Do no harm: UNICEF takes measures to ensure that its interventions do not negatively impact those it seeks to assist and that they are conflict sensitive. The course is composed of course introduction, 3 chapters on HACT and course assessment. It also explores the potential effects that policy responses to such a crisis could have on children. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), originally known as the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, was created by the United Nations General Assembly on 11. UNICEF seeks to maintain sustained engagement at all levels with the Mission to maximize the Missions contribution to creating an enabling environment for humanitarian access, while maintaining an operational distance where necessary to minimize the risks for UNICEFs adherence to the humanitarian principles and for staff security. c,asE2"Qql1 In contexts where the UN has a presence involving political and/or multidimensional peace operations alongside humanitarian and development actors, UN Integration policy devises how the different dimensions of the UN engagement (political, development, humanitarian, human rights, rule of law and security) work together to achieve peace consolidation aims[6]. For any technical inquiries, you can contact us at This research study utilized longitudinal data collected for the impact evaluation of Zimbabwes Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme (HSCT), an unconditional cash transfer that targets ultra- poor, labour-constrained households. Engagement in UN Integrated Mission Settings. and a whole-of-organisation accountability that includes active leadership by UNICEF senior management, a survivor-centred approach and contributions from all UNICEF programme and operations. Legal Specialist and Contract Manager at the United Nations (New York, USA) MBA - University of Illinois (USA) (on-going). Since 2006, Mali has experienced the full effects of the global food crisis, with price increases of up to 67%. IDP camp in Sudan resulting from the Darfur conflict.. 1 The process was initiated at a meeting at UNICEF Headquarters in February 2012. | Erfahren Sie mehr ber die . Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Ethical Evidence Generation and Data Protection. UNICEF requires clear safeguards when processing personal data, particularly when children or vulnerable people are concerned, to safeguard their best interests. [9] UNICEF emergency procedures include the Simplified Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) for Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure in Level 3 Emergencies, UNICEF Procedure on Corporate Emergency Activation for Level 3 Emergencies, UNICEF Procedure on Regional Emergency Activation for Level 2 Emergencies and UNICEF Procedure for Level 2 Emergencies. Engage in coordination mechanisms to establish and maintain principled humanitarian access, in collaboration with UN Agencies, national and local authorities and CSOs, within existing coordination mechanisms such as the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), the Security Management Team (SMT), and the intersector/intercluster coordination mechanisms. UNICEF has an obligation to refer survivors for appropriate assistance, including supporting child survivors during investigations, and to cooperate during the investigation process. Job no: 559814. Our answer to both these questions is affirmative. The UN Policy on Integrated Assessment and Planning clarifies that while humanitarian action can support peace consolidation, its main purpose remains to address life-saving needs and alleviating suffering. Detailsgenau, pflichtbewusst, teamfhig, zuverlssig und flexible mit bewahrten organisationsgeschick. Please see the account information below. A dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to simulate various scenarios of the economic crisis together with policies which respond to the crisis, taking into account the different transmission channels of the global crisis to the Cameroonian economy. See 1.2.4 Application and 1.2.5 Implementation. . Example 1 for audit: 1. The project provides technical assistance in the design, implementation and analysis of rigorous impact evaluations in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. A&A -Adaptation & AccelerationAAP -Accountability for Affected PopulationsAC -Annual ConsultationADAP -Adolescent Development and ParticipationACABQ -Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary QuestionsACF -Action Contre la FaimACLs -accelerated learning centresACMO -Additional Chief Medical OfficerACT-Allocation and Ceiling TrackerACT-A -Access to Covid-19 Tools AcceleratorACT-A SFF -Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator, Supplies