Engine number 2 exploded over Indonesia, damaging a wing and causing a fuel tank fire, forcing the plane, an A380 with 469 people on board, to make an emergency landing in Singapore. The restart attempts failed. Is there a physiological process through which extreme stress can cause hair to change colour this fast? He just wanted to get the plane on the ground. The pilot had attempted a water landing while trying to fight off the hijackers. SIMON: I mean, the engines were choking with volcanic ash, right? "Engine failure number four engine failure number two," he said. Moody displaying the cool-headed nature required of a pilot made the following announcement to his passengers: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Shortly after that, engines one and two successfully restarted as well. All four engines have stopped. MOODY: Well, it was sheer bloody-mindedness and persistence. We got two or three thousand feet of clear air. One study showed that hair naturally greys through the same chemical used to bleach hair from bottles. The plane landed safety in Jakarta despite the almost total lack of visibility. Pa XXX" on the cover of his ticket wallet.[2]. The events around one British Airways flight in 1982 reveal the potential dangers of this sort of dust. Needing time to calmly consider his options, Capt Moody used autopilot to put the plane into a gentle descent, and instructed his first officer to issue a mayday call. Out of the 175 people on board, 125 died in the accident. This is your captain speaking. "That's not unusual in high wispy cloud. With insufficient oxygen masks for those on board, co-pilot Alastair Atchison, who was also helping hold Lancaster inside the aircraft, made a rapid emergency descent and searched for the nearest airport. Eric Moody THE HAMPSHIRE pilot of the infamous 1982 British Airways Flight 9 incident today said he believed the Malaysian Airlines MH370 was brought down deliberately. The crew decided that if the aircraft was unable to maintain altitude by the time they reached 12,000 feet (3,700m) they would turn back out to sea and attempt to ditch into the Indian Ocean. Jan 31 Saints and Broncos are finalizing compensation in return for Super Bowl-winning HC Sean Payton, sources tell ESPN. Broncos fans: 0:11 1.6M views The pilot chose to continue to accelerate and performed a steep take-off, avoiding a collision by just 19 metres (62 feet). The best explanation for it is not that the hair changes colour, but that the pigmented hairs fall out. Though incredibly rare, there have been a few other instances where commercial airliners have been forced to make a landing on water. Capt Moody was piloting a 263-seater British Airways Boeing 747 flight from London to Auckland in June 1982 when he ran into an ash plume erupting from Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia. You can say its in my blood. Eventually, after quarter of an hour without any power, the engines were brought back to life. I trust you are not in too much distress.". Effective date of retirement is no later than August 1, 2022. Then theres a more recent case study of a 54-year-old woman in Switzerland who had a small patch of hair loss. The same thing is said to have happened to several historical figures, but in a far shorter time frame. His head and torso were outdoors at 17,300 feet and being battered by 300mph winds while his legs remained inside, with flight attendants gripping him tightly. The Miracle on the Hudson was hailed as the most successful ditching in aviation history by the NTSB. And about 100 over the runway I sank back into the seat and said, well, that's it, lads. Ahoy there! He attended a school near Winchester that had an RAF cadet force and, importantly, learnt to fly a glider at 16. It wasn't me any more than the other two on the flight deck. Host Scott Simon talks to the retired pilot about the current cloud of volcanic ash drifting across Europe, and how airlines will have to cope. SIMON: Are airliners better equipped to handle a volcano? So a severe shock could trigger hair loss, but with only the coloured hairs falling out, leaving someone who already has some grey with a whole head of white hair. He eventually landed safely in Southampton, where Lancaster was treated for frostbite, shock and a broken arm. The crew immediately descended and held 12,000 feet (3,700m). Born in Savannah, Ga and growing up in Hinesville, I was always close to saltwater. A close examination of the plane revealed the damage a plume of these tiny particles can do to an engine - the tips of the turbine blades had been ground away. Maybe its the idea that the body reveals more than we think, that underneath the impressive calmness which allowed Captain Moody to save the lives of 247 passengers, his body was telling a different story. Captain Chris Henkey and the crew of the Boeing 777-200 bound for Londons Gatwick airport from Las Vegas had to abandon the takeoff partway down the runway when one of the two engines caught fire. Moody decides on an emergency descent rather than lose a valuable crew member but Greaves