Within just a few days, Doc and Babe were back at the site with ropes and flashlights. In November 1958, a team of four weekend gold seekers rediscovered the hoard. In a hunt that began last Thursday, Mr. Delonas's group has been given one year to search for the gold. Did they even exist at all? Searching with 15 people at a time to try to determine the size of the cave, the group in a few weeks plans to start drilling 6-inch holes several hundred feet deep into the areas where the soundings show the cave is. He also told his wife that there were enough gold and silver coins to load 60 to 80 mules.. Mr. Fertig denied that the report had been censored. After scraping a small section of the bar clean, she exclaimed, Doc, this is gold!. A small town was built near the place Many years later, a man named Milton Ernest Doc Noss spent some time exploring Victorio Peak while on a deer hunt. He told this writer that the gold bars in the cave were stacked like cordwood.. November 16, 2015. Most deposits are thin and less than 45 ft below the surface, but thicker deposits are found in the Elizabethtown-Baldy district (up to 275 ft) and in the Rio Grande Valley district (up to 370 ft). The gold was then shipped to Switzerland and sold in a new form in Zurich. Ever since then, driven by a desire to become fabulously wealthy, Mr. Noss himself, his descendants, investors and soldiers at White Sands Missile Range, which includes Victorio Peak, have gone in time after time searching for treasure, but have always come up empty. However, the business often passes the tax onto the consumer by adding it to the selling price. Mrs. Noss now says she never heard about the divorce and as serts that she is his legal widow. Gold also concentrates above cemented gravels and clay layers within gravel deposits, which constrain downward migration of gold particles. Now, cleared to go by an act of Congress, the best-equipped search ever is under way with $1 million in backing from the descendants and some investors. Mrs. Noss and Mrs. Guthrie, meanwhile, say that they had heard about the 1963 search and rushed to the base, arriving the day before it ended. "We're treating the gold searchers just like any other client," said Jim Eckles, a spokesman for the White Sands range. Doc returned with a gold bar, presented it to his wife, Babe, and the couple soon dedicated their lives to exploring Victorio Peak, living in a tent at the base of the mountain in search of treasure. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. White Sands is the nation's largest military installation, about the size of Delaware and Rhode Island combined. A deal with a man named Charlie Ryan went south, and Noss was gunned down. A new scientific analysis of a large gold bar found decades ago in downtown Mexico City reveals it was part of the plunder Spanish conquerors tried to carry away as they fled the Aztec capital . With legal ownership established, Noss began to work the claim openly, but he also became increasingly paranoid, hiding the gold bars all over the desert. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. The skeletons hands were bound behind its back apparently, the person had been deliberately left there to die. At one end of the chamber, the shaft continued downward. The reports of the massive treasure would consume his marriage and eventually his life, and mysteries around the treasure persist to this day (via Legends of America). Yet that is exactly what happened to Milton "Doc" Noss, a traveling doctor who discovered an extensive cave network laden with gold and historical artifacts or so he claimed. Several smaller rooms had been chiseled from the rock along one wall. Chester R. Johnson Jr., a museum archeologist at the time who wrote the official report of the treasure's history, says the 1963 search was inconclusive because, for example, seismic geophones do not work well near the surface. Lindgren, W., Graton, L.C., and Gordon, C.H., 1910, The ore deposits of New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 68, 361 p. McLemore, V.T., 1994, Placer gold deposits in New Mexico: McLemore, V.T., Dunbar, N., Heizler, L., and Heizler, M., 2014, Geology and mineral deposits of the Orogrande mining district, Jarilla Mountains, Otero County, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 65, p. 247-259. Doc Noss was born in Oklahoma and traveled all over the Southwest, seeking excitement. Among those who attested to the accessibility of the peaks treasure was Lynn Porter, a businessman now residing in San Diego, California. Lucky Gold Miners hit it Big in Downieville. Using ropes for support and guided by his flashlights wavering beam, Doc Noss descended a series of interconnecting chambers which led downward for 186 feet. After telling her what he had seen and shown her the loot, she insisted he go back into the mine for one of the iron bars. Noss divorced her, charging desertion. On the night of March 4, 1949, I went with Doc Noss and dug up 20 bars of gold at a windmill in the desert east of Hatch, New Mexico, and reburied them in the basin where Victorio Peak is. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Victorio_Peak_treasure&oldid=1133710645, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 January 2023, at 04:22. Description: Victorio Peak is surrounded by inhospitable environment near Hot Springs, New Mexico. All told, he reportedly found 27 human skeletons in the caverns of the mountain. We all dream of stumbling onto a map or riddle that will lead us on an adventure to find a treasure of glittering gold and jewels, but most of those tales only exist in bedtime stories and movies. In one of the most closely guarded crimes of recent history, hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tons of gold bullion were secretly and illegally removed from caverns on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, the beneficiaries allegedly including former President Lyndon Johnson and individuals connected with the U.S. Army, the Central Intelligence Agency and organized crime. The gold was supposedly removed from the cave and sent to Fort Knox. Begrudgingly, he did so. The mystery boils down to a single question: Was Milton (Doc) Noss telling the truth, or just a tall tale? Some were sold on the black market, some were stolen but others remained hidden during the next seven years when Doc and a bevy of partners attempted to dig back into the caverns, she asserted. McLemore, V.T., 2001, Silver and gold resources in New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Resource Map 21, 60 p. Luterbach, T.D., and McLemore, V.T. The military claim stemmed from a statement made by New Mexico officials on November 14, 1951, which withdrew prospecting, entry, location, and purchase under the mining laws, reserving the land for military use only. At least one close relative was convinced that Atkins death was not accidental and that it was directly related to his getting too close to the true story of Victorio Peak. Gold Bar Found Beneath Mexico City was Loot from Cortes' Aztec Retreat. Now, instead of having thousands of gold bars to draw from, Noss had only a few hundred that he had hidden in the desert. The Army then shut down all operations stating that no additional searches would be allowed. He was shot to death in 1949, but his first wife, Mrs. Ova Noss, now 77years old, insists she was with him. : Did 'Doc' Noss Really Find Caverns of Gold or Did He Pull Off a Hoax That Has Plagued His Kin for Years? Our Mineral Museum Its occasional visitors included hunting parties, and Doc Noss and his wife, Ova, were on one such expedition in search of deer. [3][b], A 1961 search by the U.S. Armythe peak lies within White Sands Missile Rangewas stopped following a request to state officials by Noss's first wife, Ova. Victorio Peak, a craggy outcropping of rock barely 500 feet tall, lies in the center of a desert lake known as the Hembrillo Basin in New Mexico. Becoming desperate for cash, Doc and a man named Joseph Andregg transported gold bars, coins, jewels, and artifacts into Arizona, selling them on the black market. Theories spread over how 16,000 gold bars came to be stashed away in a random cave in New Mexico. This writer conducted extensive interviews with Thomas Berlett. But the legend of the hidden gold was fueled again during the Watergate hearings in 1973. Led by U.S. Air Force Captain Leonard V. Fiege, the four had done extensive research on Victorio Peak, poring over old documents and records, and even traveling south into Mexico to check stories there regarding a man who has often been linked with the origin of the gold, Padre Philip La Rue. But, she said, mint officers confiscated the five bars and gave her husband a receipt for $97,000. There are four major stories on the treasure's origin, said Mr. One story involves a Jesuit missionary named Padre LaRue whose band of 40 gold mining families was massacred in a punitive raid by Spanish soldiers in the early eighteenhundreds. Mr. Bailey will not say, but Mrs. Noss and, her dozen or so partners have filed a $1billion Federal Court suit charging that the Government, the Secretary of the Army, several military officers and 200 John Does were conspiring to bilk her out of the treasure. 