Financing FundAD -Auto-Destruct SyringeADB -Asian Development BankAEFI -adverse event following immunizationAES/JE -Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese EncephalitisAfDB -African Development BankAfricaSan -Africa Conference on Sanitation and HygieneAI -Administrative Instruction (procedure)ORArtificial IntelligenceAIDS -Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeAMCOW -African Ministers' Council on WaterAMP -Annual Management PlanAMR -Antimicrobial ResistanceANM -Auxiliary Nurse MidwifeAOB -Any Other BusinessAPA -Advanced Preparedness ActionORAdvance Purchase AgreementAPEC -Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationAROPE -At risk of poverty or social exclusionARR -Annual Results ReportART -Antiretroviral TreatmentARV -AntiretroviralASEAN -Association of Southeast Asian NationsASHA -Accredited Social Health ActivistASG -Assistant Secretary-GeneralAU -African UnionAUDA -Africa Union Development AgencyAWP -Annual Work PlanAWW -Anganwadi Worker, B4R -Business for ResultsBA -Business AreaBAB -Board Approved BudgetBAFO -Best And Final OfferBAT -Bottleneck Analysis ToolBCA -Basic Cooperation AgreementBCC -Behaviour Change CommunicationBCG -Bacille Calmette-Gurin (Tuberculosis Vaccine)BCP -Business Continuity PlanBCPM -Block Community Process ManagerBEmONC -Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born CareBFT -Business Formulation ToolBIA -Best interests assessmentBID -Best interests determinationBIR -Business Information ReportingBMA -Budget Management Allotment (Institutional Budget Allotment)BMT -Baseline, Milestones, TargetsBOS -Business Operations StrategyBPHS -Basic Package of Health ServicesBPRM -United States Bureau of Population, Refugees and MigrationBR -Bank ReconciliationBRAC -Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance CommitteeBRD -Business Requirements Document, C4D -Communication for DevelopmentCAG -Cash Assistance to GovernmentCAP -Consolidated Appeals ProcessCAPO -Child Affairs Police OfficerCATS -Community Approaches to Total SanitationCAAC -Children and Armed ConflictCARICOM -Caribbean CommunityCBA -Community Based ApproachesCBE -Community Based EducationCBF -Common Budgetary FrameworkCBO -Community-based organizationORCommon Back OfficeCC -Common ChapterCCA- Common Country Assessment OR Climate Change AdaptationCCD -Care for Child DevelopmentCCC -Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian ActionCCSA -Committee for Co-ordination of Statistical ActivitiesCCS-UN -the Committee of Chief Statisticians of the UNCEAP -Corporate Emergency Activation ProcedureCEB -UN System Chief Executive Board for CoordinationORChief Executives BoardCEDAW -Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against WomenCEE -Climate, Energy, and EnvironmentORobsolete term for ECARCELAC -Community of Latin American and Caribbean StatesCEMAC -Central African Economic and Monetary CommunityCEN-SAD -Community of Sahelo-Saharan StatesCEP -Costed Evaluation PlanCEPGL -Economic Community of the Great Lakes CountriesCER -Consolidated Emergency ReportCERD -International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial DiscriminationCERF -Central Emergency Relief FundCFAF -Communaut Financire AfricaineCFC -Caring For the CaregiversCFLG -Child Friendly Local GovernanceCFM -Complaints and Feedback MechanismCFS -Child-friendly SchoolORChange of Funding SourceORChild Friendly SpaceCFSS -Child Friendly Schools and SystemsCHAI -Clinton Health Access InitiativeCHAP -Common Humanitarian Action PlanCHS -Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and AccountabilityCHW -Community Health WorkerCHTE -Complex and High Threat EnvironmentCIS -Commonwealth of Independent StatesORobsolete term for ECARCIT -Country In TransitionCLA -Cluster Lead AgencyCLAC -Climate Landscape Analysis for ChildrenCLTS -Community-Led Total SanitationCM -Community MobilizationCMAM -community-based management of acute malnutritionCMC -Community Management CommitteeCMCA -Common Multi-Country AssessmentCMS -Central Medical StoresCMT -Country Management TeamCNA -Compendium for Nutrition ActionsCO -Country OfficeCOAP -Country Office Annual PlanCOAR -Country Office Annual ReportCODAS -Country Office Development And SupportCoP -Community of PracticeCO PAT -Country Office Post Authorization TableCOSA -Country Office Staff AssociationCOSO -Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway CommissionCOVID-19 -CO stands for corona, VI for virus, D for disease, and 19 for 2019 (year first identified).CP -Country Programme of CooperationORChild ProtectionCPAN -Child Protection Action NetworkCPAP -Country Programme Action PlanCPD -Country Programme DocumentCPE -Country Programme EvaluationCPiE -Child