manages to fix the mask and the crew reduces the descent rate as it passes through 20,000 feet. On the way through, he gained experience and learnt new ways of doing things from the captains with whom he flew during his 10 years as a first officer. However, it soon began to grow thicker and had an ominous odour of sulphur. Youll love it! Pa XXX"), while Moody calculated how far the plane might be able to glide before reaching sea level (91 miles he deduced, from its flight level of 37,000 feet). The events around one British Airways flight in 1982 reveal the potential dangers of this sort of dust. Copyright Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia, Captain Moodys wisdom: the aeroplane might break any minute. The second engine failed 30 seconds later and the other two shortly afterwards. This episode was repeated a number of times when the Eyjafjallajkull volcano caused a large-scale shutdown of European airspace. The near-miss was compared to the 1977 Tenerife Airport disaster, the deadliest aviation accident of all time, in which 583 people were killed after two Boeing 747s collided on the runway. Plane going down. And If Id tried to do things by the book, I dont know whether wed still be here.. This allowed the 747 to climb but Moody says there was no sense of elation. The aircraft was taken out of service in February 2004; in 2009, the then 30-year-old aircraft was scrapped. We finish on a slightly comical note. Can hair really turn white overnight? And quite honestly, it would probably be too heavy to make commercial sense. There was no book for us, he says from his home in England. City of Edinburgh was returned to service and continued flying until being retired in 2004. Moody and his crew began trying to restart the engines, even though the number 4 engine was technically not allowed. With cabin pressure dropping, the flight crew needs to get on oxygen but the first officers mask has problems and there is a risk he might succumb to hypoxia. "The commander's decision to land the aircraft immediately on the runway remaining was sensible in the circumstances," anAir Accidents Investigation Branch report concluded. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. But that alone wasn't enough to cause alarm, Capt Moody says, recalling the events when he spoke to BBC's Good Morning Scotland on Thursday. It was scrapped at Bournemouth Airport, Dorset, England, in 2009. Shortly before touchdown, "his prosthetic limb became detached from the yoke clamp, depriving him of control of the aircraft," said an Air Accidents Investigation Branch report. Captain Eric Moody was later praised for a cabin announcement that was described as "a masterpiece of understatement.". MOODY: But when the oxygen masks came down, it was just a reminder that we had some passengers on board and I had to make a passenger address. City of Edinburgh, later renamed City of Elgin, continued to fly for British Airways after the incident, before being sold to European Aviation Air Charter. Part of the floor at the rear gave way, severing a control cable and disabling an engine. As they performed the engine restart procedure, engine number four finally started, and at 13:56 UTC (20:56 Jakarta time), Moody used its power to reduce the rate of descent. Airmanship may sound old school but former British Airways captain Eric Moody argues it is just as important now as it was when he and his crew struggled to restart all 4 engines on his Boeing 747-200 in 1982. same chemical used to bleach hair from bottles. Despite the weather radar showing clear skies, the crew switched on engine anti-ice and the passenger seat belt signs as a precaution. All rights reserved. Up in the cockpit, Moody and his team were working overtime. [3], At approximately 13:42 UTC (20:42 Jakarta time), engine number four began surging and soon flamed out. Within a year the rest of his hair had done the same. New York, New York, United States. Im married to the lovely Claire Moody who is the General Manger of the Seafarer Inn and Suites on Jekyll. But as they flew over Java, an engine failed. But eventually, when the passenger oxygen masks dropped as the plane steepened its descent, the news had to be announced. "For an aircraft travelling at about 125mph, that's carnage. WebCaptain Eric Moody was later praised for a cabin announcement that was described as "a masterpiece of understatement." After its closing I did what most young people do at a tourist destination and started waiting tables and bartending. British Airways flight 5290 had taken off from London on its way to Spain on 10 June 1990 when part of the planes windshield came loose and sucked Captain Tim Lancaster out of the plane. There was plenty of time to think and there were three of us, Moody says. At 13,500 feet (4,100m), the crew was approaching the altitude at which they would have to turn over the ocean and attempt a risky ditching. In his calmest pilots voice Moody made an announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking. "We were heading straight for the buildings around Hatton Cross Tube