It is a well-known clinical fact that depression is most frequently caused by unexpressed anger turned inward. Including your way of speaking, dressing, walking, acting, working, having fun. Personally, thats from me but maybe not all virgos are the same. Virgo In Love: How Compatible Is With You? "I have never once been angry. Gifs are sure to be brought back, but only after an analysis of how pathetic the situation actually was or is. They're great at keeping secrets, so it makes them great for advice, but this also means that the things they do are quite random, and it's hard to know what they're going to do next. They put their own selves on a pedestal and assume worshippers. I would love to hear them so leave you comment below. It means, however, supplying all the TOCs and manias of the natives of this sign so absolutely and absurdly clean and concerned with the cleanliness, organization and hygiene of everything. Among the different Virgo personality traits, it highlights the Virgo unhappiness self-inflicted nature. In her spare time, she loves to read fantasy books. Car dealer relieves himself on woman's license after test drive. As natural hermits and introverts, a Virgo is not a crowd person. They get angry when others are messing up their routine and are in conflict with their wise plans. They also struggle to trust other people because they dont always understand people. Then end up becoming depress! They plan their weeks way in advance, and one small spanner thrown in the works sends their blood boiling! Dirt and mess are synonymous with unnecessary obstacles in life. They may also deal their adversary with complete indifference, as if they have ceased to exist. Be patient and let them work through the feelings. When people are emotionally open, this of course triggers some sort of reciprocal responsibility. In The Virgo Forum. Imeldas immense gifts have helped thousands of people over the years and each and every day Imelda and the team are flooded with emails and letters thanking them for their insight and advice regarding interpretation of angel numbers, spirit animals, dream meanings etc. This woman has pushed her anger down and is not sure when she is angry. So, get ready for it! He will also try to change that in you. At the other end of the spectrum, their perfectionism is also annoying because it makes us see our own shortcomings. Your critical eye for detail sometimes makes you spend too much time looking for flaws in everything and everyone. They do not seek your validation. Kayleigh Hudson has always been fascinated by astrology and the zodiac, as well as mythical creatures. They're self-indulgent to the point where they're completely oblivious to the needs and feelings of other people. The influence of its host planet Mercury is a large reason why Virgos prefer to live their lives in a particular fashion. What Men Want: The Essential Guide on How to Attract Men, 12 Ways to Improve Your Sex Life Right Now, The Law of Attraction Guide: Attract Anything, Archetypal Astrology and Depth Psychology, Personal Development Secrets for a Successful Life. is one of the leading astrology and women's lifestyle and spirituality websites online today. Libras also get annoyed with unkind people and people who are indifferent about what's happening in the world. Published on March 1, 2023. It's fine to organize, but they still need to respect you and your decisions. How do you get a Virgo man to open up to you? Virgos have difficulty making their feelings understood as they do not emote effortlessly. It also can cause low self-esteem, physical illness, psychosomatic illness, or outbursts of temper that may result in the loss of a job or a friendship and can even cause divorce. ChristineSchoenwaldis a writer, performer, and teacher who loves writing and performing personal narratives. As a matter of fact, theyre the neatest natives of the zodiac. This is most important in a professional situation, where she has to learn to balance her image: brains with beauty, femininity without submissiveness, strength without bossi-ness that others might find frightening. On the other hand, they are intelligent, can be counted on to do what they say, are hard workers and loyal friends. When it comes to Virgos, things have to make sense logically. She is often an emotional prude, not deigning to touch on feelings she considers dirty or unwanted. ?re Virgo, Then Tell About Yourself. Virgos dont like it when people are disorganized and throwing things all over the place. Perhaps one of the reasons that Virgos are so hated is because they can be very particular. Just act like a normal human being! Virgo Soulmates: Whos Their Lifetime Partner? People who fall into the astrological sign of being a Virgo are defined as being perfectionists that are practical and systematic in everything they do. More than this, they can be obsessed about when these items are going to be returned to them. They just don't understand why it takes others so incredibly long to decide. Took the time to make a whole article about how horrible Virgo people are. It is like a rare disease that affects only Virgos: criticism invades their bodies with such agility, and in such large quantities, they cannot control it, and they leave through their mouths. For people born in Virgo, the actions may be more important than their words. Virgo has a microscopic eye with a scientific brain that can penetrate any element, person or situation, fully understand it and reshape it to perfection. Among many Virgo personality traits that people find annoying, this is especially troublesome because it cuts so deep. You may be annoyed that a project did not work out as well as you expected but don't overdo it. You may honestly believe that all things are possible but that . Virgos cannot forgive people after they have hurt them and they never forget it, their friends shouldnt expect to regain they trust very easily. Virgos tend to be serious and uptight, forgetting that it is ok to relax. Every conflict, they will blame u, call u names, say harsh words to you(eg: stupid) and compare u. Aries Anger: The Dark Side of The Ram Sign, Taurus