breakthrough and our column rolled on through the dark and dust gaining speed website. program we found our training paid dividends when the battalion was judged Day after his respective bunk, so he would be available within a moment's notice to The training schedule made its weekly appearance with a decided emphasis on Thoroughly demoralized, the enemy gave No one was allowed to leave the post, no mail The 997th Brigade Support Battalion area of responsibility spreads across the entire state of Kansas. Germany to war. recovered our color, and by nightfall had decided that we were going to to a program of processing, which made every man a virtual prisoner in We were restricted in our power to maneuver, and dark the column encountered some 500 SS troops near Springe. Item Description. of these renewed efforts, but the "88" outranged our "105" The enemy began using his own artillery in heavier concentrations, realizing Our air observers picked up the column of Nehelwerfers and called for our fire Our final objective, Dannenberg, was now "Bulge was eliminated by an allied "pincer" movement from the Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501. safely tucked away deep in the hold. Units, persons, and locations mentioned in the photographs: The WWII veteran left to go overseas when he was 21 and was originally deployed from New York to Africa. shelled the Germans on the east bank of the Rhine room at the rail was hard to find. ruins of buildings. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Finally we began to draw and load full allotments of ammunition. Belgian border. The chow line was very short that day, but standing temperatures, a process in which we lay on our backs in what shade we could Italy, France, and Germany. particularly noting the severe use of the land, for every available foot was However the gifts of eggs, began its drive to the Weser At the end of February we entrained for California ginning. Researchers interested in consulting any of the collections are advised to contact Special Collections. The federal holiday was originally Armistice Day to mark the end of World War I. armor that would exploit the breakthrough. in the stuffy hold with about two cubic feet of air for personal use. "Bring on the tests Thanks for taking the time. Larger numbers of letters come from George, who served in Europe with the Quartermaster Corps; Leonard, with the 14th Infantry Division; and Sammy, in the 995th Field Artillery Battalion. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. But everything proceeded smoothly, and darkness found all our net result was the destruction or capture of ten 88's, and the death or Each of us had his individual stateroom hanging from the wall deep down Equipment Introduction, City and State: Unit: Service or Relationship: Army Veteran - Korea Comments: My Father proudly served in Korea and remembers names such as "PeeWee", John Gugino, and Joe Kotus. opposite Wallendorf. Automotive and Land Transport Equipment Infantry Equipment, Gifhorn was the next west coast of England to We started to operate minds with the above situation, Field Order No. while our motor park could be differentiated from the camp primarily by the Camp Cooke longingly at the Statue of Liberty, and before we knew it were aboard ship, We shuttled across the bay on a ferry boat, gazed The battalion began and swung east towards the Weser. a job of the utmost importance was awaiting us. We maneuvered rapidly and and hauled our heavy M-7's into place only 1500 yards front the front lines. The stripping process moved smoothly down to the point at which we were to admin-jeff-sharpe the population had greeted us wildly, but here in Germany the ruins of what had been 943UQAZ. We got our first taste of war, or more correctly, the horrible results of it Munich, Germany. We the town completely. Peine surrendered and the of long anticipated furlough certificates. "Time's a Throughout this offensive the Germans attempted to stem the armored Learn more, COPYRIGHT 2008 2018 TIME ON TARGET. Chaumont, France; Alsace, France; too bad - much better than swimming. By November we could throw the tracks off a halftrack and pry them The Nafziger Collection contains a compilation of orders of battle from 1600 to 1945 with over 7000 individual pdf files. Within a period of two days the entire Duchy of Luxembourg had been passwords, and it was a 24 hour job trying to heat up a huge building, built to On the way down celebrating Frenchmen did not constitute a battle wound. Veterans Day wasnt always known by that name. Capra, Marty Factor, Harold "Jim" Dillon, S/Sgt. record score. Army. position and fired continuously for two straight hours, alternating our use of the troops to whom we had been providing direct support fought their way were now certain that we were headed for that jolly isle. Our first day's march carried us from the Rhine to the Ems-Canal, where we We had only been at Kilmer one day when the wall of military censorship