is the violet flame dangerous

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Ever wondered why hospitals are often painted in blue tones? So my life now is all about service and reaching the higher states first the Christ then the Cosmic Union with God the Father State. This is why violet-flame angels have that motto of keeping on keeping on. Did you feel positive energy from this person in the dream? Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Now, Saint Germain reveals, As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercys love. Thank you for another tool to add to my meditation toolbox! I practice Spiritual Psychologyif you would like to share your issues; e-mail me at or 705-515-1000 or look up my websitemost of the info that might assist you is listed. For centuries, alchemists have sought to change lead metals into gold. Beautiful souls of love, peace, charity, wisdom and compassion. The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. Saint Germain is the head of the Aquarian age, together with the Goddess of Justice, the ascended lady master Portia. I also asked if the violet flame can heal it got no only Divine Mother can heal it? Think of a problem that youve recently discovered and would like to focus on. Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. Your I AM God Presence is Perfect right now but you are not connected or one with it so you are experiencing negative emotions and pains in the body. I live in the kingdom of heaven being Bliss Consciousness every day and pretty much all the time as long as I dont allow other peoples issues to take me out of my Blissful State of being. We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. There is always this force of the negative energy being attracted to the positive energy to bring it down is one way to look at it or another way is that the negative energy wants our positive energy and will steal if from us if we do not have the protection of the invisible saints and angels beyond finite creation. I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? I have been doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga meditation since 2000 to now and only started the Violet Flame and now Mother Akashas Rose Pink Flames dispensations since February 2019. I choose patterns of Perfection. Then ask your Beloved I AM Christ Self how to deal with these appearances of aches in body or lack in work and money, or problems with others, etc. Thank You, Your email address will not be published. What is the Second Chakra and How Can It Help Me? No votes so far! Dont Take it on Faith Listen to the Scientists: For the scientific minded, here is the greatest explanation of why the violet flame works In our physical world, the violet light is the shortest wave length of light and therefore, the highest frequency in the physical spectrum. I am delighted you found the site. Do the decrees and give all your fears into the Sacred Fires for transmutation to St. Germain and His Violet Flame Angels. You can work out your violet-flame routine in communion with your Higher Self. However, the question about being an invoker made me feel uneasy, as if it was a permanent decision that had dark/unknown consequences. MOTHER and decrees have put me on the right path. I am eternally grateful! So for over a year I had this tightness in my ribcage. Slowly repeat this several times out loud, and tune into your feelings and perceptions. I may have notice a few changes in others for the good doing these decrees. The violet flame is also been used to protect our house and pets against the negative energies, and the results are fabulous. A poweful and effective affirmation when you experience a negative thought .I AM invoking the violet flame to transmute anything less than Love and Light f. Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. Try saying to your body when you have an ache You are nothing, you are nothing, stand down you have no power. For sure get things checked out but do not let your attention keep on the problem as energy flows where your attention goes and makes things worse! World events and changes appear to be are happening at lightning speed. First who was the person in the room telling you to look at your power? Only one cause and that cause is LOVE the secret tone! But they are a command for the will of God to be manifest. Then, casting the beam out of his own eye, he can see clearly to take the mote out of his brother's eye.By the purification of your perceptions, you will be able to enjoy the entire process of beholding the Christ in self and others, as one by one the little disturbances of the aura are cleared up through the natural manifestation of the childlike beauty of cosmic innocence. The root cause of all diseases comes from you and how you lived your life in this life and a past life and the beliefs, stories, and narratives you live your life that are not Spiritual Truths but rather duality falsehoods of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. Apologies for late response! This post may contain affiliate links. What a great gift has been given to mankind.all we need to do is believe! I think you would enjoy learning more! the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. I am all about doing more than 100% as I am tired of duality and limitations so if you want to go fast go fast as fast is my preferred method! I find myself more and more in tune with my I AM Presence. While it's engaged in battle, its mountain of coal will burn bright red, sending off sparks that scorch the surrounding area. Be a Violet Flame Transmission Station. The most dangerous flame would be the most toxic. Slowly recite: I AM a being of violet fire! My Guru Yogananda quoted that phrase from the bible which is my favourite! Does Kuthumi teach that the aura is an extension of the self. Like they were more experienced. We have the free will to qualify Gods energy coming to us. The violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy. I love you :-). For our ancestors, fire must have seemed magical: it brought us together, encouraged us to share stories, reflect, and enter deep meditative silence. The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. I have been doing Ascended Master Yoganandas Kriya Yoga for 19 years and already one with Divine Mother in the sense of feeling Her or the delicious I am presence every day and that I live for. He then told me I had energy blockages in my neck. For centuries, spiritual alchemists have sought after the philosophers stone and the transformation of