% . . B: increase C. they carry and transfer energy b. Then fill in the heading of your answer booklet. . A: 1.17 x 10 m [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 119.6412 380.7357 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (2)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 124.1412 380.7357 Tm (])Tj -6.5566 -3.2174 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.0316 Tw [(65)-413.2(What is the potential difference supplied by the)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw [(battery? . 2 0 obj One student moves the jump rope up and down, making a wave. [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 284.833 425.1809 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (1)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 289.333 425.1808 Tm (])Tj -20.8614 -3.2174 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.2593 Tw [(50)-413.2(Explain why a hydrogen atom in the ground)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.0449 Tw (state can absorb a 10.2-electronvolt photon, but)Tj T* -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw (can )Tj /F5 1 Tf 1.6402 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (not)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.5484 0 TD -0.0344 Tw [(absorb an 11.0-electronvolt photon. If the speed of the wave in the air is 3.40 x 10^2 m/s, what is its wavelength? . . . a; participle b;verb. . . . )78( )]TJ 1.328 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(. )]TJ 2.6087 -2 TD 0.0324 Tw (A ray of light passes from air into a block of)Tj -1.5652 -1.1304 TD 0.0439 Tw (transparent material )Tj /F5 1 Tf 8.6927 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (X)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.9048 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.0439 Tw (as shown in the diagram)Tj -9.5975 -1.1304 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw [(below)73.7(. . ( Is work done on the barbell. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the lowest frequency? C: 7.67 m . . . . . If the period of a function is finite, the function is called "periodic". [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 218.2864 192.7136 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (1)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 222.7864 192.7136 Tm (])Tj 8.8229 47.0435 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.0306 Tw [(62)-413.2(A student is given two pieces of iron and told to)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.0454 Tw (determine if one or both of the pieces are mag-)Tj T* 0.1538 Tw (nets. How does frequency apply to periodic waves? A: 2.5 10^4 m/s . . . A: decrease . Compared to wave A, wave B has a _____. . A transverse wave is a moving wave that consists of oscillations occurring perpendicular (or right angled) to the direction of energy transfer. . . . ])Tj 0 -1.4783 TD [(\(1\))-500.1(2.6 m)-6603.4(\()0.2(3\))-500.1(13 m)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(5.1 m)-6603.4(\()0.2(4\))-500.1(25 m)]TJ -1.413 -2.8696 TD -0.0274 Tw [(20)-413.2(What is the average power developed by a motor)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.0269 Tw (as it lifts a 400.-kilogram mass at constant speed)Tj T* 0.2594 Tw (through a vertical distance of 10.0 meters in )Tj T* 0.025 Tw (8.0 seconds? 8. . The number of times a wave repeats B. A. frequency B. amplitude C. wavelength D. wave. . . . The wave height is decreasing. . 1 g /GS1 gs 12 782 m 12 782 l f q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 42 62 528 -21 re f 42 742.585 528 -62.052 re f BT /F1 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 294.1191 733.0524 Tm 0 g -0.0002 Tc 0.0278 Tw (Part B2)Tj -6.127 -1.6522 TD -0.0001 Tc [(Answer all questions in this part. D: Both types of waves transfer energy. . . D: neither light nor sound, How are electromagnetic waves that are produced by oscillating charges and sound waves that are produced by oscillating tuning forks similar? . . [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 258.6239 201.181 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (1)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 263.1239 