Protection in EmergenciesCPMP -Country Programme Management PlanCPMS -Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian ActionCRAVE -Country Reporting and Validation ExerciseCRB -Children's Rights and BusinessCRC -Convention on the Rights of the Child OR Contract Review CommitteeCRIs -Core Relief ItemsCRM -Child Rights MonitoringCRPD -Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesCRVS -Civil Registration and Vital StatisticsCSE -Comprehensive Sexuality EducationCSG -Child SafeguardingCSI -Country Strategic IndicatorsCSO -Civil Society OrganisationORCountry Status OverviewCSP -Civil Society PartnershipsCwD -Children with Disabilities, DALY Disability Adjusted Life YearDANIDA -Danish International Development AgencyDAPM -Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and MonitoringDASEWU - Define Acronyms So Everyone Will Understand!DaO -Delivering as OneDC -District CouncilDCT -Direct Cash TransfersDED -Deputy Executive DirectorDEI -Diversity, Equity and InclusionDDI -Data Documentation InitiativeDFAM -Division of Financial and Administrative ManagementDFATD -Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, CanadaDHR -Division of Human ResourcesDHS -Domestic Household SurveyORDemographic and Health SurveyDIMCI -Distant-learning Integrated Management of Childhood IllnessesDMT -Disaster Management TeamDoA -Description of AssignmentDOC -Division of CommunicationDP -Direct PaymentDPIA -Data Protection Impact AssessmentDPRK- Democratic People's Republic of KoreaDROPS (meeting)- Deputy Representatives and Operations ManagersDRC -Democratic Republic of CongoDRD -Deputy Regional DirectorDRR -Disaster Risk ReductionDSA -Daily Subsistence AllowanceORData Sharing AgreementORDonor Statement by ActivityDSPL -DataSet Publishing LanguageDTC -Diarrhea Treatment CentresDTP -Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine, E&E -efficiency and effectiveness (in programming and operations)EA -Availability AssessmentEAC -East African CommunityEAPR -East Asia and Pacific RegionEAPRO -East Asia and Pacific Regional OfficeEAR -Emergency Appeal ReferenceEBF -Exclusive breastfeedingEBRD -European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentECA -Economic Commission for AfricaECAR -Europe and Central Asia RegionECARO -Europe and Central Asia Regional OfficeECCAS -Economic Community of Central African StatesECCE -Early Childhood Care and EducationECD -Early Childhood DevelopmentECE -Economic Commission for EuropeOREarly Childhood EducationECHO -European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection departmentECLAC -Economic Commission for Latin America and the CaribbeanECM -Enterprise Content ManagementECOWAS -Economic Community of West African StatesECW -Education Cannot WaitEDAR -Annual Report of the Executive Director of UNICEFEEFO -Earliest-Expiry-First-OutEFA -Education for AllEFPs -Essential Family PracticesEFTA -European Free Trade AssociationeGRC -Enterprise Governance, Risk and ComplianceEIA -Environmental Impact AssessmentEiE -Education in EmergenciesEISI-Evidence Information Systems IntegrationeLMIS -Electronic Logistics Management Information SystemEMIS -Education Management Information SystemEML -Essential Medicines ListEmONC -Emergency Obstetric and New-born CareEMOPS -Office of Emergency ProgrammesEMT -Emergency Management TeameMTCT -Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (of HIV)ENAP -Every Newborn Action PlanEOI -Expressions of InterestEOD -Entry on DutyEoYR -End of Year ReportEPF -Emergency Programme FundEPI -Expanded Programme on ImmunizationEPP -Emergency Preparedness PlatformEPRP -Emergency preparedness response planERC -Emergency Relief CoordinatorERM -Enterprise Risk ManagementERT -Emergency Response TeamERP -Enterprise Resource PlanningESCAP -Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the PacificESCWA -Economic and Social Commission for Western AsiaESP -Education Sector PlanESA -Education Sector AnalysisESAR -Eastern and Southern African RegionESARO -Eastern and Southern African Regional OfficeEUL -Emergency Use Listing ProcedureEVM -Effective Vaccine ManagementEVMA -Effective Vaccine Management AssessmentEVSA -Effective Vaccine Store AssessmentEWEA -Early Warning Early ActionEXD -Executive DirectiveEYR -End of Year ReportEYSN -End-Year Summary Narrative, FA -Framework AgreementFACE -Funding Authorization and Certificate of ExpenditureFAM -Financial Assurance ModuleFAO -Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsFC -Funds CommitmentFDI -Foreign direct investmentFGM/C -Female Genital Mutilation/CuttingFGD -Focus Group DiscussionFI -Food ItemFIC -Fully Immunized ChildFICSA -Federation of International Civil Servants AssociationsFIFO -First In First OutFP -Focal PointFR -Fund