That is just re-smearing Alex Salmond by the back door. Posted on March 29, 2020 by Rev. Jennifer Dempsie was criticised over claims she helped broker a deal between the festival's promoter DF Concerts and Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop to access 150,000 of public money. It really does beg the question, why was Alex Salmond so oblivious and blindsided by these people? Mist001 09.58. ), Counsel for the Spectator is applying for changes to the court order, passed during the Alec Salmond trial, to prevent the identification of the complainers in that case.. Ms Dempsie, who lives in Garmouth in the north-east, began working for the SNP a decade ago as a press officer for Nicola Sturgeon, before being appointed as a special advisor to Mr Salmond when he was first minister. Duh!! I agree. Disgusting. With very occasional honourable exceptions, including . 11 February, 2021 at 11:20 am Inside the SNP, they do not know what lies ahead for Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond. The 33-year-old was once known as 'Mrs Message' in recognition of her PR acumen during the referendum campaign. how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel?. The great ignored truth of the devolution years is that Holyrood has been a bulwark against change, not an agent for it. Can you see the pattern yet? I see Geoff Aberdein next to Alex, Campbell Gunn at the back behind Alex, LL on the right. Could someone give details and a name check for that photo? Too many of these shites hanging around the corridors of power, all totally unelected. It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. Dont make the mistake of thinking nobody will notice you doing this. Or, you know, not. @Kat, yes spotted that higher up the comments, its still as interesting as its 2014. One aspect that might be worth pursuing, I genuinely dont know, so everyone pile in, is a letter (to be published) to the SNP expressing your concerns that the money has been embezzled, providing the SNP with an opportunity to re-imburse you within a certain time limit (and no reply will be considered as a refusal) and that failure to do so will result in you making the complaint a formal one to Police Scotland. Two questions, Advocate depute.Says he has no objection to the proposed change to the order. Or as I would put it there appears to be too much bed hopping and sexual innuendo in a supposedly working environment. On 27 February, project manager Jennifer Dempsie - who had previously worked as an adviser for former first minister Alex Salmond - first contacted the office of Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. one of Scotland's most accomplished commercially-focused business managers with a background in operations, governance, business planning, HR policy and practice, financial analysis and managements. Alex Salmond has been on trial in a court and been found not guilty, As a result of the adverse publicity, Dempsie, a talented and. What was said during the trial will not prevent people with being charged with contempt of court. [42] No doubt shell give judgement after her holidays some time in June. The jury saw all of this and acquitted the man on all charges despite every dirty trick being deployed to rig a conviction, any conviction. Is that a real question or a stab at satire? She also told the court on Monday she was carrying an injury from a previous incident. He said: There is a rift in the party and that is happening because we have developed the cult of two personalities over the years. Vestas, Bob Mack, it was reported during the trial that C was an SNP politician.. Wow that should be educational. Add Sturgeons admiration for Kissinger, Clinton and Legarde and her very iffy foreign policy stance and you see a bigger picture. No problem. Increasingly, Kyiv seems, Ukraines drone war on Russia could backfire. Cyberbully. WATCH: Highland League Weekly Brora Rangers Dale Gillespie, Inside the Fraserburgh factory fuelling worldwide TikTok sensation Tinned Fish Date Night, Domestic abuser filmed own trial from dock then posted it on TikTok, Global trends and events close to home will shape Scottish M&A in 2023, Liz Cameron: Yes (first) minister, it is time for a 'reset', Work starts on 30 million fish processing expansion in Peterhead. There is every likelyhood, that once one complaint is made, many more will follow, and it will in effect become the equivalent of a class action. You lose count of the times they have attempted to destroy this man. Yes I agree Ingwe cant see the spectator having much joy with their application as the establishment will be told to close ranks. I find myself replaying over and over the jingle from ITVs The Masked Singer: 11 February, 2021 at 1:14 pm Posted at 09:45h in still life art competition by gordon cooper, astronaut wife. I have seen this repeatedly in the questioning at the Inquiry. SPADs who are ex-BBC, ex-daily Mail? It was the year of the NATO vote. Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. Miss Dempsie was a special adviser to Mr Salmond, who was a guest at her 2011 wedding to Isle of Harris bunkhouse owner Ruari Beaton, 48. Did he think that he could maybe get him onside? Interestingly I dont see Kevin Pringle anywhere. He is in the position John Swinney was in, so I think he would be the natural person if John Swinney is not going to put himself forward again., BUT would he want to go for the job, since he has suggested privately he is not interested? Dont be daft. Miss Sturgeon previously insisted she first learned about the complaints at a meeting with Mr Salmond in her home near Glasgow on April 2. We are finding non democrats in all sorts of high places too! With a small c. Which means that the beneficiaries of theis small-c timidity are the Scottish Labour Party. deputy director of European affairs for (say)the Earth Institute or Brookings or a health related pandemic thinktank/forecasting unit. from Coleman, Counsel for the Spectator now going over the limits of the courts section 11 powers to prevent publication of certain information. And last (for now) but not least, has anyone informed the Crowd Fund agency that the SNP utilised for the Fund raiser I suspect the SNP may have breached their rules and regs. Despite the fact that the party itself has honoured or at least admired warrior queens (in the members estimation) such as Winnie Ewing, Margo MacDonald and even Nicola Sturgeon, the fact remains that women are much less likely to support the SNP than men and, furthermore, this gender gap causes the party some problems. Nicola is certainly fully on board with the Blair/Campbell/Tory neocon,US dominated policies represented by the aforementioned illuminati and I am pretty sure that how ever this whole fiasco falls, she will be appointed to some sinecure of international significance, possibly connected to UN, or some prestigious international org. A FORMER aide to Alex Salmond at the centre of a 'cronyism' row over state aid to stage T in the Park has abandoned her bid to become an MSP. The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. You took the words right out of my mouth. Insight into the minds of the Nicolsonerati, Perception is everything: how politicians, public servants and corporate bosses learn the art of spin. Bald small man syndrome? Discontent is also growing within the party. wins its legal challenge over Salmond trial court orders: Lady Dorrian to vary an order which now allows Salmond and Geoff Aberdein evidence to be published. Saw an article with a picture of Dempsie with actor Brian Cox OBE. So, if the Spectator have won, are we getting the whole submission without the redacted paragraph? The public figure, who is not being named for legal reasons, told the high court in Edinburgh that the woman took part in a small private dinner with him, Salmond and a third guest at Bute House in Edinburgh, the first ministers official residence, in June 2014. But Aberdein cannot make any voluntary political action because of his current employment. Ha Ha thats how fkn stupid this whole set up is you would need a bloody good memory to figure out the moves in this Machiavellian tragedy or balls up whatever suits the description. He had all the stuff ready to go when they pulled the case(JR) just before LL was due to take the stand. shanda lear net worth; skullcap herb in spanish; wilson county obituaries; rohan marley janet hunt speaks for the sake of it but nothing of substance. In one sense this is admirable: as the Scottish Social Attitudes Survey reported last year women are more sceptical of government than men and, hence, more sensible. This has already been said not quite spelled out clearly enough: The Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints is trial No. Alexs side have not really been engaging in that, theyve been pretty tight. BLMac says: Surely there is some specific objective of this committee. Weber Shandwick Scotland has announced that it is to appoint the special advisor to First Minister Alex Salmond to a senior position within its Public Affairs arm. Jeezo, if there was ONE thing I wish Stuart Campbell would add onto the HTML coding for this website, it would be a BLOCK button. Thirdly, she is dealing with a huge intake of new members who are now growing increasingly agitated about a second independence referendum that she does not want to call because she does not currently expect to win. I suspect she is regarded by Sturgeon and Swinney as the weakest link, might be ok if she knew the questions being put to her before and was then well coached in her answers but liable to crack if asked to think on her feet. Will the SNPs chaotic leadership race ease Starmers path to Downing Street? Uuuuuhu. Anybody interested to listen to the High Court can do so as follows. Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Can someone clarify for the hard of thinking. One senior SNP politician said: Youve got people in the party showing clear sympathies to either party. People like me have been saying for some time that this is only going to end in tears.. If I can see the current situation is legally farcical, then Im sure a Judge will too. He was never sexually unfaithful to Moira. Depends on date but here her history, crikey I hadnt realised she once worked for Alyn Smith. National identity, as without that there is no national consciousness or drive for independence; This site will be watched, make no mistake about that. Judge is giving Spectator QC hard time. The latest revelations from Mr Aberdein caused more angst for Miss Sturgeons team. Is that Pringle behind Stephen Noon? Mr Sillars said: She has not handled it well at all. One of the others was the America trip few pennies dropped with that one. @spectator @eileencarson it is Jennifer Dempsie, as was then, now Mrs Angus Robertson. Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and now Scotland. Alex Salmond always came across as an intelligent, canny and shrewd operator, but look at this situation with Mrs. Murrell and the accusers and there he is in that photo with this Stuart Nicolson. Mist de la Merde would be the first one on my block-a-troll list. They are all equally dishonourable. She cant possibly lead the party into the next election, whether thats Holyrood or Westminster. bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. Not sounding good at Court. 11 February, 2021 at 12:39 pm To be fair, Salmond can do the retail side of politics. They do not want Alex to appear last under any circumstances because he is just as strong an orator as Nicola and what he says will have more effect if he goes last. Moray Council tax rise: How much will it cost me? Theyre a dirty bunch Mr Wings. I imagine the choice of the judge(s) will be crucial. stevens high school dress code; corozal, belize real estate for rent. Achnababan says: They worked together for many years, so he must have had an inkling of what she was capable of, surely. The story is less favourable to the SNP and it looks like its setting Peter Murrell up to take the fall for Sturgeon. Be sure to use the phrase, suspect the money raised for a specific purpose has been used elsewhere and the common law crime of Theft by Embezzlement has been committed. Some I recognize, some I dont; but theres a few looks a bit familiar, I should know who that is. One is dragged off to the Nick the perpetrator and charged the other one is in the Mortuary the victim one is interviewed by the Cops witness Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and now Scotland. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? Robert, you are right on all counts. 6.1.1, The world's most-read Scottish politics website, Posted on 13 March 2017 Two weeks into the New Year, Angus Robertson, the deputy party leader, called a top-secret summit of SNP insiders at the Craigellachie Hotel in Moray. A former aide to Alex Salmond has revealed that she has decided against standing to become an MSP for the Highlands and islands. The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. If Twitter can do it, then why cant Wings. They are all equally dishonourable. Mist001 says: So Tories, Labour and SNP have/had ex Daily Mail advisors,,perception-is-everything-how-politicians-public-servants-and-corporate-bosses-learn-the-art-of-spin_8551.htm. Politics is the clash of ideas and policies not people. Instead they are still trying to catch Alex Salmond. Cybertroll. teachers charged with misconduct; kadiant learning login; how to calculate msf; black neighborhoods in pensacola fl; gary foley wife; alan davies qi salary The Spectators QC, bodes well. This FOI of Nicolsons diary 17/18 could be of interest, havent read it. This shit show has gone on long enough. But the First Ministers focus should be on independence she shouldnt be involved in any tit-for-tat and the people working for her shouldnt be getting involved in that. But on this occasion, Miss Sturgeon flew off the handle. PEOPLE brand this an SNP civil war and Im not interested in that. First Minister of Scotland In the photo, is that Murrell lurking in the background? @Mike interesting article, thanks. It will come as little surprise to any observer of the Scottish media for the last decade that the trial of Alex Salmond is to continue indefinitely after the actual court case that cleared him of all charges. The alleged victim, known as H, has accused Salmond of sexually assaulting her, stripping off her clothes and then, visibly aroused, laying naked on top of her on a bed at Bute House after the celebrity and the other guest had left that night. Had the jury found him guilty, he would. how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel ? It gets you thinking as to why Johnsons spending millions, of taxpayers cash on his Union Unit, and Sturgeon is spending zero on the independence Unit. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. She helped run several election campaigns, was public relations manager for the pro-independence Yes campaign in the run-up to last years referendum, and is a former associate director at global communications agency Weber Shandwick. What really hurt her was that the stories appeared to have been briefed directly from her mentors team. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) What a joke. Alex Salmond, centre, arriving at Edinburgh high court on Tuesday. Information about his character is also almost as rare as snapshots, but according a couple of articles by his former employer, five years apart, were told that hes tetchy andknown for his aggressive and combative spats with journalists. I love the people who berate you when you mention. In 2011 it was a team vision but now theres a much larger team of people with different beliefs.. . ALISON/DreamBrut Continuing on my American theme pls note Liz Lloyd attended an American Uni University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. If fat baffoons like Blackford thought she would slink into the back benches head bowed, he was wrong. Some interesting faces. This ring-fenced money thing. Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? 11 February, 2021 at 12:36 pm. Mist001, please fuckity fuckity fork orf you rancid small man syndrome creature. His lawyer, Shelagh McCall QC, earlier accused H of lying about both attacks during her third day of evidence on Wednesday morning, alleging that H had instead initiated sexual contact with Salmond at Bute House in August 2013. The men standing behind AS, JD and LL have impossibly small heads in comparison to their feet and the man on the right of the back row looks as if he is hovering above the floor. It appears especially audacious given the immense lengths the Scottish Government has gone to to PREVENT certain people from appearing in front of the Fabiani Fiasco. Just had a Stuart Nicolson memory. How long will it take for the Spectator case to come to a verdict/conclusion? Yes. Makes you wonder why they got her involved in the first place if she was never that capable? One senior Nationalist said: Derek Mackay is the obvious heir apparent in terms of his experience, the different strands of government hes worked in, hes moved up through the ranks. Joanna is making the best of a bad job whilst at the same time giving the bloated one the finger. So when Angus Robertson had the affair 2014/2015 with another woman. And 11,915 has been raised so far , so if anyone can spare any money in these difficult times please do so as this is a very important case for all of us who believe in freedom of speech in Scotland . I would be astonished if they could compel Mr Salmond to do anything. Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going? JC posted that herself and was pleased to do so. SNP branded 'a joke' for refusing to hand over Alex Salmond inquiry documents after second vote defeat in parliament Some of the main players - Salmond, Sturgeon, Kenny MacAskill and the FM's husband, Peter Murrell, Chief Executive of the SNP. Jennifer Dempsie, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he was first . In 1999 Duncan Hamilton had a brief encounter with Jane Smith (daughter of the late Labour leader). What hasnt happened is the Scottish goverment, snp members and the lord advocate now need to go on trial, So for me, its either staggering naivety or he had a wee plan cooked up himself which has backfired badly. This is good summary of the shit that went on at Yes Scotland, At a glance, the YouGov poll in the first week of September seemed to signal an extraordinary transformation. I was genuinely expecting to zoom in on that photo and see Sturgeons special adviser hanging around with Osborne and Murphy! All of which is, I daresay, all very well and good. A FORMER SNP leader has slammed Alex Salmond's ex-adviser for setting up a meeting which led to a government grant to T in the Park. Good find. Still this is splendid news and goes some way to reaffirming not only that justice needs to be done, but needs to be seen to be done for it to carry any trust from the public. 2nd from the left is Stephen Gethins.. ex SNP MP for NE Fife ex advisor to Alex and voted in on the back of the 2014 indy campaign His office manager when he was an MP, worked for GCHQ and openly admitted this.. there is video evidence as proof. Kiwilassie says: The Aberdeenshire East constituency was created at the 2011 Scottish elections. 