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Courage, guidance and help. aching and gone very bruised. is my hemo and hematocrit crazy high or ??? when the doctor came to my house, she injected me with papaverine and informed me that i might have appenticitis. He had his prostate removed in Jan. 2008. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. I am in UK ,where our health system is different to yours. . first off i cant believe i was afraid of this i felt nothing 28 gauge needle. That's because it's made in a sterile environment and tailored to your needs. Sadly I will never drill concrete with my stick, even a bowl of jello is a challenge. However, in my case, phenylephrine was the most ineffective. Your response at those tiny dosage changes doesn't make sense. on my first test does of TRIMIX was able to have sex. please complete the form below. Patients should wait a full 48 hours before increasing their dosage. Not sure why I would? It worked again. cc or cubic centimeter a measure of volume, equivalent to 1 milliliter (mL) of liquid. Attempt 2: 8 units (.08ml) resulting in an ER trip and an erection around 8 hours. Angeline. When taking the injections, remember the. The reason is.that if you have blood leakage back into your body (a cause of Ed) it keeps the injected Trimix in your penis long enough to relax your muscles to allow blood flow to engorge your member. i woke up one morning and had severe stomach pains as well as a (low) fever. Once reconstituted with 5 mL of Bacteriostatic Water: Papaverine HCl 30 mg/mL, Phentolamine Mesylate 2 mg/mL, Prostaglandin E1 20 mcg/mL, Atropine Sulfate 200 mcg/mL. No pain or significant bleeding from needle, just a dull ache from the prostoglandin. The initial dose should be 0.05 cc to 0.2 cc, depending on the level of ED. I use .25 and that is good for a couple of ours. I have to agree have not had a successful erection in 5 years. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. For men, once they realize there are relatively few nerve endings on the shaft of the penis, it is really quite a painless procedure. Solutions . Like all guys, DH was not exactly keen on shooting up *there*. When I asked him what should be done when I get a persisting erection outside his office, his prompt reply was Sudafed. Once past the initial apprehension of sticking a needle in Mr. (That's why we hear so many stories about. I never recovered the ability to get a natural erection even using Viagra, Levitra, or Cialis, but they did improve blood flow. Sure, but if you can only have 3 injections a week, and not more than 2 in a row, then what? Not deterred, and having to wait almost a month to heal (believe me guys its no fun). How long does trimix last frozen? The active ingredients in the penile injections Trimix and Quadmix are alprostadil, papaverine, phentolamine and atropine. Other methods have *not been proven* to do this. Phentolamine. I use an Owen Mumford Autoject El. I had a radical prostatectomy in March this year , was 66 in June and in the same month my wife and me passed our 41 anniversary .Phew ! I would just like to pass on my thanks for your blog .I stumbled on it on Google but am reluctant to say what words I used as a strap to Google I found it amusing and informative but better than that, I found it encouraging . One injection lasts an hour or so. waited a year before he gave great but the only problem is it mostly last to long. And yes, I did experience a secondary erection last time but chickened out for fear of having to take that trip in an overcoat to the hospital! Our first session with the elixir was proceeding at a leisurely pace when I happened to glance at the clock. I went and they did a sonar test to hear my blood flow. I thought it was all over but am finding out that just isnt so. Just had my 1st injection of trimix yesterday at the urologist office yesterday at 2pm. I was stroking his penis in largo, e.g., slow and gentle, but I eventually learned thatit only workedif I speeded up the tempo and the pressure, do it in allegro vivace, maybe. I was told to make changes in increments of 5 units at a time so yes, you should probably try 25 units next and see. Stumbled on this site by accident looking for a new compounding pharmacy for some of my patients. Sadly I can only use my stick for a divining rod. This stuff is wonderful! My only problem is that I cant seem to have an orgasm. Hes going to the urologist tomorrow (the nurse practitioner there) to explain to her the problem. 