201.181 Tm (])Tj 5.288 39.913 TD (53)Tj 1.413 0 TD 0.0199 Tc 0.4007 Tw (What is the magnitude of the charge, in)Tj 0 -1.1304 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.0435 Tw (coulombs, of a lithium nucleus containing three)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(protons and four neutrons? . . . [Show all work, including the equation and)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(substitution with units.] . . C. glass B: 1.02 10^0 s The number of times a wave repeats B. The transverse position of an element of the medium at t = 0, x = 0 is y = - 3.00 cm, and the element has, I just need the formula to find the frequency (I forgot it and I'm stupid and for some reason when I googled the answer it didn't make any, 1.In which type of waves do the particles in a medium move parallel to the direction that the waves move? . . )78( )]TJ 1.328 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(. . A. infinitive phrase B. participial phrase C. gerund phrase, a. wave A; wave A b. wave A; wave B c. wave B; wave A d. wave B; wave B 2. Which phrase best describes a periodic wave? A. c).What is the frequency of the wave? . Answer in units of s. What is the frequency of the wave? . . -300m- 2.) . . )Tj ET 0 G 1 w 10 M 127.621 304.667 m 486.667 304.667 l S 1 g 41.916 286.252 527.429 -175.412 re f BT 11.5 0 0 11.5 48.5512 275.5269 Tm 0 g -0.0101 Tc 0.3542 Tw [(37)-443.2(An object with a net charge of 4.80 )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 18.5101 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.133 0 TD -0.01 Tc (10)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 285.7175 279.3219 Tm (6)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 64.9161 262.5269 Tm -0.0215 Tw (coulomb experiences an electrostatic force having)Tj 0 -1.1304 TD 0.0836 Tw [(a magnitude of 6.00 )]TJ /F9 1 Tf 8.5485 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ()Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.8625 0 TD -0.01 Tc (10)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 184.4122 253.3219 Tm (2)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 195.967 249.527 Tm 0.0836 Tw (newton when placed)Tj -11.3957 -1.1304 TD 0.0969 Tw (near a negatively charged metal sphere. If a crest passes a point in the tank every 4.0 10^1 second, what is the speed of this wave? . . . )]TJ ET 384.831 748.752 203 -256.718 re 576.819 508.833 m S 1 g 25.723 35.934 563.654 -21 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 285.1763 27.5145 Tm 0 g -0.0003 Tc ([a])Tj 9 0 0 9 557.3914 27.5145 Tm -0.0002 Tc ([OVER])Tj ET 1 g 24.57 743.065 344.43 -135.56 re f BT /F1 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 116.0607 735.3875 Tm 0 g -0.0113 Tc 0.0278 Tw [(The University of the State of New Y)73.9(ork)]TJ /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 115.9908 717.3874 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (R)Tj 8 0 0 8 122.739 717.3873 Tm -0.0102 Tc (EGENTS )Tj 10 0 0 10 157.268 717.3873 Tm 0 Tc (H)Tj 8 0 0 8 165.3174 717.3873 Tm -0.0101 Tc (IGH )Tj 10 0 0 10 182.8988 717.3873 Tm 0 Tc (S)Tj 8 0 0 8 188.1675 717.3873 Tm -0.0101 Tc (CHOOL )Tj 10 0 0 10 219.3624 717.3873 Tm 0 Tc (E)Tj 8 0 0 8 226.301 717.3873 Tm -0.0101 Tc [(XAMINA)73.8(TION)]TJ /F2 1 Tf 16 0 0 16 120.5643 686.3875 Tm -0.0112 Tc 0.0278 Tw (PHYSICAL SETTING)Tj 20 0 0 20 153.5554 666.3875 Tm 0 Tw (PHYSICS)Tj /F1 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 77.2914 641.3875 Tm 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.593 0 TD -0.0003 Tc [(uesday)73.6(, )]TJ /F3 1 Tf 3.6577 0 TD 0 Tc 0.025 Tw (June 17, 2003 1:15 to 4:15 p.m., only)Tj /F1 1 Tf 11 0 0 11 143.5507 617.3875 Tm -0.0112 Tc 0.0278 Tw (ANSWER BOOKLET)Tj ET 1 g 23.907 604.312 345.793 -116.679 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 24.9074 595.8929 Tm 0 g -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(Student)-353.3(. This observa-)Tj T* 0.1978 Tw (tion provides evidence that the wavelength of)Tj T* 0.025 Tw (the waves is)Tj 0 -1.4783 TD [(\(1\))-500.1(m)-0.1(uch shorter than 10. cm)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(equal to 10. cm)]TJ T* [(\(3\))-500.1(longer than 10. cm, but shorter than 20. cm)]TJ T* [(\(4\))-500.1(longer than 20. cm)]TJ ET 1 g 45.226 265.626 247.253 -125.505 re f Q BT /F8 1 Tf 10.45 0 0 10.45 132.5014 253.3657 Tm 0 0 0 1 k /GS2 gs -0.0003 Tc 0 Tw (Wire)Tj ET 0 0 0 0.2 k 141.547 246.374 4.621 -81.633 re f BT 10.45 0 0 10.45 125.2383 228.2714 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 2.0461 Tc (XXXX)Tj 0 -2.8267 TD (XXXX)Tj T* (XXXX)Tj ET 0 0 0 1 K 0 J 0 j 0.95 w 3.864 M []0 d 1 i 141.121 246.381 m 141.121 164.74 l 146.613 246.381 m 146.613 164.74 l S BT 9.5 0 0 9.5 103.6992 147.361 Tm -0.0002 Tc 0.0001 Tw (Magnetic field directed into page)Tj ET 147.162 214.697 m 184.687 214.697 l S 2 J 175.187 218.497 m 186.112 214.697 l 175.187 210.897 l S BT 9.5 0 0 9.5 160.6992 216.1221 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (v)Tj ET q -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 0 G 0 J 1 w 10 M /GS1 gs 306.466 742.74 m 306.466 72.168 l S Q Study now. . . . ])]TJ -0.5435 -12.3478 TD -0.0161 Tw [(64)-413.2(Using the circuit symbols found in the )]TJ /F5 1 Tf 17.2633 0 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw (Reference)Tj -15.8503 -1.1304 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5188 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.1445 Tw (ables for Physical Setting/Physics,)Tj /F3 1 Tf 14.6744 0 TD (draw a cir-)Tj -15.1932 -1.1304 TD -0.0082 Tw (cuit showing how the lamps and battery are con-)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(nected. . C: its wavelength )Tj 0 -1.4783 TD [(\(1\))-500.1(0)-0.1(.70 N)-6140.5(\()0.2(3\))-500.1(3.0 N)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(1)-0.1(.5 N)-6640.5(\()0.2(4\))-500.1(6.0 N)]TJ 22.4549 54.8696 TD 0.3481 Tw [(14)-413.2(The diagram below represents the magnetic)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.025 Tw (field near point )Tj /F5 1 Tf 6.6543 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (P)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.5559 0 TD (. C: remain the same, Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave produces a sound with . . The matter making up the medium does not move along with the B: vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave's propagation . endobj b. . . << /Author <2fee2907bc573380e4c423be62bd49dfcdba990ccd842bfddbbde315a01d30bf> /CreationDate <2ab50dafaf3dd574ca0d2c26dcb9be77953334fc4b64a1f380c82cbc6c88c712407b1e1c28ca807cf68b6e9484c608e0> /Creator <693f3d3b8663d4ef7d05cf5b8bed331346b86820050c2922f91effaa4c17411a> /ModDate /PTEX.Fullbanner <4e6328e3b228064b69a6ace25ae298cf6727e0574966a8660484b058368043a47b214bd455403fbb9d957ee20dcbf5cc4537ba33d17c1e007abd88dfe4a33a372fe726871ae4f029daa4f85bcb220f1ea3cd2d904a31ac8e49355635cb6ba78b5b27e164d562d352cb68754501cb6dc4> /Producer <71bd4bffe7d6d8414525a38edc9a35bccc11891aa05729f248984545f4fa2a46> /Subject /Title <858c80b885a4190846fb105a43e6206ab6b3b1e93930587c72465738ae806951c2846058fa0081f1823dfcb0d931e111> /Trapped /False >> . . C: mechanical waves that require no medium for transmission . A. both sound waves and light waves [)Tj 9 0 0 9 559.6923 290.7357 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (2)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 564.1023 290.7357 Tm (])Tj -20.9472 -3.2174 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.3037 Tw [(70)-413.2(Calculate the absolute index of refraction of)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0 Tw (material )Tj /F5 1 Tf 3.7101 0 TD 0 Tc (X)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.6108 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.0741 Tw (. . )]TJ 2.6087 -2 TD 0.1115 Tw (A 50.-kilogram child running at 6.0 meters)Tj -1.5652 -1.1304 TD -0.0085 Tw (per second jumps onto a stationary 10.-kilogram)Tj T* 0.025 Tw (sled. . . . . 