station," Burkill recalled. "[1] Although the runway lights could be made out through a small strip of the windscreen, the landing lights on the aircraft seemed to be inoperable. Will do best for boys. Pearson initially thought a fuel pump had failed but soon realized the engines had lost power, and was able to glide the Boeing 767-233 safely to an emergency landing at Gimli Industrial Park airport. Burkill took the instinctive decision to bring in the aircraft's flaps in a last-ditch attempt to reduce drag and give the plane a chance of clearing Hatton Cross. All they knew was that the jumbo jet, which was en route to Perth from Kuala Lumpur as part of a London-Auckland trip, had become a glider. As the ash entered the engines, it melted in the combustion chambers and adhered to the inside of the power-plant. The airliner, flown by Captain Eric Moody, lost thrust from all four engines at 37,000ft. Hackett took the unorthodox decision to immediately re-land at Stansted rather than climb away and touch down later. There are times, he tells Flight Safety Australia, that pilots need to work outside the rules and this was one of them. In this remarkable incident, on board a BA flight to Malaga with 81 passengers, a badly-fitted windscreen panel failed, sucking the captain, Tim Lancaster, halfway out of the cockpit. Hamble was strong on airmanship and those early lessons stuck with Moody throughout his career. They had no idea what was causing the flame-outs. A flight attendant grabbed Lancaster to keep him from flying away. It's a major hassle when your prosthetic arm has just fallen off. The minimum time in grade to be considered eligible for retirement is two years. "[10], British Airways continued to operate the Flight 9 route from London Heathrow to Sydney; in March 2012 the route was curtailed to Bangkok. The sky was clear and the crew were happy because they had some extra Malaysian satay that night. Dec 2021 - Present1 year 2 months. And I found that difficult because the internal telephone system wasn't working. There was a scientist who afterwards, called Fred Prata - P-R-A-T-A - and he developed a volcanic ash detector. The plane had flown into a cloud of dust spewed out by an eruption of Mount Galunggung, 110 miles south east of Jakarta. In 1970, an ALM flight from New York to the island of St Maarten ran out of fuel following three landing attempts in adverse weather, and was ultimately forced to land in the Caribbean Sea. The captain, Eric Moody, tried to reassure passengers with the following statement: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. This raised the possibility BA9 might have to attempt an ocean ditching if the engines could not be restarted by 12,000 feet. Passengers reportedly scribbled notes to loved ones (one, by Charles Capewell, read: "Ma. He then called out how high they should be at each DME step along the final approach to the runway, creating a virtual glide slope for them to follow. What now for Paul the eight-limbed oracle? From November, 1981, to September, 1986, he coordinated all the FBIs Labor Racketeering investigations. Despite the crew "squawking" the emergency transponder setting of 7700, the aeroplane could not be located by Air Traffic Control on their radar screens. The plane was a write-off - the nose gear collapsed, the right main gear separated from the aircraft, penetrating a fuel tank, and the left main gear was pushed up through the wing - but just one passenger had suffered a serious injury by the time it came to a halt beside the threshold markings at the start of the runway. A total of 40 passengers, including 18 Leeds players, and four crew were on board theHawker Siddeley 748 as it barrelled down the runway at Stansted Airport, bound for Leeds-Bradford. We love you. But there was no sign of that on the 747s weather radar, although turning on the landing lights gave the impression of flying through clouds. We have a small problem. A dry sense of perspective that probably did more to relax the passengers than thousands of words of explanation ever could have. It was a masterpiece, period. "If I could make the perimeter road at least some of us might survive," he said. "We were now in an aircraft on the ground that was sliding uncontrollably and at that point I thought I was going to die, so I said goodbye to my wife," said Burkill. Eric Moody also showed little sign of being terrified as he managed to make an emergency landing at Jakarta airport later he discovered that a plume of ash from a volcano had knocked out all four engines. We owe it to all who fly to act on what we have learned and not just let important recommendations gather dust on a shelf., He added: I am still very glad that we were able to save every life in such a sudden and intense crisis for which we had never been specifically trained.. I trust you are not in too much distress. After landing, the flight crew found it impossible to taxi, due to glare from apron floodlights which made the already sandblasted windscreen opaque. The minimum time in grade to be considered eligible for retirement is two years. It