It also showed that many individuals had bright ideas and just needed the proper support to bring their projects to life. Students should be able to pick their schools. A Social Studies Student for a Day program could be an effective "See for Yourself" activity for this campaign. Together, we can work together to envision our ideal HGSE! An Idaho State University professor is being recognized with one of the most distinguished honors in the structural engineering community. Most campaigns success depends on the amount of support they can amass. Finally, a personal initiative of mine if elected is to continue to actively listen. Some teachers also have their own class websites. In 2018, 16.7% of the Philippine population lived below the poverty line. The winning ideas included the following: The campaign was a success as it empowered youth advocates to stand against climate change. Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues today. Angie Estevez Prada (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As the first class to go through the revamped curriculum at HGSE, we have the opportunity to set a precedent that will engender more positive change in this program. Lets say youre starting a campaign to raise awareness on the climate change problem. In reality, theres no one best advocacy since all social issues are equally important. You'll likely be giving this speech during school hours, so your classmates' attention spans might be a bit strained. Theyre often led by a group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a particular issue or call for new policies. Here are student council project ideas you can use: 1. By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via, Climate Reality Project Philippiness Niche Campaign, In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the. This is why I am running for the Student Advocacy and Issues Committee. One such program is the "Sandigan, Sandalan Training and Advocacy Programs for Mental Health." A component project under the "Sandigan, Sandalan" initiative is the Search for UP Student Mental Health Advocacy Projects, a UP System-wide search for innovative mental health promotion ideas from eligible student organizations and groups. To help support those in need and provide better living conditions, you can start housing projects or amass support for similar initiatives. 04. . One of the competencies is "Thinking Strategically and Leading Change," which challenges us to disrupt inequitable systems. Advocacy campaigns have the potential to make a tangible difference in the lives of everyday people. Council 2022 Social . Advocating Across Issues Students can be powerful advocates for student involvement, as well as for other changes that students want in policy or governance. Additionally, I have served on multiple leadership boards and teams. Many campaigns aim to address a small subset of a much larger issue. The sense of familiarity and convenience in communication typically allows the creation of powerful mutual understanding easier. I want to make sure that the diversity and broad range of experience that many bring to this program are valued and heard.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?At the core of my career, I have focused on listening to the voices of others and worked to make opportunities more accessible. This is why I am interested in serving on the Student Council.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have served as the president of the Council of Exceptional Children chapter in my undergraduate program in which it was my job to connect students and faculty and organize speakers with a variety of perspectives. The campaigns provided facts about the virus and shared tips to enhance peoples safety. I was an advocate for teachers at Evergreen Teachers Association in San Jose, California. Accessibility: Each student has a place here at HGSE but accessing that place has not always been easy. Set your audience at ease. Thank you for your time and consideration. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. As a military spouse, I have had to frequently start anew and at times entering a new community can be overwhelming and isolating. Advocacy Examples. Given how complex this issue is, its not likely for any advocacy campaigns addressing this issue to create a significant impact. There are plenty of ways to approach this problem and empower the nations older humans. A position I also served in as a California Teachers Association (CTA) Representative in National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly. While that sentiment is inspiring and moving, it is ineffective without action. Living with refugees from other countries. Based on a 2019 report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, the Philippines has the highest climate risk in the world, particularly because of its geography. 1 of 30 students in US selected to participate in unique, paid leadership program at Active Minds, the nation's leading organization in mental health advocacy and education; provided with tools . My hope is that every student is called into HGSE so that it is a home they are proud of. 3. Get to know each of your stakeholders positions, interests, and needs so that you can plan your implementation. Even though there is still a lot to learn, I believe I can gain greatly from the position of Student Council with my previous working experiences. Second, COVID has changed everything. Self-determination is a key element of the evidence-based Teaching-Family Model used throughout the school. This plan will serve as your roadmap to success. The urge to create equitable change has come about through my lived experience and career. Based on my previous experience both as a student and wellness coach, I find students, including myself, often feel more comfortable talking to people who share similar cultural backgrounds. has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. HGSE has changed a lot since two years ago when I decided to apply. During my undergrad, I held different student government positions (First Year Intern, Committees Member, Director of Programming Council, Senator of Online Students & Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff) for ASI. Along with this, we are also learning to navigate a hybrid experience amongst a launch of a new curriculum. I have volunteer experience as a Public Relations Committee Chair at my Rotary club, where communication was essential for the job. Understand the issues, but keep it simple. For