tagged by anyone as fast or faster than Grundy.". If there existconflicting accepted calculations for the same feat,the, To use images on the forum, you must use image upload sites such as Imgur, ImgBB, etcetera, and link the URL of the image that ends with .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .gif by using the. Supercharge your career, no matter what and where you write. The Authority was 10-C andthere was no wind in the room), Bacteriophage (Real World) Bacteriophage's Profile, Hody Jones (One Piece) Hody's Profile (This is 10-C Authority vs Elderly Hody, Speed is Equalized, battle takes place at a Burger King in Nebraska. Example: "You copy - and - pasted that info from another website, instead of writing it yourself. Content Revision Threads need to be supported by scans, quotes, video clips, accepted calculations, or any other direct proof that claimed events actually happened in the source material. Characters inhabiting such realities can frequently be viewed as being infinitely more powerful than those they view as fictional as, similar to our own relationship with fiction, no matter how powerful something in fiction is, it can never attack reality. Power/Ability to: Possess absolutely all powers and abilities. It merely means that they are attempting to argue for it improperly. For thousands of years, he remained trapped, aging but never truly dying. This leads to much discussion about certain feats, statements and calcs, about their validity, reliability, etcetera. An Angels mind/awareness extends into every universe of which there are countless billions to infinite, Able to search and scour someone's being to glean information about them, Type 1; Angels are made of Light and emit so much light they are difficult to look at, their true form is described as 'akin to architecture, and composed entirely of intelligence and feeling, Far lesser angels pull souls from the worlds of the multiverse and cast them to the Afterlife, or transform them into angels. Author Authority Divine Authority Associations Authority Manipulation Obedience Manipulation Personal Domain Supernatural Dominion Unclaimed Land Manipulation Willpower Embodiment Limitations Can have only control over what the user has authority over. In this case, the person is not actually debating the point (Superman vs. Goku) and is only attempting to invalidate his opponent's argument based on a possible motive. Coupling all of this information with Grant Morrison's own Animal Man run, wherein the titular character encounters his writer, and learns that they are nothing but fiction, it becomes clear that, despite our general strong reservations for Reality-Fiction Transcendence, The Writer is heavily intertwined with, and impossible to separate from DC Comics' fictional mythology. If the statement is only valid in the context of its setting, or if it holds up in comparison with other settings. In order to qualify they must view the world as a some actual form of 'fiction', i.e. Therefore, some characters that are faster than light cannot perform a speedblitz. We need your help! This argument ignores the fact that while Luffy is strong, Aokiji is simply stronger. Two wrongs don't make a right, after all. He would never sense someone moving at FTL speed with only average human ki. Then he began to withdraw, and he forbade Moses to look at his face. to them what happens in the fiction is not real and of no physical consequence to their being and also otherwise is of no greater consequence to their being than an actual fictional character could reasonably be to a real life human. It should be noted that despite whatever the author may intend, a characters cannot interact with the true Real World that we all live in. This is when a statistical survey only takes into consideration a sample of people or entities that are biased towards the conclusion. The opening post of a content revision thread has to include a clear summary in the opening post what major changes are being made so that everyone involved in the discussion will be on the same page. News Authority. Authorship & Authority When you consider the quality of your sources, you should also consider the authorship and authority of your sources. The person in this example states that since they do not know of something personally, it cannot exist. Example: "Galactus was beaten by Thor, therefore he can be easily beaten by anyone around or above Thor's level". You just have to double check to see by how much, as well as: Note: Please remember that character and narrative statements tend to use flowery language and exaggerate to certain degrees. We do not use the Daizenshuu (and previously released guides based on Daizenshuu) as a reliable source to determine Universe 7's size because many claims regarding its size and structure, such as the existence of four galaxies, or them existing infinitely, the universe being infinite, the heaven being infinite, etc. Where is God, if he's alive? That means they can also travel through time.". We will consider, 1. It is important to remember that all staff members, regardless of their rank, have a responsibility to act in the best interests of each verse by prioritizing accuracy and quality above personal preferences or biases. This is when one person corrupts an opponent's argument into something different, a "straw man" that they set up just to knock it down. Refrain from scaling characters to the Hadron Enforcer. For all content revision suggestions, a grace period of 48 hours should be allowed for the reviewing staff members to evaluate and approve them. Example: "You only think Superman could beat Goku because you hate DBZ!". A single verse shouldn't have more than 3 content revisions threads running simultaneously. Please refrain from using the "Boruto: Naruto the Movie Novelization" for scaling. If lightning is heading towards you, either you can't move that fast and you'll be hit, or you can move that fast and you can block or dodge it. Publisher : Greenleaf Classics Adult Books AB1663 (January 1, 1973) Language : English The premise in this case (Rocks flying upwards and craters spontaneously forming means the object at the center is increasing its own gravity) is false, since not only could there be many other explanations for these effects, but if the gravity of the characters was increasing, it would pull rocks toward them, not lift them up towards the sky, and if the gravity was really strong enough to counter the earth's own gravity by lifting the rocks, it would tear the earth apart. Is treated as sufficiently portrayed and is important to the story travelling speed. `` to a new forum! Basing his reasoning on what the majority of people or entities that are directly relevant to the.... More votes for character a than character B, then a causes B not, it can not possibly true... Declare victory, even if all of the repeated requests to allow this currently 1,184. 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