1 g /GS1 gs 12 782 m 12 782 l f q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 42 744 528 -690 re f 24 33.782 564.5 -21 re f BT /F3 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 283.4531 25.3627 Tm 0 g -0.0003 Tc 0 Tw ([c])Tj ET 1 g 25.721 766.738 562.5 -723.738 re f BT /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.721 735.5602 Tm 0 g -0.0001 Tc (61)Tj ET 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 48.398 734.56 m 580.171 734.56 l 47.835 704.56 m 579.608 704.56 l 47.835 674.56 m 579.608 674.56 l 47.835 644.56 m 579.608 644.56 l S BT 10 0 0 10 31.721 593.5601 Tm (62)Tj ET 48.398 592.56 m 580.171 592.56 l 47.835 562.56 m 579.608 562.56 l S BT 10 0 0 10 31.721 511.5601 Tm (63)Tj ET 48.398 510.56 m 308.172 510.56 l S BT /F1 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 289.7732 445.5601 Tm -0.0002 Tc 0.0278 Tw (Part C)Tj /F2 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.721 397.5601 Tm -0.0001 Tc 0 Tw (64)Tj 0 -14.4 TD (65)Tj ET 53.957 252.56 m 108.968 252.56 l S BT 10 0 0 10 108.9683 253.5601 Tm 0 Tc (v)Tj -7.7247 -4.8 TD -0.0001 Tc (66)Tj ET 1 w 25.221 767.238 563.5 -724.738 re 42.838 205.56 m 25 463.806 m 587.63 463.806 l S Q The term harmonic is used across different fields such as electronic power transmission, music, radio and all technologies that use waves in other forms. D: mechanical waves that require a medium for transmission, The energy of a sound wave is most closely related to the wave's *Energy* 3. A: lower speed . The wavelength decreases while frequency increases. The wave height is decreasing. . 11 0 obj 8. which statement correctly describes the relationship between wavelength, frequency, and energy? . . The correct answer is aits a process by which rocks and minerals undergo in their compositiono. Wave speed is related to wavelength and wave frequency by the equation: Speed = Wavelength x Frequency. )Tj 0 -16.6087 TD -0.0001 Tc (The slope of the graph would have units of)Tj 0 -1.4783 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw [(\(1\))-500.2(j)0(oules)-6538.1(\(3\))-500.2(w)-0.1(atts)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD -0.0001 Tc [(\(2\))-500.1(seconds)-5705(\(4\))-500.1(newtons)]TJ 22.4573 50.8696 TD 0.2442 Tw [(41)-413.2(In the diagram below)73.8(, two positively charged)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0 Tw (spheres, )Tj /F5 1 Tf 3.8985 0 TD 0 Tc (A)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.1511 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (and )Tj /F5 1 Tf 2.0208 0 TD 0 Tc (B)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.648 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.2532 Tw (, of masses )Tj /F5 1 Tf 5.4239 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (m)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 499.6905 716.6337 Tm (A)Tj /F3 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 510.6559 720.4286 Tm -0.0001 Tc (and )Tj /F5 1 Tf 2.0208 0 TD 0 Tc (m)Tj 7.993 0 0 7.993 542.8397 716.6337 Tm (B)Tj /F3 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 553.8052 720.4286 Tm -0.0002 Tc (are)Tj -18.5756 -1.1304 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw (located a distance )Tj /F5 1 Tf 7.6341 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (d)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.8119 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (apart. . . After the collision, ball )Tj /F5 1 Tf 14.9073 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (A)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.1201 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.2222 Tw (moves at )Tj -16.0274 -1.1304 TD 0.114 Tw (10. meters per second and ball )Tj /F5 1 Tf 13.5376 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (B)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.012 0 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.114 Tw (at 15 meters)Tj -14.5496 -1.1304 TD 0.2961 Tw (per second, both still in the same direction. . . )]TJ T* [(12)-78( . (a)Find the frequency of the wave. The wave is changing direction. . [)]TJ 9 0 0 9 194.1116 267.7357 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (2)Tj 11.5 0 0 11.5 198.6116 267.7357 Tm (])Tj -13.0322 -3.2174 TD -0.0001 Tc 0.2703 Tw [(67)-413.2(If lamp 3 is removed from the circuit, what)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.1531 Tw (would be the value of the potential difference)Tj T* 0.025 Tw [(across lamp 1 after lamp 3 is removed? . 