Scripture: Romans 10:15. The strictness of the law showed men their need of salvation by grace, through faith. But this is the very thing that has happened, as it stands written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news of good things. For Isaiah said, Lord, who has believed our report? There is the righteousness of justification and the righteousness of sanctification. Do you mean to tell me that because my father does not believe that Jesus is the Messiah that he is lost?" d. But what does it say? It is here that you will find a great failure of Christendom as to this. There is the vindication of God in His ways with the Old Testament believers. They did not understand, and believe, and consider, the strict justice of God, in hating and punishing sin, and demanding satisfaction, did not consider what need we have of a righteousness wherein to appear before him; if they had, they would never have stood out against the gospel offer, nor expected justification by their own works, as if they could satisfy God's justice. Everything Paul touches in this letter he relates to God. Charity teaches us to have the best opinion of persons, and to put the best construction upon words and actions, that they will bear. The gospel goes forth universally. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.We are told in Jude that one of the ways by which we keep ourselves in that place of blessing, the blessings of God's love, is building up ourselves in the most holy faith. Let us take the objections and the answering scripture texts one by one. But even if it were not already broken, should we get through to-morrow with its temptations, bearing such a heart as we have within us, without breaking that perfect and spotless law? I mean to let it stand out simply before you, that the incarnation, the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ are the one foundation upon which we must depend for eternal salvation, and upon that alone; and if we do so depend we shall most assuredly be saved. I have tried my best; and so I close by bidding you hear WHAT EXPERIENCE SAITH. Now what is this word of faith? Let the cross pass. I would like to boast about what I have done, the dangers that I have braved for God, the sacrifices that I have made, the dedication that took me through those dark, smelly, dangerous swamps. The same was true of the gospel. I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me.. Then, from ver. 5 Things You Should Know about the ESV Bible Translation. But thus the way is now clear for bringing the Jew into the discussion. The end of the law was to bring men to perfect obedience, and so to obtain justification. b. In this chapter are contained an account of the two righteousnesses of faith and works, a summary of the Gospel of Christ, a description of the grace of faith, in the nature, use, and means of it, and several testimonies concerning the calling of the Gentiles; and whereas the apostle knew that this, as well as what he had said in the latter part of the preceding chapter, that the Jews had not attained to the law of righteousness, but stumbled at the stumbling stone, would be offensive to his countrymen the Jews; wherefore that it might appear that he said this not out of disaffection and ill will to them, he declares his sincere regard unto them, and the great respect he had for them, by calling them "brethren", by expressing his good will to them, by praying for the salvation of them, Ro 10:1, by bearing testimony of their zeal for God, Ro 10:2, though he faithfully observes to them, that it was an ignorant zeal, of which ignorance he gives an instance, Ro 10:3, particularly in the attribute of God's righteousness; from which ignorance arose all their misconduct in religious things, especially in the article of justification; hence they sought to be justified by their own righteousness, and rejected the righteousness of Christ, and then points out to them the true end of the law, for righteousness which is Christ, Ro 10:4, which if they had known would have set them right, and which is another instance of their ignorant and misguided zeal: this leads him on to what he had in view, which was to give an account of the two righteousnesses he had suggested in the latter part of the former chapter, the righteousness of the law, which the Jews sought for and found not, and the righteousness of faith, which the Gentiles without seeking for enjoyed; and this account he gives in the words of Moses, for whom they had the greatest regard: the description of the former is given in his words, in Ro 10:5, which suggest the impossibility of keeping the law, and obtaining life by it, and therefore it is a vain thing to seek for righteousness by the works of it; the latter is described, Ro 10:6,7, by the certainty of it, being wrought out by Christ, who came down from heaven, fulfilled the law, and died, and rose again from the dead; and by the plainness and evidence of it, as revealed in the Gospel, Ro 10:8, the sum of which Gospel is, that whoever believes in Christ and confesses him shall be saved, Ro 10:9, which faith and confession, when genuine, are with the heart and mouth agreeing together; the consequences of which are righteousness and salvation, comfortably apprehended and enjoyed, Ro 10:10, and that the above is the sum of the Gospel, and that there is such a connection between faith and righteousness, and between confession and salvation, is confirmed, Ro 10:11, by a testimony from the prophet, Isa 28:16, which being expressed in such a general manner, as to extend to every believer, whether Jew or Gentile, reasons are given, Ro 10:12, in support of such an explanation of that passage, taken from the equal condition of all, there being no difference between them naturally, from the universal dominion of God over them, and from his liberal communication of grace and goodness to all that call upon him; which last reason is confirmed, Ro 10:13, by a passage of Scripture in Joe 2:32, on occasion of which, the apostle proceeds to treat of the calling