But dogs do have all types of environmental allergies just like we humans do. As health problems can occur, we recommend to get health insurance or save a little money each month just to be on the safe side. Feed a nutritionally balanced canine diet. Any bumps on your dog's skin can cause growing concern for tumors. 1 week now. While generally less worrisome to . Vet visit please. It is advised to remove it by the time they turn one year old. Rashes on your dog's belly can present in a few ways. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Any ideas? They're different sizes, some are pretty small, none are big, but big enough that when you look at him, you can see his fur protrude where the bump is. If the air is dry, so is her skin. Cysts may also form. Even minor weight gain can be significant for such a small dog and put unnecessary pressure on its joints. Surgery is not advised. When I pull back his hair to look at the bump I can't really see any type of head or redness, it's just a bump in his skin. Your vet will probably prescribe medication. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. These sleek dogs were bred to be companions. GI)^.$HYiS]. The bumps began on her back. Surgery is not advised if the dog is not exhibiting significant clinical signs. Rough handling can cause injuries, such as a broken leg. This one is also quite common but may only affect 50 percent of the Iggy population: Undescended testicles (also called cryptorchidism). It may keep growing weeks after your skin heals. It can sometimes lead to secondary bacterial infections that can bother the dog. Most dogs stand completely still during a reverse sneeze and extend their head and neck. These dogs were likely kept around for both companionship and small-game hunting. Had me give him Thuja pellets, 30cc pellets, 2 pellets per day and they cleared up in a month. Cherry Angioma: Cherry Red . It is common in dogs throughout the world. Follow my daily adventures and receive helpful tips & tricks for owning an Iggy. Anyway, I took your advice and he goes into our vet Thursday morning.. Their skin also needs to be protected from sunlight. My honest review of a veterinary device you can use at home to reduce inflammation and pain. She is only 1 years old. No, I haven't tried popping them. These tumors generally appear as firm, solitary, dome-shaped elevated masses, which are often hairless or ulcerated. and distribute skin oils. Please note: This blogpost cannot replace a consultation with a vet by any means. His hair covers them, but you can see the bump in his hair. Their coat will slowly thin out and eventually even go entirely bald. Aim to begin training from a young age to prevent the development of bad habits. However it is not known to be harmful. Vaccinations and Booster Shots: Needed or Not? We know of many Iggies who have lived a long and happy life without ever breaking a leg. Some Iggies may have a problem with certain types of protein (like chicken or beef). Benson earned her Bachelor of Science degree at California Polytechnic University. When did you first notice the hives? Display as a link instead, Italian Greyhounds are prone to harmless episodes of reverse sneezing. Other than that: Make sure you get your pup from a. who runs health checks before breeding their dogs. : The kneecap is permanently luxated but can be manually replaced in the groove. Monitor treats and other extra food closely to prevent your dog from overeating. I would say there has to be some chemical on the sidewalk or somewhere to melt snow maybe? Spend some time around Italian greyhounds, too, if possible. While its not actually a health condition we wanted to add it to the list as it sounds quite irritating for people who dont know what it is. Perhaps the most common is pyoderma, which is characterized by pimple-like lesions; dry, scaly, crusty skin; hair loss; and itchiness. Vet couldn't figure out what they were. Otherwise they might build tartar and eventually lose their teeth at an early age. A humidifier in the bedroom where she snuggles in your bed helps you and your Iggie, because added moisture often improves sleeping comfort. Have you tried to pop any and if so what is coming out of them? Immediately offer praise and/or a treat for positive behavior, and be consistent with your commands. Papules. Demodectic mange is regularly seen in Italian Greyhound puppies and adolescents. It is typically associated with a skipping lameness when the knee cap moves. Pet owners are not being told about some risks associated with neutering male dogs, especially neutering too early [read more], Make Sure Your Vet is the Best! The dogs vision will gradually worsen until they go completely blind. These are natural progression as the skin and body age the normal proliferation (growing) of cells can be altered, just like and old car that doesn't run so well or runs slower with age. Some families of IGs inherit bones that are especially brittle and prone to breakage. When Nello broke his tail we didnt even know how it happened. Demodectic mange is regularly seen in Italian Greyhound puppies and adolescents. : The kneecap is permanently luxated and cannot be manually replaced in the groove. Italian Greyhound legs are very long