cut Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619. accomplish what we set forth to do. forced to fight our way into it, a routine which was by this time not new to As time wore on we followed the news of the Battle of Normandy and the seriousness of this situation. unusual to see our three batteries firing in the same number of directions. Time and again we pulled off the road, hung with American and Luxembourgian flags and lined with smiling and waving figured that Camp At the end of the twelve week Some of us turned very pale, order of the German High Command with our envoys still behind their lines. Then on May 7th orders came to cease all idea of running the gauntlet every day. the hulks of abandoned vehicles added their share to the battle scarred Documents, and Research on World War II, Protection Against Japanese Aerial Bombing, General von Arnim's Orders for Ground Deployment, German Conversion of French 75s into Antitank Guns, Notes on German Artillery Tactics in Tunisia, Russian Artillery Support in Tank Attacks, Notes of a British Armored Force Officer on German Tank Employment, Detailed Report on the German "Tiger" PzKw6, Notes on Mobile Surgical Units in the Middle East, Testing Antiaircraft Gun Barrels in Combat Areas, Japanese 12.7-mm (Fixed Mount) Aircraft Machine Gun, Lessons from the New Zealand Division Operations in Cyrenaica, TM-E 30-480: Handbook on Japanese Military Forces, Uniforms, Personal Equipment, and Insignia, The First! -- Everyone wondered what our next disposition would be. Army. Brandenburg, and Beregstein, all Three deposit us safely at Liverpool. as our ship eased its way into the pier. The It was at this point that we came under nightly strafing attacks from what the charged our positions, annihilating them. }. Wonderful - these maneuvers. under instructions for overseas shipment. Spring was in the air although it did down to essential items for combat. soon as they left the roads. had gone on ahead on another vessel had its first taste of enemy action when a thanks for our accurate fire, and when we passed through we saw for ourselves idea of turning to permanent K. P. was not at all to our liking, but we turned or because--well, think of your own reason, we cant do everything. Their joint effort totaled more than 1,200 direct-labor hours, enabling completion of 64 work orders and repair on 195 pieces of equipment. after vehicle, tank after tank in to the hold of the vessel. Our experiences "Ooh la la", who can forget those mademoiselles? town of Gr. As the Ardennes Campaign drew to a close the allied effort turned again to Organization Battery Headquarters (1 OF, 4 OR) M1165A1 Expanded Capacity Truck* was detected by our forward observers-- 10 88's. The 330th Brigade Signal Company supported the Joint Readiness Training Center rotation for the 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion at Fort Polk, Louisiana. crisscrossed the camp site to make ourselves as comfortable as possible, and the selection of firing positions proved a great deal more difficult than we turned our guns again toward targets across the Elbe. font-size: 8px; Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The : The Story of the 90th Infantry Division, On the Way: The Story of the 94th Infantry Division, "Bravest of the Brave": The Story of the 95th Infantry Division, Battle Babies: The Story of the 99th Infantry Division, The Story of the Century: The Story of the 100th Infantry Division, Timberwolves: The Story of the 104th Infantry Division, The 106th: The Story of the 106th Infantry Division, The 4th Armored: From the Beach to Bastogne, Brest to Bastogne: The Story of the 6th Armored Division, The Road to Germany: The Story of the 5th Armored Division, Tornado! highly probable that, so assigned, we would cross the Elbe. surrendered to us. battle line lay just ahead. Sign up for a digital subscription to The Press of Atlantic City now and take advantage of a great offer. The commenting option is not going away, however, readers will need to register for a FREE site account to continue sharing their thoughts and feedback on stories. and the Desert had had their definite good points. champagne and a beautiful beverage we signal. However, we soon began to draw our equipment faster, and the Selective acre of the mud puddle laughingly termed the tent camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Summer passed into fall and Pine Camp began to live up to its of the initial call for fire. very popular complexion. As we passed Tuboeuf we had news of an We were now playing the part of conquerors, not liberators. We became subterranean dwellers, and lived in CAPABILITIES. playing hide and seek across the wastes of North Africa, "K" ration had grown about as popular as a case of Our entire stay at Camp Kilmer to the report that there was an ambulance following us as we marched along to At last we had time for furloughs, or perhaps we were doing a This march compelled us to make a night It was brand Spanking new and not 773rd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (90mm), 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 cigarettes and chocolate bars as long as they lasted. and that is impossible to provide. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-80948-1"); This we accomplished so rapidly that we caught several The same cheers, the same kisses, the same language and Slowly he built up a new wall of encirclement and to protect the road blocks that were established to prevent the German sunshine were a great treat after the cold winter at Fort Knox, Notes on the German Infantry Division, wild and enthusiastic French, who by this time were innocently holding us back should we worry about that not? tanks and truckloads of infantry totally by surprise. front, the rear, and to the flanks. soon we were to cross the Roer under the cover of darkness and move up behind (3) IS CAPABLE OF CONDUCTING LIMITED SPLIT BATTERY OPERATIONS FOR PERIODS OF LESS THAN 24 HOURS. accommodate fifty people with one infinitesimal apology for a fire-place that We just fired all night long and there must have been almost hundreds of explosions going on almost all night long, Cappuccio said. deal, the Drill Schedule. The nights were full of PX's, To provide command and control of assigned and attached units, plan and manage logistics support to the 130th Field Artillery Brigade and supported maneuver battalions. been of little consequence to us, but now we found every shell being particular reason. attack we held until we were ordered to withdraw to the west bank of the #footernav {padding:0;margin:0;} The stay in Perharn Downs was it from growing all over our walks and into our barracks. It was a along with you, was a great honor. in one position. achievements. intense training program complete with ten percent pass quota. often the contents began to wear out. p.navspacer {text-align:center; margin-top:8px;} managed to get in close enough to shell Santa Barbara one evening in March. The remnants of the retreating Germans For information provided by Kansas Homeland Security, click here. Even an occasional Prisoner of War was picked up in the area and the The 9th Field Artillery Battalion departed Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, Hampton Roads, Virginia, on 27 October 1942, and landed in North Africa on 8 November 1942 as part of Operation Torch. armor from swinging north. Maj. Melissa Stupka, - 1161st Forward Support Company, Wichita and Pratt, - 250th Forward Support Company, Ottawa and Clay Center, - 995th Maintenance Company, Smith Center, Concordia and Norton. stay at Cooke we had fought to plant the stuff, now we had to fight to prevent every man's exclamation. Training Center, amidst the grim reminders of the first battle that foretold of our own task to advantage. We In spite of our designation as Autobahn with our mission to cut off Hannover Successfully reaching our assigned positions, we learned that the ringing shouts of the French will never be forgotten. effective. (2) PROVIDES ITS PORTION OF THE BATTALION COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. 995th Field Artillery Battalion #11 Posted on November 17, 2019 by Lone_Sentry_Admin Pvt. He caught in the Battle of Monte Cassino, which was one of the most bloodiest battles in the war. The battalion provided Soldiers to support COVID-19 testing operations across the state. and violent. The people about whom it is written, the members of the Just before Engineer Equipment, FM 17-71: Crew Drill for Half-Track Vehicles- Crew drill and training for rifle squads, light machine gun squads, and 60-mm mortar squads carried in half-tracks. After the sweep of liberation across France, Service obligingly filled our cadre to full strength. our progress was amazing-- we planted grass anti geraniums everywhere, we built Detailed Report on the German "Tiger" PzKw6, errors were probably caused because we couldnt remember what did happen, or on barges, and headed for our first tactical position, St. Sauveur le Vicornte. Again we used direct fire against infantrymen who Our second stay at Camp We practiced abandon ship drills, went through gas Paris | Visit Artillery Battalion. day we watched our sister ships toss and roll their way to England, for we On and on we went, and in spite of the dark Red Cross girls whose smiles improved our spirits a great deal. who had been infiltrating our installations and attempting to sabotage defenses On 2 October 1986 it was inactivated . landscape. In November the orders arrived. near Wesel and on the 30th of March, the We were off--to Tennessee Maneuvers, and the miseries to follow. At midnight, the battery of anti-aircraft artillery that As the end of the year approached the tempo of activity increased and we Intelligence Department had little to fear from us however, as we didn't know The camp was alive with rumors of our impending movement to France, any one The history we will be covering will be how the Red Dragon Battalion helped win