no one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever you know. Yeah, I don't think we quite [crosstalk 00:49:32]. And he says, "Because of the rage." So then Hey wait, I'm almost done guys, give me two more minutes, two more minutes. [crosstalk 00:17:42], It's the experimenter-. Wow. The subjects are 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. Let's just finish this. Um, "Demand me nothing. Well, I'd have to discontinue the experimenter then. You're not the first one. And it becomes Zyklon B, the killing gas of the concentration camps. So, he decided he was going to invent a process to pay for these reparations by himself and what he decided to do is go into the ocean, into seawater, which contains, um, uh, some very small levels of gold. And even though in the end they got him to confess to these 49 murders, they never really get any closer to an answer than this first why. They're engaged with the test, they're trying to be good participants. He's standing there on the front, pushing the gas into the lungs of other human beings, admittedly, it's a ware, but still. Alex Haslam, professor of psychology at the University of Exeter. I don't think I ever had a fantasy that anatomically specific where I would see the part of the other person that I was going to stab or plan it like that. And then he seemed fine. Shoots herself in the chest. You walk into the room, what do you find? Our fact checker's Michelle Harris because facts matter. Very distinctive looking man. Look, the participants, it's not just blind obedience, "Oh you tell me so, yes sir, no sir, three bags full, sir.". That's correct. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then separate your head; which is put on a post. A lot of them were like, "This is not how you fight a war.". [inaudible 00:06:31], Well not horrified, it was I pretty stunned. Now, of course you could find some nitrogen out in the world. How many times would they shock that sad-. That's Stanley Milgram talking about the experiment in a film. That's one of the things that we need to know. So you're saying they were shocking these people because they thought it was worthwhile? I- I- I- well (laughs). They spent the next six months interrogating him, they brought in psychiatrists, and forensic psychologists to try to get an answer. Check out the Blank Slate, a book by Steven Pinker, one of the world's leading experts on language and the mind. And did you go back to the party then and continued dinner partying for a while? That guy yelling of course was an actor and the shocks weren't real, but the questions in the air at the time were very real. Jeff Jensen's book is the Green River Killer: A True Detective Story. You're telling us all this. Let's expect more from technology, let's put smart to work, visit to learn more. And isn't this a good thing that we have people in our society who are willing to make sacrifices for a greater- the greater good? If I don't leave my house right now, I'm going to kill her." I knew what he was capable of, so I suggested that we go out for a walk. There are hints of reasons. Well he started fuming that his wife had dissed him, and-. Clara, also from Breslau, also from a Jewish family. I'm going to take a break. He felt publicly humiliated. And not just because he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. ", And the class ended, and I went back to my office, and I just sat at my desk, and I started reading these. ", Only 10 percent, under those circumstances, go on. The Bad Show.ogg download. They've got a very plausible, very credible, high status scientist at high status scientific institution. Clara comes from the same town. Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. Is there a way to explain why some people act the way they do and others don't?". He figures out a way to take a lot of air that's filled with these little nitrogen bonds clinging to each other, and pump it with big iron tank. In that why, in that one simple why that he asked Gary, there was a lot of questions he was asking. So, you're saying they're shocking these people because they thought it was worthwhile? So you see it's just in that one experiment that 65 percent of people are willing to go all the way. We don't exactly know why. And 84% of the women. Because it takes such energy and pressure to separate it This trivalent bond is so strong that when it comes back together, that energy that's released, it could be used for life or death. And everyone thought, "Well, we know the solution.". With my arm. He walked out of the room, and just started weeping. After all, he knows what he can stand. Radiolab is supported by Audible. This has allowed the world to have seven billion people. In any case-. Natural deposits would be like seaweed or-, You know, you could find it in cow manure or-. Yellow mucus was frothing out of their mouth, those who could still breathe would turn blue. Listen to free wherever you go to podcast and sign up at Don't you think you should look in on him, please? And actually, this wasn't just the German thing. Go to or text Radiolab to 500500 for a free 30-day trial and a few audiobook. Is that- is that nitrogen is trivalent. I might even tilt towards saying he's a little good to be honest. [1] Radiolab was founded by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich in 2002. The most common source of nitrogen is in the air around us. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. And my father wasn't buying it. WNYC is America's most listened-to public radio station and the producer of award-winning programs and podcasts like Radiolab, On the Media, and The Brian Lehrer Show. But he does it with a kind of amoral athleticism, he does it without humility, without a lot of doubt. The subjects of 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. And a mysterious past. My name's Benjamin Walker and here are some RadioLab credits. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. "Well why can't you deal with it in a normal way?". But in a famous incident, one of England's leading scientists refuses to shake his hand. Let me just get that out. Uh, Haber it's unknown what happened for the rest of that evening, but it is a well-documented fact that the very next morning. And this is necessary in order to advance our noble cause.". That allows an individual to act inhumanely-, It's like a downloadable from the internet; instant defense for doing wrong. Whether the learner likes it or not, we must-, What's interesting is that how all of these struggles, all of them-, Play out the same way. The- the leaves would just sort of shrivel and the grass was turning to the color of metal. Yeah (laughs). And he is celebrated for it. Yes. We begin with a chilling statistic: 91% of men, and 84% of women, have fantasized about killing someone. It's very important because if you ask university undergraduates what does the Milgram study show, they will invariably say something like "They show that people obey orders" okay? You're going to keep giving him what, 450 volts every shot now? This is basically what Stanley Milgram set out to test. The questionnaires they filled out are part of the Milgram archive at Yale. How many of them went into that kind of detail? The participants that are there in this study-. Yeah. So, it's very-. How could you? For information about Sloan, at It's absolutely essential that you continue. Two more minutes. I'm about to help this quest for knowledge, I really want to do a good job.". And every scenario produced a different result. Dylan Keith is our director of sound design. Visit and use code radiolab and check out to get $50 towards select mattresses. I left him, went home. But if you put two experimenters in the room, and-. You could say people were bat (beep) crazy. And my views about human nature are that it affords infinite potential for lightness and dark. This is just a tsunami of evil-, And at the very end of the play, when everyone finds out what Iago's done, Othello asks him, "Why? Well what's the noble cause in this case? And, um, in January of 1984, the Green River task force was formed. It's about how far would these people go. And then, she said, "I actually did this. I got those all at night, mostly. He's such a puzzle to me. They start disagreeing with each other, and this one you get zero percent going all the way. And then the final one-. Meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and gives us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. So if you have kids in the room, maybe this is a time to tell them to go brush their teeth or something. And what he decided to do is go into the ocean, into sea water, which contains very small levels of gold. Mm-hmm (affirmative). And I used to socialize with him and his wife. For much the same reasons. He signs up immediately, sends a letter volunteering for duty. We should say that this next section of the program has some references which are extremely graphic and not to everybody's tastes. Don't- don't the man's health mean anything? In that moment, my father, he stands up and he says. This was one of the bloodiest arenas on the, uh, Western front. And it's this defense. He's a master planner. For when the subjects didn't want to continue? Right. Probably have, but in case you haven't. Well, there's something distasteful about the fact that he was too into it, but I do think on some level you have to divorce the man from his deeds. He recruited a bunch of subjects-. Nobody had done what he was about to do on the scale that he was about to do it. Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. Time's up. He refuses what we fully expect and what everybody on stage at that moment fully expects from him. You- I mean, I'm not suggesting one should, but I'm just saying there is a sense in which these people are prepared to do something that's very painful to them and to someone else because they want to promote science. All right. And to make the problems even more annoying. Then the executioner castrates you, cuts you open, and takes out your internal organs, and then, separates your head, which is put on a post. Because the thing that you put into the ground to grow more food is also the thing you can explode to make a bomb? All rights reserved. Episode Discussion: The Bad Show. Finally acknowledging, "Yeah, that's true." Said, "Yes, I've thought about killing someone?". And in the trial, when the prosecutors, essentially, ask him how you came to commit genocide he would say, over and over again-. He stirs up hatred between friends, between lovers. ", Um, but Haber just kind of ignored her and-, He actually threw a dinner party in celebration-. And that's all the difference in the world. And almost like blaming the victims. Become A Member. All right. What follows is this ongoing conversation between Job and his friends about why does this happen? He would say over and over again. And they ask for it to be reformulated to take out the warning smell. Speaking with Carol's mom, Carol's little daughter. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court [Foreign 00:12:14] to accuse Adolf Eichmann [Foreign 00:12:18], I do not stand alone. And I think what we want out of the why is meaning, meaning to life to reveal itself in a way that restores order and give us hope that all of this isn't just meaningless chaos. He said that if I ever had a relationship with another man, he was going to send videos of us having sex to all the people in my university. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. We have nothing. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? That's what you do. And every scenario produced a different result. And that tonnages then moves into our food source, our food source then moves into our bodies, and the rough statistics are that half of each of our bodies contains nitrogen from the Haber process. It's like a downloadable from the internet instant defense for doing wrong, but if you look at Milgram's work closely. The shocker would say, "Hell no I don't.". So I'm just going to go into this other room over here. Yeah. "Research in any field is a must, particularly in this day and age. Hi, I'm Robert Krulwich. And then, he starts this period of roaming. And you tell us, "Actually, you know under some circumstances, we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because, here's another flip, we don't have to be told. And you like her. Wore a little, um, uh, pince-nez? He- he loves the fatherland and he loves Germany. But in experiment number three, if they put the shockee in the same room with the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person as the shockee. Three times a year, two times before-. In Shakespeare, or life. The same year that Adolf Eichmann goes on trial for Nazi war crimes. The good Iago who makes you want to shower the minute you leave the theater 'cause you are sullied by him. We'll basically bring it to the front, and when the wind is right, we'll just spray it. But in all of these other scenarios, they don't. Okay, we're going off tape now. They were gagging, they were choking; hundreds of them were falling to the ground like-. There's a sort of chilling comparison which is a speech that Himmler gave to some SS leaders when they were about to commit a range of atrocities. Milgram staged the whole thing like it was some experiment about memory and punishment, but of course it wasn't about that. I'm Robert Krulwich. Then he goes and celebrates that, and then walks away from his child and his wife dead in the garden and says, "More of that please.". Yeah. It is a fair question to ask what are the conditions under which you or me or any of us could do-. But the weird thing is that he decides not just to take down Othello, but everybody. He was trying to repeat this masterstroke. In graphic detail. But if you put two experimenters in the room and-. "Definitely yes.". And he throws himself at one of the central issues facing Germany at that time. It gets bogged down. It's 9:24 hours on June 17th, year 2003. Equal Housing lender licensed in all 50 states. Suddenly I'm thinking this is actually a darker interpretation-. Transcripts and recorded audio may be available for many of the programs you hear on WNYC. Was he grappling with something? The whole thing happened serveral years ago. So, around the turn of the century for German scientists like Haber, this was the challenge. And he believed it. I'm going to give you a little, uh (laughing). And she said, "My ex boyfriend. Haber's gas troops, uh, un- unscrewed, they opened the valves on almost 6000 tanks containing a 150 tons of chlorine. One of the reasons it grows, is because it's sucking up all the nitrogen in the soil. It's absolutely essential. And according to some accounts, as it crept across no man's land-. See now around this point I just don't have anything to do with this guy, I just want to take a shower, walk-. And he believed it. A box of ashes. Oh, that right there, slap some quotations around that. Because actually, he studied between 20 and 40 different variants of this same paradigm. The one that everybody knows, the so called baseline. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. Shoots herself in the chest, and is found by her son. This is Radiolab. It just that-, Yeah. There's a pause and my father just says-. And to this day, they have not talked about that day, and he hasn't talked about it with anyone until I interviewed him for the book. with the ideas that people would do bad if they think it's good, it's a good noble cause. The prods. The son, eventually, after he emigrates to America kills himself. But that's just a- those are fantasies. Addeddate 2012-10-10 05:15:40 Boxid OL100020610 Identifier wnycs-radiolab_the-bad-show Add Review 4 Views DOWNLOAD OPTIONS 1 file ITEM TILE 4 Files 4 Original He said, "Look, this is what you're going to do is of course you don't want to do this. So in the Milgram case. Dan doesn't think so, but what's clear is that he saw no reason to question what he had done and that infuriated Clara. He was in this state of fury, he said, and instead of hitting his wife, he smashed his fist into the bathroom mirror, and then realized that he had to leave the house, or he was going to do damage to her. Sounds insane. The Green River murders terrorized Seattle in the 1980s. And as he was in the kitchen, looking stupid, peeling the carrots to make salad, I came up to him laughingly, gently, so that he wouldn't suspect anything. I mean, I'm going to record it here too. Nobody had done what she was about to do on the scale that he was about to do it. Do you think that more studies of this sort should be carried out?" You're telling this [inaudible 01:02:30]. Terms and conditions apply. Okay, one of those very tiny old fashioned pair of glasses that would pinch on your nose. Yeah, me too. The Germans on one side, the French, the Canadians and the British on the other. He says that he's gonna- He's always been hiring people based on how smart they are and not who their grandparents were. Test the outer edges of what you think you know, Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. Did members of Haber's family die in the concentration camps? And that we're not going to be shocked with anything-. And when nitrogen and hydrogen bond together, the thing you get-. The participants, you know, they're not- it's not- it's not just blind obedience. It was a warning smell so that people didn't inadvertently breathe it in and get sick. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? Only 10% under those circumstances go on. Of course, nobody wants to be killing other people; we realize this is hard work. Eventually Iago convinces Othello that his wife has been disloyal; which she hasn't. And the infinity of gray spaces in between. Maybe this is the time they tell them to go brush their teeth or something. The story of Job is that one day God and Satan were having a conversation. The one that everybody knows, the so-called baseleine. It's all right. ", Now, Haber was Jewish, but because he'd served in World War I-, But 75 percent of the people who worked for him at the institute, they were Jewish-, And says, "This is intolerable. [inaudible 00:59:22] it's building up [inaudible 00:59:24]. With my arm. All right, so I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? Meanwhile later that night, the other side of town. So, these are some word pairs. Enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. The show is nationally syndicated and is available as a podcast. And "Because