renewable resources in the southeast region

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Combustion of fossil fuels also produces the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. research demonstrates how much a competitive regional electricity market would benefit the Southeast U.S. The results are clear: continued reliance on coal is. Since the USDAs initial announcement about the strategy, more than 289 investment proposals have been brought forward totaling more than $276 million, which indicates both a need and excitement for home-grown, local priorities that reflect the values and peoples of the region., Southeast Conference is excited to be a part of this game-changing shift in the One USDA approach to partnering in economic development throughout our Tongass communities, said Robert Venables, Executive Director for Southeast Conference. The use of cellulosic fiber from trees to make paper is a primary use of wood, rivaling other forest product uses such as lumber for buildings and furniture products. An official website of the United States government. U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy , Overview of Biomass Technologies, U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source. Much of the impetus for the contribution of biomass sources and technologies to the national energy picture originated in a federal law5 originally viewed as a natural gas conservation measure, the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Let's dive in to see what this Coal Cost Crossover analysis can tell us about coal plants in the Southeast. For the purposes of this discussion, southeastern states include Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Pictured left to right: Earl Stewart - Forest Supervisor Tongass National Forest, Chad VanOrmer - Deputy Regional Forester,Anthony Mallott - Sealaska CEO, Dr. Homer Wilkes -Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment,Richard Chalyee esh Peterson -Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska President, Dave Schmid - Regional Forester,Joe Kaaxxgu Nelson - Sealaska Board Chair, Jaeleen Kookesh - Sealaska Vice President, Policy & Legal Affairs, and Raymond Paddock - Environmental Manager for Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. The terms RPS and RES (renewable electricity standard) are often used interchangeably, as no material difference exists in program goals. Increased battery storage and system flexibility also reduces the need for seldom-used gas peaking resources, which are mostly eliminated in the RTO by 2040. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from biomass sources are considered practically neutral, as biomass sources take in CO2 during their growing cycle and release it when burned. Mike Ewall, Primer on Landfill Gas as "Green" Energy, Energy Justice Network, July 29, 1999, Using them. Georgia Power Company, Georgia Power Seeks Approval for Coal Plant Conversion to Biomass, August 22, 2008, The analysis does not account for ripple effects of reduced electricity rates on consumer and business spending or the increased attractiveness of Southeastern states to the growing number of companies with 100% clean energy goals. A principal argument made by supporters of an RES is that it would provide benefits to the environmental goals. Plasma-arc gasification is an incineration technology which uses an oxygen-starved environment to reduce the organic components in municipal solid waste (or other biomass) into its constituent elements. Recent technological developments are improving yields from cellulosic production and bringing down production costs61 which, when coupled with incentives for ethanol production, may further increase demand and possibly prices for biomass. The Renewable Fuels Program requires increased use of renewable fuels every year through 2012. So basically using the savings from switching from coal to local solar to add storage to make the grid more resilient. See Plasma Gasification at Overview of the Quality and Completeness of Resource Assessment Data for the APEC Region. IRENA said, in the long term, average annual investment of $210 billion was needed on renewable energy, energy efficiency and to support technologies and infrastructure in the period to 2050 to . See I am pleased to have been able to highlight some of the first projects to receive funding, and I will be watching as the rest of the investments move forward in a demonstration of the difference we can make as a collaborative team working toward a common goal.. Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand have achieved 100 per cent or near 100 per cent energy access. When burned, fossil fuels emit pollutants such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are subject to environmental controls to limit their release to the air. This exciting new partnership will allow us to bring even more conservation benefits to southeast communities that address food security and local agricultural production.. EIA, Monthly Energy Review, September 2008. Conversely, this situation could potentially benefit landowners in the region who have seen prices for wood fall with the economic decline of the forest products industry. United States. Although some renewable energy technologies have an impact on the environment, renewables are considered environmentally preferable to conventional sources and, when replacing fossil fuels, have significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This modeling highlights how much seven Southeastern states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) could gain from a competitive wholesale electricity market and how much they could lose from business-as-usual. November 30 - December 2, 2022. . This team is locally based and will continue to consult with Tribal Nations and Alaska Native corporations and to engage with partners and municipal governments to continue to identify priorities and practical opportunities for investments of financial and technical assistance. Transitioning away from dirty fossil fuels is not just a question of fair competition for clean energy power providers, it's a matter of justice for communities disproportionately burdened by pollution. 