led into gold. I have started to pass on information from Summit house of the decrees and spreading the word of this powerful spiritual tool. The reason is that our planet, society and culture are not perfectly pure. The first step to healing is your desire to do so~~ Even more powerfully, we can affirm the energy of the violet flame into our lives by means of the Science of the Spoken Word. The color violet-ray has the highest vibrational frequencies that stimulate spiritual growth and has ties to transformation. He put a jar of silver in one hand. The ever-changing nature of the flames until this very day speak to us of the magical and ephemeral nature of reality. Free shipping for many products! The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. The trembling voice was not the same person who was in the room with me. I took Christie Sheldons INtuitive Course and can clear peoples subconscious imprints that are still affecting them today and during the course cleared a lot of my own remaining baggage. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. I hope you have downloaded the E Books that also offer so much NT$ 945 - NT$ 1,271. I would think that the VF decree which calls on you to connect with your own I AM Individualized God Presence in the Perfection realm helped to draw the discordant energy or karma out of your system for you to face and get rid of it once and for all as you cannot attain the Christ Untouchable State of being with any imperfection, or discordant energy in your multi-body system! But there is a different power that comes as you gradually increase the speed and raise the pitch of the decree. Copyright 2022 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. I input your name into the violet flame challenge page so here is your link to confirm: This time after the surge of energy I looked at a mirror, in the mirror my eyes were two black holes engulfed in violet flames. My experience is so wonderful. it was so real. Asked me to raise both arms, and he was going to press down on free arm with me clenching teeth and with Jaw open. I went to see my dentist who is very Holistic. All rights to their use are reserved. Healing is a personal journey of self-discovery and there are many ways of healing our broken heart. I was enjoying my morning decrees. But man can and does escape these conditions, overcoming through the same glorious victory that brings forth the lotus in the swamplands of life.I want you to understand, then, that by a simple act of invoking the light of the Christ consciousness, man can overcome the ugly chartreuse green of jealousy and resentment, the muddied yellow of selfish intellectualism, the crimson reds of passion, and even the almost violet-black attempts of self-righteous justification. Depending on the calamity, there could also be grief, resulting in a further darkening of the aura. I was doing the decrees inside me throughout this event. "I AM a being a violet fire" - that means it is the nature of our being! I Stand up to the world of appearances: Before, I could not see; now I see. I did do one ethereal retreat exercise and did see Michael come to my third eye and later could see ethereal trees on incline as if I was going up a hill at Banff! After you have been giving the violet flame for some time, you may find yourself recalling past lives. ~good Vibes~ The Holy Christ Self is our Higher Self and inner teacher who initiates and guides our soul on her path to union with God. Your articles and creativity are always timely for me as well. You can master the flow of energy in your aura by maintaining a calm state of equilibrium in the midst of whatever happens within your environment, all the while maintaining contact with your source, the I AM Presence. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? The aura always reflects whether man is maintaining the crystal-clear stream of God's consciousness released through the seven chakras or whether he is misqualifying that energy and thereby producing a muddied stream. Thank you. And he wanted me to resist. Not sure what it means or how yo use I was just meditating and it found me? She also could see a tall fellow behind me. I had lost my job, but was in process to retrain and go back to school. When you become aware of it, the karma (positive and negative) of that life comes to the surface. I believe the Master, and violet ray which is an intelligent energy, were connecting with you in a powerful way. The base-of-the-spine chakra, the Mother center, gives forth the pure white light when its energies are held in the purity of Alpha and OmegaAlpha and Omega being symbolical of the divine polarity of the masculine and feminine energies that are concentrated in each chakra. It is hard to keep the meditation going. The Violet Planet Main article: Violet Planet The evolutions of the Violet Planet have served the violet flame for aeons and use the violet flame to tend to all the needs of daily lifeto clean their homes, to care for and purify the planet, and even to wash and bathe in. It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. Luna & Sol Pty Ltd 2012 - 2023 When we dwell on negative thoughts, anger, hatred, disappointments, and painful experiences, we make ourselves vulnerable to illness. I meditate morning and night doing Yoganandas Kriya Yoga, and the rest of the day I am doing Sacred Fire Decrees and Mantras which are like Japa Yoga to me. God made me perfect! They both deliver the gift of freedom, justice, mercy, fresh energy, and a new civilization. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. The aura changes moment by moment. Do you make anything of this? Paula, my dear friend paula, so nice to find this website and read your messages I live in florida and would love to speak with you someday ! People believe violet healing energy to be a potent form of protection. Your problem could be a personal blockage or an earthly concern such as fear of social instability. The violet light is focused in the seat-of-the-soul chakra and the white light is focused in the base-of-the-spine chakra. Invoking spiritual energy through the use of dynamic decrees, visualization and divine feeling is also a great key that I would not overlook. Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. I said it might be Michael and I checked my pendulum later it said yes! It is like a cosmic eraser that erases the effects, the memory, and the cause of sin in our lives. If the Violet Flame caused the tightness it is part of the transmutation and releasing old, stock, blocked energies in your body that is dense caused by your beliefs in the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil rather than Tree of Life that is Perfection. I do a clearing intuition energy rebalancing modality and I checked to see how balance your throat chakra is and its a 1 out of 10. Why did I do, what did I start ? But the public only got to know about this sacred fire healing earlier this century. Here is a preamble that you can use and add to: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. I just started the Violet Flame in February this year after I think St. Germain trying to get my attention via healing energy modalities that mentioned it. The elementals are the nature spirits of fire, air, water and earth who are responsible for taking care of our planet. Welcome! )the negative energy attacks are now less severe. Others get spectacular results the first time they open their mouths. You will not spill the cup as soon as it is filled and fail to make any permanent progress on the path of discipleship. My pendulum says its was St. Germain each time. The fear only made my symptoms worse. The best thing out of that mess , was finally finding a helpful doctor. The Violet Flame is a high frequency energy that can help to burn, transmute, alchemize, clear and elevate the lower frequency consciousness that is prevalent on Gaia. Hi Paula thanks for sharing that Mark Prophet also studied the Kriya Yoga technique! Always from negative to positive, through it we have the ability to change what we do not like or prevent us from evolving. I stopped doing everythingand yet the numbers appear. I am declaring what I AM and transmuting what I am not all day long and soon then I will become what I think all day long that I AM OM Bliss Consciousness resting in all space one with my Bliss God! Now, you can access the art and science of decrees to help you. Victory to the light!!! So great to hear from you. Saint Germain was an ascended master, a legendary Theosophical spiritual leader, and the Chohan of the violet flame. Thank you for the Great Work the Summit Lighthouse is doing to spread the Light to the world. Receive a daily email with inspiring quotes from the masters and archangels of the seventh ray! Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Who Is Saint Germain of the Violet Flame? Feel the joy of freedom as the old dense energies are swept clear. I went to the doctor for a year with various tests and the main thing they came up with was HPylori and only options was Pharma. Violet Flame never is the cause of any dis-ease in the physical body, or mental or emotional bodies. The violet flame is a symbolic name that is given to the transformative abilities of spiritual energy. The negative karma is like Pandora's box. If youve ever seen a popular depiction of an alchemist, witch or magi, theres often a concoction being mixed up in a fire, with the flame turning into a violet color when the potion is successful. This group karma affects our destinies. You can draw more light and strengthen the violet flames with more repetitions. Since I didnt understand my power I looked at the window again. Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. Allow for the Freedom to come to the elemental kingdom. Violet Flame not only cleanses you, however, it also helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development also. My pendulum does say that I have no Karma now and that Yogananda has taking it all away. When we look at the bright side of situations, we release all the stress caused by the things we cannot control. This transmutation process is symbolic of the alchemy of self-transformation through violet flame meditation and healing. As I mentioned ,I think I went to hard to fast with decrees Give all your attention and affection to your Beloved I AM Presence and Your Three fold Flame in your Heart! Color has been known for centuries as a powerful tool to prepare our states of mind, change our moods, emotions, and feelings. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. I am still facing heavy health issues. Its all energy. The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. With my jaw clenched I had no strength to resist when he pushed down on my arm. Meditate, visualize, sing, waltz to the three quarter beat that is the violet flame, and lift up your spirits- send out the Violet Flame and enjoy the return current of joy, freedom and transmutation. Jesus asked us to pray, Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. It's important not to feel burdened by the negative record of a past life. I think it would help you to read the initial books in which the teachings on the violet transmuting flame and also on each ones individual divine presence were first introduced to seekers. Dear Friend, Saints and adepts have long known how to use the violet flame. This is a powerful tool that works in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. When we open ourselves and accept forgiveness or ask for one, we free ourselves from hatred and pain. It took almost a year of misinformation , wrong tests, to find out I had nerve blockages in my cervical. There are certain characteristics that we read in one another at these levels of consciousness that can tell us much about a person before we even know him. I live in Florida. We can enter into deep meditation upon it and let its presence enter our surroundings. Earth is a planet of violet fire, earth is the freedom that God desires. I am so glad my soul nudge me to google violet flame! VF is so very pure energy so try to understand what that is and the Summithouse gives you information on it. Be Inspired. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. I have had 3 experiences with St. Germain visiting me: while interiorized a being flew by or into my third eye area, while interiorized lying down for an hour doing decrees I heard inside me Thank You, and one time while meditating I saw a ethereal face come to me at my third eye. Is the Violet Flame Dangerous? Then I started feeling the tingling and feeling off. Weird. He too said that Kriya Yoga and violet flame are miraculous methods for realizing the Higher Self. just started and my energy is better, my openess towards the heavens is better, my dreams are different. I visualized white, clean energy filling my body and then I pushed it out. And what is the scoop on how to actually use it to transform our lives, clean up our negative karma .

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is the violet flame dangerous

is the violet flame dangerous