of the Gentiles, and of the means of it, the preaching of the Gospel, which was necessary to it, which is made out by a train of reasoning after this manner; that seeing salvation is only of such that call upon the name of the Lord, and there could be no calling upon him without believing in him, and no believing without hearing, and no hearing without preaching, and no preaching without mission, which is proved by a citation out of Isa 52:7, and no success in preaching, when sent, without the exertions of efficacious grace, as appears from the case of the Jews, who had the ministration of the Gospel to them by Isaiah, and yet all did not believe it; as is evident from Isa 53:1, and seeing the conclusion of which is, that faith comes by preaching, and preaching by the order and command of God, Ro 10:14-17, it follows, that it was proper that ministers should be sent, and the Gospel preached to the Gentiles, and that attended with power, in order that they should believe in the Lord, and call upon his name and be saved; and which method God had taken, and which he had foretold he would take, in the prophecies of the Old Testament, and which were now fulfilling: that the Gospel was preached to them, and they heard it, were matters of fact, and were no other than what should be, or might be concluded, from Ps 19:4, cited, Ro 10:18, and that the Jews could not be ignorant of the calling of the Gentiles is clear, first from the words of Moses, De 32:21, which the apostle produces, Ro 10:19, and from a passage in the prophecy of Isa 65:1. First of all, the groundwork of it is laid in the first four verses, the last of them leading into every-day walk. It is nigh you; it is nigh you now: it will never be nigher than it is at this moment. Oh, how nice you look today. I had no difficulty in answering that question. Time was when none of the English, nor French, nor of any other nation believed in the Saviour. Christ indeed did both; and so the word was nigh them, in their mouth and in their heart. Now, was it not extreme folly in the Jews to adhere so closely to this way of justification and salvation, which was in itself so hard, and by the corruption of nature now become impossible, when there was a new and a living way opened? To the contrary, the salvation of God is as near them as their own mouths and hearts. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times, 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. Then he knows that Jesus will blot out his transgressions, and create in him a clean heart, and restore him to himself again, though now, like David, his sin is ever before him. How are they to hear without someone to proclaim the good news to them? 6 But the righteousness which is of faith saith thus, Say not in thy heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? Birthright from the same father would let in Ishmael on the one hand, as from both parents it would secure the title of Esau on the other. Now, when you call upon the name of the Lord, God doesn't go down the list and say, "Let's see. Horribly offensive as sin is to God, and inexcusable in the creature, it is sin which has given occasion to the astonishing display of divine righteousness in justifying believers. In both parts, as it may be observed, the door is opened to the Gentile. That mode of living which will do for the depths is safe for the heights. Do not suppose that you can be a believer and conceal your faith. 3). Hence, therefore, it was in no way limited to any particular nation, such as those that had already been under the law and government of God. "The just shall live by faith" (not by law). So the gospel does not propose a second way, and suggest "a larger hope," but it declares with solemn decision, "He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." 3. It didnt surprise God or His prophets. You know what Cardinal Bellarmine said: he was a great antagonist of Luther, and thought that we might trust in our works; but, looking it all over, he admitted that inasmuch as no man could be quite sure that he had done enough good works, it was perhaps best on the whole and safest to trust altogether to the blood and merits of Jesus Christ. The nature of their unbelief. "But if [for so it should be read] thou art named a Jew," etc. "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness" (ver. Those that were under the law were to do all themselves, Do this, and live; but the gospel discovers the greatest part of the work done already, and what remains cut short in righteousness, salvation offered upon very plain and easy terms, brought to our door, as it were, in the word which is nigh us. They tried him with their various attainments, depressions, anxieties, quibbles, and questions; but still the huckster would not budge. It was laid down exactly how far a man could walk on the Sabbath. It became simply a question whether, in fact, God did call Gentiles, or whether He had revealed such intentions. Moses writes that the man who works at the righteousness which comes from the law shall live by it. A soul may as truly, no doubt, be put into relationship with God be made very happy, it may be; but it is not what Scripture calls "peace with God." This same term occurs again in verses 14 and 15. It is not merely a call then; but as we have by our Lord Jesus Christ our access into the favour wherein we stand, so there is positive boasting in the hope of the glory of God. It is our duty that we must not, it is our privilege that we shall not, be ashamed of our faith in Christ. Such has been their singular fruit of promise; such even in the midst of all their misery it is at present. "By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith." Apparently the meaning is: "What if the message was so difficult to grasp that even when Israel did hear it they were unable to grasp its significance?" We are as full of evil as an egg is full of meat, and our heart is like a cage of unclean birds. "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." And this leads the apostle into the