The predominant successful breeding among hybrids is between white-tailed bucks and mule deer does (Carr and Hughes 1993, Cathey et al. A preliminary report on white-tailed and black-tailed deer crossbreeding studies in . There is a good example of this rulea rule that doesnt affect black-tailed deer because of their largely northern environmentwith key deer. The color of each deers fur is dependent on their habitat and time of the year, with slight changes happening as the seasons change. Sharper toes typically indicate a younger deer, but this varies . They are a much better option than corn or hay. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. Mule deer live on a diet of mostly forbs, shrubs, leaves, and twigs as well as fruit. The mule deer has a larger maximum size than the black-tailed deer. Coloration has been known to change slightly when it comes to blacktails as they go from a grayish brown during the colder months to reddish brown in summer. What is the difference between whitetail and blacktail deer? The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. As a result, the only weight many hunters obtain for their deer is a field-dressed weight, leaving the whole weight of their quarry unknown. Many states regulate and control these animals differently, and you might end up breaking the law if you take the wrong species of deer. All Rights Reserved. In the warmer months, blacktail moves to higher elevations into steep mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation. Black-tailed deer and mule deer share a closer bloodline and share personality traits, such as hopping up the side of mountains to escape predators, whereas whitetail will simply bolt downhill, usually in search of water. Whitetail deer have a brown rump and only the underside of its tail is white. Most hunters and deer enthusiasts in western North America are exposed to many wonderful species of deer. In Montana, they have trophy Mule deer. Whitetail deer vary significantly in size and usually weigh between about 90 to 200 pounds. It's almost impossible to distinguish between the East Siberian moose and the Alaska moose. Thomas is an outdoors expert from firearms & hunting to fishing & camping and everything in between. I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Sometimes, they can even have a dull orangish hue to them. When you add up the clues, they'll tell you if it's a buck or a doe. As an avid outdoors person (hunting and fishing mostly)I love to mention and link to various products and gear I use. Genetic samples from far outside of the "cross-over" zone were used to establish those value ranges. Additionally, blacktail and mule deer will also have different social behaviors at different times of the day. Also, most mule deer will have very short brow tines, or none at all. Telling a mule deer and a whitetail deer apart just based off of their coats is difficult. We may receive a commission with purchases through certain links. And start the migration generally the first week of bow season regardless of the weather. Key deer are a close subspecies of whitetail, and they would be much larger if they lived in north Alabama. Black-tail deer live in forested mountainous areas, making them less common. Coues deer are found in Arizona and are much smaller than the Northern White-tailed deer. Black-tailed deer are found on the Pacific Coast of North America in California, Oregon, and Washington. Since both deer share similar biology, their diets are similar as they both eat shrubs, grasses, tree foliage and various herbaceous plants known as forbs. The black-tailed deer has very similar ears. Interestingly, they live in rural and suburban areas, so people commonly see them. Whitetail deer showcase a brownish tint on their face, with white rings or small circles around their face closer to the nose and eye parts. If you have any questions for me, fill out a form on the contact page, send me an email at or leave a comment on the below. Western north america has more mule deer and black tailed deer. Coat colors greatly vary in mule deer and whitetail deer species. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? They're usually set at an angle of about 30 degrees from the mule deer's head, whereas a white-tail's ears are usually more vertical. Sitka black-tailed deer are closely related to the larger Columbia black-tailed deer of the Pacific Northwest, and both are considered subspecies of the (even larger) mule deer of the American West. They are about three-quarters of the length of the deers entire head and help the mule deer pick up on faint sounds over their large, open territories. Whitetails are found throughout the United Stateseverything east of the Rocky Mountain chain and well into Canada heading north. Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, Fig. Thanks for visiting Their range extends south as well. Whitetails also have a tendency to turn a faded, reddish color in the summer months, which changes to a gray and light tan color in the winter. The antlers of the mule deer and blacktail are bifurcated, which means they fork as they grow. The pointed end is forward. Deer Tracks. Eastern north america is dominated by white tailed deer. Research shows that at this age, most bucks have achieved 50 to 75 percent of their antler-growth potential. These deer are found along the Pacific Coast of North America. Antler Shape . Outdoors Mecca is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Another difference is physical shape. This is especially true when the north and south variations of Bergmanns Rule are in effect. The larger ears found on desert Muleys allow them to stay cooler when its hotter out, and the smaller ones found on the mountain muleys translate to them staying a little warmer. We are going to base antler size off the Boone and Crockett recording system for both the mule and blacktail deer. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Thank you for reading! These deer are found within coastal regions, and their size results from living in that biome. Hello, and thank you for visiting Outdoors Mecca. They tend not to spook as easy as whitetails. Thanks ITDann. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Blacktail deer can be found along the west coast, from southern Alaska, to British Columbia, to northern Mexico, and even to islands off the coast of Vancouver. . It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. A dominant mule deer buck may have a home range as large as 80 square miles. The size difference in the heads is only slight, and it would be difficult to tell them apart without physically measuring them. Deer hunting is a great way to spend quality time with the ones you love. In most cases, the mule deer will have significantly longer ears than a whitetail. The Mule deer are often a lot larger than their whitetail counterparts. A white- tail/mule deer hybrid has metatarsal glands that split the difference in location, appearance and length (between 2 to 4 inches). They will shoot up their tail and run at the first sign of danger. But by keeping an eye out for the main differences in their habitats, social and physical traits, identifying them can be a breeze. Also, mule deer tend to be much more laid back and less jittery. Mule deer evolved from Blacktail deer. When whitetails and black-tails mate in captivity, their offspring wont survive in the wild. Here Is the Latest Info. The mule deers scientific name is Odocoileus hemionus. in 2011 the plaintiffs noted in oral arguments before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that the difference is between a claimed 21 deer per square mile carrying capacity in the project EIS, . Diet: Prefer grasses but will graze young shrubs. To keep things straightforward, when referring to blacktail it will be with regards to the Columbia blacktail. Black-tailed deer dont reach the same size as their close, mule deer cousins. The white-tailed deer lives in many places, so it has access to many foods. Its estimated that there are 30 million deer worldwide. Blacktail behavior vs. whitetail behavior? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? It's very rough but a decent way to get an idea. This is actually a pretty unique characteristic as most other deer in North America have white tails, hence the whitetail deer, while mule deers have mostly whitetails with a small black tip. In the Pacific Northwest and into Canada and Alaska, you can find Blacktail deer. They also live in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. The ranges of the subspecies of blacktail overlap latitudes, but the blacktail deer exist no . JavaScript is disabled. Whitetail deer's ears are still large but not as large as a mule deer's. The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. I've been hunting since I was 8 and shed hunting even before that. Although their diets are largely similar, whitetail deer typically have a wider choice of foods due to their habitat and larger stomachs. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? They can be considered the same sub-species. Whitetail deer have a thicker and fluffier looking tail. Whitetail deer incorporate more grasses into their diet as well as different nuts, seeds, and fungi. They use it like a horse uses their tail and keep moving it around to ward off flies. 2) are our most common deer subspecies. Take the time to glass under every bush and get your distances known to spots that the deer may appear in. Patterning is as simple as finding the migration trails. White-tailed deer are slightly smaller than mule deer, but larger than Sitka black-tailed deer. A black-tailed deers antlers will branch from the main beam. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? Anyone hunted or have experience with both? They are perhaps best identified by their flag-like white tail that stands straight up when the deer is alarmed. Blacktails are split into two different groups within their own subspecies; Columbian black-tailed deer, found in the pacific northwest, Canada, and down into northern California. Its a hard cover book so that's as cheap as it gets.. The white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer may live in similar areas of the world, but theyre different species. An adult buck will weigh from 150 to . White-tailed deer and mule deer have slightly different reproduction and mating cycles. Visit the ODFW's agency site. Ok, so the scientists and research articles that are focused on the taxonomy lineage and genetic makeup of a species have concluded that the mule deer and blacktail deer are in essence the same species. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? However, the black-tailed deer has a black non-bushy tail. Their favorite meals are ferns, huckleberry, blackberries, apples, cranberry, elderberry, and more. Whitetail deer have spread out more than mule deer. What to put in water when boiling deer skull. With a shoulder height of 31 42 and a nose-to-tail length of 3.9 6.9 ft. A mature mule deer buck will tip the scales from 160 to 330 lbs. A constant debate that seems to emerge around the fireplace at hunting camp is the question of are mule deer and blacktail the exact same species or completely different? That's why we have theOregon Hunting Theyre also in British Columbia, Canada, and portions of Alaska. 7+6+3=16. The diet of the mule deer and the black-tailed deer is probably different due to each animals range rather than their preferences. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 405 lbs, while the black-tailed deer weighs 225 lbs at its maximum. Much like Mule deer, coues deer are often gray in color during the fall to blend into the Arizona countryside, which they do exceptionally well, so well, in fact, they are referred to as the Gray Ghost by those who have pursued them. Although the white-tailed deer is one of the most popular species, the black-tailed deer and the mule deer are two other types people enjoy seeing in the wild. The whitetail's metatarsals are below the mid-point of the lower leg, less than 1 inch long, and surrounded by white hairs. Specifically, theyll eat prickly lettuce, Gambel oak, quaking aspen, rice grass, goldeneye, and a wide variety of other foods. I saw several copies including shipping for under $10. In some seasons, antler shape can be easily used to distinguish species of male deer . You can also find them in the Southwest U.S. and up and down the western coast of North America. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are native to the Western part of North America and have a rather large and expansive area where they can be found. This is not a common phenomenon for blacktail deer. Mule deer do not have this. Do Cast Iron Wood Stoves Need Fire Bricks? These deer can be found in northern Mexico along with Baja California. It has a range that spans nearly coast-to-coast, and when people think of what a deer looks like, they will probably picture a Whitetail. Mule deer dont use their tails near as much as whitetails do. Reproduction. Today, it can still be a means of survival for people but it has turned into more of a tradition. I have a copy and its very well written and has incredible pictures also. Their antlers are appealing, because of the velvety fur covering those. This type of deer is polyestrous and is a short day breeder. Mule Deer vs White-tail: 5 Key Differences Explained. The long tail has a snow-white underside that they raise and flash to signal to other deer. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They do this to feast on new-growth shrubbery and other emerging vegetation in the spring. Neither species has to flick their tails up to notice the difference either. On their own, its easy to tell if you are looking at a Mule deer or a Whitetail. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. Both mule deer and whitetail deer hear extremely well. The farther south you travel, whitetail females are more similar to black-tail females in size and weight. Hunters must still obtain a hunting and/or Public access to lands suitable to huntcan be a challenge. Besides the color of each deers tail, there are a few other differences in their fur and coloration that help tell the difference between one and the other. Albinism is a congenital condition defined by the absence of pigment, resulting in an all-white appearance and pink eyes. This will be evident in the tracks they leave. In fact, that is where the name "mule deer" comes from, their ears resemble those of a mule. They look different, live in different spots, and come from different species. Two forms of black-tailed deer or blacktail deer that occupy coastal woodlands in the Pacific Northwest of North America are subspecies of the mule deer . Description. His book "Mule Deer Country" is an excellent source for studying mule deer. Whereas in the Western States where Whitetail can also be found, they can grow to a much larger size, with an average closer to what would be a monster in other states. Since whitetails are more spread out, in terms of north and south, than blacktails, there are vast differences in the size of whitetails. How do you identify a deer doe? The body also has a different color pattern, which tends to be a lot darker and closer to a gray color in the fall to assist them with blending in their rugged environments. Not all do, though. The rut runs from early November to late December, and just like any other male of the species, the big bucks will drop their guard and all common sense goes out the window as they chase the does. Also the back of Black-tailed Deer ears tends to be dark, and they tend to be smaller and darker overall. First there are estrus doe bleats, which they make when they're in heat but there aren't any bucks around. Others have hunted and continue to hunt both. For a very rough on the hoof estimate on an average sized deer. These deer are named for the regions that they can be found in and have a different yet similar appearance to each other. Their antler structure is also different than mule or Sitka black-tailed deer with antler points growing off one main beam. A mule deer's ears are angular about 30 degrees from its head, whereas whitetail deer's ears are quite round and vertical in comparison. 20+ Foods, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, in Canada, California, Oregon, and Washington State in the continental United States. Here's a closer look at that business model. As stated earlier, their antlers are also much different. Whitetails don't do that. Not all do, though. Another key difference between Muleys and Whitetail deer is their tails. Alfalfa bales are another commonly used feed for deer. I graduated from Rowan University in 2014 with degrees in English and Education. That way, we can see how theyre different in obvious ways, like body type, and less-obvious ways, like species. If you go deep into the south, black-tailed females will outweigh female whitetails located that far south. The further north you go the bigger in body they get, as per Bergman's law. Both turn grey in the winter time and this tends to lead to mistaken identities. Look at the head of the deer. In most of North America a mature whitetail buck's track will be between 23/4 and 31/2 inches long. In the south part of the state they migrate down in North Cal. The mule deer is known for eating forbs, shrubs, trees, and grass. The easiest way to tell them apart are by some of their physical characteristics. This is true for both males and females. Find a group of does and wait for the buck, he wont be far behind. Throughout most of their range, whitetails and mule deer both rut, or breed, in November. Mule deer are slightly more accepting to hunters and pressure. Any alfalfa farmer will tell you, alfalfa can attract deer as well as any other type of feed. Blacktails prefer mild winters and humid environments. If you are in the desert, Mule deer tend to have much larger ears than those found on Mule deer you see in the mountains and alpine regions. The mule deer is known for having exceptionally large ears that resemble those of a mule. There are many factors to differentiate mule deer and whitetail deer for hunting or observing their lifestyles. The white-tailed deer measures 150 lbs to 405 lbs, grow 1.7 ft to 3.9 ft tall and measures 3.3 to 7.2 feet long. This is all about heat dissipation. Mule deer mothers with newborns have also been seen to allow other females to stay around to help raise and socialize their young. This color variation doesnt occur in black-tailed deer. However, given the opportunity, they will consume agricultural plants and different grasses. Two of these species are often confused with one another because they share many similarities; the mule and blacktail deer. So, as with all of these individual traits, observe with caution and never use just one to decide what species of deer youre looking at. Blacktails in the rainforest are a very different creature from even the chaparral bucks. Mule deer feel safest on brush covered hillsides, deep draws and areas that offer a good mix between browsing and grazing options. Offspring wont survive in the rainforest are a close subspecies of blacktail overlap latitudes, but blacktail... Deer or difference between whitetail and blacktail deer whitetail the western Coast of North America are exposed many! Deep into the south part of the world, but theyre different.. Cases, the black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, Fig use it like horse! 'S as cheap as it gets mountain chain and well into Canada heading North samples far! 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