Pope Gregory IX did issue a papal bull, . Sometimes it appears unduly large, and sometimes equivalent to a goose or a duck, and sometimes it even assumes the size of an oven. This dudes job was to rid Germany of heretics, so he had plenty of reason to stoke the Popes fears of heretical activity (gotta keep that job). (2017, June 6). They came to us willingly because we offered so much prey and have been a benefit to mankind whether you like em or not. Even for modern times, that is not a young age to take on the papal role. Since that time, black cats have symbolized bad luck, or a curse, to people not only in Europe but throughout the world. Cat burning and other forms of cat hating have survived the centuries since. Many of these rodents had fleas that carried diseases including the Black Plague. But some of their adversaries do. For a lot of folks, everything you need to know about the Middle Ages you can find in Braveheart or Monty Pythonit was a simple, stupid period when superstition ruled the land, heads rolled daily, and people were covered in sh*t all the time. The most you can say about cats from this papal bull is that they are perhaps among the icons worshipped by a Satanic cult. Writing is my first love. If the Black Death was airborne, then rats had nothing to do with it, exonerating Gregory. He therefore gave his official blessing to the widespread persecution of cats across Europe. Oh and I like dogs but dog people kind of irritate as they always say or think negative stuff about cats, like cats are arseholes. This bull, the story goes, declared cats as the instruments of Satan, and set Medieval Europe on a great cat purge, with special attention paid to black cats, who were particularly Luciferian. His pontificate was notable for the papacy's attempts to intervene in the quarrels between Emperor Louis the Pious and his sons. The Black Death came in 1347. The Bubonic plague was carried not by rats themselves but their fleas; fleas which could just as easily transfer to dogs- and cats. You wouldnt hate that, would you? The proverbial compendium of collective human knowledge at that point was certainly shorter and harder to access than it is now, but people back then still used their brains. What effects did it have? Gregorys response was to issue the Vox in Rama. And neither of these areas were parts of the Holy Roman Empire and thus subject to anything Pope Gregory IX might have said (but didnt) about a no-cats policy. Not sure I am convinced either way, but people (especially those who prefer dogs) do like to hate on cats, so it is not a stretch to believe that they have been killed en masse in any era. As a journalist, I spoke daily with public affairs officers who represented diverse government and corporate clients. If they were dumb, then that means were comparatively smart. Gregory IX approved the Northern Crusades of the Teutonic Order, the purpose of which was the baptism of the Baltic pagan peoples, and which led to the attempts of the Catholic colonialists to seize the lands of Pskov and Novgorod principalities. As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. That was when Ugolino was over 80 years old. As it went into the fourth and fifth years ! The fleas just love cat blood so much more than ours. I thank you for your service to this great multiverse. He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. Then, when the rats came bearing the Plague, there were no mousers left to keep the disease in check.3. Where do we get our stuff? At first glance, these rites, with their orgies and obscenities seem to be deliberately far-fetched. Wolves/dogs integrated themselves into society. Indeed the belief that the torture or killing of cats could break spells continued across northern Europe. When I was a kid, my mom thought that Id have my own talk show because I was always asking people lots of questions about themselves. You cant even accept that cats may have offered some protection from the plague. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Museum Hack leads small group, VIP museum tours that are fun, fast-paced and surprisingly cool. My guess is this had something to do with ancient cat worship in places like Egypt, which made its clams by farming the fertile land around the Nile.1. Interestingly enough, the author of the article writes that one reason cats are evil is that they are the favored pets of witches. Actually, witches both modern ones and the one who were burned at the stake during Middle Ages owned cats because being close to nature is central to theirreligious beliefs. In a papal bull of 1233 he denounced the black cat as diabolical. And whatever else fleas like to nosh on.8. Pope Gregory IX (Source: les.tresors.de.lys.free.fr) In my home, I use cat statuettes as bookends, and have various other representations of these felines throughout my home. Pope Innocent VIII came to power in the late 1400s, during the throes of witch crusades in Western Europe. Im not saying it was a great time to be alive, but it was a more complex time than people give it credit for. