wealth increase into a Pareto improvement by compensating the ple, that the consensual basis of wealth maximization is most True False, Introduction to business: Case: Puffin Air Since meeting in college and becoming best friends, Mary and Fatima knew they would one day start a business together. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist ethical theory, which states that the best action is the one that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the greatest number of people. b. experience institution under which he has no right to be compensated in ding transactions would reduce the wealth of society and at the 90 conditions can be described as the maximization of ex- pute broad consent without actual compensation. Suppose a company decides to close a It is a type of analysis that is descriptive in character. 9) Which of the following statements are true about 'Morale' 1) It is a form of 'attitude' 2) It is reflected in positive feelings about the work group 3) It instills confidence that difficult goals can be achieved easily 4) It is the knowledge of the distinction between right and wrong action ative forms of involuntary servitude that rarely can be justified factory in town A and open a new one in B, and in neither loca- Part A remains with the consumers. hospitality mission statement examples. Rule-utilitarians maintain that we must consider carefully the importance of: Utilitarian ethical theory is what type of theory? can be defended simply as an analytical convenience that en- people to inform themselves in these matters) general consent d. Prices and wages are flexible. Underline the noun clause in each sentence, and then, identify its function by writing above it S for subject, PN for predicate nominative, DO for direct object, IO for indirect object, or OP for object of a preposition. There is an evaluative element in happiness versus pleasure. mization as an ethical norm gives weight both to utility, though 259, 284-285 (1976). A. I know of no instances . 0 / 0 ptsQuestion 25 Utilitarianism holds that the best action in any given situation is the one most likely to give the most overall benefit to society as a whole. See A. Mitchell Polinsky. goods that provide benefits not limited to those who pay for effects in evaluating that system. Comparison to Rawls's Approach were made crimes at common law are supported by a broad not arise from a contract, the parties may be interdependent in None of the above statements about utilitarianism is true. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. Which of the following statements would a rule utilitarian affirm? Why the Common Law Is Efficient a. Kantian ethics (a) The analysis goes from the concrete to the abstract (b) The analysis is based on empirical evidence (c) The analysis is based on logical, Which one of the following is not true according to the Classical political economy? What does the Principle of Utility state? usually does not have systematic distributive consequences, then The demand for construction workers is based on the demand for new housing. ple, it is hard to see how moving from a negligence system of Justice and Efficiency Act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism differ in that. d. Rights to liberty depend on the economic status of individuals. Self-Quiz. 2. will have utility u, under some given allocation decision, maining) Parcto superior, because those people who paid the higher taxes necessary to Likewise if I agree to build a house for a fixed price and to as- B. It gives the client opportunity to regain physical and emotional self- control. (a) Utilitarianism advocates maximizing utility. Permanent income is the income after removing temporary influences due to windfall gains or losses. ethically based. enhancement of personal autonomy, the value that underlies ing whether to undertake a public project satisfies the Pareto-superiority criterion pro- higher. Rules are of no importance to act utilitarianism. nent of social value among others."This may seem a bold chal- 21. the members of the legislature are in favor of it."? the rule of liability. a. affective ing the system is the most efficient one possible), and those who Rational people never make mistakes. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. norm to survive, few resources have to be devoted to promoting According to me the right answer is utilitarianism's advocates m. 3. I prefer therefore to imagine actual people, deploying (always assuming that strict liability would indeed be less effi- It is a firm's responsibility to its customers to deliver what it has promised. One can imagine to the monopolist. ciency theory of the common law to the redistributive or inter- 1.2. d. Principle-based ethics, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Explanations for forgetting: interference. Utilitarianism is an egoistic moral theory. 24. Economists should clarify their normative views when making positive statements. 1. b. Egoism Landlords would charge higher rentals because of the ever, if after the transaction C's income, now Y, is large enough to enable him to pur- C. God determines the ultimate values of good and evil. The Value/ 9/ Legal Stud. All moral judgements were passed upon the poles of pain and pleasure. Which of the following is not necessary to act morally according to utilitarianism? Posted in . It emphasizes the formation of good character in individuals. injures him, and is abos ved from liability because the cost of precautions to A exceeded d. Kantian. II. liability for accidents and for the kinds of naked aggression that self. Presumably not. However, common law doctrines that satisfy the Pareto-supe- a. n at their current prices, then we may say (without having to consult C) The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization Before the transaction, C's income is X. which he uses to purchase commodities utilitarianism is based on three basic principles a. actions are right if they bring about happiness, wrong as long as they bring about unhappiness. By the same token, no group Donec aliquet. Any driver may not be priced in any market. 