We also ask boards to conduct a regular review of corporate governance and control structures, such that boards might evolve foundational corporate governance structures as company circumstances change, without undue costs and disruption to shareholders. Our publicly available commentary provides more information on our approach to corporate political activities. Where the company already has a sufficiently robust majority voting process in place, we may not support a shareholder proposal seeking an alternative mechanism. There should be a clear link between variable pay and company performance that drives sustained value creation for our clients as shareholders. We generally favor a simple majority voting requirement to pass proposals. It is our view that long-term shareholders should have the opportunity, when necessary and under reasonable conditions, to nominate directors on the companys proxy card.[19]. We see it as a means to promoting diversity of thought and avoiding group think in the boards exercise of its responsibilities to advise and oversee management. While we believe special awards[11] should be used sparingly, we acknowledge that there may be instances when such awards are appropriate. Companies should disclose the steps they are taking to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion; job categories and workforce demographics; and their responses to the U.S. Compensation committees should guard against contractual arrangements that would entitle executives to material compensation for early termination of their contract. Required fields are marked *, You may use these HTML tags and attributes:
. Use of this site signifies that you accept ourTerms & Conditions of Use. Where companies are unwilling to voluntarily implement one share, one vote within a specified timeframe, or are unresponsive to shareholder feedback for change over time, we generally support shareholder proposals to recapitalize stock into a single voting class. Where a company has not adequately demonstrated, through actions and/or disclosures, how material issues are appropriately identified, managed, and overseen, we will consider voting against the re-election of those directors responsible for the oversight of such issues, as indicated below. Companies should also disclose any material supranational standards adopted, the industry initiatives in which they participate, any peer group benchmarking undertaken, and any assurance processes to help investors understand their approach to sustainable and responsible business conduct. During a CEO transition, companies may elect for the departing CEO to maintain a role in the boardroom. 0000002073 00000 n Foreign investing, especially in developing countries, has special risks such as currency and market volatility and political 0000004042 00000 n In order to deliver long-term value for shareholders, companies should also consider the interests of their key stakeholders. Where we conclude that a company has failed to align pay with performance, we will vote against the management compensation proposal and relevant compensation committee members. In exceptional circumstances and with sufficiently broad support, shareholders should have the opportunity to raise issues of substantial importance without having to wait for management to schedule a meeting. This may include when a company needs consistency and stability during a time of transition, e.g., newly public companies or companies undergoing a strategic restructuring. Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) and Glass Lewis, the leading proxy advisors in the United States, have announced updates and clarifications for their voting guidelines for the 2022 proxy season. He has worked extensively in the governance space, particularly on the key governance technologies that can support leadership with the visibility, data and operating capabilities for more effective decision-making. The following issue-specific proxy voting guidelines (the Guidelines) summarize BlackRock Investment Stewardships (BIS) philosophy and approach to engagement and voting, as well as our view of governance best practices and the roles and responsibilities of boards and directors for publicly listed U.S. companies. The views and strategies described may not be suitable for all investors. We take particular note of cases involving significant financial restatements or material weakness disclosures, and we look for timely disclosure and remediation of accounting irregularities. The Assam Rifles - Friends of the Hill People? In the event of a proposal for are verse split that would not proportionately reduce the companys authorized stock, we apply the same analysis we would use for a proposal to increase authorized stock. Proxy Voting Guidelines: TRPA. SASBs [14] industry-specific metrics are beneficial in helping companies identify key performance indicators (KPIs) across various dimensions of sustainability that are considered to be financially material. An EGC should have an independent audit committee by the first anniversary of its IPO, with our standard approach to voting on auditors and audit-related issues applicable in full for an EGC on the first anniversary of its IPO. SASB Standards can be used to provide a baseline of investor-focused sustainability disclosure and to implement the principles-based framework recommended by the TCFD, which is also incorporated into the ISSBs Climate Exposure Draft. HOW SHARES ARE VOTED We make all of our proxy voting decisions independently based on these Proxy Voting Principles and Guidelines. WebThe Policy has been approved by the Board of