ReservationFSP -Financial Service ProviderFTIs -Faecally-Transmitted InfectionsFWA -Flexible Working Arrangement, GA -Goal AreaGAP -Gender Action Plan (2018-2021)GARR -Global Annual Results ReportGAVI -Global Alliance for Vaccines and ImmunizationGBV -Gender-based violenceGCF -Green Climate FundGDP -Gross domestic productGDPR -General Data Protection Regulation (EU)GEROS -Global Evaluation Reports Oversight SystemGEM -Gender Equality MarkerORGlobal Evaluation MeetingGHD -Girls Holistic Development (The Grandmother Project)GIC -Generic Intervention CodeORGlobal Innovation CenterGIS -Geographical Information SystemsGL -General LedgerGLAAS -UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-WaterGM -Growth MonitoringGMP -Growth Monitoring and PromotionORGood Manufacturing PracticesGMT -Global Management TeamGNI -Gross National IncomeGNP -gross national productGPE -Global Partnership for EducationGP EVAC -Global Partnership to End Violence Against ChildrenGPI -Gender Parity IndexGPP -Global Programme PartnershipGPR -Gender Programmatic ReviewGR -Goods ReceiptGRIP -Guidance for Risk-informed ProgrammingGRM -Grievance Redress MechanismGRP -Global and Regional ProgrammeGS -General Service (staff member)GSA -Global Staff AssociationGSBPM -Generic Statistical Business Process ModelGSS -Global Staff SurveyGSSC -Global Shared Services CentreGTC -General Terms and ConditionsGWC -Global WASH ClusterGWP -Global Water Partnership, H&N -Health and NutritionH1N1 -Influenza A virusH5N1 -Avian Influenza virusHAC -Humanitarian Action for ChildrenHACT -Harmonised Approach to Cash TransfersHAP -Humanitarian Accountability PartnershipHAR -Humanitarian Action ReportHBF -Health Basket FundHC -Humanitarian CoordinatorHCA -Host Country AgreementHCF -Health Care FacilityHCT -Humanitarian Country TeamORHumanitarian Cash TransferHepB -Hepatitis B vaccineHEPI -Health Emergencies Preparedness InitiativeHF -Health FacilityHib -Haemophilus influenza bHIV-Human Immunodeficiency VirusHH -householdHLCM -High Level Committee on Management (UNSCEB)HLCP -High Level Committee on Programmes (UNSCEB)HNO -Humanitarian Needs OverviewHOPE -Humanitarian cash Operations and Programme EcosystemHoO -Head of OfficeHPD -Humanitarian Programme DocumentHPM -Humanitarian Performance MonitoringHPV -Human Papilloma VirusHRBAP -human rights-based approach to programmingHRBP -HR business partnerHRH -Human Resources for HealthHRLFP -Human Resources Local Focal PointHRP -Humanitarian Response PlanHSS -Health Systems StrengtheningHSSP -Health Sector Strategic PlanHWWS -Hand Washing With Soap, IADB -Inter-American Development BankIAEA -International Atomic Energy AgencyIAEG-SDGs -Inter-Agency and Experts Group on monitoring the SDGsIASC -Inter-agency Standing CommitteeIATI -International Aid Transparency InitiativeIB- Integrated BudgetIBCS -Integrated Budget Costing SystemIBR -Integrated budget reviewIBRD -International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentIBV -incentive-based volunteerICAO -International Civil Aviation OrganizationiCCM -integrated community case managementICCPR -International Covenant on Civil and Political RightsICE -Itemized Cost EstimateICESCR -International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural RightsICRC -International Committee of the Red CrossICSC -International Civil Service CommissionICT -Information and communications technologyIDA -International Development AssociationIDB -Inter-American Development Bank (also IADB)IDP -Internally Displaced PersonIEC -Information, Education and CommunicationIFAD -International Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentIFC -International Finance CorporationIFI -International Financial InstitutionIHL -International Humanitarian LawIHR -International Human RightsILI -Influenza Like IllnessILO -International Labour OrganizationILR -Ice-lined refrigeratorIMAM -Integrated Management of Acute MalnutritionIMAP -Internal Monitoring Action PlanIMCI -Integrated Management of Childhood IllnessesIMEP -Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation PlanIMERP -Integrated MonitoringIMF -International Monetary FundIMIS -Integrated Management Information SystemIMO -International Maritime OrganizationIMR -Infant Mortality RateINEE -Inter-Agency Network for Education in EmergenciesINFF -Integrated National Financing FrameworkInfoterra -Global Environmental Information Exchange Network [UNEP]INSTRAW -International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of WomenIOM -International Organization for MigrationIP -Implementing PartnerORInternational Professional (staff member)IPC -Infection Prevention and ControlORIntegrated Food Security Phase ClassificationORInterpersonal CommunicationIPPN -Integrated Policy and Practitioners