and skinny. The problem here is that its not so easy to find out what causes them. This way you will be best prepared in case of any injuries and health problems and wont have to be worried you wont be able to pay the vet bills. Because of this lack of hair, skin blemishes are of course much more obvious than the more hirsute (hairy) breeds. Home Tips Give your pup a healthy home environment. Learn more about me, read my blog for tips & tricks and sign up for the exclusive Italian Greyhound masterclass video course! I would talk to your vet about putting her on steroids for a short period of time along with the Benedryl. This Subreddit is about Italian Greyhounds and those of use that have no choice to but love them Your Italian greyhound snuggles against you, scratches her ears and nudges for a pet. and sometimes have skin problems like dry and flaky skin. Proudly owned by:10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 201012.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015. Please note, this site is currently under construction and will re-launch early in 2023. Other than that: Make sure you get your pup from a reputable breeder who runs health checks before breeding their dogs. An eye disease called vitreous degeneration is also common in Italian Greyhounds. Dog training videos. The bumps can be uncomfortable and look unattractive, but they are not always cause for concern. There are 4 grades of patella luxation, ranging from a mild form all the way to a severe form: Depending how severe the condition is you can either give them supplements or the dog will have to undergo surgery. If you need helpgive me a call. Papules Doctors define a papule as any raised lesion or new growth on the skin that is less than 1 . Keloids. And unfortunately they happen quite often. Use a humidifier or a bubbling dog fountain to add moisture to the air. Was it an acute onset? Dont rush into surgery too soon if the dog doesnt show any signs of suffering. But it can also be caused by an accident. The Italian greyhound is a small toy dog breed from Italy with a short coat, long neck, and slender legs. Food allergies and flea allergies are the most common types. The dog limps every now and then (when kneecap gets out of place). Psoriasis: Red Scaly Plaques or Patches. Even changed bedding, strict diet of chicken with a little benefit dog food. Keratosis Pilaris: Rough Bumps on Your Arms, Legs, or Cheeks. Are You Ready for a Puppy? She is not in any pain and is not acting any different. Dog Health Care The Sensible Way I recommend these dog training videos that are based on respect and leadership. Gayle. Discuss the need for professional teeth cleanings with your vet as well. Italian greyhounds have a relatively long life span, but they are prone to some hereditary health issues, including: Always have fresh water accessible for your dog. But it can also be caused by an accident. Moreover, make an effort to socialize your Italian greyhound ideally from an early age. Promoting responsible dog breeding and pet care, I can't imagine what it would be. Carmine Montuori, 52, moved to Bristol from Italy nine years ago - and runs an independent Italian restaurant. A dog sweater or vest is effective. By removing the affected testicle, the risk can be eliminated. Even thought the tissue is benign (non-cancerous), it is still abnormal tissue due to a breakdown in the normal turn-over rate of skin cells. Some Italian Greyhounds have pattern baldness, a gradual thinning of hair around their temples and ears and under their neck and stomach. Because of the lack of hair dogs with CDA might need to wear clothes more often and sometimes have skin problems like dry and flaky skin. Normally episodes dont take longer than about a minute. Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. 7. She is not in any pain and is not acting any different. And just how a long and thin twig can break easier than a tree stem, an Iggys leg is more likely to break than a Dachshunds leg. Our local greyhound rescue place took him in for us this past weekend and they brought them up to our attention when we picked him up yesterday. Clear editor. The lumps may stick out like stalks from the skin surface. Still, these dogs are quick and nimble with a hounds hunting instinct, and they love to play too. With the help of an experienced surgeon your Iggy will be back to their normal crazy self very soon. Expose it to different people, other dogs, and various locations. In some cases, bumps under the eyes can become increasingly painful and require medical attention. You also can offer puzzle toys or enroll in dog sports to provide both mental stimulation and physical activity. Just make sure the hair loss is not caused by low thyroid level or demodex mites for example, so when your dog is loosing hair its best to see a vet and rule out other causes. Use a humidifier or a bubbling dog fountain to add moisture to the air. The only recent changes with her have been a rabies shot she got and she was boarded at the vet for a week a few weeks ago. Protect her delicate skin from drying drafts and outdoor chill. Phyllis Benson is a professional writer and creative artist. Lipomas are mostly benign, fatty skin tumors that appear on