Renaissance Property Securities Pty Ltd. These guidelines are also intended to inform all investors on how to vote in an ESG-aligned way. We acknowledge that the use of peer group evaluation by compensation committees can help calibrate competitive pay; however, we are concerned when the rationale for increases in total compensation is solely based on peer benchmarking. While mergers, acquisitions, asset sales, business combinations, and other special transaction proposals vary widely in scope and substance, we closely examine certain salient features in our analyses, such as: Contested elections and other special situations[9] are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Where we determine that company is not appropriately considering their key stakeholder interests in a way that poses material financial risk to the company and its shareholders, we may vote against relevant directors or support shareholder proposals related to these topics. The information on this website does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, securities in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is not lawful to make such an offer. Web2022 Policy Guidelines United States 2 Table of Contents opinion on our proxy research directly to the voting decision makers at every investor client in time for voting decisions to be made or changed. window.CSRF_TOKEN = "a4TST7CknuA7l2r2A33K1P7kwv8WsCSd"; This Renaissance Technologies website (www.renfund.com) is by invitation only. 0000013107 00000 n We will also evaluate whether there is general consistency between a companys stated positions on policy matters material to their strategy and the material positions taken by significant industry groups of which they are a member. We also generally oppose plans that allow for repricing without shareholder approval. I S S G O V E R N A N C E . (go back), 17https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/whitepaper/bii-managing-the-net-zero-transition-february-2022.pdf(go back), 18While guidance is still under development for a unified disclosure framework related to natural capital, the emerging recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), may prove useful to some companies. As part of this consideration, we encourage companies to produce sustainability-related disclosures sufficiently in advance of their annual meeting so that the disclosures can be considered in relevant vote decisions. WebIn the exercise of proxy voting authority which has been delegated to it by particular clients, the Advisor will apply the following policies in accordance with, and subject to, any WebThe proxy voting record of each Fund for the most recent period ended June 30 of each year, commencing in 2006, is available to any unitholders of the Funds at any time after August 31 of that year by calling the number below. Where a poison pill is put to a shareholder vote by management, our policy is to examine these plans individually. At a minimum, we expect companies to disclose their Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, 1 as investors need this information to WebThe Proxy Committee may resolve such conflicts in any of a variety of ways, including without limitation the following: (i) voting in accordance with the Proxy Guidelines based Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing. 0000042449 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % We encourage the company to explain their executive succession planning process, including where accountability lies within the boardroom for this task, without prematurely divulging sensitive information commonly associated with this exercise. Shareholders should have the right to vote on key corporate governance matters, including changes to governance mechanisms and amendments to the charter/articles/bylaws. Diversification and asset allocation do not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss. Securing the right of shareholders to nominate directors without engaging in a control contest can enhance shareholders ability to meaningfully participate in the director election process, encourage board attention to shareholder interests, and provide shareholders an effective means of directing that attention where it is lacking. Finally, pension contributions and other deferred compensation arrangements should be reasonable in light of market practices. We ask boards to disclose how diversity is considered in board composition, including professional characteristics, such as a directors industry experience, specialist areas of expertise and geographic location; as well as demographic characteristics such as gender, race/ethnicity, and age. We may also support a pill where it is the only effective method for protecting tax or other economic benefits that may be associated with limiting the ownership changes of individual shareholders. In the event that the board chooses to have a combined Chair/CEO or a non-independent Chair, we support the designation of a Lead Independent director, with the ability to: 1) provide formal input into board meeting agendas; 2) call meetings of the independent directors; and 3) preside at meetings of independent directors. Where we believe a companys disclosures or practices fall short relative to the market or peers, or we are unable to ascertain the board and managements effectiveness in overseeing related risks and opportunities, we may vote against members of the appropriate committee or support relevant shareholder proposals. Rather, support for such a proposal might arise in the case of overarching and sustained governance concerns such as lack of independence or failure to oversee a material risk over consecutive years(go back), 5This table is for illustrative purposes only. As discussed more fully below in Section D of this Policy, depending on the proposal, an Approved Guideline may provide that Lazard should vote for or BIS generally supports proposals to seek exclusive forum for certain shareholder litigation. As used in these policies and procedures the term clients/beneficiaries means any A growing number of companies, financial institutions, as well as governments, have committed to advancing decarbonization in line with the Paris Agreement. day & year Home Owner(s) Signature: _____ Date: _____ This form must be presented during the Review details of firms position on all major proxy voting issues. 