890 (111th Congress) 101, the Federal Renewable Electricity Standard. non renewable resources in the southeast regionan implied power is one that brainlyan implied power is one that brainly Pulp & Paper Workers Resource Council. Considering fuel cost inputs in this range and continuation of the Production Tax Credit58 and RECs producing power valued around $0.08 per kilowatt-hour, biomass power plants could be built in the 25 megawatt size range and produce power economically, according to the Biomass Power Association.59. 890, would establish a renewable electricity standard (RES).10 In the Senate, a renewable electricity standard was introduced in S. 433.11 Senator Bingaman had previously released a draft bill to discuss a federal renewable portfolio standard on February 11, 2009.12. But despite the global decline in renewable energy prices, Southeast Asian countries have largely embraced fossil . The legislation also calls for building 450 megawatts of renewable capacity in the county to help replace lost tax revenue from closing coal operations. But renewable energy technologies (with the exception of basic biomass combustion) are relatively newly developed and costlier than fossil fuels to produce electricity. Today, biomass is the largest source of renewable energy in the United States. Join us for three days to advance your understanding of new policy and opportunities that will equip your business with the necessary skills to compete in the ever-developing industry. Demand for woody biomass could also be affected by requirements for biofuels production under the Renewable Fuel Standard60 specified by Congress in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, especially as cellulosic methods for ethanol production are improved. Wave, tidal energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion could be tapped, to provide alternative sources of clean and dependable energy in the region. This resource potential represents the theoretical, upper bound of renewable energy resource available at a given locationnot considering technical or economic constraints to development (such as land-use constraints). A dozen or so moderate and conservative committee Democrats want to lower the target. Picking up where federal research and development dollars left off, states are using the concept of a Renewable Portfolio Standard8 (RPS) to create a market for renewable energy via mandatory goals. The American Renewable Energy Act, H.R. The Southeast has enough renewable resources to meet the 25 percent renewable-power mandate proposed by draft House energy and climate legislation, according to a new assessment [pdf] by environmental groups. The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) states: Biomass represents about two-thirds of the Southeast's near-term potential for expanding renewable energy. Energy demand also grew an average of 6% per year, one of the fastest growth rates in the world. Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Direct: 907.463.7368 | Email: Knowledge awaits. RE-Source Southeast Hub is a regional platform for cooperation between renewable energy producers and energy consumers.. Approximately 53% of all domestic renewable energy comes from biomass sources3 represented by biofuels, landfill gas, biogenic4 municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass such as switchgrass. Addresses historic and/or structural decisions that previously contributed to inequitable access to USDA programs. The development of solar and wind resources in the power sector was relatively slow as renewables were not cost-competitive over thermal power plants. The costs of delivered biomass fell into an estimated range of $1.66 to $2.01 per thousand BTUs, which was seen as competitive with coal energy costs for power generation. installed electrical wiring at a solar array he recently installed at a job site in East Charlotte. "Hog fuel" is a mixture of wood and bark, usually reduced to 50-75 millimeter-size chips and produced by a "wood hog" (i.e., grinder), from which it derives its name. Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia by Courtney Weatherby December 17, 2020 This essay explores the current status and future role of renewable energy in Southeast Asia's power-generation system, reviews obstacles to energy diversification, and analyzes specific policy successes and failures in supporting rapid deployment. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Renewable Resource Data Center, Joint Press Release - USDA, Sustainble Southeast Partnership, Spruce Root, Southeast Conference, and Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Below are lists of the states and territories in the Land Trust Alliance's Southeastern Region, which includes the Atlantic Islands and the Gulf Coast. From mobilizing over $7 billion in renewable energy investments to facilitating nearly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy capacity (enough to power roughly 8 million homes), the United States Governments Clean Power Asia program is making Southeast Asia cleaner and greener. All renewable energy sources combined account for about 10% of the U.S. total energy production. Abstract Southeast Asian countries stand at a crossroads concerning their shared energy future and heavily rely on fossil fuels for transport and electricity. Under RES proposals, most producers of renewable electricity will receive renewable energy credits or certificates to prove that a certain amount of renewable electricity was produced (usually 1 Megawatt-hour). These states have ample forest resources, generally poor wind resources, and relatively unfavorable solar resources (compared to the Southwest), making biomass among the more readily available renewable energy resources in the region. The Golden Age For Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LockA locked padlock Juneau, AK (September 6, 2022) Three Southeast Alaska entities today announced regional strengthening agreements supported through the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy. From mobilizing over $7 billion in renewable energy investments to facilitating nearly 10,000 megawatts of renewable energy capacity (enough to power roughly 8 million homes), the United States Government's Clean Power Asia program is making Southeast Asia cleaner and greener. The region is committed to renewable energy and integrating sustainable practices into legacy industries. Today, biomass [electric power] generation is mainly associated with the use of mill and agricultural wastes. The Team first used coarse filters to assess investment readiness, and then used an expanded review team to conduct a qualitative assessment. In a brief published by Indonesian non-governmental organisation (NGO), the Habibie Centre, financial access was deemed the most important factor for developing renewable energy projects due to their capital-intensive nature. Despite ambitious long-term climate announcements, Southeast utilities are still heavily reliant on expensive-to-run coal plants and are doubling down on risky new gas infrastructure investments, instead of clean technologies of the future. connected to the .gov website. See The need for agricultural chemicals is often lower for perennial biocrops which can mean less pollution from runoff into rivers and streams. By converting biomass, waste materials, or other carbon-containing materials into a synthesized gas (synthesis gas or syngas) comprised mostly of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, the syngas can be burned directly to generate electricity.39 Further processing via Fischer-Tropsch methods40 or other forms of catalysis can convert the syngas into higher value chemicals or transportation biofuels such as ethanol, methanol, or a form of biodiesel called di-methyl ether. In 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam . Because China's solar and wind energy resources are rich in northwest region, and the electricity load center is concentrated in the southeast region, the imbalance between the resource and demand intensifies the contradiction of renewable energy generation and grid operation. Unless the utility can put its finger on the scale, this analysis indicates the portfolios where these coal plants are phased out should be less expensive than ones where these coal plants continue to operate. . Ending large-scale old-growth timber sales on the. If you wish to learn more the India inquiry, reach out to Saksham Nijhawan at S . Burning approximately one million tons of biomass annually, Plant Mitchell would be one of the largest biomass power plants in the United States.51, Collection of waste wood for biomass power plants may require a coordinated effort with forestry companies. Sustainable management of forest resources is a basic consideration. Retrieved from Raysonho . States and electricity suppliers in the southeastern United States have been most vocal in their concern that they may be unfairly burdened by an RES. The successful deployment of renewable energy in Europe is often credited to FIT provisions.16. In past years, much of this material was either plowed under to reconstitute the soil, left for livestock forage, or was gathered to make straw. Sustainable management of forest resources is likely to be both a basic consideration and a possible constraint. Energy demand in Southeast Asia has increased on average by around 3% a year over the past two decades, and this trend continues to 2030 under today's policy settings in the STEPS. Other technologies, such as "open-loop" biomass, incremental hydropower, small irrigation systems, landfill gas, and municipal solid waste (MSW), receive a lesser value tax credit. 