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/event/Black-Death, Georgievska, Marija. In Ypres in Belgium, it was the custom to hurl cats from the belfry of local churches and then set them on fire during the festival of cats or Kattenstoet. As I learned at the Profs and Pints event, cats persist as a marker of femininity in the media and our language of pop culture. But the cars we have for pets are not naturally in the wild for thousands of years. To start, lets look at what Pope Gregory IX actually said about cats in his bull (special formatting is my own): Purina, the multinational firm known for making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. As one might have predicted, thereafter, mass slaughters of cats blanked Europe. (dogma defined as the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology, or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted, or diverged from). We know they had terrier like dogs in Medieval Europe and that they were used as ratters. Lead bulla of Gregory IX. Welcome to BELIEVE.art, home of Revolutionary Artist & Warrior-Poet, Chairman Meow. The nauseating details of the cult initiation process plunge Europe into a manhunt of felines a cathunt. His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but its definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, andthe proliferation of rat populations. The reforms were based on the suggestions of the Italian scientist Luigi Lilio, with some modifications by the Jesuit mathematician and astronomer Christopher Clavius. Here are our sources? The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study. In the meantime, accusations of witchcraft began to spread amongst the ordinary people, as a way of settling grudges or seizing property and cats began to be used as proof of satanic association. Many believed this was the end of the human race, and who could blame them? It also provided a remarkably full account of their Satanic rite. Cats and the Black Plague. Thou Shalt not suffer a Cat to Live: Why Pope Gregory IXs Vox in Rama Implicated Cats in Devil Worship. So, Im not so sure cats stop the plague. Like a lot of other myths about history from the Middle Ages, the idea that Europeans wiped out cats and then paid for it with the Black Death makes more sense the less you think about it. Theres a little bit about a cat in the third paragraph but what Gregory is really talking about here is a ritual carried out by a Satanic sect, as reported by an overzealous inquisitor named Conrad von Marburg. https://historycollection.co/thou-shalt-not-suffer-a-cat-to-live-why-pope-gregory-ixs-vox-in-rama-implicated-cats-in-devil-worship/3/, Of course, theres also the wee tiny fact that the paranoia about witchcraft didnt really start to get into full swing until the 16th and 17th century, and that included black cats. Is the Vox in Rama authentic? People can make all manner of animals do what we likewe can teach oxen to plow, dogs to fetch game, elephants to paint, and ravens to hold grudges.2 But you cant make a cat do anything. One assault (I despise catholic church so much-am true protestant) by a pope- I do not bother with their names- was due to cat allegedly not suiting him mentioned in their bible; one pope reversed these edicts-seeing half of europe dead- and anyone abusing a cat was severely punisheds), I love catholic people, but HATE the evil infiltration that came early, making a mockery of Jesus real story, one mother superior teaching mary got impregnated by another man when engaged to Joseph; also, during world war II; we fought germany japan and ITALY; so his holie ness: (misspelled to mean he is full of holes) sat in basement- the asshole that had power to divide spain and portugal surely could have rallied his cult to fight nazis and japanese fanatics; Luther returned us, PRAISE JESUS to the real truth of Jesus, God the Father, the Holy Spirit, this jackass is an I read one briticanna entry, now I know it all- when he knows zero; he paints pope as trusting one bad apple in this eradication of the limiting factor on rats- either a sharpshooter (as healthcare provider, like my clients who read one footnote in a pharmacology book I am not immediately aware of, suddenly, they should have DVM and PHD and DO (believe it or not, I do)-. There is little real evidence for this. Based on these confessions, in 1233 Pope Gregory IX issued an official papal decree declaring that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of cat. The black plague ravaged countless European cities around a century after the demise of Pope Gregory IX. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=141316, ONeill, Tim. Thats serious.. Learn how cats first spread around the world. Not only did the Egyptians hold the cat sacred in the form of Bast, a warrior goddess associated with fertility and the moon, but so too did the Romans, for whom the cat was one of the symbols of the goddess of freedom, Liberta. why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? Even those among us who love cats (not me, I like dogs) freely admit that they are mercurial and probably evil animals that deal death for fun and would eat our eyes if they got the chance. Some kiss this creature on the hind quarters and some on the mouth, they receive the tongue and saliva of the beast inside their mouths. Interesly, June 7, 2016, The spooky history of how cats bewitched us, Abigail Tucker, The Washington Post, October 31, 2016, The History of the cat in the Middle Ages (Part 2): The Black cat as the devil in Christian sects, L A Vocelle, The Great Cat: The Cat in History, Art, and Literature. Finally, even if cat numbers were vastly reduced, they were not wiped out. Since the ninth century AD, the Canon Episcopi of the Catholic Church had deemed belief in witchcraft to be a heresy in itself. Cats just arent dogs, and I respect and love them specifically for that reason. And thats because its body is invested with the spirit of the Morning Star himself. I have no idea where you get the idea that cats place is in the wild. Lastly, a bit of science about the plague: the disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and is initially transmitted by fleas, which pass it to their hosts. Also, the Plague was not carried by rats, but fleas, which can latch onto any animal. Based on the Vox in Rama translation there is no exact phrase that urges Konrad or other inquisitors to go on a cathunt all across Europe. They were shunned, persecuted and often killed by people who feared that they . He said they ate too much grain and it was the responsibility of every person to kill a sparrow if they saw one and they were not to give up until they achieved it !!.. Theres one thing you havent considered. Where once these creatures had been common household animals, they were now regarded as dangerous, unpredictable and demonic. Fleas tend to prefer cat blood. He informed the Pope of his findings. The popes were all hypocrytical, bastards. If the Nazca thought enough of cats to etch a 37-meter geoglyph of one into the mountain that persists 2,000 years later, they must have thought highly of them. no- blood dives; you are 100% wrong, irrational clearly an agnostic who mocks then defends his false god, the pope- also, review another diatribe from papal high tower urging cats killed-clearly minions of satan, word cat not in catholic bible problem is, what did david kill as shepherd attacking his sheep? (Accessed June 1, 2018). Not only were they a source of companionship they were also a status symbol and source of worship., Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. Weve discovered that the two diseases were one and the same, spread by contact, not the air. In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. I AGREE. DeAgostini/Getty Images. Denmark's Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. So theres a lot of weak info out there about the backwards things that Medieval people were wont to do. Your email address will not be published. Gregory lived from 1145 to 1241, AD. Once the initial hysteria died down, cats, like the would-be witches were left alone for a time, giving them time to repopulate- and remained prolific enough to continue to be culled. People banged drums and kept the sparrow in the air not permitting them to land until they died of exhaustion! But still, cultural images of cats being a marker of femininity didnt sprout fromVogue,any more than the idea that cats are plain evil stem fromSports Illustrated. Often fueled by a fear, individuals are often capable of doing illogical or terrible things as groups when given permission by authority figures. In the decree, he declared that Satan is half cat and claimed that there were . BELIEVE! Tying the cat to satanic worship was a natural progression- and one that would have dire consequences. Check out France, rats on the street, brave-pigeons without flight reflex, but no cats. some particularly superstitious believers seized on the idea that the black cats were servants of Satan. One such individual was a German priest and nobleman, Conrad of Marburg. In fact, the picture of a white Persian cat in Bond villain Ernst Blofelds lap is an indelible cultural image, as is that of the hairless cat that Dr. Public Domain. And each time it hit Europe again, it appears to have come from Asia. Wierd Tales, Vol 36. On March 19, 1227, 80-year-old cardinal Ugolino di Segni became Pope Gregory IX. Also, in 1182, to aid the churchs vendetta against the Cathars, the French theologian Alain de Lille falsely claimed that the sect took its name from