0000063266 00000 n proper books and records relating to proxy voting are kept. When evaluating these awards, we consider a variety of factors, including the magnitude and structure of the award, the scope of award recipients, the alignment of the grant with shareholder value, and the companys historical use of such awards, in addition to other company-specific circumstances. In order to help investors understand overall diversity, we look to boards to disclose: To the extent that, based on our assessment of corporate disclosures, a company has not adequately explained their approach to diversity in their board composition, we may vote against members of the nominating/governance committee. However, we may oppose this right in cases where the proposal is structured for the benefit of a dominant shareholder, or where a lower threshold may lead to an ineffective use of corporate resources. 0000110450 00000 n While BlackRock is supportive of the shareholder rights to act by written consent and call a special meeting, BlackRock is subject to certain regulations and laws that place restrictions and limitations on how BlackRock can interact with the companies in which we invest on behalf of our clients, including our ability to participate in consent solicitations. It is the responsibility of the Committee to evaluate and maintain proxy voting The proposal should give unaffiliated shareholders the opportunity to affirm the current structure or establish mechanisms to end or phase out controlling structures at the appropriate time, while minimizing costs to shareholders. In our view, a strong board provides a competitive advantage to a company, providing valuable oversight and contributing to the most important management decisions that support long-term financial performance. 0000004638 00000 n Where boards find that age limits or term limits are the most efficient and objective mechanism for ensuring periodic board refreshment, we generally defer to the boards determination in setting such limits. A companys approach to human capital management (HCM) is a critical factor in fostering an inclusive, diverse, and engaged workforce, which contributes to business continuity, innovation, and long-term value creation. Where we determine that a board has not acted in the best interests of the companys shareholders, or takes action to unreasonably limit shareholder rights, we may vote against the appropriate committees and/or individual directors. In the U.S., we believe that boards should aspire to at least 30% diversity of membership, [7] and we encourage large companies, such as those in the S&P 500, to lead in achieving this standard. We will evaluate the economic and strategic rationale behind the companys proposal to reincorporate on a case-by-case basis. The materials on this website are for illustration and discussion purposes only and do not constitute an offering. (go back), 12By material sustainability-related risks and opportunities, we mean the drivers of risk and value creation in a companys business model that have an environmental or social dependency or impact. BIS recognizes that climate change can be challenging for many companies, as they seek to drive long-term value by mitigating risks and capturing opportunities. Where a company has failed to implement a Say on Pay advisory vote within the frequency period that received the most support from shareholders or a Say on Pay resolution is omitted without explanation, BIS may vote against members of the compensation committee. 0000033560 00000 n 0000013449 00000 n 2036 41 Board Management for Education and Government, Internal Controls Over Financial Reporting (SOX), statement in 2018 by Keith Johnson and Cynthia Williams. There are two commonly accepted structures for independent leadership to balance the CEO role in the boardroom: 1) an independent Chair; or 2) a Lead Independent director when the roles of Chair and CEO are combined, or when the Chair is otherwise not independent. Webvendor from providing such proxy voting services prior to delegating proxy responsibilities; (2) review and approve the Guidelines annually; and (3) provide advice and The research and benchmark policy voting recommendations from both proxy advisors are considered as part of the proxy voting decision . We depend on companies to provide accessible and clear disclosures so that investors can easily understand how their political activities support their long-term strategy, including on stated public policy priorities. WebVoting Guidelines set forth in Appendix A of Calverts Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures and the proxy voting guidelines discussed in this section do not apply to such ETFs. (go back), 14The ISSB has committed to build upon the SASB standards, which identify material, sustainability-related disclosures across sectors. 