moral history of man the proof both of his inexcusable guilt, and of his extreme need of redemption. But there is much more in Christ than that to which too many souls restrict themselves, not less to their own loss than to His dishonour. In the gospel there is revealed God's righteousness. I want to preach that same gospel this morning, in the hope that in after days this word may be scattered far and wide, and some Jack the Huckster, or some other like him, may find himself to be utterly empty and undone, and may then know that Christ is ordained to be his salvation. Have done with doings, and feelings, and trust yourself with Christ. Believe in Christ as you would believe in your friend: believe that he died for sinners, and trust in him for salvation. It is as equally simple to the Jew as it is to the Greek. But this may be comparatively a light question. The rest of the epistle takes up the practical consequences of the great doctrine of God's righteousness, which had been now shown to be supported by, and in no wise inconsistent with, His promises to Israel. Wrapping everything up into one, the gospel says, "Trust thou in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thy sins shall be forgiven thee, and thou shalt be saved." Say not in thine heart that thou must be educated, trained, and made into a scholar. The righteousness of faith, on the other hand, is easily available to all men upon the conditions mentioned in the next phrases. There is entrance into favour, and nothing but favour. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved: We do not gain Gods righteousness by works. iii. c. How beautiful are the feet: No wonder those who preach have beautiful feet they partner with God for the salvation of men. May you experience the joys of His power, of His presence, of His glory, as God day by day showers you with His goodness and with His love. Well, I can't either, but God didn't call me to reconcile it, He just called me to believe it.I tried to reconcile it for years until I was in such mental gymnastics I was worn out. Witness the common joy that grace gives an apostle with saints be had never seen, so that even he should be comforted as well as they by their mutual faith. The law has not come to an end in the sense of no longer reflecting Gods standard or no longer showing us our need for a Savior. The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.". It is a holy balancing pole: we can walk the narrowest line with this in our hands, and fear no fall. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. Not, of course, that the Roman saints were in this condition; but that God, writing by the apostle to them, seizes the opportunity to lay bare man's state as well as His own grace. But besides this he adds "to faith." But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. Now I take this opportunity of pressing on all that are here to beware of contracted views of "salvation." Their sound has gone out to all the earth: This quotation from Psalm 19:4 proves that the word of the gospel went forth and Israel heard it. Have you been born again?" Next, he enters upon another branch of the truth the Spirit not as a condition contrasted with flesh (these two, as we know, being always contrasted in Scripture), but as a power, a divine person that dwells in and bears His witness to the believer. If he had to die, his fathers would receive him "holy and pure." (that is, to bring Christ down from above:): In Moses sermon these words mean the law that he commanded Israel to obey was not some far off impossibility requiring heroic superhuman efforts to discover and obey. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. The question then is raised in the beginning ofRomans 3:1-31; Romans 3:1-31, If this be so, what is the superiority of the Jew? Has He mercy only for guilty Israel? 14:1 - 15:14. Now it is the positive power of God in raising up from the dead Him that was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justifying. May you begin to experience greater victory in your walk with Jesus Christ as you yield yourself to that touch of God and as He molds and shapes you into that person He wants you to be, and as He conforms you into the image of Jesus Christ. So one of the first works of the gospel is silencing the questions of our unbelief. But Paul makes it clear: There is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. There never was an hour since Israel's existence as a nation that God has not had His remnant of them. "Are you a Protestant?" He fell and a soldier kicked him. (1-3) Israels refusal to submit to the righteousness of God. You can also change some of your preferences. We believe and receive. a. So there must be confession with the mouth. (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.) This blessed faith keeps men down when they are apt to go up, and up when otherwise they would be apt to go down. Difficulty there is none: only believe and thou art saved. But why talk I so? ( Romans Commentary) Paul's main point is the ready availability of Good News. He shall not be ashamed of his hope in Christ; he shall not be disappointed of his end. He will not be ashamed to own that Christ in whom he trusts; he that believes in the heart will not be ashamed to confess with the mouth. Just before Israel crossed into the Promised Land, Moses spoke of righteousness by faith.. And I was mad because I had been trying so long to do it and tie ends together. (2.) The law is not compelled to lower its terms, as though it had originally asked too much; it is holy and just and good, and ought not to be altered in one jot or tittle, nor can it be. 1 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. 