wasnt until later, when he, his crew and the 247 passengers on board the flight, were safely back on the ground, that Moody discovered the cause of the narrowly averted catastrophe volcanic ash. Heading for Perth, Australia, the weather forecast for the five-hour journey was good and the crew were anticipating an uneventful flight. We have a small problem. We just kept trying. [9] G-BDXH's engineless flight entered the Guinness Book of Records as the longest glide in a non-purpose-built aircraft. Henkey is the latest man and all these heroes are men, owing to an industry where women are still an extreme minority to join the ranks of airplane pilots who demonstrated quick thinking in the face of destruction. A build-up of ice crystals had caused a restriction in the flow of fuel. After being ferried back to London, engine number four was replaced and major work was undertaken to return the aircraft to service. The crew began engine restart drills, despite being well above the recommended maximum engine in-flight start envelope altitude of 28,000 feet (8,500m). You can hear more Medical Myths on Health Check on the BBC World Service. This is your captain speaking. In trouble. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. And they were working equally as hard as me. But 10 years ago it had a very close call. Its about this time Moody makes one of aviations most understated and famous passenger announcements: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Airmanship may sound old school but former British Airways captain Eric Moody argues it is just as important now as it was when he and his crew struggled to restart all 4 engines on his Boeing 747-200 in 1982. Moody hadnt a clue why. The reason for the failure was not immediately apparent to the crew or ground control. Moody hadnt a clue why. Yet there is something about the idea of hair changing colour through shock that is fascinating. Jan 31 Saints and Broncos are finalizing compensation in return for Super Bowl-winning HC Sean Payton, sources tell ESPN. Broncos fans: 0:11 1.6M views We have a small problem. We are doing our damnedest to get them going again. The subsequent explosive decompression saw part of the floor at the rear of the cabin give way, severing a control cable and disabling one of the engines. Saving the flight fell to Atchison, the co-pilot, who tried to get on the radio to declare an emergency, but couldnt hear the response because of the noises surrounding him. The only way to go faster, and avoiding stalling, was to take a steeper approach. WebPresident, Moodys Analytics: Michael West: President, Moodys Investors Service: John J. Goggins: Executive Vice President & General Counsel: Senior Vice Presidents; Maral Kazanjian: Chief People Officer: Scott Kenney: Risk Management & Chief Audit Executive: David Platt: Chief Strategy Officer Caroline Sullivan https://www.seafarerinnandsuites.com/. The plane headed back to Jakarta where it landed safely, though even then one of the engines had failed again. This is your captain speaking. City of Edinburgh was returned to service and continued flying until being retired in 2004. They had no idea what was causing the flame-outs. Capt Moody was piloting a 263-seater British Airways Boeing 747 flight from London to Auckland in June 1982 when he ran into an ash plume erupting from Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia. With nerves of steel, the captain, Eric Moody, miraculously landed the plane. Less than a minute later, at 13:43 UTC (20:43 Jakarta time), engine two surged and flamed out. Engines one, two and three were replaced at Jakarta, as well as the windscreen, and the fuel tanks were cleared of the ash that had entered them through the pressurisation ducts, contaminating the fuel and requiring that it be disposed of. The engines had enough electrical power to restart because one generator and the onboard batteries were still operating; electrical power was required for ignition of the engines. And then another and another. WebMoody was then transferred to FBI Headquarters, OC Section, Criminal Investigative Division. Despite the lack of time, Moody made an announcement to the passengers that has been described as "a masterpiece of understatement":[3]. The crew decided to fly the ILS (Instrument Landing System); however, the glide slope (vertical guidance) system was inoperative, so they were forced to fly with only the localizer (lateral guidance) as the first officer monitored the airport's DME (Distance Measuring Equipment). He obtained his private pilot licence at 17 flying Hornet Moths, Tiger Moths and Chipmunks and from there it was off to the BOAC training college at Hamble. I trust you are not in too much distress.. We have a small problem. It was two days before investigators confirmed that volcanic ash had been responsible for the near disaster. In his calmest pilots voice Moody made an announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is your captain speaking. Nevertheless, he was back at work in less than five months. 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