dogs and are fairly common, especially as dogs age. Its typical to feed two measured meals per day. The common lumps in dogs include abscesses, fatty tumors, sebaceous cysts, and warts. If her food and treats contain corn, soy or wheat, substitute other foods for a few weeks to see whether her skin improves. For most dogs that wont be necessary. Overall Italian Greyhounds are a very healthy breed that can live up to 15 years. Aim for at least an hour per day of physical activity. Unfortunately seizures are quite common for Italian Greyhounds. Should your female Italian Greyhound be spayed? In these cases, your vet may recommend a wart ointment or other skin treatment.. Not to worry you can fix this. Adopt a Pet. Male dogs with this condition are prone to testicular cancer. Milia, styes, and chalazia can all be addressed with good eye hygiene, such as washing your hands and face regularly, and exfoliation. They love to be around people and even get along well with other dogs. Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Therefore it is important, diluted colors like blue and some shades of fawn. Italian greyhounds need some exercise and mental stimulation to get their energy out every day. Non-cancerous lumps. Surgery is strongly advised. If youre interested in similar breeds, check out: Theres a whole world of potential dog breeds out therewith a little research, you can find the right one to bring home! It's not itchy and the skin and coat are otherwise normal. Independence America Holdings Corp. All Rights Reserved, Skin Growth, Lump, Swelling or Mass in Dogs. BUT these dogs are instinctive chasers. I would be afraid you're seeing hives-an allergic reaction to something. Just try to avoid potential triggers and make sure they cant hurt themselves when they are having a seizure. What dog food are you using. Italian Greyhounds are generally a very healthy breed. He said it probably wasn't anything to worry about, but to keep an eye on them. IGs can be very sensitive. This hereditary disease is called enamel hypoplasia (lack of enamel). If it happens again, you should see a vet to rule out that there is not a severe illness that is causing the seizures. Upload or insert images from URL. She has edited more than 700 assignments, including research studies published in various academic journals,continuing medical education materials, and articles on pet health. Some of the most common ones in dogs are (listed alphabetically): Fibrosarcoma Hemangiosarcoma Liposarcoma Lymphangiosarcoma Neurofibrosarcoma Osteosarcoma Schwannoma Synovial cell sarcoma Brush or stroke her, removing loose hair and skin flakes. They can grow very large (the biggest one so far had the diameter of a nickel and was raised about half and inch) and they are partially bald. Another thing we wanted to mention is reverse sneezing. Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog), Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014. Many dogs have allergies to foods, pollen, mold, fleas and pollutants. We taped it for about 6 weeks (be careful its not too tight so the blood can still flow properly and change the tape once a week to prevent an infection) and now its almost not noticeable anymore. So if your Iggys blood work is not in the normal range, it doesnt necessarily mean they are sick. They can live a long and happy life even with epilepsy. If the air is dry, so is her skin. [read more], Neutering Your Male Dog: Pros and Cons Coat Color: Gray, black, fawn, chocolate, tan, cream, red, sable, or a combination, Temperament: Affectionate, playful, companionable. Some of the blood levels that may be different are. Try loading this page again in a moment. Welcome! Any thoughts? The vitreous is a clear jelly-like material within the eye that provides shape to the eye. Read our, Where to Adopt or Buy an Italian Greyhound. You cannot paste images directly. Allergies and intolerances are quite common. Another thing we wanted to mention is reverse sneezing. 3 Things to Consider Before Getting a New Dog, Fashionable & Functional Italian Greyhound Clothes: Our Favorite Iggy Clothing Brands, 3 Tips on Traveling With Your Dog For a Safe and Happy Vacation Together, The Top 5 Tips How You Can Get Your Italian Greyhound to Be More Confident. Does your adult dog need yearly booster shots? There is no cure for CDA. The vaccination guidelines have changed! Supplements have worked wonders for some dogs and even made the condition go away completely. This information is not a substitute for a vets opinion. Itching is severe. Some Italian Greyhounds are more prone to leg breaks than others because they have less dense legs. History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information for Pet Owners. Helping your Italian greyhound's skin is easy. Finish with an oil spray or conditioner for extra-dry skin. The slender tail tapers to a curved end that is . Italian Greyhounds like other sighthound breeds are no normal dogs. Italian greyhounds generally have a sensitive and sociable personality. The slender, muscular body, accentuated by the curved back, deep chest, and lean, well-muscled legs, produces a sinewy outline. That is why it is very important to consult a vet who is familiar with sighthounds as not