Anger: The Dark Side of The Bull Sign, Gemini Anger: The Dark Side of The Twins Sign, Cancer Anger: The Dark Side of The Crab Sign, Leo Anger: The Dark Side of The Lion Sign, Libra Anger: The Dark Side of The Scales Sign. One of the most passionate signs, Virgos specialize at connecting to their physicality, and this earth sign loves and celebrates physical connection with their partner. If you dont exhibit this personality trait already, this will drive you crazy. Even if u are their GF. Virgos can't forgive people after they've hurt them, and are never forgetting. Ah, remember that too much demand can drive you crazy! Her use of the word might indicates how tentative she feels about being angry. Virgo understands the value of hard work more than any other sign (except Capricorn). You cant always be perfect (neither you nor the people you live with). Rage in war is acceptable, even rewarded by medals. They must be informed in a written letter that they are the only ones who are right. They only cherry pick certain parts of your story and that will define you. She must learn to lose her temper just enough to be heardnot so often that it's like crying wolf, but often enough to make a difference. They do not just go with the flow and accept things at face value. They are too sensitive Virgos are often too sensitive and this affects their love life in a negative way. Updated February 22, 2023. It is the shared experiences that truly help people discover their common humanity. They'll never get over you, and they were never really into . Get plenty of rest and practice healthy eating habits. Besides, when someone is showing intimacy in public towards them, theyre quite annoyed. One of the most annoying of the negative Virgo personality traits is to confuse emotional intimacy and honest emotional moments with some sort of lifelong emotional commitment. When a person lacks awareness of how important the exchange of energy is, it will send a Virgo into a frenzy. Virgos expect you always to be the best version of yourself you can be because they apply the same pressure to themselves. 3. Once their mind is set, you likely are not going to change it so you might as well stop trying. Virgo and Gemini are both naturally curious, intellectual, and well-meaning people. They know right from wrong and are very angry more than often. These people do not like to confront others because they prefer to let go of their anger and not let it out on others, as they may feel burdened by this. They mirror the pressure they put onto themselves to be perfect onto everyone else, so try not to take it too personally. This means their opponents can remain in pathetic states. If you do it wrong, it may be impossible to get their love back. When others display a lack of logic, it grinds Virgos gears. If you're dealing with a distant Virgo man, you are probably worried that something is wrong or he is losing interest. Taurusget annoyed when things don't go their way or something unexpected happens. ", 4. Being judgemental. A box where I will judge you. Why so meticulous, Virgo? That's what I find annoying about them. That's right. Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? There is no point in trying to argue, even if your arguments are based on biblical scriptures, speeches by the President of the United States, your favourite music or the words of your heart. If you are going to be late, waste their time or cancel on them last minute, they will see this as disrespectful toward them and a slap on their face. What makes Virgos especially discouraging for others is a desire to judge other people. But the thing is that even if you can show them that they are wrong, they are not ever going to back down and admit so. I admire the fifth woman for her courage and honesty. Virgos do not take any advice from anybody, and any person who tries to tell a Virgo what to do or what is better for them will be kicked to the curb very quickly! Virgo believes that their body is their temple and should treat it as such, so it should not be dirty, smelly or unsanitary. Eatontown, NJ 07724, 17. Fv 27, 2023 . Violence and poor emotional functioning often result. Virgos are painstakingly aware of this fact, and they are always complaining about how little time they have, or how they are continually running out of time. Comment. For some of you, it's because you are teaching or sharing information. However, they can come off as critical or cold, especially because they do indeed like to "know it all." I was really shy, but I think now that I just became, more than anything, angry. When Virgo isn't journaling their innermost thoughts, they are helping others. The idea that Virgo simply cannot fix everything will leave them easilyand frequentlydisappointed. These are the reasons why. And for those who follow astrology, there are some things they may not like to hear. This is almost laughable when it comes to the many different Virgo personality traits that people have a problem with, still its true of many Virgos. Try not to be lazy with a Virgo, show him or her that you can be useful, or you will hear his or her dissatisfaction. Its just that they dont truly know how to show their emotions and feel human. Due to their hyper-awareness, crowds can be overstimulating to them. The analytical processes in their minds cause them to need time and space to assess everything. And this can lead to a certain level of dislike against them. At least Virgos are discreet and will not go around screaming about things they consider to be defects. They do all have this tendency, but theyre not all like this. It is not enough to criticize your way of speaking. The good news is that FBI statistics only show Virgos as being primarily evil in terms of theft or fraud. Virgos expect perfection from themselves, and they may project those high standards on the other people in their life. "Anger? When a Virgo man is mad, you may not even know it. We project personal anger on groups of people: women, Jews, Latinos, blacks, unions, strikers, foreigners, the government, radicals; the list is endless. The unfortunate side effect of their critical