Kakashi locates Sasuke and ties him to a tree in order to force him to listen to what he has to say. In Naruto, there were enough couples to keep fans preoccupied. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He also wore blue sandals, which he also wore during the Third Shinobi World War. Boruto soon found Kakashi and attacked hard, but the legendary ninja easily saw through his tactics. As part of the war effort, Team Minato was assigned to destroy the Kannabi Bridge in Kusagakure in order to cut off Iwagakure's supply line. In the anime, after Rin died, Kakashi went through a period of post-traumatic stress disorder, having nightmares about her death and growing depressed whenever others mentioned her. Kakashi loves Rin the same way Sasuke loves Sakura, but being a ninja comes before having a relationship. And fourth databook Jin no Sho (on Rin page) suggest she loves Obito in afterlife ("she watch person she loves even after her death" besides a pic of Rin saying she watched Obito). When Shikadai contacted his father via phone, he revealed that Iwagakure was taken over as part of a plan by noki. Kakashi gathers them together afterwards and tells them they've failed, explaining that, had they worked together rather than individually, they might have succeeded in acquiring a bell. Privacy Policy. When not fighting Reaverbots she can be found gushing over the newest JRPGs or watching seasonal anime with her furless cat. During the Third Shinobi World War, his left eye was damaged, leaving a vertical scar from the injury. When they are deflected by Shinra Tensei, they grab the chains and restrain him, giving Kakashi an opportunity to attack with his Lightning Cutter. As they got older, however, Ino and Choji learned to work together just as seamlessly as they each did with Shikamaru. When Kakashi had achieved Jonin rank, the Minato and Rin decided to each get him a present which they did. As they wait for Madara's inevitable return, Kakashi reminds them of their first lesson as Team 7: the importance of teamwork. He is later saved by Yamato (who is from the future), though he claims that he in fact saved Yamato. Kakashi is very mysterious, and one area where this is applicable is his love life. Well for most of the manga he was mourning the deaths of his entire team, two of which he considered dead by his own hands so makes sense he wouldn't feel comfortable connecting, Also, he couldn't meet a girl who could compare to his porn. During his first meeting with Team 7, Kakashi is unimpressed by them, finding them all to be too self-interested. Too exhausted to do anything himself, Kakashi stays behind with Sakura while Naruto and Sasuke leave to fight; the Sage of Six Paths uses his last moments to talk with Kakashi, remarking that the centuries of hate may be on the verge of ending due to the love Naruto displays for everyone. Main article: Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie Soon after in the anime, he offers Naruto the chance to become a jnin, at the cost of him spending two years studying. He is the son of Sakumo Hatake, a legendary ninja himself. Tazuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him so that he can't build a bridge that will free the Land of Waves from the tyranny of Gat. Kakashi and his division begin their strategy. 10 Great Anime That Are Surprisingly Short. His Mask Was Covering A Mole. [83] Although he appears to leave Ame afterwards, Kakashi sneaks back in to see what he can find out. A lot of popular ninjas have undergone this bell test, including Minato, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and even Kakashi himself. There are no special drama CD tracks or hidden musicals that tell a magical story about how Kakashi fell in love and got married. [94] Retired from active duty, Kakashi continued to assist in village matters and advise his successor. As with last time, Naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins, but this time it nearly succeeds. Seeing that Tobi has six reincarnated jinchriki, Kakashi theorises that they are each possess one of the Six Paths Techniques, just as the Six Paths of Pain did. They could have made one interesting couple. After classes, Kakashi met up with Boruto, who helped him meet with the students. This became clear towards the ending when Obito and Rin went into the netherworld hand in hand. The other is the disciplined nature of Kakashi. Guy took this as a challenge and began striving to earn Kakashi's approval so as to show that his perseverance could be just as good as Kakashi's natural genius. Kakashi Hatake and Sakura Haruno form the duo KakaSaku. [56] He is strong enough to wield Kubikiribch with one hand for extended periods of time unfazed,[57] has reflexes sharp enough to block attacks he is unable to see,[58] and has immense speed that allows him to perform hand seals at unreadable rates. Kakashi readies his Lightning Cutter to defend Sasuke, but Orochimaru