'Like Any Other Client'. In 1948, Doc met Charles Ryan, a Texan involved in drilling operations and oil exploration in West Texas. In effect, no one could mine the treasure, and that included the Army and Babe Noss. Published historic reserves exist for only two districts: Jicarilla with 5.4 million yd3 of 0.043 oz Au/yd3, or approximately 230,000 oz Au in place and Pittsburg with 2 million yd3 of 0.01 oz Au/yd3, or approximately 20,000 oz Au in place in 1936. See the article in its original context from. Reaching down, he could not budge it, but after digging around the rock, he got his hands under it. Only four districts have each yielded more than 100,000 oz of placer gold production: Elizabethtown-Baldy (DIS019), Hillsboro (DIS197), Old Placers (DIS187), and New Placers (DIS186). In 1955, the missile range was expanded and, the Army closed Victoria Peak to outsiders. However, White Sands issued an edict expressly forbidding them to return to the base. They also were given and passed lie detector tests. Berlett and Fiege had found a different passage into Victorio Peak, leading into a different chamber. Maxmillian was assassinated in 1867. In a deeper cavern, Doc found what he thought was a stack of worthless iron bars. Forrest . Lack of water has hampered mining in many districts and new technology, which minimizes water usage, may stimulate activity. I've heard that story at least 500 times. Ova Noss, Leonard Fiege and others dont listen when they are told to shut up and they pay the price. This was the beginning of protracted legal battles over the ownership of the claim. But while trying to blast his way to the gold in 1939, he accidentally closed the hole. Estimates vary on the number of bars removed, ranging up to 350 or so. Seventy-nine skeletons were described in an adjacent cavern. Lampros, for example, described having his photograph taken with Colonel Willard E. Holt of Lordsburg, New Mexico; each held an end of a bar while it was being sawed in half. Edward Atkins himself died, reportedly of a heart attack, in April 1979 while returning to Illinois from El Paso on a matter pertaining to his claim. In November 1937, Doc, Babe, and four others left on a deer hunt into the Hembrillo Basin. She called her lawyer, Philip Koury, of Kansas City, who phoned General Shinkle. On August 5, Fiege and his party returned to Victorio Peak, accompanied by the commander of the Missile Range, a secret service agent, and 14 military police. Mr. Bailey, who represents 50 unidentified claimants, says that with a helicopter and a half an hour he can lead officials to 292 gold bars, for openers. South Pass City - A Look into Wyoming's Past. The daughter of another man, Harvey Snow, died from a gunshot wound in the head after Snow had disregarded repeated warnings in regard to the peak. A third story asserts that Geronimo hid, Apache booty in the area. They believe that sophisticated equipment like devices to take soundings showing whether there are underground caves will help this search succeed where other ventures failed. After much searching, he finally found a small iron bar to carry back through the narrow passageway. Through the years, soldiers at White Sands have spent weekends looking for the gold. Congress had just passed an act outlawing the private ownership of gold, meaning he had no buyers for his supposed stash (via Unsolved ). Becoming even more complicated, a search of mining records failed to turn up any existing claims including that of Doc Noss. This has led to charges that military officers have stolen, are stealing, or are preparing to steal the treasure for themselves. Exploring further, he found even more skeletons stacked in a small enclosure, much like a burial chamber. Try as he would, Captain Fiege could not penetrate the opening he had used just three years earlier. He said he often grew angry that his grandmother was ignored or ridiculed for her efforts. Fearing Doc was getting a gun, Ryan fired a warning shot in Docs direction, demanding that Noss back away from the vehicle. Seeking out the Seven Cities of Gold, Onate was said to have been a cruel man, brutally subjugating the Indians to do his bidding by beating and torturing them. We are a research and service division of: Placer gold deposits were an important source of gold in New Mexico prior to 1902, but placer production after 1902 has been minor. Neither the Denver Mint nor the Federal records center in Denver, which has copies of gold receints for that period, could find the Noss receipt, spokesmen there said. They believe that if the Lue Map and the hieroglyphs could be deciphered then the gold bars could be found. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. Beyond the Hembrillo Basin is a hundred-mile stretch of desert known as the Jornada del Muerto. Suddenly, a host of people surfaced to lay claims on the legendary gold treasure. By completing a chemical analysis and determining the particle morphology of placer gold collected from these districts using an electron microprobe, patterns in the chemical signatures from each location can be used to examine chemical variability (1) within the individual placer gold particles, (2) within the same district and (3) among different districts. New Mexico does not have a sales tax. As far as I'm concerned, I've got more gold in my upper bridge than is in those mountains., The center of interest is Victoria Peak, a 1,500foot hill in the San Andres Mountains on missile range land about 25 miles northeast of Las Cruces. The two decided to keep the discovery between themselves and return to inspect the shaft later. However, Terry Delongas stated, Were not accusing the military of stealing the gold, but I do feel that the Department of the Army in the 1960s treated my grandmother unfairly However, weve worked very hard over the years to establish a working relationship with the military, and were certainly not going to jeopardize that by accusing them of theft.. These materials, including tape-recorded sessions wherein Lyndon Johnson discussed the disposition of some of the gold bars on his ranch, disappeared from Holmes office at the time of his death in February 1977. Subsequently, he also filed several mining claims on and around Victorio Peak and a treasure trove claim. She appealed to state officials, who forced the search to stop. By this time, Babes story had spread across the nation, profiled in several magazines and newspapers. Unable to sell the gold bars on the open market, Noss was stymied but continued to work steadily to remove the treasure. [7], Theories abound on the origins of the alleged treasure, including that it was pilfered from Mexico during the reign of the Austrian puppet Emperor Maximilian, or through collusion between Pancho Villa and Germany prior to World War I.[8]. According to accounts from members of the Noss family, Doc bagged no deer, but he found something that whetted his appetite for the area a shaft near the top of Victorio Peak which led into the bowels of the mountain. At one time, he brought out a crown, which contained 243 diamonds and one pigeon-blood ruby. After more than a year's effort, he took five bars to the Denver Mint. It would also explain the presence of the Wells Fargo bags, packsaddles, letters, and other artifacts dating to Victorios time. . This was shortly before a much-publicized expedition, entitled Operation Goldfinder, took place at the site in March 1977. John Dean, the former lawyer for President Richard M. Nixon, mentioned that Attorney General John Mitchell had been asked to pull strings to allow some searchers to look for the gold. However, the Army placed a two-week time limit on the group, and they had hardly started before they were forced to leave, without finding anything. Gold Bars Dozens of people claim a piece of the actionthat is, gold bars and treasure said to be hidden on the missile range, and worth from a few million dollars to $1.5billion. They found nothing. An affidavit dated October 28, 1961, was signed to this effect, also claiming to have seen a military jeep and a weapons carrier on the mountain. A four-pound gold bar found on a building site in downtown Mexico City last month is believed to be part of the treasure seized from the Aztec Emperor Montezuma II by the Spanish. Doc was trying to obey the law but they grabbed our gold, Mrs. Noss said, He blew up. They insisted they were photographed, finger printed, harassed and not al lowed to go near the search area. Further, they stated that underground wealth, in whatever form it took, belonged to the state or any legal license holders. In 1961, he returned to the desert and claims to have found 10 . In 1828, large placer deposits were found in the Ortiz Mountains in Santa Fe County (Old Placers district, DIS187), which began one of the earliest gold rushes in the western United States. But even the nicest people we'd take in, they'd see gold and go berserk.. Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology (INAH) says it has now confirmed that a 1.93-kilogram gold bar was part of looted Aztec treasure (AFP Photo/Jesus VALDOVINOS) A gold bar, found 15 feet down in a Mexico City park in 1981, was just announced to have been part of Montezuma's treasure. The two men told Porter they had taken one of the smaller bars from the stack because they felt it would be easier to handle than one of the large bars in moving through the long and sometimes difficult passage. [5] During the 1970s, lawyer F. Lee Bailey represented clients who claimed to know where the treasure was located. Meanwhile, Babe Noss had filed a counter-claim on the entire area. A gold bar found in a Mexico City park in 1981 was part of the Aztec treasure looted by Hernan Cortes and the Spanish conquistadors 500 years ago, a new study says. The future economic potential will depend upon the discovery of large-volume, medium-grade deposits that can be mined by bulk-mining methods. Victorio knew how much the white man valued gold and had little use for it himself; he amassed vast amounts of treasure by attacking the white settlers. There is evidence to indicate that many gold bars were removed from Victorio Peak a short time after Lynn Porter brought the bar to the Fort Bliss provost marshals office. We wanted to lay the matter to rest once and for all, said General Shinkle, who is now tetireil and lives in Cocoa Beach, Fla. We gave him a lie detector test beforehand and it was apparentiy, successful but he couldn't find anything.. Article content. (1.93 kilograms), while digging for the construction of a central bank in Mexico City. One group of claimants took the flashlight and provided the photo as evidence that they knew the location of the treasure. Now, researchers say the bar was. The bars that Noss and his crew removed from Victorio Peak were, in general, crudely formed, indicating the use of primitive smelting processes. A retired White Sands Missile Range security guard, residing in El Paso, Texas, indicated that he observed Johnson and former Texas Governor John Connally spending about 10 days in the desolate area around Victorio Peak in the late 1960s. He also asserts that military security officers censored out of his report all references to military searches for the treasure. Instead, it has a "gross receipts tax." This is a tax levied on the business rather than the consumer, like in most states. Neither man being familiar with laws governing the discovery of treasure on a military base, Fiege went to the Judge Advocates Office at Holloman Air Force Base to confer with Colonel Sigmund I. Gasiewicz. This time, the military began a full-scale mining operation at the Peak. Edward Atkins of Decatur, Illinois, had been a claimant to the peaks gold and was vigorously pursuing that claim via attorney Darrell Holmes of Athens, Georgia, when Holmes died under mysterious circumstances. Passing through the large cavern, he came to a series of smaller caves rooms, he called them. Doc mentioned nothing of his find to the group, choosing instead to return to the site a couple of days later with Ova. When the rain finally stopped, Doc returned to camp, telling Babe of the discovery. Later, Fiege would take a lie detector test, which would allow Fiege back on the missile range. Leon Trabuco brought Mexico's gold to the US He buried 16 tons of gold bars in New Mexico CASE DETAILS Farmington, New Mexico, 1933. On the night of September 1, 1968, Porter drove to the peak with a friend and a civilian security guard from White Sands Missile Range named Clarence McDonald. The Mystery Of The Lost Victorio Peak Treasure, a group of researchers who published their findings. To preserve these articles as they originally appeared, The Times does not alter, edit or update them. Lifting the rock, he found a hole that led straight down into the mountain. Anyone can read what you share. They had trekked in from Hot Springs, New Mexico, a town since renamed Truth or Consequences. Hiring a mining engineer S.E. Work beneath the city has not slowed, and as science advances . On the walls were drawings, some painted and others chiseled, that appeared to have been made by Indians. Victorio used the entire Hembrillo Basin as his stronghold, refusing to live on the San Carlos Reservation in Arizona, where the government wanted to banish him. And a fourth story, pieced together recently by Howard Bryan, a reporter for The Albuquerque Tribune, centers on another Apache war chief named Victorio. Gold Bars Available from APMEX Gold bullion bars are an investor favorite. Howard, E.V., 1967, Metalliferous occurrences in New Mexico: Phase 1, state resources development plan: State Planning Office, Santa Fe, 270 p. Johnson, M.G., 1972, Placer gold deposits of New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey. Jan 20, 2020 Ian Harvey. Then, in 1942 or 1943, she isn't sure, he tried to blast the tunnel bigger in order to haul up more gold bars at one time. Many people believe the search points to the area of the four corners. During fluvial events, large volumes of sediment containing free gold are transported and deposited in relatively poorly-sorted alluvial and stream deposits. 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