NetworkIPSAS -International Public Sector Accounting StandardsIPU -Inter-Parliamentary UnionIPV -Inactivated Polio VaccineIR -Invoice ReceiptIRP -Integrated Resources PlanIRRF -Integrated Results and Resources FrameworkIsDB -Islamic Development BankITB -Invitation to bidITC -International Trade CentreITN -insecticide-treated netITS -Informal Tented SettlementsITU -International Telecommunication UnionIYCF -Infant and young child feeding, JCC -Joint Consultative Committee OR Joint Crisis CommitteeJEPs -Joint Engagement PlansJICA -Japan International Cooperation AgencyJIU -Joint Inspection UnitJMP -Joint Monitoring ProgrammeJPO -Junior Professional OfficerJSP -Joint Strategic Planning, KAPB -Knowledge Attitude Practice and BehaviourKII -Key Informant InterviewsKM -Knowledge ManagementKOICA -Korea International Cooperation AgencyKPI -Key Performance IndicatorKRA -Key Result AreaKRC -Key Results for Children, LACR -Latin America and Caribbean RegionLACRO -Latin America and Caribbean Regional OfficeLAS -League of Arab StatesLDC -Least Developed CountryLDH -Linking Development and HumanitarianLEG -local Education GroupLGAs- Local Government AuthoritiesLGBTQIA+- Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual; Transgender; Queer/Questioning; Intersex; Asexual; The "+" symbol stands for all other sexualities, sexes, and genders that aren't included.LHD -Linking Humanitarian and Development (e.g. We collaborate with governments and corporations, non-profit groups and social enterprises, civic leaders and celebrities, churches and other faith-based organizations, youth groups and campus groups, teachers and students and . and systems to ensure that all UNICEF personnel and all sectors of the. Around the world, millions of children are trapped in cycles of poverty and violence. It provides a first introduction to what are HCT, and how UNICEF uses them in a humanitarian response as an implementation modality across sectors. Where NSAs control specific territories or affected populations, or operate as de-facto local authorities, engaging with these may be critical to delivering on UNICEFs mandate and ensuring fulfilment of the CCCs. At HQ level, UNICEF has provided significant intellectual support to the mechanics of UN reform-related policies and practices and UNICEF has been the main driver for the adoption of human rights approaches. For more information about our use of cookies, please read our privacy policy.To acknowledge our use of cookies, simply continue browsing or click 'Acknowledge.' The impacts are analyzed in terms of monetary (food) poverty, nutrition, education, child labour and access to health services of children. United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) New York City, New York, United States Closing on 28 April 2022 Current Please login or create a free account to see this job's salary Job applications. Before, during and after humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground, bringing lifesaving help and hope to children and families. This includes the immediate deployment of financial, human and material resources and a set of fast-track procedures and mechanisms to enable the rapid delivery of humanitarian response, timely decision-making and effective partnerships. Receive the latest research and event invites in your inbox once a month. This page aims to serve as acomprehensive guide toacronyms and abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system. Welcome to the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) Login and New Registrations Access this area to create a new UNGM account or to log in to an existing account. <> Explore our work across 190 countries and territories. Headquarters, Regional and Country Offices UNICEF National Committees Supply and Procurement Data Office of Research - Innocenti Office of Global Insight and Policy Office of Innovation Evaluation Executive Board Donations Legal information Read legal information and policies related to UNICEF's digital communications here. Process was initiated at a meeting at UNICEF Headquarters in February 2012 February 2012, you can us! Of up to 67 % Mali has experienced the full effects of the global food,... Senior management, a survivor-centred approach and contributions from all UNICEF personnel all... Before, during and after humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground, bringing lifesaving help and hope children! And abbreviations commonly used today in UNICEF and the larger UN system Populations ( AAP ) Ethical! A survivor-centred approach and contributions from all UNICEF programme and operations humanitarian emergencies, UNICEF is on the ground bringing. 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