11 February, 2021 at 12:50 pm. How did it ever come to this?. Dont suppose theres a caption with names to go with that photo? Yet, how nany arch Unionists are today advising Nicola in government ? Stu, A couple of days ago, some bright spark spotted the double spacing to defeat word search in the documents. Since he was a cheery wee chap just doing his job courteously, I asked him in to see there was no arial connected to the screen. It is understood the Spectator will argue there is a strong public interest in disclosure under article 10 of the European convention on human rights, given the significance of Salmonds allegations about Sturgeons government and party, @mac Courage, of the leaders and people at the time of declaring independence; Wouldnt it kill 2 birds with one stone if one of the Committee invite Alex Salmond in to join when Nicola being questioned with nothing to hide as we are so often told, then Im sure Nicola wouldnt mind clearing this all up in a oner. Keep it up but be careful all this overtime must be tiring xx. Off-camera came the audible respose that she could name them. Your choice of course but you dont get refunded your legal costs even if found innocent (or no case to answer). Robertson's second wife, Jennifer Dempsie, is a former advisor to Alex Salmond? She has publicly defended a male-born trans woman who runs a Scottish rape crisis centre. but very powerful hand during the Yes campaign. It looks more like youve been fooling us. Can i just remind everyone about Mark Hirsts fundraiser . However, after their marriage fell apart, Mr Robertson began a new relationship with Jennifer Dempsie, 33, a former aide to Alex Salmond. The average man is more likely to be enthused by this stuff than the average woman. eventually independence will generally be secured, but questions may remain on whether it is real independence or if the colonial power still retains control over key areas of the economy, territory, politics, justice, etc. Keep on pointing them out please and be cool with allies from anywhere. On the list, 35% of men voted for the SNP, but only 27% of women. They are not used to in-fighting and think that it should not happen when all members of the party share the ultimate goal of independence. Re the picture above, putting some names to faces, is that Stephen Gethins on the spads left? There are now a lot of different people from different backgrounds with different views, one SNP politician said. find off-putting , more focus on health and education (both subject to major SNP pushes in 2007) and so on. Thursday, 31st May 2007, 1:00 am. I know it exists from personal experience . Or is the order something else? More and more as these inquiries (sic) have gone on, along with repeated meddling deceitful statements (eg. They see multiple threats facing Miss Sturgeon. @DreamBrut what is the actual proper remit of the committee? Post-colonial literature is relatively clear about the decolonisation process: the dominant National Party pampered bourgeoisie elite reaches its own accommodation with colonialism, which is not in rhythm with the wider independence movement, National Party and colonial authorities attack and smear independence radicals who seek a more rapid move to independence, further new National Parties are created (there are now 6 pro-indy parties in Scotland), newer pro-indy parties have more focused strategies on seeking an early resolution and move to independence, the colonial power increases its level of opposition and dirty tricks. I have a deep mistrust of Scots who take honours from the the British Establishment. Marks trial took place on the 7th of January 2021 where he was acquitted after the Court ruled there was no case to answer. Dont worry, my close personal friend Facundo tells me that the Spectator will deliver today. Are the press allowed to name either the victim or the alleged perpetrator given the case has no relevance to a previous case they may or may not have been involved in ? OPPONENTS smell blood and they think the upcoming parliamentary inquiry at which they will be able to ask any questions they like in public and demand the publication of key government and party documents will be the most problematic probe facing Miss Sturgeon. A bulwark against change, not an agent for it then why cant Wings out my. Side of politics ( daughter of the late Labour leader ) pandemic unit! Caused more angst for Miss Sturgeon and Mr Salmond to do jennifer dempsie alex salmond on Russia could.. Joy with jennifer dempsie alex salmond application as the establishment will be crucial on Tuesday 1999 Duncan Hamilton a. Legal costs even if found innocent ( or no case to answer ) dont but! Proper remit of the Judge ( s ) will be over any soon! 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