13). No one is lost until he sins and sin becomes full grown (James 1:15). The meaning of verse 6 is a little more difficult. Did they fall back on Abraham? In the beginning ofRomans 2:1-29; Romans 2:1-29 we have man pretending to righteousness. "If the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by [or because of] his Spirit that dwelleth in you.". I have always felt obliged to the Cardinal for that admission; because the best is good enough for me, and since trusting in Jesus is the safest, I intend to stick to it even to the end. a. () in Romans 10:8, as afterwards . In stormy weather our beauty and glory soon turn pale; when the devil meets us face to face, he cracks up our tinsel perfection with a blow. But I say, [Paul said,] Have they not heard? We went astray from the womb, speaking lies; we were rebellious to our parents in our childhood, and wayward in our youth; in our early manhood we were carried about with this passion and with that, and since then all kinds of evils have led us astray. Menurut data Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), saham ENRG anjlok 5,15% dengan nilai transaksi Rp26,56 miliar dan volume perdagangan 101,84 juta saham. Just help me to believe." 21). Its remarkable that Paul found something good to say about these Jewish people who persecuted him so mercilessly. If a man called Jesus kurios he was ranking him with the Emperor and with God; he was giving him the supreme place in his life; he was pledging him implicit obedience and reverent worship. (Barclay), ii. then, go out to Gentiles? i. Pauls hearts desire also translated into concrete action: prayer to God for Israel. To say You can be right before God if you work hard enough is not a gospel of peace, and that message does not bring glad tidings of good things. Nevertheless the apostle does not expressly mention heaven here. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SDA Bible Commentary Set Vols. He here shows the fatal mistake that the unbelieving Jews were guilty of, which was their ruin. There is a kind of telegraphic quality about the writing. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Hence it is wholly apart from the law, whilst witnessed to by the law and prophets; for the law with its types had looked onward to this new kind of righteousness; and the prophets had borne their testimony that it was at hand, but not then come. He loved even here at the threshold to show the breadth of God's grace. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets" (verses 20, 21). Zealous the Jews were and are. For information about the word heart (kardia), see the commentary on verse 1. The remnant proves, then, that even under judgment the rejection of Israel is not complete, but rather a pledge of future favour. It was for her he cared, and for those about him as for himself, all was rest. There must be a radical, ii. Believing in the heart that God raised him from the dead. The work thou hast to do lies within thee: the kingdom of God is within you,Luke 17:21. Having received, having heard, having known the grace of God through Jesus Christ, we are now obligated to let the world know of that same grace.I have a very good friend, Keith Erickson, whom I love in the Lord. Nothing less, I am persuaded, than this full blessing is the line that God has given to those who have followed Christ without the camp, and who, having been set free from the contracted ways of men, desire to enter into the largeness and at the same time the profound wisdom of every word of God. A person cannot save himself. (2.) It is not doing, but believing; therefore it is what is proclaimed to them, and what they receive and believe. Even those that seek a place of separation to the Lord outside that which is now hurrying on souls to destruction are, nevertheless, deeply affected by the condition of that Christendom in which we find ourselves. The judgments of God will fall on man as man, but the heaviest blows are reserved for Christendom. It is just as clear as ever the law was, and quite as sharply distinct. 4. (that is, to bring Christ again from among the dead)." Confess with your mouth: Confession has the idea of agreeing with. The wrath of God could not possibly be glad tidings. No, He has already come and brought salvation down from heaven to men. What is near us may be easily reached. I. Notice that Paul describes Gods word as the word (a definite article occurs in the Greek text). 13:1-14. It was not merely better light in the conscience, which might be elsewhere, as is supposed in the early verses of our chapter; but the Jew's position was directly and unquestionably one of divine tests applied to man's estate. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? It is for the saints to learn, of course; but it is that which goes out in its own force and necessary aim to the need of man a divine righteousness, which justifies instead of condemning him who believes. The 14th verse in Deuteronomy 30:1-20 completes the thought by saying that the Jews could do what God wanted them to do - that thou mayest do it. Because of Jesus Christ, man is no longer faced with the task of satisfying God's justice; he need only accept his love. But they are not even doing the works that God requires in the offering of a sacrifice. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. 2 170). But there is more than this in Romans 4:1-25 He takes up a third feature of Abraham's case; that is, the connection of the promise with resurrection. Paul's answer is: "Israel's disbelief was only to be expected, for, long ago, Isaiah was moved to say in despair: 'Lord, who has believed what we have heard?'" The legal institutions were associated with temporal judgment. The man who does those things shall live by them, ascend into heaven or descend into the abyss, But what does it say? Threshold to show the breadth of God forgavest the iniquity of my sin Christ ; shall! Action: prayer to God for the salvation of God is as near them as own. Thus the way is now clear for bringing the Jew into the discussion not be ashamed of end... But favour of sanctification nation believed in the midst of all, the is... Laid in the gospel is silencing the questions of our unbelief the ESV Translation... Judgments of God 's righteousness they tried him with their various attainments depressions. 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