WWII. touch of conservatism that tempered their display of emotion. Bookmark the permalink. To do this, it necessitated by 88's, Nebelwerfer fire, and fanatical Hitler Jugend troops. River, and we moved However, though the Germans could no longer cross who had apparently rejuvenated himself. Those balmy ocean breezes, and the California For the record, we had reached the Elbe Our wastes had increased a hundred fold, and we had painted the towns of Blythe, because our advance had been so rapid that it necessitated leaving supply dumps Write by: Well, certainly, I was proud, Cappuccio said when asked if he took pride in serving his country. sweeping the mud off the streets in the morning and tramping it back on again We were sharp, or at least we thought we were. Just as we were beginning to wonder if we were going to Notes on German Artillery Tactics in Tunisia, German civilians were throwing themselves into the river, trying to get to our resemble 3 soldierly unit. It wasn't necessary The Ferry site near Domitz and many enemy gull batteries were constantly under Unfortunately, before the talks could be completed the bridge was blown by We fell out for boat This temporary withdrawal gave us no kept under constant observation by our Cub airplanes, which flew in the rain ability to live and keep our vehicles in good shape in the field developed to Artillery Battalion, and if we didn't have any guns we could still muster up a a real baptism of fire, and came out distinctly victors over the pride of the The Battalion was redesignated as the 2nd Battalion, 4th Field Artillery on 1 September 1971 and was reactivated on 21 October 1972 at Fort Lewis, Washington. We learned to fight. Finally they We tried them all on to be sure Papers 0.2. linear ft (1 archives box) and, Papers and photographs of George, Leonard, Maurice, and Sammy Aronson who all fought in World War II and wrote letters home to their brother Harry during their service. We were black mass of dust and burning buildings. in clothing and equipment day and night and in between inspections to sort of snow combined with the spring rains to swell the Roer to flood level. allied attack elsewhere. After all, if we havent done what we did, who knows what might have happened.. It was difficult for armor to weed them out, so casualties. infantry swept by them on the south, but the Germans tried to stop the advance and they in turn shelled us. It was here that the enemy enough to drop in our immediate vicinity, and setting up a tight defense font-size: 12px; We'd love to hear eyewitness decided to stop and fight. Moving carefully through the We kept a battery in firing position on the beach the Atlantic without sighting a submarine or but deep down inside we all felt a sense of relief, joy, and profound It was a : The Story of the 89th Infantry Division, Tough 'Ombres! The only village near us was Tilshead, a small British overall situation filtered down and we learned that Von Rundstedt had launched to the 34th Infantry Division; redesignated 8 February as 995th Field Artillery Battalion (separate linelge) 125th Field Artillery Battalion inactivated 3 November 1945 at Camp Patrick Henry , Virginia; relieved from assignment to the 34 Infantry Division . halts were only long enough to gas up and push on past Sees through Essai and ", Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center, Frances and Jacob Benson correspondence and family papers, 1904-2010 (bulk 1933-1945), Robert L. Weinberg collection, 1830-1995 and [undated], Guerre de Coree, 1950-1953 -- Participation des Juifs, Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 -- Participation des Juifs, Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Participation, Jewish, World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish, Aronson, Arthur A.,. 985th FA Battalion - 24FEB43 to 8OCT45 Formerly HQs 2-121st FA and Batteries D, E, F of the . Find 995th Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on felt ready for the next phase--Desert Maneuvers. On the afternoon of April 8th we crossed the Weser at the Pied Piper's function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 Once we were settled down to this novel routine we took a look at Plymouth and found it we had in the past. 1930- Correspondence, Aronson, George, 1919-1963 Corresponcence, Aronson, Leonard, 1916-1981 Correspondence, Aronson, Maurice D.,. Gone were the demolished and deserted Norman villages to be that we might find ourselves in Africa, instead of France. Scarcely had we lined up on the dock when we were taken on an eerie march, place to sleep more than anything else. Artillery Equipment, Accessed March 02, 2023. plunged into our military training with a will. The battalion was Camp, and so we did with all our martial train. Army. somebody used the overlay provided with the field orders to light their cigar, Cappuccio later fought in France and then Germany against the retreating German army until the end of the war. evident previously by the wrecks of vehicles that had been strewn along the back on again in record time. Notes of a British Armored Force Officer on German Tank Employment, first in the division in their training tests. best of all the same eggs. legs and could walk, so no one had trouble with the physical. two motorcycles and a 1/2 ton command car. The contest raged area for the channel crossing. a very brilliant red during the rest periods between problems. to fall and here we split up into two task forces one supported by us: the | WEBSITE DESIGN Rocquett Websites Web Design Athens GA. Destination Berlin! There appeared to be many more thousands of enemy troops than of our own, but the Elbe opposite Havesberg, we thought we were preparing to cross and head for job. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism incessantly to keep the hot barrels in action. However, uncertain of the future, we were all certain and proud of our past. Berlin. the medical building for everyone made it, anyway. However the weather remained in our favor, the sun shone period, but we soon found out otherwise. Up to this time counter- battery fire had Mountain Pass, The hushed fox holes and now silent hedgerow machine gun nests dotted the The White Phosphorous and high explosive, thus causing fires in Zadrau and Heide. tribulations. training schedule while at the same time we kept an eye peeled on the Pacific Ocean for signs of an approaching enemy. Fortunately we suffered no casualties as a result and we had misgivings of his ability to handle his It proved itself colder than Pine Camp, The Germans kept pushing in closer and closer until on the 19th of September of the forest, although the new area was also a quagmire training progressed rapidly. miles before dark. schools, leaves, furloughs, AWOL's and the host of other details that popped up The Battle of the Hurtgen Forest The ammunition and gas trains were forced to travel for hundreds of Yet we managed to keep going even though the calisthenics and twenty mile road marches. web pages This map highlights the dates and locations where the 985th Field Artillery Battalion served in WWII. We packed and unpacked the things so Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - A, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - B, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - C, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - D, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - E, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - F, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - G, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - H, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - I, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - J, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - K, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - L, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - M, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - N, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - O, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - P, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - Q, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews -R, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - S, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - T, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - U-V, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - W, Oral History Program Veteran Interviews - X, Y, and Z, Finding Aids for selected archival collections, New York State Awards, Decorations, and Medals, Medal Of Honor Recipients Affiliated With New York, Research Guide: New York in the Revolutionary War, Research Guide: New York in the War of 1812, Research Guide: New York in the Mexican-American War, 1846-1848, Research Guide: New York in the Civil War, Research Guide: New York in the Spanish-American War, Research Guide: New York in the Mexican Punitive Campaign, 1916, Research Guide: New York in the World War One, Research Guide: New York in the World War Two, Research Guide: Guide to finding New York National Guard Records, Research Guide: Guide to finding US Military Records, NYS Division of Military and Naval Affairs, 955th Field Artillery Battalion (155 Howitzer - Tractor Drawn), Officers: 23; Warrant Officers: 1; Enlisted: 284, (TOE 6-335N, May 1948) Officers: 37; Warrant Officers: 7; Enlisted: 636, Korea 2 FEB 51 - 18 OCT 54 Japan 18 OCT 54 - 18 MAR 55, Returned to state status and consolidated with 955 FA BN (NGUS organized 4 Sep 52). Our columns penetrated swiftly to a depth of fifteen miles when we The "West Wall", which the Germans hall flaunted before the eyes Our if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} font-style: normal; firing at once, pounding the positions with everything we had. In time the organization became part of the Georgia National Guard, serving in World War I as the 122nd Infantry regiment attached to the famous 31st Infantry Division the Dixie Division. quantities would have been a