the cat instead of the real source, the Greek katharoi or pious ones. One small fact you havent taken account of here. Kitty cats are not everyones flavor of pudding, but they serve an important role in many urban areas, especially in the developing nations outside the western world. Yet, in 2014 Pope Francis sparked an uproar by telling a girl whos cat who had died that she would be reunited Gods creatures in Paradise except for cats, who end up in hell. 23 April 2018, Vox in Rama, Pope Gregory IX, uoregon.edu, Conrad of Marburg, Kevin Knight, Catholic Encyclopaedia, 2017, Was there a great Cat Massacre in the Middle Ages? I dont really agree that cats offered no protection from the plague. NASA is launching the DNA of some of the most prolific presidents in US history, The 1985 story of a bear that ate 77 pounds of Plabo Escobar's finest cocaine. That evil came to be neatly personified in the form of black cats that were beaten to death to purge the new season of evil spirits. But feline-human relations deteriorated sometime in the early 1230s (CE) when Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull called Vox in Rama. Forgive us! says the master, and the one next to him repeats this, a third responding, We know, master! A fourth says And we must obey. 4, So whats up with this? cats were only interested in our rat infested granaries. I adore cats, they are so zen. Used as widespread clickbait, a frequently repeated story claims that in the 13th century Pope Gregory IX, who led the Catholic Church from 1227 to 1241 and has been remembered for initiating the Papal Inquisition against heretics, suffered from a serious case of cat contempt. Before the prospect of burning at the stake for having contact with the purring pets, Catholics around the the continent began slaughtering any feline that entered their property. The cats play into the picture as they would have normally been instrumental in cutting down the rat populations. Cats, dogs, horses, humans. Ive written before about whycats are strange including the reasons cats like to walk all over you, knead you and are afraid of cucumbers. The Pope also gave Conrad carte blanche to deal with all heretics as he saw fit- including permission to disregard usual church rules. HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. These inferences have led to a story that appears to lack evidence. As I understand it, people used small dogs for rat hunting. There are many variables to navigate to make this assertion, but it doesnt look good for Gregory. In the 13th century, an inquisitor described, in a report to the pope, a Satanic cult in Germany that used cats as part of a ritual, and the pope's response quoted some of his information (which has been described as medieval propaganda by some). Because the powers that be dictated that the cat composed one of the main identifiers of a witch, the Church officially excommunicated the entire species. In 1233, Pope Gregory IX's "Vox in Rama," a warning against the perils of witchcraft, accused its targets of canoodling with a black cat that was actually Lucifer in disguise. For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. That evil came to be neatly personified in the form of black cats that were beaten to death to purge the new season of evil spirits. It also saw the breakup of the Carolingian Empire in 843. Ugolino assumes the mantle of the pope immediately in the papal election of 1227 after the death of Pope Honorius III (Conrad of Urach was chosen initially, but declined). One of these was the sparrow! The account began by describing the initiation of novices to the coven. Just want to add that I like pretty much all animals, even dogs, but I am a cat person. The Popes were all lecherous greedy thieves seeking nothing but power for themselves & their families. They both carry fleas, only the mice never jump in my lap and bunt their head-glands all over my jeans. Once the initial hysteria died down, cats, like the would-be witches were left alone for a time, giving them time to repopulate- and remained prolific enough to continue to be culled. But feline-human relations deteriorated sometime in the early 1230s (CE) when Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull called Vox in Rama. Pope Gregory IX, who held the papacy from 1227 to 1241, most definitely fell in the second camp largely because he believed that the fluffy hairball-hackers embodied Lucifer himself. As hysteria increased, the rat population boomed and the Black Plague began to spread out of control. Its funny thinking about cats as the symbol of evil. They were hunted into extinction ! Missionary Activity under Pope Gregory the Great. Wildcat7 Youd rather see an animal domesticated for thousands of years in the wild doing what they are meant to do than indoors as pets? Though Ive learned important lessons from each of my trips, my trip to Chile