709 W. 9th Street New report argues that even the Southeast can get a significant amount of electricity from renewable resources. A OneUSDA team comprised of theForest Service, Rural Development, and Natural Resources Conservation Service engaged Southeast Alaska partners, communities, Tribal Nations and Alaska Nativecorporations in a process that reflects the immediate and long-term needs and opportunities in the region. Many consider carbon dioxide emissions from biomass sources as practically neutral, because biomass sources take in carbon dioxide during their growing cycle and release it when burned.17 Renewable energy is seen as a way to reduce fossil fuel use, and with growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change, the role of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions has garnered increasing public support. Overall outcomes anticipated include stronger relationships with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and municipal governments; inclusive, diverse engagements that represent the people, communities, and cultures of Southeast Alaska; an understanding of administrative barriers that continue to impact funding distribution and may include changes to policies, laws, and regulations; and be able to use input gained from engagements to determine short- and long-term investments for the region. See,100000,0. The draft bill would require utilities above a certain size to supply 25 percent of their power from renewable sources like wind, solar and biomass energy by 2025, although efficiency measures could be used to meet a fifth of the target. Arguments in favor of an RES usually involve impacts on the environment, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. These proposals reflect the broad and deep need for economic stimulus in Southeast Alaska. It is an exciting step forward and an example of what we can do when we listen to the needs of our people and work together to bring sustainability projects to our Southeast Alaska communities. The Southeast Asia renewable energy market installed 71.75 GW in 2020, and it is anticipated to reach by 117.17 GW by 2027, at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period of 2022-2027. . Capitol Hill Publishing Corp, Southern Co. takes aim at renewable-energy bill, May 8, 2007, Southeast Agriculture & Forestry Energy Alliance, Southern Bioenergy Roadmap, 2009, p. 5, Myanmar reported its access to energy as 50 per cent in 2019. But nowadays, possibilities for use include collection of a portion of this material for burning in a biomass boiler, producing steam for electricity, or processing into biofuels (see below) such as cellulosic ethanol, as technologies and new processes are developed. Biomass Power Association (BPA). Together were making a lasting impact across the Southeast. endstream endobj 212 0 obj <>stream Nepal has achieved 78 per cent of energy access, while Bangladesh achieved 95 per cent of energy access. The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) released the Southeastern Region Report, the final portion of ACORE's 6th annual Renewable Energy in the 50 States report. Henning Steinfeld, Pierre Gerber, and Tom Wassenaar, et al., Livestock's Long Shadow - Environmental Issues and Options, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006, Alabama. Traditionally regulated electricity markets dominate most of the Southeast, Northwest and much of the West (excluding California). Addresses critical community capacity needs and/or increases capacity. Incremental progress may be on the horizon. The difference between these two types of resources is that renewable resources can naturally replenish themselves while nonrenewable resources cannot. Diversity in biomass supplies will also be key if the resource is to meet competing demands. Through February 2009, RPS requirements or goals have been established in 29 states plus the District of Columbia.9, A major argument that has been advanced for a national renewable energy (or electricity) standard is that it would encourage increased use of renewable energy. The group aims to build renewable energy capacity of 5,000 megawatts across Southeast by 2025. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. Aggressive customer cost savings, significant employment gains, and cleaner air for the first time, research demonstrates how much a competitive regional electricity market would benefit the Southeast U.S. To deliver these benefits for the people they serve, policymakers and regulators should immediately ramp up efforts to bring competition to a region that has for too long been beholden to monopolies at the exclusion of low-cost clean energy. See page 4 of presentation at Thanks for reading Scientific American. February 23, 2009. Wind turbines have been called ugly and noisy, and the cooling needs of solar thermal facilities in desert locations may require the use of scarce water resources. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. Electricity not used on-site to power equipment may be made available for sale on the grid. The Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy is USDAs approach to support economic, cultural, and natural resources sustainability in the region. You may opt-out by. Southeast Renewable Energy Summit. Podcasts Factor This! Danielle Jackson, EPA Report Applauds Waste-to-Energy Plants, Waste Age magazine, June 25, 2002, Coal-fired power plants are major sources of toxic air pollution, so phasing out uneconomic coal dramatically improves air quality. Biocrops are fast-growing (sometimes hybridized) species dedicated to producing energy (electricity or liquid fuels) from all or part of the resulting plant.30 These are mostly perennials such as switchgrass or mixed prairie perennials, or trees like willow or poplar, but any other plant material could be used for biocrops. Unless some balancing mechanism is in place, such as the Bingaman discussion draft proposal to return federal penalties to those states with less renewable energy resources to specifically develop such resources, southeastern states and electric utilities fear that they will become net purchasers of RECs, which will result in a "transfer of wealth" to the sunny and wind-rich states of the Southwest and Midwest, respectively.21 Given the identified concerns over biomass supplies in the southeastern states and the pivotal role the region will likely have in a federal RES debate, issues in this region will be used as the focus of this report. 