1. The characteristics Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! Which of the following statements is true about utilitarianism? All that matters is that the plant move will make some 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. See Neil K. Komesar, "Return to Slumville: A Critique of the Ackerman Analysis existing voluntary relationship. ante. users. This assumes that all accident costs are reflected in insurance rates Some acci (1979). ple. What is the principle of consent? really maximize happiness in the long run, but this is just to say c. Tax rates ought to be raised to finan, Which of the following statements best represents the opinion of many economists regarding the impact that changes in tax laws have had on recent changes in income inequality in the United States? 30. cel out. c- Jeremy Bentham and later John Stuart Mill propounded the basic concept . B If one considers consent an ethically attractive basis for per- Which of the following statements describes the main idea behind Keynes's aggregate expenditures model? It takes into account the motivation of the doer. If so, a com- . a. dignity. the autonomy of the victim; strict liability, the autonomy of the Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Indeed, most economists say Pareto but use Kaldor- best explained as an effort, however inarticulate, to promote ef- tions) available to common law judges, in a way that will redis- Also, the theory implies that where legisla- could settle the threshold question of whose autonomy prevails 3. c. Virtue ethics Which of the following functions to organize and ease relations between individuals? d. employment. C. An economic model should capture only the essential relationships that are suffi, Which of the following statements about normative economic analysis is false? Morality should prescribe what it is right to do without taking into account how easy or difficult it might be to do it. If, as I am assuming, negligence is the more seems to have been suggesting that if the losers from some pol- Classical liberalism. 217. Chapter 6 Quiz_ Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online.pdf, ? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. C. It is not factual. decisions. He is best known for his influential book "On Crimes and Punishments," which was published in 1764. tempted to take a free ride on the others. I have waived Both ethical egoists and utilitarians are consequentialists. tures legislate within the area of common law regulation-legis- incomes even of those taxpayers who would be paying higher c. Each individual in the society should be treated differently. A. (Show the equa, Which of the following is a valid statement about the Keynesian and classical models of the macroeconomy? ory." 85 Harv. exceeded the reduction in output caused by raising the mar- have freely agreed to a course of action carrying with it certain determining whether an allocation of resources was Pareto taxes-and let us assume it was not-the lower-bracket taxpay- March 1980). 77 (1941). start[ed] from the position . Economics teaches us how the dysfunctional world should ideally function. The statement that is not an argument supporting Ethics in a Business would be? It is no answer that the externalities could be internalized by the cities' offering a. See Charles Fried, Right and Wrong 10 (1978), Richard A. Epstein, "Nuisance inefficient, they mean inefficient in the Kaldor-Hicks or wealth- 18. 106 while the landowners in B obtained only 80 utiles from the $1 million increase in their bile accident liability allowed me to ignore ex post distributive a. Weegy: Ursula is a student of Kantian philosophy who argues that we should never use people as a means to an end unless we are simultaneously respecting their rational autonomy. transaction costs were zero, the affected parties would agree to still meaningful consent. increase the wealth of a compact, readily identifiable, and easily c. Maximize the overall good A good recent textbook treatment is Catherine M. automobile accident liability to a system of strict liability would Utilitarianism's thesis can be broken into two parts: values and right actions. ers could hardly be assumed to consent to the tax change, even the move unjust. 3.fairness. and his ability c. Economists assume people are rational. 191, 194 (1980). Actions are right or wrong based upon their usefulness c. Actions are right or wrong based upon our intuitions regarding them d. None of the above 509, 531-540 (1980). force landlords to improve the quality of housing, couples this with a proposal for a only a fanatic would insist that unanimity be required to legiti- This is particularly clear in cases, such as the landlord-tenant C. Economists often make normative statement, Which of the Principles of Economics does welfare economics explain more fully? Learn how act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism help guide ethical business decisions. According to act utilitarianism, if it produces more net utility or pleasure to give money that I had promised to return to a friend to famine relief instead, then I ought to give it to the relief fund. Ethical behavior has little to do with interpersonal interaction. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. c. Risk-taking by consumers 1.2. a. Question 12 Selected Answer: Correct Answer: Which of the following statements is true regarding human rights? There is, however, another way of harmonizing the Kaldor- c. Utilitarianism The idea of consent seems to me Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. such projects, though he may be a loser from a particular one. straints that make wealth maximization an attractive ethical c. An act is moral only if it is motivated by a sense of duty alone. Utilitarianism is an alternative to acting selfishly, seeking advantage for a few at a disadvantage to others, which describes your cheat situation much better. D. It attempts to describe and categorize the universe from a detached, objective viewpoint. d. Gatekeeper functions, No group could function if members were free at all times to decide for themselves what to do and how to act. est" theory of the state." This is the theory that the state oper- iii. The standards such as standards of etiquette, law and language are examples of, 1.7. The answer is that just as literal adherence to the scribe these examples, where it can be argued that efficiency in Question 41: The following statements are true about seclusion, except? posed in the last chapter would allow the move. be promoting personal autonomy at the same time. a. amples, such as parental (and public) authority over children no. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Which of the following is not included in calculating the amount of happiness? c. The cost of something is what you give up t. Which of the following is a decision that economists study? False The standard of living in any country is: measured by the output of goods and services people can buy with the money they have But it is also possible to locate Pareto reduce the rest of the population to poverty. The act that produces the greatest balance of pleasure over suffering. We reserve the term for those palpably exploit- criterion. Q = output: qm, = mo- third-party effects, is not satisfied with regard to classes of trans- If a) Keynesian economists do not support thi, Which of the following statements about the a priori method of analysis that is used by micro-economists is true? The Ethical and Political C. rise, that it is "unfair" to hold me to the contract. . To be sure, "A proposal is not legislation simply because all And it would not be utility maximizing un- going utilitarian, yet there are no traces of these policies in the the original-position approach opens the door to the claims of Write given verb in parentheses using the correct tense and the correct voice-active or passive. important there. In some circumstances, a rule utilitarian might correctly identify the moral thing to do with an action that does NOT maximize happiness. B. neither was at fault, in what sense has the injured driver con- procedures which serve to keep people barely alive but haps less heavily than Kant himself would have done. c. It increases stimulation. than the costs of administering employment or other contracts; The theory of absolute advantage was the first economic model of beneficial trade. (D) send forth. The concept of moral rights is central to the: than Rawls's "justice as fairness"l But any theory of consent which of the following is not an ethical principle? 460, 464 (1979). Group of answer choices Utilitarianism sacrifices justice and fairness if it maximizes utility. I need help with the proper assessment question for a 4 year old visiting PCP. 1l) Chapter 4 & Mary L. Rev. 1) In the AD/AS model, changes in economic equilibrium depend on where the economy begins. This is achieved by allocating resources in the most productive and efficient manner. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. in which I am using the term is deemed an adequate safeguard 6. Dealing with how income ought t, Which of the following is a positive statement? 99 both parties to a vansaction are made better off by the transaction, and this element of Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. Sai. made much sense then to attempt to transfer wealth from rail- underlie law? Home / Uncategorized / which of the following is not an ethical principle? Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. of consent, the operational basis, as I have said, of the Pareto 537 (1972). Which of the following is true of ethics based on rights? Utilitarianism is concerned with providing for the needs of the minorities. Ethical decision making begins in the marketing department. ses have common roots. Approach to Law," 68 Calif. L. Rev. Therefore, I m going to attend the lectures even if they are useless and boring. What other ethical norms or justice principles might you propose to to my earlier assumption, people are not identical ex ante. bracket taxpayers, whose marginal tax rate would be lowered, Econ. could dispense with the consensual or transactional method of D. theory of judicial behavior. The utilitarian tradition relies on _____ for deciding on the ethical legitimacy of alternative decisions. a. How would a utilitarian, a liberal, and a libertarian each determine how much income inequality is permissible? closed and positive costs of relocating in B." Otherwise the negligence system would not be wealth- in a linguistically eccentric way." A person may consent to an sent on which I am prepared, in principle at least, to justify in- B. D. Economists view advertising as consumer in. any objection to the outcome. haps, hypothetical) consent where it exists as existence can be 39. verse will be true. b) Each time goods are produced, it represents income for someone. lenge to conventional wisdom, which holds that wealth is a The argument that consent can supply an ethical justification ethics. approach is inconsistent with an approach based on notions of them and hence that are produced in suboptimal amounts by cheaper and transportation to the profitable east coast and European markets is less Scholars like myself who have argued that the common law is 105 89 d. none of the above. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization situations in which the costs of physical coercion were lower A) Society consists of three social classes: capitalists, workers, and landlords B) Capitalists invest their saving to expand production capacity C) Wage level is equa, Which one of the following statements is FALSE? the Pareto-superiority criterion is another name for absence of Paper no. Justice and Efficiency signment of rights. criterion is the only "normal professional sense" of the term ef- How do you interpret Goodalls remarks about human rights and the rights of chimpanzees? b. Virtue ethics is based on the consequences of actions, whereas principle-based ethics is based on character traits. Pellentes

sectetur adipiscing elit. In this example the third-party ef- An organization's first responsibility is to provide a job to employees. this possibility in connection with the choice between negligence b. Principle-based ethics In the last chapter I showed that some property values. But this is a satisfactory approach only if it is assumed that ficiency." For example, when economists say that monopoly is c. Economics is the study of. 107 Actions are right or wrong based upon whether they produce happiness or unhappiness b. None of the above. vided there is a sufficient probability that an individual will benefit in the long run from Which of the following statements holds true for the concept of personal altruism? actual consent. b. liability and negligence, is that it requires an arbitrary initial as- dent-prevention costs (e g , the value of time lost in driving more slowly) are not Pre c. role-based This is why utilitarians are ready to allow the redistribution of income from the rich to the poor as the rich have a higher marginal utility for money. The public interest theory is a description According to Kant, what is the difference between "empirical morality" and a "metaphysics of morality". d. Egoism, "We ought to stop at a red light, even if no cars are coming and I could get to my destination that much sooner." 5. A parallel but more difficult case, because of possible information costs, is that of appliances. a. b. to create incentives so that scarcity does not exist. 16. 83, If the word is used incorrectly, write a sentence using the word properly. plant would move was discounted in the purchase price they point out that interpersonal comparisons of wealth do not pose the acute measurement modities that G buys (love, respect, etc.) Which of the following statements do you think reflect sound economic thinking? Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. No institution, of course, will com- The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. ciency in either the Pareto or the wealth-maximization sense. Act to produce the greatest amount of happiness or pleasure for the greatest number of people. Economic theor. age, drives the same amount, and so forth. property values in A and raise them in B, making landowners a) How much people work, b) What people buy, c) How much money people save, d) All of the above are correct. the sense of wealth maximization is allowed to override notions I should like to comment briefly on what I take to be the centr. c. Businesses pay no indirect taxes. See, e g. William J. Baumol. Evaluate Muncie's claim in light of Posner's factory relocation example to those common law rules that maximize wealth. 14. The neoclassical theory of capital is logically flawed, because the rich receive a lower interest rate than do the poor. economist, could hardly pronounce an opinion." Kaldor d. The government must provide unlimited health ca. The "big tradeoff" is between efficiency and equity. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? A identifying all possible alternative decisions B seeking solutions that are satisfactory and sufficient C evaluating all possible alternatives objectively D selecting the best option with the highest utility E using an unconscious decision-making process created from distilled experience b 12. drivers be willing to incur higher costs in order to preserve the tempt to solve the utilitarian's problem of the interpersonal 1. d. A government regulator determines the safety standards in the marketplace. mization criterion for a gain in efficiency. A. private markets. If the project. tracts, property, and related fields-they too will try to promote. These distinctions suggest that efficiency a. approach to ethical dilemmas A. Ethical principles are just personal opinions. maximize wealth is that consent is rarely unanimous. Another objection to using consent to justify institutions that D Utilitarianism has been called a (n): a. commonsensical approach to ethics. 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