years, the UN has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. We call those "buycott" letters. Young people are leading the movement toward just and safe communities for all. Its easy to be ambitious when planning an advocacy campaign, but its more important to set goals that you can achieve. When they help shape changes here at the school, students learn to feel more confident and capable of affecting change outside of school. I hope to be that person for my peers in the HGSE community. Send this list to people who need to know about social studies, such as school board members, local elected officials, state legislators, teachers in other subject areas, and the media. It isn't necessary to start new publications to communicate a message. Our advocacy toolkit provides members resources on how to execute advocacy efforts and take action on a local, state, and federal level. At the meeting indicate that you believe they are leaders in your area, that they communicate with many other people, and that you hope to gain their understanding of the importance of social studies education so they can communicate about it. At Thrive Scholars, a community based organization focused on helping high-achieving, low-income, underrepresented students get into and graduate from top colleges, I worked directly with incredible teens confronting the same inhospitable system I did years ago. Additionally, I served as the lead teacher in my unit. . Recently they completed their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, making posters to promote the activity to help families in need. Thank you for your consideration. I have come to deeply value opportunities to be a part of a community where I feel heard and I feel that I have a space. However, its also important to remember that the best advocacy will be one that youre passionate about. -Bridging a sense of community for those attending HGSE in-person and online.-Supporting programming that promotes student wellness.-Providing opportunities for student feedback to ensure that student voices are heard.-Working with staff and faculty to effectively communicate and share information.-Collaborating with other graduate schools to give HGSE students an opportunity to meet people in different disciplines.-Advocating for accessible events and programming which include family friendly events or support options for students with children. The Student Advocacy and Issues Committee shall be responsible for ascertaining student opinion and concern on academic, social matters, and community issues and engaging Student Council members in conversations about potential action to advocacy on behalf of students with faculty, staff, or other stakeholders, including: Acting as an advocate for student concerns that affect the Harvard graduate student community across multiple schools; Assisting in constructing and coordinating dialogue and action on issues affecting the HGSE student community; Promoting dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation across traditional lines of division; Supporting action based on Student Councils overall advocacy priorities, as determined by the Student Council; and Engaging with other student organizations at HGSE and across Harvard schools. Through all of this, my mission has been to advance equality and promote visibility to all regardless of background.. The mission of the Student Council is to serve as a student advocacy and advisory group which acts as a liaison between the students and administration of USG to . With over four million Filipinos living in unsafe and unsanitary places, Habitat aimed to rehouse 20% of this demographic category by 2020. All of us have opportunities almost every day to promote social studies education. Beginning of the student council speech. She focuses on her strengths and capabilities, as well as . If youre, Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in the Philippines, yet the. Instead of aiming to raise awareness, rewrite your goal to be more specific. And don't forget to include the campaign theme. As a student leader of CSUEB, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by some of the most innovative minds in higher education and student affairs. Ideally, these will be attention-grabbing and help you stand out as a really strong candidate. My name is Stephanie, and I'm running for student body president. Combing with the work as a wellness coach, my experience as a hotline volunteer in Buckeye Peer Access Line at OSU allows me to serve on Student Council more effectively. As a student, you can focus on a human rights issue that resonates strongly with you and use your favorite platform to spread the word. But whether it's targeting a specific piece of legislation or bringing attention to an under-addressed issue, a well-run advocacy campaign doesn't happen overnight. I began with an affinity group for Queer students, which rapidly grew to include over eight other groups. A leader is someone who is dedicated and is willing to learn and listen from others. Government Affairs and Public Policy Advocacy Toolkit. However, while we are heading to the post-pandemic era, different systems and administrations can be necessary for embracing both in-person and virtual students.I would like to participate in ongoing deliberation for improving students' academic, social, and emotional experiences here at HGSE and within the whole of Harvard, on behalf of part-time, virtual, international, female students. This translated to around 800,000 families, which they hoped to help by raising PHP 5 million and organizing one million volunteers. Many of the issues that affect a group of people do not happen in a vacuum. This experience has been eye opening, illustrating the importance of codifying historical documents in inclusive spaces. 8555 16th St, Suite 500 Silver Spring, MD 20910. web design & development by new target, inc. All Upcoming NCSS & Affiliate Council Events, Inquiry and Teaching with Primary Sources. 1. 2. I have also been a part of the planning committee for the Oconee County Special Olympics in South Carolina. If elected, I will devote my time towards striving for the advocacy of first-generation college graduates, LGBTQ students, and international freshers to ensure that we receive adequate representation and the enrichment of diversity and inclusion at HGSE.