29 Inorganic chemicals are used to dissolve the lignin holding together wood fibers, thus making the cellulosic fibers available for the manufacture of paper products. North Carolina and South Carolina policymakers have the right idea by requiring regulators to investigate the benefits of establishing organized markets in these states. However, numerous studies have found that renewable energy development has a negative impact on the . Rn?Q&i( =ET/v,yb9j1xZiKM_at$qJ{Dgny? The next section discusses current and future possible sources of biomass and technologies for renewable energy. New resources (such as dedicated biocrops) or other biomass sources (such as municipal solid waste) may need to be used if biomass from forest residues and forest product industry wastes do not prove sufficient to meet RES goals. Biomass has been characterized by advocates for an RES in the Southeast (i.e., Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) as the region's main renewable resource which could be used to meet a standard. Vietnam has a high potential for renewable energy, including hydro, solar, wind, biomass, and waste. Our long-term strategy will include establishing an interagency lead for the Sustainability Strategy, establishing a team charter for the Alaska-based OneUSDA team, and empowering shared leadership within the region by aligning programs with locally developed strategies such as the Blueprint for Southeast Alaska, the Visitor Products Cluster Working Group, the 2025 Economic Development Plan, and the All Landowners Working Group, among others. AC Energy is optimistic on renewable energy potential in Southeast Asia: CEO SINGAPORE Southeast Asia is going through an energy transition and there's opportunity to scale up. 27 Thus, wood waste may be burned in biomass boilers specifically for "hog fuel" (basically wood waste other than lignin) to produce steam for process uses and electricity generation.28. 45, According to SACE's analysis, biomass is potentially seen as meeting 60% of a near-term RES goal of 15% of all generation in the Southeast (by the year 2015). Marshall Steam Station, a coal-fired power plant owned by utility Duke Energy. PO Box 1842Knoxville, TN 37901865.637.6055, Maggie Shober works to speed the clean energy transformation in the Southeast through analysis and advocacy. The Responsible Energy Initiative is seeking funding partners to deliver the outcomes across the Southeast Asia region. Today, biomass is the largest source of renewable energy in the United States. Spruce Roots mission is to drive a regenerative economy across Southeast Alaska so communities can forge futures grounded in this uniquely Indigenous place, said Alana Peterson, Executive Director for Spruce Root. All rights reserved. \+e|We8yx8!x=LO\50f%*H(\(I$ xB8 dg@JH5@fzI:zX&?}`s:9w&Z[FmP}NrLbaYX1s(]l]dhol LtE{ 6&$vu_ZcU5a*rvPmM5clTRI~Q1 Despite being "green" resources, renewable energy installations are not without aesthetic or environmental challenges of their own. Analysts from energy think tank Energy Innovation recently published a report showing that it is now more expensive to continue to run most coal plants than to replace them with renewable energy. The region is home to 44% of the nation's total energy from woody biomass and a significant portion of other biomass types.25 Not all biomass is recognized as "eligible" to meet federal RES requirements due to differences in federal legislation and tax provisions defining biomass. The investment tax credit is an incentive for domestic investment in renewable energy plant and equipment. Introduced by Senators Udall and Udall on February 12, 2009. This has fuelled economic growth and permitted higher living standards. Competition in these markets has reduced wholesale energy costs while creating an entry point for low-cost renewable energy to provide power to the grid. As we celebrate USAIDs achievements in energy in Thailand and across the region, we also look to the future and partnerships that will continue to strengthen energy investments in the region, facilitating the transition to a clean energy future and enhanced regional energy security, said ChargdAffairesHeath. It calls for a range of policies, such as low-interest loans and strong state interconnection standards that enable new renewables to link to the grid. After the municipal solid waste is sorted and separated, much of the remaining material is biogenic and can be prepared for burning in a steam boiler. Ibid. Click on a state or scroll down to access relevant conservation resources and state-specific climate change information.

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renewable resources in the southeast region

renewable resources in the southeast region