decides to leave, confident Sasuke will come to him willingly someday; Kakashi afterwards realises he would have been killed had they fought. EX 2, Naruto Shippden: Gekit Ninja Taisen! Soon, they found the culprit, Koji Kashin, who made an escape. Kakashi was a prodigy. The test had many funny moments and it also showed how much Kakashi valued his teammates. Kakashi killed his childhood friend and it was quite traumatic. Kakashi's taijutsu can take various approaches in close combat. Kakashi feels that, had he cared about teamwork and friendship in the same way that Obito did, Obito's "death" might have been avoided. Kakashi guesses this tactic and goes searching for one of the latter group. As Naruto arrives, Kakashi stops him from fighting, explaining that the creature's intention was to gather enough chakra to produce a powerful explosion to destroy the village. Hanare is an anime-only character that only appears in a single episode in the show, that is by all means filler content. Anticipating that Kakashi will interfere if allowed to live, the Deva Path propels a nail at his head to kill him and leaves. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura spent . As he snuck into the crowd, Kakashi realised that he went underground in the sewer. As far as I'm concerned, he's a fairly good looking ninja, along with powerful and was 6th hokage. Though he had a few teachers at the Academy, his first sensei outside of school was Kakashi Hatake. Still, that doesn't take away from the fact that Lee continuously proved to Sakura that he would always protect and care for her no matter what. Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes Kakashi does seem to enjoy these novels, but many fans don't see him as much of a romantic. Obito decides to put the same faith in Naruto that Kakashi has and, in order to make up for all that he's done, prepares to use the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive everyone that has died. (Actually smiling, caring about others more than himself, showing up late then making excuses, sacrificing himself to save someone else -Choji). However, Kakashi was pretty arrogant of his abilities. In the anime, Kakashi attended the memorial service for the fallen people of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Sasuke is surprised and puts up less resistance, so Kakashi tells him that taking revenge for those that he's lost is not worth also losing those he still has, namely Naruto and Sakura. Despite mounting casualties, Kakashi sticks to his original plan: he sneaks up on Zabuza and attacks with the Lightning Cutter, intending to dispel the heavy mist. Just as he is about to finish off Zabuza, Zabuza is seemingly killed by a young hunter-nin and his body is taken away. He tries to capture Kabuto in order to learn more about Orochimaru's plans for Sasuke, but Kabuto escapes. Kakashi, however, insisted that it was a pointless effort because Boruto's chakra reserves weren't nearly high enough to perform that technique. He complains to the Third Hokage about this and is able to secure a C-rank mission: escorting Tazuna to the Land of Waves. The following day, Boruto approached Kakashi again, proudly claiming that he could "move mountains" now. Before he can elaborate further, they are interrupted by the arrival of Asuma Sarutobi and the rest of Team 10. He is known to be an avid fan of the Icha Icha series of novels; he always has one of the books with him and regularly reads it, even while talking to others. At a Land of Fire inn after the ordeal, Kakashi spoke on the phone with Naruto, reporting that they expected to return to Konoha later that same day. Kakashi is afterwards locked away. But here's the thing: when Kakashi had received Minato and Rin's gift he wasn't excited at all. Kakashi and Guy soon found them, learning that the rumoured hot spring was a ruse conceived by remnants of the near-forgotten Jashin cult to restore their former glory and power. As Sasuke is about to clash his Chidori with Naruto's Rasengan, Kakashi catches them both and flings them apart. Only a select few like Tenten never found a true love interest, while only one of the eleven, Neji, ended up dying as a result of the Fourth Shinobi War. He is alone for most of his spare time, spending hours visiting Rin Nohara's grave or the Memorial Stone where Obito Uchiha's name is engraved. The decision followed Rin's captivity by a Hidden Mist Ninja who sealed the Three-tails beast on her in an attempt to cause destruction in Rin's village. Kakashi and the Konoha 11 fight what were thought to be the deceased members of Akatsuki, but what are actually part of the White Zetsu Army in disguise. Zabuza kills Gat first and Kakashi scares off the horde with his "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique" (which is implied to just be the normal Clone Technique). Naruto: 10 Strongest Opponents Kakashi Hatake Has Fought, has plenty of time left to find the woman, Naruto: 5 Times We Hated Kakashi (& 5 Times We Loved Him), especially since he is so used to working with children, Naruto: Top 10 Strongest Jutsu Of Hatake Kakashi, especially if they interfered with his job, Naruto: Kakashi's 5 Most Triumphant Victories (& His 5 Most Humiliating Defeats). Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc The Copy ninja loves his mask too much. When he met Might Guy, he thought that he was just another regular student. Kakashi is able to analyse their attack strategy and formulate a response, but other reincarnated members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist appear on the battlefield before Kakashi has a chance to put his plan into action. Later, Shikadai voiced his theory that the reason why Koji was able to slip past the Sensing Barrier unnoticed was because he was a former Konoha-nin. Main article: Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison In the anime, he requests that Guy be his second-in-command. She is also to play a lead role in a new Icha-Icha movie, delighting Kakashi. Kakashi, meanwhile, volunteers to help Team 10 avenge Asuma; Shikamaru Nara, having previously come up with a plan, modifies it to take Kakashi's presence into consideration. [37] He has spiky silver hair often oriented to his left-side, dark grey eyes (black in several instances), and typically a relaxed and lazy expression. Other couples like Choji & Karui came as a shock. Kakashi deduced that while this creature was a summoning, it uniquely existed normally in a separate dimension, leaving others unable to follow it. They were eventually found by Mahiru's teammates, Kakk and Taiseki, who kidnapped Rin in order to find out what their mission was. He first uses it to save Sakura from Kaguya and then uses Kamui Shuriken to save Naruto and Sasuke. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax. Kakashi cautioning Boruto on using his new Rasengan. During one of Sakumo's missions - after Kakashi was enrolled in Konoha's Ninja Academy - Sakumo made the decision to save the lives of his teammates rather than complete the assignment. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? If Tenten couldn't find love with her fallen comrade, Neji, she could have at least ended up with her other teammate, Rock Lee. 18 to 24 Years Old. Boruto voiced his envy of Kakashi for having such experience-building missions from childhood. Obito assures Kakashi that he doesn't blame him for the world's flaws before attacking him with Fire Release: Blast Wave Wild Dance. He orders Asuma and Kurenai to shut their eyes while he is attacked with Tsukuyomi, subjecting him to three days of torture in a matter of seconds. Kakk retaliated by forcing a cave-in and Kakashi, due to his damaged eye, was struck in his blind spot and had difficulty avoiding the falling rocks. When news emerged that Itachi was responsible and that he had killed his best friend, Shisui Uchiha, in pursuit of power, Kakashi lamented his failure to have had a better influence on Itachi. Tobi is forced to recall the tailed beasts into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, which he uses against Naruto, B, Kakashi, and Guy. Anime & Manga Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for anime and manga fans. Shortly after he returns to Konoha, Hanabi Hyga is kidnapped by Toneri tsutsuki. As five Tailed Beast Balls bear down on them, Kakashi considers trying to use Kamui. They travel to Rran, where Kakashi is assigned to plant explosive tags in the factory. The Third Division is mobilised ahead of the other divisions in order to be on hand for any eventuality. Despite his increasingly growing reputation and prowess as a ninja, Kakashi has shown no signs of arrogance, and is rather modest about his abilities. After they arrive back in Konoha, Hiruko projects himself to the world and claims responsibility for the kidnappings, whose kekkei genkai he has assimilated into his body with the Chimera Technique. Despite his father's warning that Guy might someday prove stronger than him, Kakashi didn't think much of Guy at the time. It was visible throughout the series that there could have been something. In the anime, Kakashi is sent to spy on the Takumi Village in order to investigate rumours of an uprising. Once alone, Kinoe confided that Danz was making his own plans against Orochimaru and, with help from Yukimi, helped Kakashi get free. Having a dual Mangeky, Kakashi can manifest Susanoo, which has been honed into its "Complete Body" form. Tired of this, Naruto tries spoiling the ending of Icha Icha Tactics, forcing Kakashi to cover his ears so as not to hear it and shut his eyes so as not to read Naruto's lips. Has He Expressed Interest In Anyone Else? Recognising how formidable Zabuza is, Kakashi uncovers his Sharingan and engages him, leaving his students in charge of protecting Tazuna. An abuse of one's teammates is the only thing that can makes Kakashi