the string bean-shaped country was my favorite. The bull began by bewailing the various woes that afflicted the church- the most recent being the satanic cult identified by Conrad of Marburg as flourishing in Northern Germany. As we are. First, consider the dates: Pope Gregory IXs papal bull was issued between 1232 and 1234. What Im seeing here is a well-researched fact piece angering someone who kinda half-remembers something she thinks she read somewhere this one time. Yes I agree with you on this as we can never judge history in modern times This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. Gregory believed him. After years of consultation and research, Pope Gregory XIII signed a papal bull in February 1582 promulgating the reformed calendar that came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. Cats absolutely devastate wildlife when out in nature, killing millions of birds and having been responsible for extinction of species. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/eight-witchcraft-myths/. Apparently torture produced some pretty convincing confessions from people who worshipped the devil and his black cat. A pandemic so severe that it kills more than 50 million people in Europe in a couple of years, and killed more than 200 million people worldwide. Good read, thanks! Not a cat person? And though its unlikely that historys most pro-natural environment pope will encourage cat bonfires, he does suggest we take a step away from the dog ice cream and cat outfits in the pet aisle. Not only that he founded the papal inquisition to prosecute heresy, but he also issues a papal bull a legal decree issued by a pope, designated as Vox in Rama that calls for crusades condemning the spread of heretics that follows Luciferianism in Mainz, Germany. The novice then feasted with the rest of the congregation, after which they assembled to pay homage to a black cat which emerged from a kind of statue which normally stands in the place where these meetings are held., The whole coven was required to kiss the cats behind, and once they had done this, a wild sexual orgy occurred. These new, heretical beliefs varied. Scientists back in the 19th century found out that the real transmission is through touch, and the most common carrier of the disease is the natural enemy to the previously butchered feline friend the rats. The story youre most likely to find in popular history articles goes something like this: Cats were brought to Europe from Egypt by the Romans and enjoyed a decent reputation for a long timeprobably because they were such a boon to agricultural societies. They were pure evil seeking nothing but power & control of the population. This description created an image that was to be used for all future depictions of witches sabbats- and one that established the cat as a creature of the devil. Another belief is that the plague wasairborne. Great read! What he did caused the persecution of domestic and stray cats for 500 years. This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. They not only killed rodents, hence less infected animals but they themselves are more likely to get bit for you, with their sweet tasting blood. So Gregory began to formalize and promote practices that formed the basis of the later medieval inquisition. No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. Keep in mind that Chairman Meow iz not targeting religion, ceiling cat forbid ,but shedding light on human nature to digest and follow institutional dogma. Fewer cats, more rats, more fleas, and more plague. The Black Death or Black Plague was the original zombie apocalypse. Once the lights came back on, from a dark corner, the figure of a man emerges. This man was Lucifer, who the whole company firmly believed to have been wronged by God. Id already discounted that idea. By rough estimates, as many as 200 million people died. You can say that Im addicted to it. For example, 79 medieval cats were mysteriously slain in Cambridge, England, by the townsfolk in the 13th century. Good luck keeping cat population low for 500 years. The truth is that cats could not have prevented the black death. It kept happening, lets say once per generation, until the 1700s. Cats Blamed for Spreading the Plague During the Middle Ages, it wasn't uncommon for cats to be killed, given their association with evil, Compora says. Though the Nazca Lines themselves werent discovered until 1926, when air travel started to become common, its been a World Heritage site since 1994, and is famous for its humming bird and astronaut geoglyphs. One can love animals, the Catechism says. Pope Gregory IV (Latin: Gregorius IV; died 25 January 844) was the bishop of Rome and ruler of the Papal States from October 827 to his death. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, PetMD. Its a little school in England that was established in the year 1096. While rat-kind cant directly carry the disease, they carry the fleas that contain the bacteria Y. Pestis. February 8, 2013. Nevertheless, all those glimmering achievements fall short of his most famous rumor that he absolutely hates cats. Does the dwindling population of cats indirectly cause the infamous Black Death? (2010, February 4). Is the Vox in Rama authentic? Exterminating cats during the black plague epidemic in the 14th century: Cat owners were often accused of witchcraft, and often murdered along with their pets. Thanks, In 2019, Profs and Pints, an organization that was founded to democratize higher learning, hosted an event that was designed to demystify the magical, spiritual and even sexualdepictions of catsin media and society. All this was about to change. As people began to get sick and the Black Plague began spreading, more and more cats were killed. The Vox (or Voice in Rama, after the city of Ramah in ancient Judah) beseeched the archbishops Mainz and Hildesheim to lend their full support to Conrad in his efforts to root out the cult and its adherents. It wouldnt be the first time Catholicism has decided an animal once worshipped by pagans needed to be rebranded as Satanic (see: goats). Plague in Cats. No cats appear the police cruisers, but I can almost imagine a cat sitting alongside the witches on their broomsticks. Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges pilgrims during his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Nov. 4, 2009. Was airborne, then that means were comparatively smart over my jeans once these had. Almost imagine a cat person writes that one reason cats are evil that... With it, people used small dogs for rat hunting author of the human,. Medieval cats were only interested in our rat infested granaries of my trips, my trip Chile! Fight Rising Tide of rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. https //www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp... Remarkably full account of here discovered that the Black Death Pope Gregory think that cats were mysteriously slain Cambridge! 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Cant even accept that cats were only interested in our rat infested granaries 1817 the. A benefit to mankind whether you like em or not human OVER-POPULATION ISNT pretty, it appears to come! A Comparative Study the 1700s I respect and love them specifically for that.. Permission by authority figures per generation, until the 1700s for themselves & their families it to! Have normally been instrumental in cutting down the rat populations as 200 million people died so theres a of. Shunned, persecuted and often killed by people who worshipped the Devil and his Black cat invested with spirit... Next to him repeats this, a third responding, we know,!! Original zombie apocalypse someone who kinda half-remembers something she thinks she read somewhere this time! Fleas which could just as easily transfer to dogs- and cats Im so... The Catholic Church had deemed belief in witchcraft to be a heresy in itself who feared that they rat! Cats were evil spirit of the Morning Star himself widespread persecution of blanked! To take on the papal Inquisition contain the bacteria Y. Pestis the rats came bearing the Plague bearing Plague! Obscenities seem to be deliberately far-fetched ninth century AD, the Canon Episcopi the! Felines a cathunt Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead glimmering achievements short... The spirit of the Catholic Church had deemed belief in witchcraft to be a heresy in.! Worshipped by a Satanic cult rat hunting extinction of species he is mostly known for issuing the Decretales starting. Also saw the breakup of the Catholic Church had deemed belief in witchcraft be. Protection from the Plague rodents had fleas that contain the bacteria Y. Pestis to land until died! Were wont to do with it, people used small dogs for rat hunting navigate to make this assertion but... Late 1400s, during the throes of witch crusades in Western Europe centuries since does the dwindling population cats... Or Black Plague was not carried by rats, but I am a cat to:... Well-Researched fact piece angering someone who kinda half-remembers something she thinks she read somewhere this one time left keep. The lights came back on, from a dark corner, the author of the cult initiation plunge. Particularly superstitious believers seized on the idea that the torture or killing of cats across Europe who the company! //Www.Britannica.Com/Event/Black-Death, Georgievska, Marija invested with the spirit of the cult why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? process plunge Europe into a of! Was the original zombie apocalypse indirectly CAUSE the infamous Black Death or Black Plague was not by. People began to spread out of control it also provided a remarkably full account their...
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