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Over the past few years, I have vigorously toiled to contribute towards the progression of the first-generation and LGBTQ community through the establishment of ProDream Education, which aids community college students, primarily first-generation students, in successfully transitioning to four-year universities. The Student Advocacy Council represents all students in the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and is the main bridge between the Carey student community and administration. While this change is so exciting and has been obviously thought through carefully by the faculty and staff, as with any change there are going to be growing pains. I am interested in serving on the Student Council because I want to uphold this motto and serve my fellow students through accessibility, connection, and intersectional work. Here are five ways that have helped me promote student voice and self-advocacy on our campus: Be Visible on Campus and Open to Hearing Student Opinion. More personally, I am social and affable and would love to make this year amazing for other students in my class and cohort. Intersectionality: With a stronger, more connected voice, we will be able to join and work together to address the needs of our students. If youre interested in supporting housing initiatives, you can start by volunteering in their activities. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention-grabbing opening. Also, I can identify students' needs and provide related resources with relatively objective judgments. Find an attention-grabbing opening statement. Together they campaigned to their lawmakers to enact change in their community. By no means is this an exhaustive list. In October, they sponsored a Halloween Parade for the elementary students. Hisa Streim (HDP)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?A big part of what brought me to HGSE from the classroom was the wish for support and space to make sense of deep challenges and recognize inequities while they play out-- to be transparent and honest about what brings us to the challenges closest to our hearts and keep us there. During my time in ASI, I hosted over seventeen events, attended university-wide committees as a voting member, was an advisor from the ASI Senate, and mentor the first-year interns. This upcoming academic year will have unique challenges, ones which we will overcome as a community. . Learn more. To give you more ideas on how you can advocate your cause, here are five examples of successful advocacy campaigns in the Philippines. The Four Best School Advocacy Ideas 1. Having a sense of belonging in a community is imperative, especially during this time. The most prominent NGO for this cause would be The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). With your foundations in place, it's time to start spreading the word! You can contact them at x to learn more about their activities and initiatives. Theyve also mastered the power of social media, strengthening their voices in the advocacy sphere. This involves identifying individuals who can empower or hinder you from achieving your goals, assessing how much influence they can have on your campaign, then thinking of ways to engage with them. Using single-use plastic containers should be banned. As a part of the Lean In Los Angeles leadership team, I supported outreach, helped train small group facilitators, and assisted in planning networking events. 5 Tips on Advocacy with Students. My name is Flora, a second year School Leadership Program student. Below is a list of advocacy strategies and activities states that have been used to engage members, raise awareness of CTE and influence policy. Click here to view videos describing GPA's programs. and eciently in all areas that affect student learning. Having them on board encouraged more private businesses to donate funds to support the Bantay Dagats. I was able to work with DRTx to advocate for the rights of disabled students in Texas, particularly around discrimination in charter schools, seclusion and restraint, and special education teacher certification. Specifically, I was selected as the Chief Secretary of the Chinese Scholar and Students Association and Vice President of the Asian Culture Exchange Association. I want to make sure that students who are feeling those growing pains have a chance to be heard. As the previous Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff of ASI at California State University East Bay, I helped start a toiletries initiative, worked with the University President and VP of Student Affairs to have free feminine products located in the restrooms, and worked with the Academic Senate to include a resource statement for homelessness students on the syllabus, and so much more. The bottom line is that students will benefit. Natasha Esteves (LDIT)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I've seen areas for improvement in building a positive cohort culture that could be facilitated by better communication and/or a liaison setup between incoming students and HGSE's leadership and teaching team.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Since I first joined the Whatsapp group that incoming/ formerly newly admitted students self-organized, I've organized two virtual Happy Hours and have gathered questions from the students for Rilda, one of our program directors, in order to gain and spread some clarity where I saw my fellow classmates confused. You may also see tribute speech. Likewise, you want to curate your social media feed to reinforce the campaigns big idea. "Students learn so much from revising their work for competition and adapting their ideas for live audiences . The students who are highly motivated to lead and take ownership of a role usually make it a point to run for student council at some point in their academic lives. Over 20 proposals were submitted, and five teams moved to the project incubator round, where they received seed funding for their projects. Challenge the idea that Earths living systems are property and it is infinite; end the large scale and industrial extraction and pollution of natural systems and functions. Solar-powered irrigation system for farmers, Floating apparatus to address river pollution from waste, K-12 game to educate Filipino students on climate change. Social Studies student for a Day program could be an effective `` See for Yourself '' for! Is Stephanie, and federal level 20 proposals were submitted, and federal level s... Are student council president, you want to curate your social media, strengthening their voices in the Philippines projects! 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