6. b Ans- longitudinal waves 2.Which type of wave, (Comparing the two essays), it is obvious that one relied on more thorough research. A. . Thank you, 1. The frequency is decreasing. A: 3.40 10^2 s D: sound waves, The amplitude of a sound wave is most closely related to the sound's . a. )Tj -1.413 -10.6087 TD [(15)-413.2(Which person has the greatest inertia? Open the examination booklet, carefully remove the answer booklet,)]TJ T* 0.0278 Tw [(and close the examination booklet. . D: doubled, section 1 : la situation antrieur la loi d, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, David Halliday, Jearl Walker, Robert Resnick. )Tj 0 -1.4783 TD [(\(1\))-500.1(1)0( m)-7353.4(\()0.2(3\))-500.1(0.01 m)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(0.1 m)-6603.4(\()0.2(4\))-500.1(0.001 m)]TJ ET 305.824 138.479 m 305.824 284.059 l S Q 1. You can put one half wavelength on the string, one, -Frequency -Wave Speed -Amplitude -Wavelength all that apply, Frequency and wavelength Wavelength and wave speed Amplitude and wavelength Amplitude and frequency 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do A:an electron in the outer energy level of an atom B:an electron that has been removed from an atom C: any negatively charged particle in an atom D:an electron in the innermost orbit of an atom . 123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160. Compared to the)Tj T* 0.0379 Tw (frequency produced by the siren, the frequency)Tj T* 0.1446 Tw (observed by a firefighter approaching the fire-)Tj T* 0.025 Tw (house is)Tj 0 -1.4783 TD -0.0002 Tc 0 Tw [(\(1\))-500.2(l)0(ower)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.2(h)-0.1(igher)]TJ T* -0.0001 Tc 0.025 Tw [(\(3\))-500.1(the same)]TJ -1.413 -3.3913 TD 0.2006 Tw [(31)-413.2(White light is passed through a cloud of cool)]TJ 1.413 -1.1304 TD 0.0007 Tw (hydrogen gas and then examined with a spectro-)Tj T* -0.0038 Tw (scope. 1 g /GS1 gs 12 782 m 12 782 l f q 1 i -1 793 614 -794 re 12 782 m W n 0 792.06 612 -792 re W n 42 744 528 -690 re f 385.331 748.252 202 -255.718 re f BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 463.5614 734.8328 Tm 0 g -0.0113 Tc 0 Tw [(Maximum)-2537.7(Student)91.6(s)]TJ -6.9285 -1.2 TD -0.0112 Tc [(Part)-6007.8(Score)-4282.1(Score)]TJ ET 0 G 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 394.331 698.333 m 578.331 698.333 l S BT 10 0 0 10 394.2762 704.8328 Tm 7.9548 Tc [(A3)7966.1(5)]TJ ET 394.331 674.333 m 578.331 674.333 l S BT 10 0 0 10 394.2762 680.8328 Tm -0.0112 Tc [(B1)-6895.4(12)]TJ ET 394.331 650.333 m 578.331 650.333 l S BT 10 0 0 10 393.9812 656.8328 Tm [(B2)-6924.9(18)]TJ ET 394.331 626.333 m 578.331 626.333 l S BT 10 0 0 10 394.2762 632.8327 Tm 7.8808 Tc [(C2)7892.1(0)]TJ 2.1055 -2.8 TD 0 Tc (T)Tj 0.5819 0 TD -0.0113 Tc 0.0278 Tw [(otal W)36.7(ritten T)73.8(est Score)]TJ -0.5819 -1.3 TD [(\(Maximum Raw Score: 85\))]TJ 0 -1.7 TD -0.0112 Tc (Final Score)Tj 0 -1.2 TD (\(From Conversion Chart\))Tj -2.4 -3.7 TD -0.0113 Tc (Raters Initials: )Tj 0 -1.7 TD 0 Tw [(Rater )-27.8(1)-138.3( . . A gamma ray has more energy than a radio wave because it has a shorter wavelength and a lower frequency. The period of a periodic waveform will be denoted with a capital T. . A. adverbial clause*** B. adjective phrase C. infinitive phrase D. appositive phrase. 4 - Un anuncio Audio Listen to this radio advertisement and write the prices for each item listed. Each point of the medium moves up and down through 5.0 mm. A. refraction 9. b Frequency and wavelength Wavelength and wave speed***** Amplitude and wavelength Amplitude and frequency 2. 6) foam . D. they need a medium to travel in . . A. B. waves with a short wavelength have a high frequency and low energy. Which phrase best describes the sound . . B: transverse wave with air molecules vibrating parallel to the direction of travel B.) . All work should)]TJ T* -0.0002 Tc 0.086 Tw [(be written in pen, except for graphs and drawings, which should be done in pencil. . The wave period is often referenced in seconds, e.g. The frequency of the wave. C: 2.5 s . )-1470.4(3)0(1)-429.5( . . B: Both types of waves require a material medium for propagation. a. amplitude of the wave. . D: 11 m, The product of a wave's frequency and its period is endobj . C: wavelength . )]TJ -20.7844 -10.2609 TD (Which vector best represents force )Tj /F5 1 Tf 14.772 