all vets know about this. If youre looking for a puppy from a reputable breeder, expect to pay around $600 to $1,200, though this can vary widely. Italian greyhounds can be sensitive and stubborn when it comes to harsh corrections, potentially shutting down and refusing to learn. The Bark: Vet Advice: Relief for Your Dog's Itchy Skin. Here's how to tell [read more], Assisi Loop Review I work at a vet clinic and we see all sorts of skin problems and irritations but never have had one with bumps afer being out in the cold! Home > Dog Breed Reviews > Italian Greyhound > Health&Feeding, By Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Breed Selection Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books. Use a HEPA air filter to remove allergens, dander and other particulates from the room. It is an inherited disease that luckily isnt painful. Start with a soft-bristle brush or a mutt mitt. Since it's a cosmetic condition, there's no treatment required other than adding supplements that are good for the skin and coat, such as fatty acids. The Spruce Pets uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I switched him to raw soon thereafter and they never returned. To decide whether an Italian Greyhound is the right breed for you, its important to know what to expect. The soft brush or grooming mitt distributes skin oil through her coat. When I pull back his hair to look at the bump I can't really see any type of head or redness, it's just a bump in his skin. A health survey of over 700 Italian Greyhounds revealed that 15% have broken a leg. The fish oil provides antioxidants as well as skin nutrients. One of them is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). These tumors. We cannot figure out why. 6. g)iF3Lb"ng #Q,I9QY^?aMz[8ktz(3'm24Z=#k` wSfk8%&4$CZT5H&ogroo'g:1}V>P,(l!LK. It causes patchy hair loss resulting in a moth-eaten look, along with chronic skin infections that require medicated baths. But most health problems can be prevented by the ways you raise your dog. My Italian greyhound recently developed a lump that is not perfectly round, more of an oval shape and about the size of a quarter. Here are my concerns [read more], Vaccinations and Booster Shots: Needed or Not? gularly so it can build up muscle and get a feeling for their own body. The Italian greyhound is truly a greyhound in miniature, with supreme elegance and grace. This will help to boost its comfort and make it a more adaptable, well-adjusted dog. You wont know if your puppy is carrying the CDA gene. Normally it starts between 6 months to 3 years of age with hair loss down the middle of the back from head to tail (above the spine). About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. Skin squamous cell carcinoma is the most commonly diagnosed carcinoma of the skin, and primarily affects older dogs, especially Bloodhounds, Basset Hounds, and Standard Poodles. They vary in size from less than 0.4 inches (1 centimeter) to more than 4 inches (10 centimeters) in diameter. To prevent the risk of leg fractures, it is very important to be extra cautious, especially when they are puppies. Check its nails about once a month to see whether they need a trim. Some Italian Greyhounds have a genetic predisposition for this condition. Nutrition and Exercise to Extend an Italian Greyhound's Lifespan Consult your vet about essential fatty acid supplements or fish oil for your Iggies dry skin. Italian greyhound 5 yrs old is breaking out with bumps/hives. Thats why we would recommend to always split up vaccinations if possible (and not give them all on the same day). Lumps or bumps can be cystic or may have fluid. Petal Smartis a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and has beenan editorin the veterinary and medical sciences since 2015. 8. Some Italian Greyhounds have a genetic predisposition for this condition. Your previous content has been restored. Their skin also needs to be protected from sunlight. Italian greyhounds that are well trained and socialized can be good family pets for children who understand how to be gentle with them. Before bringing home an Italian greyhound, make sure to do sufficient research to determine whether the breed is right for your lifestyle. Kasey had a few around his body, they were a bit bigger than pimples. , its important to know what to expect. Its a condition where one or both testicles havent moved into their proper position in the scrotum and just stay anywhere along the path of descent. Just keep in mind that your dog will probably have to be put under anesthesia which is always a risk and shouldnt be done too often. Chronic allergies cause itchy skin and often lead to bacterial skin infections (pyoderma). If your dog is not feeling well we strongly advise to see a vet. Read my advice on daily health care so your Italian Greyhound lives a long, healthy life and seldom needs to see the vet [read more], 3 Best Ways To Feed Your Dog Healthy Food Pasted as rich text. With a closer look, you see skin flakes all over her coat. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. And playfulness is typical of their temperament. Hip and elbow dysplasia are rare in this breed. Dec 20, 2009 at 9:30am. Your link has been automatically embedded. A skin disease called color dilution alopecia is common in blue (gray) Italian Greyhounds. The patella (or kneecap) is normally located in a groove on the end of the thigh bone just above the knee. Non-cancerous lumps commonly found on dogs include cysts, warts, infected hair follicles, and hematomas (blood blisters). No part of this website may be copied, displayed on another website, or distributed in any way without permission from the author. Sighthounds REQUIRE open space to run. Coat Color They come in many different coat colors, including gray, sable, red, black, cream and blue. Aim to brush your dogs teeth daily, as this breed is prone to dental issues. And if theres a warm lap for them to curl up in, thats where theyd love to spend their time. The coat typically stays relatively clean, but you can bathe your dog . Look in your dogs ears at least weekly for wax buildup and irritation. 1 /14. Some dogs eagerly devour a fish oil capsule as a treat. Copyright 2000-2022 by Michele Welton. Greytalk.com : The kneecap luxates with manual pressure but is otherwise within the groove. Most dogs will show a very characteristic jump to snap the patella back into its normal position. If your Italian greyhound's dry skin is thyroid-related, your vet will prescribe thyroid supplements to restore her skin and metabolic health. Their blood work has a few differences from normal dog blood work. Another common condition is a luxating patella. In Renaissance Italy, the breed became a lapdog of the wealthy. Powered by Invision Community. Because of their low body fat, all sighthounds are extra sensitive to anesthetics and require an experienced vet who will follow a special Sighthound Anesthesia Protocol. Lauren Murphy is a cat and dog expert and writer who is also a dedicated Humane Society volunteer. He may also have a dermal staph infection. Finally survey found that the average lifespan of this breed is 9 years surprisingly low for a small dog. The coat typically stays relatively clean, but you can bathe your dog roughly every month, depending on how dirty it gets. 96sf~%G_|sbe Seizures can happen out of many reasons: When your dog has a seizure for the first time its important to write down exactly what had happened that day to try and find the cause. Therefore it is important to brush their teeth regularly (at least once a week) and give them something to chew on every now and then. We hope this website is helpful to you. Never came back. The American Kennel Club first recognized it in 1886. Because the mass initially didn't seem to cause any problems, the guardians didn't think it was a big deal. They too just disappeared in time, and he hasn't had any for ages now. If this problem persists, please report it to us on our support forum! Greyhound Gap Junkie. Also, bumps usually occur on the head, legs, ear, and near the abdominal area in dogs. Italian greyhounds typically do not have an aggressive nature, as long as they have proper training and socialization. Lumps and bumps on a dog's skin can have many underlying causes, which owners often divide into two categories: cancer and everything else. Italian greyhounds arent a common dog breed, but its still worth checking local animal shelters and rescue groups for a dog in need of a home. Just like other small breeds Italian Greyhounds are prone to dental problems. They are slender and taper to a curved end. A skin disease called color dilution alopecia is common in blue (gray) Italian Greyhounds. Italian greyhounds can be excellent apartment dogs thanks to their small size and moderate energy level. But even the vet might not find a cause for the seizures. She is definitly having an allergic reaction and yes I have seen this before. If you notice any other bruising, that is important and you should have her immediately checked out by your vet. An article that might be helpful to you is on our Petplace.com is "Skin Growth, Lump, Swelling or Mass in Dogs". 11.8k members in the ItalianGreyhounds community. Some health problems are inherited. If your Iggie is allergic, her body reacts with symptoms such as dry skin, weepy eyes and itchy ears. Of course it can never be fully prevented but at least it minimizes the risk of health issues a lot. Therefore we have put together the 10 most common health issues amongst Italian Greyhounds so you know how they may affect a dog and what can be done about them. Canku wakan kin manipi. Italian Greyhounds have glossy short, fine hair that is soft to the touch. By He has them on his head, some on his sides and on top, along his spine. I've seen them for a few weeks, however, I haven't seen as many as I noticed yesterday. Weight Male: 7-14 pounds Female: 7-14 pounds Guest beansAugust 17, 2015 in Health and Medical discussion. heart disease (especially persistent right aortic arch), blood-clotting disease (von Willebrand's). When the knee give them all on the head, some on his sides and on top along... And runs an independent Italian restaurant I noticed yesterday an account, sign now. '' Juana, the psycho kitty, well-adjusted dog but may only affect 50 percent of the Iggy:. Soon thereafter and they cleared up in a groove on the sidewalk or somewhere to melt snow?! 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