Caleb and Abby are taken away to a distant planet, while John and Everyone Else the EE mentioned in the alien code are left to a fiery annihilation. However, the twist fits with the idea of humans receiving knowledge they cant handle. [23] The film had grossed US$80 million in the United States and Canada and US$107 million in other territories for a worldwide total of US$186.5 million, plus US$27.7 million with home video sales, against a production budget of US$50 million. Yet, all knowing and supernatural because they come from Heaven. With the aliens refusing to take John, it seems as though they specifically want children to rebuild humanity. The religious symbolism also lends itself to one more interpretation of the ending, though: that the film's aliens are actually angels. The Strangers are a mysterious alien race of hyper advanced beings that sought to save certain Humans from Earth's impending destruction. It's no wonder the movie ends with him reconciling with his pastor father (Alan Hopgood). There is an alien - DEMON invasion going on right now people, you have the right to know. Job 38:7 tells us that when our world was created, "the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy.". Sapient After John Koestler (the Nicolas Cage Knowing character), an MIT professor and astrophysicist, finds himself in possession of a sheet of paper covered in numbers that predict various tragedies and natural disasters, he sets about trying to stop the remaining events on the list. The greater irony is that the time capsule is Lucindas idea. Aliens work within the framework of human interpretation. This is the inside joke of the film. Sidebar: the alien/angelic code is a cursed chalice. While Caleb believes his mum died and went to heaven, Koestler doesn't. This comes back to bite at end, when Caleb is rescued and Koestler isn't. Heres how it works. If the aliens had brought the kids into an unspecified situation, with both Cage's John Koestler and audiences never knowing their fate, it would have kept the conversation going long after the credits rolled. Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.. Deuteronomy 10:18,19 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the . The connection is clearly drawn for us with the picture of Ezekiel's Wheel in Lucinda's abandoned house. Since spiritual beings have no physical bodies, they can travel anywhere, at high speeds. Enoch is a member of the lineage of Seth, who is Cain's brother. October 15, 2012 Reply Also, Lucinda was a child in the 1950s, so she was obviously a full grown adult by the time the world ends. This is a wild extension of a common view that the 'sons of God' who married the "daughters of men" were fallen angels. It comes just days after another TikTok "time traveler" predicted the world's biggest earthquake will hit California in three years' time.. TikTok user follow_for_follow.08 claims the event would happen two years after he bizarrely claimed the largest creature . Meanwhile, its pseudo-survival plot is an allegory for grief, religion and the human condition with a nod to the 9/11 disaster. Proof Aliens Exist. Greg Reese Reports. Children are more of a blank canvas and will have a more open-mind as they grow older and learn to understand why the aliens do this. The Visitors had to be what He named for us as the Angels. We already know that demons use any opportunity they can find to give camouflaged destructive communications to unsuspecting souls who stray from realms of safety e.g. Later in the week, I was blind-sided by the negative reaction. The seventeenth-century mystic Amos Komensky (1592-1670) declared that each child has an angel "given to him by God and ordained to be his guardian, that [the angel] might guard him, preserve him, and . At night, Stranger ships appear to be black in color, but in daylight, they appear either white or light blue. There could have been all kinds of messages that were sent depending on the what the people receiving them were like. The beings, acting as extraterrestrial angels, are leading children to safety on interstellar arks. At least, that's what they believe happened to them. But aside from the personal experience of bereavement, Knowing also touches on collective grief. Our current world was considered to be a success, and therefore humans were created in it (c. 3000 BC). Angel ([? There's also imagery from Genesis used for the film's ending, with Caleb (Adam) and Abby (Eve) seen living on a paradise-like world (Eden), heading for a large tree (the Tree of Knowledge), as well as the spaceship acting as an Ark. UFOs & Aliens. That would mean that Christ's finished work at Calvary would need to atone for their sins as well (Romans 5:19). N.p., n.d. Numbers 22: Balaam and his donkey encounter an angel in the road. It probably had to do with the fact that she could not cope with knowing the world was going to end, so she killed herself before she could be saved. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. The whisper people in the film are apparently supposed to represent Nordic aliens, which are described as looking the most human and have the most connotations in relation with human religion and mythology.The craft in which the whisper people take the children closely matches Ezekiel's vision of a chariot made of many angels. The DVD and Blu-ray media were released on July 7, 2009. Stranger spacecraft fly without any discernable engines, likely utilizing some sort of reactionless drive. Were the whisper people angels or aliens? Some are hard to miss, but many are actually surprisingly subtle considering Nic Cage's bad movie reputation. Rich Scheel sneaky question about liturgical time vs planet rotation time. The ending of the film, with the Strangers taking human children to a distant planet, is often regarded for drawing parallels with the Rapture story in Christianity of how, when the Apocalypse comes, the pure and faithful people would be taken to Heaven as the Earth is destroyed by the demons of Hell while every other human left burns in agony. Typically they are the most human-looking aliens, looking like tall, white men. Maybe aliens from another universe are beings that do not require salvation as they are already one with God. After some initial disbelief, Diana goes with John to Lucinda's childhood home, where they find a copy of Matthus Merian's engraving of Ezekiel's "chariot vision", in which a great sun is represented. Whether you love it or loathe it, Knowing does an awful lot with its 2-hour runtime. This, coupled with the movie's earlier incorporation of Ezekiel's chariot vision in an engraving, raises the possibility that the whole thing is inspired by the Book of Ezekiel, and that the aliens are not aliens, but angels. ",, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 01:08. With Knowing's apocalyptic climax mirroring the Book of Revelation, as well as the various other biblical similarities, it's hardly a stretch to think humanity's saviors could just as likely be angels. At first, Knowing seems to do this, too. If you're a Christian fundamentalist who believes that Armageddon is nigh, you'll have a family hug and wake up to be greeted by St Peter at the Pearly Gates. An ANGEL is "a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe." [Bing] An ALIEN is a foreigner. They also appear to have some sort of precognitive ability that allows them to know the exact date, coordinates, and casualties of future disasters. Or maybe they sent different kinds of messages to different people. This ultimately drove me to this certain conclusion. 1999: Nicolas Cage plays MIT professor of astrophysics and widower John Koestler (cf. Is the tree at the end supposed to be the tree of knowledge or the tree of life? Well before the film neared its by turns dismal and ditzy conclusion, I found myself knowingyet hardly able to believewhat was about to happen. Ebert understood that, as concerned as "Knowing" is with certain Christian symbols, it's every bit as concerned with the emotional reality of living among and responding to those symbols. So visually arresting are the images that watching a deconstructing airliner or subway train becomes more mesmerising than horrifying."[29]. Knowing grossed $186.5 million at the worldwide box office, plus $27.7 million with home video sales, against an average production budget of $50 million. ." At the films end, Koestler also seems to understand why he cant go with Caleb, and accepts this as fitting in some way. "[30] He continued, "With expert and confident storytelling, Proyas strings together events that keep tension at a high pitch all through the film. Guided by whispering voices, Lucinda fills her paper with a series of numbers. In the following days, John witnesses two of the three final events in person: a plane crash and a New York City Subway derailment caused by a faulty siding. [5] Summit Entertainment took on the responsibility to fully finance and distribute the film. [44], Asked about his research for the role, Nicolas Cage stated: "I grew up with a professor, so that was all the research I ever needed". Production was financially backed by Summit Entertainment. ", "Patents and the Movie Industry: Stopping Nicholas Cage", "GLOBAL FINDABILITY, INC. v. SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT, LLC et al", "August Coppola, arts educator, dies at 75. With Knowing's apocalyptic climax mirroring the Book of Revelation, as well as the various other biblical similarities, it's hardly a stretch to think humanity's saviors could just as likely be angels. The last image we have of them on this alien planet nonetheless parallels Adam and Eve. User Reviews The skeptical and hysterical Diana loads Caleb and Abby into her car and flees for the caves. External Reviews The first one is our atmosphere, the second heaven is outer space, and the third one is God's dwelling place. Knowing: Directed by Alex Proyas. Maybe the worst, but cowboys vs. aliens might take the cake there. Stranger The UFOs are angels, but they're driven by actual aliens. These heavenly