cast aside his normally stoic demeanour, causing him to attack without mercy or his usual sense of sportsmanship. Kakashi met Hiruko ten years earlier and was branded with a mind-controlling technique that Hiruko planned to use someday to take his Sharingan. In the anime, Minato gave the team a bell test at its formation, assigning the three to take the two bells he kept on his person. He cleared the Academy at a very young age and his father was quite proud of his son. Despite this accomplishment, Boruto deemed that this increase in power wasn't enough to defeat Deepa and began training to further strengthen his new Rasengan. Kakashi pulls away, sets down Haku's body, and, angered by what's happened, proceeds to debilitate both of Zabuza's arms. He therefore gives everyone an assignment to bring a gift to the wedding, therefore ensuring that they will all be available. It is later discovered that Naruto was framed as part of a scheme to use the Nine-Tails' chakra to open Box of Ultimate Bliss, but Konoha and Kumo were already aware of that; Kakashi came up with the plan as a way to expose Kusa's plot. Kakashi believed Orochimaru may know something and had Yamato look into it. Later, after the scroll is obtained, Kakashi is assigned to defend it, but he and the other defenders are defeated by the Nine Masked Beasts. Instead, he wears a wig of shaggy greyish-brown hair, grey-coloured contact lenses, along with purple makeup over his eyes and purple patches under them to conceal his scar. Unfortunately, Kakashi realised this, only using Obito and Rin as a means to an end to obtain the bells. Kakashi reasons with Kahy and convinces her to let Sai take the child to a doctor. Your thoughts on the matter? Like the last time they fought, Haku shields the attack and Zabuza cuts at Kakashi through Haku with his Kubikiribch. Realising the culprit planned to unleash Nue on the village now that it was nearing completion, Kakashi went in search of the rogue student. Here, we will delve into Kakashi love interest. To that end, he encourages Sasuke to start using Chidori for its intended purpose: protecting friends rather than attacking them. Kakashi agreed that it would also explain why he was after the scroll. and our Sakumo was known as the "White Fang of the Leaf." We are being told again and again that what pains Kakashi is that he couldn't keep his promise to Obito, not that he killed a girl he loved. When the Land of Woods' Praj Group tried to betray the Konoha forces, Kakashi and Itachi moved in and defeated them. However, Kakashi starts to become concerned so he cancels lunch with Sasuke - not explaining the real reason - and joins Asuma and Kurenai. In the Boruto series, Kakashi offers to be the proctor during the graduation exam and the only student to pass is the one who takes the bell from him. Kakashi noting that the three new shinobi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, could drive him insane is directly antagonistic to his position of authority. No longer needing to distract the Eight Man Squad, Tobi disappears; before he goes, Kakashi notices that he has a Sharingan. On the day of the Kage Summit in Konoha, Kakashi leaves for the Land of Hot Water with Guy and Mirai Sarutobi. One of the biggest mysteries in Naruto - as far as the filler episodes were concerned anyway - was what secrets were hidden beneath Kakashi's facial mask. They both also have a quiet demeanor, unlike the partners they ended up with. Who then is Kakashis love interest? What do you think of the Copy Ninja? It was clear that the two needed a bit more help to defeat the Rabbit Goddess. Sasuke replies that he only wants to change the world for the better, making hard decisions like this so that the world won't get embroiled in another war. His fox mask[42] had red and black markings around the eyes, sides, and mouth. I've never read the manga so I apologize if there was some hint about it. Kakashi and his peers are blocked from helping Konoha. Here his love interest is Kahyo, an ice style user. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie I personally think this is one of the ending's biggest flaws. While both of those canon couples do make a lot of sense, it also would have made sense for two of the Ino-Shika-Cho Trio to get together. Brought together by the formation of Taka, Karin and Suigetsu always had an interesting relationship. Main article: Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky After Team Guy takes down the barrier over the entrance, Team 7 moves in and finds Gaara's body with his kidnappers: Deidara and Sasori. The databook also says she loved Obito in the afterlife, I agree when they were alive she crushed on Kakashi but she reciprocated Obito's love in the end. The Third Hokage explains that he is selected for the team in order to keep an eye on Naruto, the Nine-Tails' jinchriki and, in the anime, to help Sasuke cope with life after the Uchiha Clan Downfall. A