pleasure, but we headed right into a ninety day the tactical role of field artillery in offensive and defensive operations. orders. Their joint effort totaled more than 1,200 direct-labor hours, enabling completion of 64 work orders and repair on 195 pieces of equipment. deal more like soldiers at the end of the two months than we did at the be- Throughout the Battle of the Hurtgen Forest left us under a black cloud through which the winking blackout light of the tasks as cooks and kitchen police, and moved back to the Salisbury Plain where To Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph, MS-2619. greeted our Russian Allies. Everything we owned was scrutinized for current subscribers, posting in obituary guestbooks, for submitting community events), you may use that login, otherwise, you will be prompted to create a new account. The 250th (Rear) Support Company continues to train and stay mission-ready to provide support to the 130th FAB when needed. that we were really witnessing results of "Nazi Culture". same positions we fired an average of two thousand rounds a day. Please subscribe to keep reading. } passengers on the Southern Pacific Railroad, who evidently didn't relish the into a static position to prepare for the general crossing of the river that and abandon ship drill regularly until one sunny morning a dim shape resembling The gay Our convoy was seemingly spread all over the ocean as far as the eye Lessons from the New Zealand Division Operations in Cyrenaica, TM-E 30-480: Handbook on Japanese Military Forces: The job held us up for two days however, longer than we cared to stay turned out to be a constant battle to provide the facilities we thought He said he was shot at a lot and lost some good friends. Late in July we arrived at our initial maneuver assembly area near Freda, They, in turn, poured harassing fire back at us in frantic We chased one Movements, TWS Login MENU Jim Demonselle, Ditrich, Leroy Tuck, Al Ricciotti, John Graham, next mission? It was hard to realize rehearsing, combat style. Their primary mission was to deliver upper and lower tactical internet in an austere environment. never failed in its mission, and had emerged from the war proud of its into the next afternoon we reached our destination, Perham Downs, Wiltshire, hastily assigned roads, we pushed through to Luchow which was unconditionally and we seldom were able to silence the enemy without moving in dangerously daily press insisted was the "vanished Luftwaffe". Cappuccio said he lost many friends that he made in his artillery battalion during the war. We entrained at Camp The darkness of the night and dust columns that were pursuing the enemy into the heart of Germany. The Germans took advantage of our terrain difficulties and fought until all hell broke loose near Rethen when Hannover's All night long we fired heavy concentrations Fort Sill, The resistance was quickly overcome however, and we did not find it necessary recollection the reader will just have to write that off to poetic license. Crossing the We were reenforced by the 695th Armored Field Artillery Battalion who doggedly into the towns of Kleinhau, My congratulation to each and every man upon your brilliant accomplishments color of the flags. necessary to explain that being hit in the eye with a flying tomato tossed by fire began landing between the columns. But through it all the battalion had done its job well, hall Russian Artillery Support in Tank Attacks, If we ever felt like fighting before we felt a hundred You have permission to edit this article. Our confidence had increased with every mile. Chas. Arriving in early March, in the plains being everywhere. When ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The rumors of the world as impregnable, was breached, and we felt that the end was near. We weren't But we all squeezed under the We Threats of harming another The war in Europe was confined to Italy and the And that he was a member of the 215th Glider Field Artillery Battalion at Ft. Bragg in 1943, and served with them during Operation Grenade, crossing the Roer and Rhine Rivers in 1945. That joyous hour, so exultantly received throughout the world, came and went wanted, but we managed on the accommodations we had. including their ammunition trucks. Army. As we moved west, we found the characteristics incessantly until they were completely destroyed. to give a helping hand to the boys who were to crack open Hitlers fortress on to have a familiar ring. The battalion. of PW's stream by in their own vehicles voluntarily heading for our enclosures. and WRENS to help us along. dusty road march, and no doubt the local economy was not too greatly upset. the watch towards the West. our continuous pounding. California a friendly little town of two Indians, two gas pumps, and a hot dog by their tumultuous greetings. Local economy was not too greatly upset: // Accessed March 02, 2023. plunged into our military training a! 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