0000008767 00000 n Employee stock purchase plans (ESPP) are an important part of a companys overall human capital management strategy and can provide performance incentives to help align employees interests with those of shareholders. WebGlass Lewis 2023 Proxy Voting Policy Guidelines are now available for the United States and Canada, Continental Europe, the UK, and ESG. We will evaluate these disclosures to inform our view of how a company is managing material nature-related risks and opportunities, as well as in our assessment of relevant shareholder proposals. The most common form of ESPP qualifies for favorable tax treatment under Section 423of the Internal Revenue Code. When casting their proxy votes, proxy voters should be mindful of some of their basic fiduciary duties, including prudence, loyalty to beneficiaries and reasonable Proxy Voting Guidelines The guidelines are based on generally accepted standards and best practices for corporate gov- Webthe extent there are any conflicts between these guidelines and the contract language, the contract language will control. We oppose voting on matters where we are not given the opportunity to review and understand those measures and carry out an appropriate level of shareholder oversight. 0000013250 00000 n A proxy voting advice business will be deemed to satisfy the requirements of Rule 14a-2 (b) (9) (ii) (A) if its written policies and procedures are reasonably designed to provide registrants with a copy of its proxy voting advice, at no charge, no later than the time it is disseminated to the businesss clients. As part of their responsibilities, board members owe fiduciary duties to shareholders in overseeing the strategic direction, operations, and risk management of the company. The administration of these MFS Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures is overseen by the MFS Proxy Voting Committee, which In the absence of robust disclosures, we may reasonably conclude that companies are not adequately managing risk. 1 Proxy Voting by Investment Advisers, Release No. Where we find that shareholder protections are diminished, we may support reincorporation if we determine that the overall benefits outweigh the diminished rights. We look to public disclosures for insight into the scope of the audit committee responsibilities, including an over view of audit committee processes, issues on the audit committee agenda, and key decisions taken by the audit committee. In the absence of a significant governance concern, we defer to boards to designate the most appropriate leadership structure to ensure adequate balance and independence. We may support shareholder proposals requesting that implementation of such arrangements require shareholder approval. There is growing consensus that companies can benefit from the more favorable macroeconomic environment under an orderly, timely, and equitable global energy transition. ? q+Hv~ IicC"%l|lc?gN.yV^}v]wmY]Mtuw?aY:M}Q]1_/)f_Xe[iRVyxrI^r.%"W`O`!q Business model, strategy, location, and company size may also impact our analysis of board diversity. We generally do not support shareholder proposals seeking the reimbursement of proxy contest expenses, even in situations where we support the shareholder campaign. These Guidelines are not intended to limit the analysis of individual issues at specific companies or provide a guide to how BIS will engage and/or vote in every instance. Where a company is listed on multiple exchanges or incorporated in a country different from their primary listing, we will seek to apply the most relevant market guideline(s) to our analysis of the companys governance structure and specific proposals on the shareholder meeting agenda. Key updates for the 2020 proxy season include: Problematic Governance Structure Newly Public Companies. }mA$ffSDYnbN|d=,AHsNz8L s endstream endobj 2042 0 obj [/ICCBased 2047 0 R] endobj 2043 0 obj <>stream Performance-based compensation should include metrics that are relevant to the business and stated strategy and/or risk mitigation efforts. Disclosure of material issues that affect the companys long-term strategy and value creation, including, when relevant, material sustainability-related factors, is essential for shareholders to appropriately understand and assess how effectively the board is identifying, managing, and mitigating risks. 3 - vested Artisan Partners with proxy voting authority or has reserved or delegated that responsibility to another designated person; and - adopted a proxy voting policy that Artisan Partners is required to follow. At the board level, appropriate governance structures and responsibilities allow for effective oversight of the strategic implementation of material sustainability issues. We generally support stock splits that are not likely to negatively affect the ability to trade shares or the economic value of a share. Shareholders should have a meaningful opportunity to participate in the meeting and interact with the board and management in these virtual settings; companies should facilitate open dialogue and allow shareholders to voice concerns and provide feedback without undue censorship. Our publicly available commentary provides more information on our approach to executive compensation. We will evaluate these instances on a case-by-case basis. As a result, BlackRock will generally not participate in consent solicitations or related processes. We look for such companies to disclose[18] how they consider their reliance and use of natural capital, including appropriate risk oversight and relevant metrics and targets, to understand how these factors are integrated into strategy. 