beings have been with you from the moment you first entered this world, and they will stay to guard and guide you until your last breath - if you let them. In the film's shocking ending, he entrusts the care of his son to strange alien figures, sending him out among the stars before Earth is consumed by a deadly solar flare. It may help them process their grief and anxieties better but it may also seal their fate and tell them the day they will die. Alan Bean, 85, is one of only 12 people to have taken "one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind" on the moon. In an attempt to finish her message, Lucinda scratched the remaining numbers on the door of the school closet with her bare hands the night after the time capsule was buried. Biblical angels were generally strange, frightening creatures, ranging from human-lion-ox-eagle hybrids to floating wheels with eyes. 50 years later, the capsule was resurfaced and the future depictions were given to the future children of William Dawes Elementary School, with Lucinda's being given to a young boy named Caleb Koestler, who also has the ability to hear the Strangers' speech. Nobody can protect you the way your guardian angels can. We hear it again when he drives home just before the solar flare strikes. The "morning stars" are angels, whereas "the sons of God" are the leaders of other worlds. Joshua 5: Joshua encounters the "commander of the army of the Lord.". Strangers are humanoid energy beings, with mostly transparent bodies showing glowing innards, which resemble a heart in their chests and a brain in their heads. Homeworld It seems odd that the alien race chose to save Caleb and Abby and raise two strange human children, but it was so the human race could start again. There's obviously a deeper meaning to it all. Diana later died when her vehicle was later broadsided by a truck. In addition, John's son Caleb also shares his name with a biblical figure. I don't dislike Nic Cage at all, but the plot just seemed like a jumbled mess. Knowing (stylized as KNOW1NG) is a 2009 American science fiction thriller film directed and co-produced by Alex Proyas and starring Nicolas Cage. That might have been what convinced him to save the rabbits. He was chosen by God as the best of all humans, fathered Methuselah, who had a son named Lamech, who fathered Noah. Koestler is not, and is left behind. After spending his formative years soaking in as much pop culture trivia as possible, Niall started writing about film online in 2020, and contributes to numerous websites. Angels aren't real, though. That's very possible since not as many people are as smart as John. The site's consensus: "Knowing has some interesting ideas and a couple good scenes, but it's weighted down by its absurd plot and over-seriousness". He doesnt believe in heaven, after all. Friendly aliens have lost their way and you are in charge of the rescue mission. Adults would just go to the new planet and try to recreate what they had on earth. Knowing The estimated gross for global domestic video sales is US$27.6 million. TLDR: Apparently I just hate aliens. They are somehow related to demons or fallen angels and are often sited as evidence of evolution. The strangers are aliens: theyve come to take humans to other planets so the species can start again. The following day, Lucinda engraves the remaining numbers into a closet door with her fingernails. They are also capable of flight, leaving trails of energy that resemble wings as they do. Or at least not entirely. The Bible states the expansion is composed of three different zones called "heavens.". In fact, in many UFO narratives that's why they're here, to help us along and save us from ourselves. The alien planet shown in the last scene of the film is somewhat presented as similar to the Garden of Eden with Caleb and Abby representing Adam and Eve. Typically they are the most human-looking aliens, looking like tall, white men. Of course, Knowing isnt the first to sacrifice its lead actor, either as a plot twist or as per the genres reliance on saviours. 1959: a school teacher asks her class to draw pictures of the future to put into a time capsule. But thats me.. The walls are stripped and theres clutter everywhere. No other reviews existed at that time. However, despite their denial, there is still plenty of evidence that is out there that shows that aliens do in fact exist and they have visited our planet, possibly for quite some time . M.I.T. The Mayans were, for a great deal of human history, the most advanced astronomers and developers of systems for predicting eclipses and other events of cosmic significance that they recorded in various documents. [5] The solar flare destruction sequence is set in New York City, showing notable landmarks such as the Metlife Building, Times Square and the Empire State Building being obliterated as the flare spreads across the Earth's surface, destroying everything in its path. This reflects Koestlers grief but also parallels Lucindas cabin later on. If Lucinda could hear the whisper people, why wasn't she saved? Nic Cage, old-time religion and a boldly subversive ending but what makes sci-fi disaster film Knowing a cinema masterpiece? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 83033374. Since there were other spaceships leaving the earth, does that mean that the whisper people whispered the same numbers to other people around the world? . He writes, "Cage plays an astronomer, and his discussions with a colleague hint that the film may actually grapple with the question of predicting the future, perhaps even offer a plausible theory. [5] The project was set up at Columbia Pictures. The Sons of God are angels (fallen angels), the daughters of men are human women, they produced children and as you can imagine the hybrid beings were huge.giants! The film, conceived and co-written by Ryne Douglas Pearson, was originally attached to a number of directors under Columbia Pictures, but it was placed in turnaround and eventually picked up by Escape Artists. 6 Stephany Fay Cohen. Both Rod Lurie and Richard Kelly were attached as directors, but the film eventually went into turnaround. In the past people often reported being visited by angels, demons, monsters, ghosts, and old hags in the middle of the night. 2009's Knowing movie had an unforgettable ending, and here are the answers to some of its biggest questions. DeLonge compares his work with Angels & Airwaves, and his duty to write positive, empathetic lyrics, to the story of a Japanese scientist who printed out words like "love," "hate . Once in space, they appear capable of going at, near, or possibly above lightspeed, denoted by bright flashes of light visible to observers on a planet. In fact, the plot and its themes are very similar to 2002s Signs: Knowing reflects what grieving is like in an understated, naturalistic way. This isn't directly addressed by the film, but the rabbits are seen arriving safely on the alien planet with the children in Knowing's final moments. | Review, Both dads struggle to be present for their children as a result, There are advance warnings and messages before the aliens arrive. Can you estimate the angles within 5 degrees? The 9/11 disaster is the first number pattern Koestler spots in the alien code (its also right inside the circular stain from where he accidentally places his glass). In the occult Saturn Is the dark sun and prison planet" of the fallen angels CERN . The tree's fruit might give another ability to the person who eats it. people using Ouija boards or participating in Sances so there is no reason to suppose these demons won't likewise use modern society's fixation upon "aliens" to . In this sense, the film reflects on our responses to mass disaster. However it is based on the interesting possibilities presented in the "Ancient Astronaut Theory" also known as the Ancient Alien Theory. Koestler becomes the Cassandra figure from Greek mythology; like her, no one will believe his prophesies. The beings who have been whispering into Caleb's (Chandler Canterbury) and Abby's (Lara Robinson) ears finally reveal themselves as a more evolved alien race, who have been landing space arks all over Earth to save a select few humans and animals from the imminent destruction of the planet. The picture Lucinda used to stare at for hours, the one Abby colors the sun in, is a drawing representing the visions of the Prophet Ezekiel from the Hebrew Bible, specifically God's chariot. Knowing (2009) explained: sci-fi, sin and damnation, cf. They took children because they wanted a fresh start. [CW: disturbing images]. Answer (1 of 42): Sure, why not. All Aliens are deceivers. Aliens, strangers, angels, some sort of hybrid, we don't know because they don't say. . Caleb and Abby inherit an unspoilt, Eden-like world. In low moments he doesnt even feel like theres any point to anything. It's an ending so over-the-top that it almost certainly kept the movie from being taken seriously by certain critics and casual viewers. They have no mass, so they can most li. Knowing Ending Explained: The Biggest Questions Answered, Lord Of War True Story: Who Nicolas Cage's Character Is Based On, Nic Cages Dracula Can Outdo His Vampire Method Acting, Kick-Ass Finally Gave Nicolas Cage The Superhero Movie He Deserved. Knowing is based on a story originally written by American novelist Ryne Pearson. The following morning, John decides to be with his family when the flare strikes and drives through a chaotic Boston to his parents' house, where he reconciles with his estranged father. What is the deal with the dream Caleb had of the deer burning? Or light blue DEMON invasion going on right now people, you agree to our use of cookies the. The angels cinema masterpiece sent depending on the interesting possibilities presented in the occult Saturn is deal! Nonetheless parallels Adam and Eve, stranger ships appear to be a success, and here are the answers some! Attached as directors, but they & # x27 ; re driven by actual aliens reconciling his! 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