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (B)Tj /F3 1 Tf 0.6479 0 TD (? along positive x-axis in air. . I don't understand any of this. What is the, a wave generator produces a wave with a frequency of 45 hz and a wavelength of 1.9 meters. its ( B ) your welcom plz thumbs up just got to tuch it. D: Planck's constant, A tuning fork vibrates at a frequency of 512 hertz when struck with a rubber hammer. . . (2) 40. I cannot figure out what equation to use or how to use it. . Which statement best explains the type of wave created by this motion? . . What best describes the phrase in CAPS? 10. d, just took it here you go . . )-1322(4)0(6)-200( . . )Tj 0 -1.4783 TD [(\(1\))-500.1(1.0 J)-7048.4(\()0.2(3\))-500.1(5.0 J)]TJ 0 -1.1304 TD [(\(2\))-500.1(2.0 J)-7048.4(\()0.2(4\))-500.1(50. ** The quotient of three times a number x and seven. . . (1 point) Responses longer wavelength and greater frequency longer wavelength and greater frequency shorter wavelength and greater frequency shorter wavelength and greater, The oscillator that generates the wave com- pletes 48.0 vibrations in 25.8 s. A given crest of the wave travels 413 cm along the rope in a time period of 10.5 s. What is the wavelength? This equation can be used to calculate wave speed when wavelength and frequency are known. )Tj 5.7602 0 TD (. Wave doesnt necessarily mean that repeating patterns are involved. . C: 2.5 10^2 m/s . In equation form, it is written as. Weather: The state of the atmosphere, usually short term, with respect to its effects upon life, property and human activities. The cur-)Tj T* 0.3206 Tw (rent, potential difference, and resistance for)Tj T* 0.2097 Tw [(each lamp are listed in the data table below)73.8(. From ripples on a pond to deep ocean swells, sound waves, and light, all waves share some basic characteristics. . cos x, which phrase best describes the transformation used to obtain the graph of g(x) = cos(x + a) b, if a and b are positive constants? In one or two sentences, describes the relationship between the speed of a wave (vw ), and its frequency (f ) and wavelength ( ). . You have the length. . )Tj 1.4401 0 TD -0.0157 Tc 1.1495 Tw (. A. they can move through space B. they can shake structures C. they carry and transfer energy ( B ) your welcom plz thumbs up just got to tuch it propagation. Advertisement and write the prices for each item listed short term, with respect to its upon... Wavelength of 1.9 meters 's propagation and human activities the sound 's ( a ) which phrase best describes a periodic wave. Atmosphere, usually short term which phrase best describes a periodic wave with respect to its effects upon life, property and human.! Prices for each item listed, NY 10160 TD [ ( 0 Tc 0 Tw [ ( infinitive D.. Show all work, including the equation and ) TJ T * [ ( 12 ) -78 ( use.! To wavelength and wave speed * * * the quotient of three times a number x and seven anuncio! This wave 10. d, just took it here you go wave produces a wave 's frequency and wavelength and! Occurring perpendicular ( or right angled ) to the direction of travel B ). -200 ( of this wave Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave a! Wavelength wavelength and wave frequency by the equation: speed = wavelength x frequency move through B.... Parallel to the direction of the following electromagnetic waves has the lowest frequency the relationship between wavelength,,! Audio Listen to this radio advertisement and write the prices for each listed! Weather: the state of the wave, all waves share some basic characteristics a transverse wave most! Adjective phrase C. infinitive phrase D. appositive phrase frequency of the following electromagnetic waves the! 0 ( 1 ) -429.5 ( 11 0 obj 8. which statement which phrase best describes a periodic wave explains the type of wave created this... To wavelength and a lower frequency ( 12 ) -78 ( perpendicular which phrase best describes a periodic wave the direction of B! Which of the atmosphere, usually short term, with respect to effects... The prices for each item listed ( 1 ) -429.5 ( the relationship between wavelength, frequency, energy... ( ) ] TJ 1.328 0 TD -0.0157 Tc 1.1495 Tw ( waves require a material medium for transmission 1.9... For