0000002290 00000 n 77F?5u\ Directors should be re-elected annually; classification of the board generally limits shareholders rights to regularly evaluate a boards performance and select directors. While these meetings have traditionally been conducted in-person, virtual meetings are an increasingly viable way for companies to utilize technology to facilitate shareholder accessibility, inclusiveness, and cost efficiencies. Where a company has failed to appropriately provide robust disclosures and evidence of effective business practices, BIS may express concerns through our engagement and voting. Were also watching an evolving pattern with E & S shareholder proposals and expanding engagement opportunities. As stated above, a majority vote standard is generally in the best long-term interests of shareholders, as it ensures director accountability through the requirement to be elected by more than half of the votes cast. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. WebInvesting involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Review recommendations for proxies where the Guidelines specify that the issues are to be determined on a caseby--case basis and ensure such proxies are voted in accordance with these Policies and Guidelines; and Monitoring Proxy Vendor Oversights proxy voting activities (see below). WebProxy voting is a key climate-risk management tool and part of our stewardship-escalation process. We look for disclosures from companies to help us understand their approach and do not prescribe any particular board composition. Our view of independence may vary from listing standards. This may not apply in cases where BIS did not support the initial vote against such board member(s), The Independent Chair or Lead Independent Director and/or members of the nominating/governance committee, where a board fails to consider shareholder proposals that (1) receive substantial support, and (2) in our view, have a material impact on the business, shareholder rights, or the potential for long-term value creation, Appears to have a legitimate financing motive for requesting blank check authority, Has committed publicly that blank check preferred shares will not be used for anti-takeover purposes, Has a history of using blank check preferred stock for financings, Has blank check preferred stock previously outstanding such that an increase would not necessarily provide further anti-takeover protection but may provide greater financing flexibility, The degree to which the proposed transaction represents a premium to the companys trading price. A companys board of directors should put in place a compensation structure that balances incentivizing, rewarding, and retaining executives appropriately across a wide range of business outcomes. There may be legitimate instances where underwater options create an overhang on a companys capital structure and a repricing or option exchange may be warranted. 2023 Dodge & Cox. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions EEO-1 Survey. Companies should have an established process for identifying, monitoring, and managing business and material risks. I. 0000012093 00000 n Q (xIP,O# These activities can also create risks, including: the potential for allegations of corruption; certain reputational risks; and risks that arise from the complex legal, regulatory, and compliance considerations associated with corporate political spending and lobbying activity. An avalanche occured earlier this evening at ABCI Quarry, Maudarh, Hnahthial District burying atleast 15 people and 3 machinery. The perpetrator claims that he had gone to siphon gas from the overturned lorry but could only manage to fill one bottle amidst the mob. We generally favor prompt recoupment from any senior executive whose compensation was based on faulty financial reporting or deceptive business practices. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Consistent with our approach to voting on directors, we seek to hold the audit committee of the board responsible for overseeing the management of the independent auditor and the internal audit function at a company. Similarly, SASB Standards enable robust implementation of the Integrated Reporting Framework, providing the comparability sought by investors. Payouts to executives should reflect both the executives contributions to the companys ongoing success, as well as exogenous factors that impacted shareholder value. We may support these proposals when they are consistent with our views as described above. 0000042408 00000 n We engage an outside advisor to make initial, customized recommendations based on these Proxy Voting Principles and Guidelines. To signal our concerns, we may also vote against the chair of the nominating/governance committee, or where no chair exists, the nominating/governance committee member with the longest tenure. hA vRW|d'XDsx9sx9 & endstream endobj 2037 0 obj <>/Metadata 345 0 R/Names 2038 0 R/Outlines 121 0 R/Pages 339 0 R/StructTreeRoot 347 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 2038 0 obj <> endobj 2039 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -306.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 544>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Thumb 307 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 2040 0 obj <> endobj 2041 0 obj <>stream , customized recommendations based on these proxy voting Principles and Guidelines standards, which identify material, disclosures! Material risks, Hnahthial District burying atleast 15 People and 3 machinery and company performance that drives value! 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