thinking is that they simply cant mask it in real life. Like Geminis, Virgos are known for their quick wit and dry sense of humor. In case someone has hurt them unintentionally, their best chance of making friends with the Virgo friend is to write him or her apologies. Because they deal everything based on knowledge and facts. However, she seems fairly aware of her own angry reactions and of her suppression of anger out of fear. But as soon as theyre displaying their vengeful ways, no one can have them in control anymore. (Aka stupid!). A Virgo man is territorial. Virgos are very unpredictable people, which means that you never know what's going to happen. These natives revenge comes in a passive but aggressive way, through comments and different actions that can confuse many. And you dont want to be there then. Some Virgos have been described as being pure evil because they tend to be cold and calculated. They put a tremendous amount of pressure on themselves not to waste time, and never to be late, and they cannot stand when other people do this. Particular Personality Perhaps one of the reasons that Virgos are so hated is because they can be very particular. Theyre keeping their anger sulking, theyre hiding and ignoring. Releasing anger and losing face doesn't help. 18. They take life seriously. They will answer all of your comments with factual statements and statistics. If asked for help, theyre feeling more in control and appreciated. but I believe this only applies to those who havent accepted the fact that everyone is different. However, when they do become mad, they can act in an indifferent manner with the person who made them upset. on Leos anger, what makes this zodiac sign angry? There many times in life where people who pretty much didnt know each other will turn to each other and become very emotionally honest. Thats right. They want to have friends but they can be hard to get close to. I found it boring and humiliating. 2023-03-01T05:25:14.518Z. They love to socialize, but only with smart and like-minded people. She is the Editor in Chief at The Horoscope. Take up a relaxing hobby such as yoga, painting, or journaling. Virgos cant forgive people after theyve hurt them, and are never forgetting. Cleanliness is incredibly important to them, especially personal hygiene, and any scruffy will not look good on them. They believe that they strive for perfection when they are actually just being plain annoying to everybody around them. Their immediate reaction to Virgo when hurt is they disappear from the things that hurt them and get away from it. See additional information. Virgos believe your body is your temple, and you should treat it as such. However, they do tend to have fairly severe limitation when it comes to separating people from the things people do. One thing that Virgos are commonly known for is their inability to ever be wrong. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. If you want a partner you can rely on, Virgos are for you, if you prefer someone who only promises the world, then I agree we may not be your cup of tea. This also relates to some of their feelings of anxiety and worry that they deal with. We go out of our way to help everyone around us and because we prefer to support people through actions instead of empty, flowering words it doesnt count. For example, they can change the furniture around the house and not make any plans. Take the character Dr. Brennan from the TV Series Bones as a great example of this. But as thousands of veterans from Vietnam and the Gulf War found out, rage at home must be suppressed, even if it becomes depression. I have realised each and every point of the article over and over since a long time ago with the ongoing experiences. "I've recendy learned in your seminar on constructive uses of anger that people see me as a placid, contented person. What does Virgos hate? Virgos expect you to always be the best version of yourself that you can be because they apply the same pressure to themselves. You're knit-picky and it's annoying as hell. Aquarius. They will always deny these things because they think they know everything. Virgos are masters at keeping their feelings under control, mostly because they know they are overly sensitive and they don't want to overreact. Taking liberties with a company property or school property doesnt necessarily mean youre a thief. However, their sheer ambition and determination don't go to waste. Suggestion? And the worst part? The best comment will get a free 12 month love forecast worth $79.99. The second woman learned thoroughly and efficiendy early on that she was not supposed to show her anger. Virgo tends to look at the world in terms of absolute black and white. I came to this conclusion after interviewing a number of women who are Virgo types or who were going through a Virgo phase. Virgos season starts August 23rd and ends September 22nd, How He Shows You He Loves You, Based On His Zodiac Sign, How To Know If He Misses You, Based On His Zodiac Sign, What You Secretly Fear Most, According To Your Zodiac Sign, Virgo Moon Sign Traits + Best Zodiac Love Compatibility, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! You will never be right. It may seem harsh to some, but all Virgo intends to do is make everything easier and better for everyone. No human being can exist without feeling angry sometimes. Virgos no longer want all the attention to be on them when theyre looking to obtain revenge, which can make them aggressive and truly hurt because no one is expecting them to ever deliver revenge. Most people take it personally and forget that we all have different personalities. Only letters of apologies can make the enemies of Virgos redeem themselves. To learn more, you can also read our posts on why Virgos are so smart, why Virgo men are so bad, and why people hate Libras. Ugh as if. Check outher websiteor herFacebook page. Hop to the comments section! Virgos are loyal to the people they love, absolutely trustworthy, know how to keep secrets and are always present in the lives of their friends and family. 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