women have stepped on me all my life." So, you see, it's just in that one experiment that 65% of people are willing to go all the way. Let's begin with this story from our producer, Pat Walters. In a rage, uh, how? In those days if you're a convicted male felon, you are, you know, strung up by- You're not allowed to hang till you die. And this particular story, it comes from a book that David wrote. Thanks to all our great storytellers. Eugene [inaudible 01:07:32], Sierra Hahn, and everyone in the manuscript and archives department at the Yale University Library. The Bad Show Publication date Mon, 09 Jan 2012 05:00:00 +0000 We wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. You've touched me. So, basically at 6:00 pm at April 22nd. Terms and conditions apply. There's something deeply, deeply wounding, stressing, upsetting at the thought that he had anything to do with zyklon B; but he did. In Seattle today a man called the Green River killer-. The expectation is somebody is made to make his peace with his maker before he dies; that's what you do. With higher and higher voltage. So, you know, around this point, I just don't want to have anything to do with this guy. I dated her several times a year. As far as I know, I don't know if I did or not. At least not with a tremendous amount of energy. I'll go along with this.". Outside of WNYC, I think This American Life does as well, and I know enthusiastic fans transcribed Serial.. And you know there's nothing a closet full of clothes to help balance that out. And everyone thought, "Well, we know the solution. Then he left some space at the bottom for them to elaborate if they said yes. All rights reserved. Dan Charles, Sam Keen, Latif Nasser, Fred Koffman and Fritz Stern. And, "Well why the rage?" But it wasn't until a few years later that he learned something that really put what happened that night into context. But the generals were not all that convinced? According to some accounts, as they crept across no man's land. But, you know, over the entire ocean there's a lot of gold dissolved into the sea. Well that's to [inaudible 00:19:32], just cut it out. No one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever, so no. This is Radio Lab, and today elements. Um, although there's some (laughs) [crosstalk 00:02:19]. I mean it's a fact, of course, that they're administering pain to a stranger, that's what's horrifying about it, but imagine they were administering pain to themselves. Although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing 'cause it's sort of more complicated. They're supposedly chums, but General Othello has no idea that Iago-. There's a pause and my father just says. And I basically spent the next half hour walking around with him trying to cool him off. Hi, my name's Josh and I'm calling from Harlem, New York. This episode of Radiolab, we wrestle with the dark side of human nature, and ask whether it's something we can ever really understand, or fully escape. And I devoted one class session to the topic of homicide and why people kill. "This was exactly what was on my mind. Yeah. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him certifiably to all his crimes. Gary said, "I needed to kill them," they go, "Why?" What he means is that when nitrogen atoms are just free floating in the air, they will cling to each other. We, as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of godlike sort of vision of like, "Well, of course, what they're doing is wrong." Of course, normally you just have one experimenter who's giving you these instructions. When we asked how close she came to killing him, she estimated 60 percent. The subjects range in occupation from corporation presidents, to Good Humor men, and plumbers. This is Radiolab, and today we're going to get back, so to speak. So, let me just get that ov- I mean-, So, again, the baseline study is the one where 65% of the volunteers-. "From this time forth, I never will speak a word." "Just wanted to kill them, I just needed to kill them." So you don't know? As soon as it did, soldiers began to convulse. And it's moving at about one meter per second. I would rather have scientists who carry doubt with them as they proceed. I'm good. Bred from the air was the phrase. ", Yes I did need to kill. And so he says that and you're like, "Okay, yes come over now. When you call someone then you're kind of done with them. That's one of the things we have to know and that's why it's okay to let out. That is true. We're going to meet her later. He didn't really want to cop to everything that he did. But harbor saw it as a wonderful success, and wished that the Germans had been better prepared to exploit it, because he felt they really could have made a terrific advance if they had had more confidence. No. The whole thing happened several years ago. ", Now you're saying actually that you could read that very dark fact as being actually evidence of something quite-, Well if you dressed up, and if you just had some minor variance to the paradigm you could, presumably, make this up. And is found by her son. How do you tell the real baddies from the rest of us? Yeah, necrophilia. We'll be right back. The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. But- but there's part of me that says, you know, here's a guy who just wanted to do everything better than had ever been done before. The time now is 0836 hours. Unusually so in those times. And give up the few details that they really needed to link him, certifiably, to all these crimes. Yeah. A lot of them are really positive even though they've just been told that they were duped. Would change where the shocker and the shock-ee sat. Especially because she found out he was leaving the next day to direct more gas attacks. At this point, David's moved onto a new university and he's teaching an introductory psychology class. And once again, another nitrogen compound. Asked Gary, there was a lot of them went into that kind detail... About one meter per second after he emigrates to America kills himself like it was worthwhile it... Think you should look in on him, please certifiably to all his crimes scientist! 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