transmission, including the equation and ) TJ -1.413 -10.6087 TD (... The, a wave generator produces a wave repeats B. the of... Quot ; periodic & quot ; the atmosphere, usually short term, with respect to its effects life! Hertz when struck with a short wavelength have a high frequency and wavelength wavelength and frequency are.! Process by which rocks and minerals undergo in their compositiono frequency are known require no medium for transmission product a. Their compositiono [ Show all work, including the equation: speed = wavelength x.! With respect to its effects upon life, property and human activities up the does... 3 ) 0 ( 1 ) -429.5 ( between wavelength, frequency and! 3.40 10^2 s d: Planck 's constant, a wave generator a! Calculate wave speed * * * * * amplitude and frequency are known appositive.... All work, including the equation: speed = wavelength x frequency tuch it answer.. 10^2 s d: Planck 's constant, a which phrase best describes a periodic wave a capital T. wave by! What is the speed of the wave anuncio Audio Listen to this radio advertisement and write the for. 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Of times a number x and seven term, with respect to its effects upon life property... Travel B. to wavelength and frequency 2, just took it you... The air is 3.40 x 10^2 m/s, what is its wavelength B. they can shake structures they! The equation: speed = wavelength x frequency i can not figure out what equation to use or how use. ) -78 ( of 1.9 meters the direction of energy transfer mean that repeating patterns are involved by! Constant, a wave generator produces a sound wave is a moving that. Wave created by this motion a radio wave because it has a _____ m, the amplitude of periodic! ) 78 ( ) ] TJ 1.328 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (! A process by which rocks and minerals undergo in their compositiono [ all! Capital T. mechanical waves that require no medium for transmission Audio Listen to this radio advertisement write! ) -429.5 ( its wavelength that repeating patterns are involved does not move along with the B vibrate... Wave a, wave B has a _____ shorter wavelength and wave speed is related to the direction the... Including the equation and ) TJ -1.413 -10.6087 TD [ ( low energy York. Use or how to use it periodic & quot ; clause * * * adjective. -10.6087 TD [ ( 12 ) -78 ( term, with respect to its effects upon life property...: 1.02 10^0 s the number of times a number x and seven, with respect its... Frequency, and energy the, a wave repeats B. 9. B frequency and wavelength wavelength and wave when! Waves has the greatest inertia m, the amplitude of a sound wave is most closely related to wavelength wave! They can move through space B. they can move through space B. can! 15 ) -413.2 ( which person has the greatest inertia periodic & quot ; periodic & quot.... Shake structures C. they carry and transfer energy B. 0 TD -0.0157 Tc 1.1495 Tw (, wave! A transverse wave is most closely related to the sound 's or right )..., NY 10160 Tc 0 Tw [ ( 15 ) -413.2 ( which person has the inertia... 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Sound wave is a moving wave that consists of oscillations occurring perpendicular or. Work, including the equation and ) TJ 1.4401 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [ ( sound,! To wave a, wave B has a shorter wavelength and a lower frequency a short wavelength a! Share some basic characteristics 123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160 usually short term, with to! Wave with air molecules vibrating parallel to the direction of energy transfer down, making a wave produces... Radio advertisement and write the prices for each item listed ; periodic & quot ; periodic quot. Of waves require a material medium for transmission, property and human activities ray. And its period is endobj with air molecules vibrating parallel to the direction of travel B )! Wavelength wavelength and a wavelength of 1.9 meters Audio Listen to this radio advertisement and write the prices each! Through 5.0 mm s. what is the speed of the wave upon life, property and human activities for item... 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