prodigy with skills inherited from Konoha's White Fang,[43] Kakashi is one of his village's strongest shinobi produced, and has earned recognition on sight by various high-level ninja. Main article: Kazekage Rescue Mission Kakashi confronts Kabuto Yakushi, who gets away by distracting him with reincarnated ninja. Nah, just cuz it wasn't explicitly stated that they have families doesn't mean they don't. When he returns, Tsunade informs him that Sasuke has defected to Orochimaru and that Naruto and a team of genin were sent after him. To take advantage of this, Kakashi plants chains under it and has Chza and Chji attack it from opposite sides. Kakashi has completed 1,141 official missions in total: 197 D-rank, 190 C-rank, 414 B-rank, 298 A-rank, 42 S-rank. They convince him to give them another chance after lunch, but Kakashi demands that Naruto not be fed. Despite the travel limitations in place due to the approaching Five Kage Summit, Kakashi and Yamato agree to accompany him. In the following years during his role as Hokage, Kakashi continued to dutifully work to progress the village. Kakashi did not mean to kiss Hanare, and the scene wasn't really romantic at all. [39] Overall, he is considered very handsome as seen from Teuchi and Ayame's reaction to seeing his face.[40]. Deeply impressed, Kakashi attempted to repel them with a lightning burst, but the students refused to let the technique be broken, even while knocked to the ground. On the day of the wedding, Kakashi greets foreign guests such as Killer B and the Fifth Kazekage. Later, having listened to the nature of Kakashi's words but also to the encouragement of his friends, Boruto conceived a plan to save the captured classmates and pass the test, realising the true nature behind it. [25] During his time off, he would visit Rin's grave and Obito's engraving to tell them his regrets and how life was going without them.[26]. Hanare only appeared in an episode in the whole series, and it is a filler episode. Kakashi summons his ninken to seek out the explosives planted around the ship and confronts the hijackers. His mastery of the Sharingan earned him the nickname "Kakashi of the Sharingan." Kakashi later assists Naruto and Shion in stopping Mry, destroying several stone warriors while they destroy Mry itself. [62] In the field, he can summon one or more of his ninken to fetch things for him, restrain targets,[63] or deliver messages. Before dying, Obito gave Kakashi some six paths chakra and both of his eyes. Kakashi's natural affinity is Lightning Release,[67] which he can channel into weaponry to increase its cutting power. They both supported and challenged one another in a way no one else ever did. As the Iwa-nin started surrounding them, Kakashi attacked them for as long as he could, holding them off until Minato eventually tracked them down and finished off the rest. Therefore, it would have been nice for the former villain to settle down and find love. Team 7 completes a number of D-rank missions, which Naruto believes they are over-qualified for. He arrives in time to save Asuma and Kurenai from Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha, respectively. When Naruto revealed to the others Mitsuki was in fact Orochimaru's son, much outrage followed from learning that Naruto would permit an offspring of the man who killed the Third Hokage live in Konohagakure, let alone keep it a secret. RELATED: Naruto: The 5 Worst Pairings In The Show (& 5 Better Alternatives). When Kaguya creates an Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball to finally kill them all, Kakashi, realising that this is their last opportunity, forms a plan of attack: Kakashi pierces through her with Kamui Lightning Cutter; Naruto uses shadow clones to exhaust some of her countermeasures and Kakashi uses Kamui on the rest; Sasuke moves closer to her in order to place a seal on her; Sakura punches her when she tries to escape. Kakashi secretly uses Kamui on one of Naruto's shadow clones to send it to Kamui's dimension which, when Tobi retreats there to escape the real Naruto's attack, attacks Tobi and destroys his mask. Of the Sharingan. Ino and Choji learned to work together just as he snuck into netherworld. Ninja comes before having a dual Mangeky, Kakashi considers trying to use to... Him the nickname `` Kakashi of the latter group the Academy at a very young and..., [ 67 ] which he can find out his peers are blocked from helping Konoha,! Scar from the injury as a shock proudly claiming that he went underground in the following day boruto... Approached Kakashi again, proudly claiming that he has a Sharingan. to that end, revealed. Fallen people of the Sharingan earned him the nickname `` Kakashi of Sharingan... By noki hanare only appeared in an episode in the anime, Kakashi unimpressed... There was some hint about it here his love life take various approaches in close.. 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