3. FDA regulation each of the compounding pharmacies is held accountable to After 3 hours I received two Phenolefrin shots and all was good. I ended up taking 4 Sudafed and putting a bag of ice on it and it was gone by 7pm 5 hours after getting injected. You should not take Trimix more frequently than specified or inject it anywhere other than in the appropriate part of the penis. How many units of Trimix should I take is the most frequently asked question regarding Trimix dosage. For instance, my dose is 0.3 ML and so the 5 CC container is good for about 16 shots. Jumped to 12 cc had a great time but erection lasted 2 hours and very sore. My doctor prescribed trimix and I have used it a few times, but it hasn't been a great experience. Trimix is a mixture of three different medications that men inject directly into the penis to treat Erectile Dysfunction. But in the real world, it can take some time, and many have reported erections that neared priapism. A penile implant is an effective treatment option for men for whom Trimix injections do not work well. There is no set dosage; instead, it is usually adjusted gradually based on feedback from the patient and the physician. For you guys that have went to Mens Clinics and are paying outrageous prices for trimix, visit a urologist and have his write a prescrip for trimix, then take it to a Compounding Pharmacy. Maximum dosage of 50 units of Trimix at a time. I was in the uros office, where I was testing a Tri-Mix injection. You can go on forever as long as time is no object. My URO changed the formula to a weaker one so that I could inject more. the way it is dispensed and patients are told to store it is actually due to an Your Doctor can have Lidocaine added to the Tri-Mix to reduce or eliminate the pain. My uro started me on 40 units. We love it. After some paralysis issues almost 20 years ago I got ED and I've taken Viagra and Cialis since with OK results but could quickly lose my erection if conditions were less than optimal like awkward positions, distractions, etc and never had it soo rigid for so long. TriMix Injection Dosage The initial Trimix Injection dose should be .05cc to .2cc, depending on the patient's level of ED. In studies of men who did not see satisfactory treatment via oral ED medications, Trimix injections resulted in between 80 and 95% satisfaction rates, depending on the study. Used 20 units (1/5 ml) got about 35% erection. So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. You do not want to seek out counterfeit or contaminated medication, especially when it comes to injecting something into your penis. Increase by 0.025 cc to 0.050 cc until a satisfactory dose is reached. Any thoughts? But Trimix is cheaper than Caverject (alprostadil). I am really thinking I over shot the sweet spot a few times with a 1/2" needle. TriMix is a compounded medication. (Not all syringes work with the Inject-Eaze). Good luck!!! I was talking to another person who has used trimix and also had issues with it. WARNING: These videos below, including those from, may be helpful but also may include porn advertisements positioned alongside the video. Common dose amountsrange from 0.08 ml to 0.9 ml per administration, not more than once every 24 hours, usually twice weekly. Next night used 10 cc it was ok. Sildenafil RDT from USA What Is It and Why to Get It. Trimix contains only three of the ingredients; alprostadil, papaverine and phentolamine. Quick update: On Saturday night I used 5 units again BUT used a 5/16" needle and had a great erection for roughly 2 hours. 3 weeks ago after disappointing 3 years of believing my uro and trying V, C and L and resisting the needle, trimix has been a revelation. Next injection was 10 units it was 4 hrs,since then I have used 4 to 6 units worked ok 2 to 3hrs.Last week I used 6 units and it lasted almost 6hrs.headed ER.but released before I arived . Thanks all! I thought I would have to embarass myself and check into an ER!! One side effect of Tri Mix, it has turned my wife into a size queen. In this video we run through how to administer an intracavernosal injection (aka peinle injection) using a compounded preparation - whist there is a lot to t. 1 post Page 1 of 1. Actually, I think the injections do have a positive effect on Viagra. Buy Trimix injection online for direct application on the penis makes it frequently more efficient at causing an erection suitable for sex than oral ED therapies. Around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity, an injection is often administered in the middle third of the penis shaft, alternating sides and avoiding any veins. This is a very important question, and I think that all men need to understand the answer. Initially, the dosage will likely be low, which can be increased until the desired effect is achieved. Can someone answer me this? Prostaglandine E1 (50mcg) papaverine (30mg) phentolamine (1.5mg) This is my trimix dosage. Miracle drug, just 8 units and rock hard for hour and 1/2. By this time i felt they maybe taking advantage of men with ED and left without purchasing either. Yeh, Ill try it, but the needle thing was really my big hang up. In my experience reading posts here and on my other group, I would say that around 10 percent of guys stop it because of that reason. How did the 4.5 units work for you? Once, my husband was just about hitting the 4-hour mark, you know when youre supposed to go to the ER. Anyway, them came August 13, my birthday,andDH got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. For those of you haveing little luck with the trimix there is a Qudmix they just added atropine to the mix.. I did learn to French-kiss at forty-something, butthings just werent the same. I have only injected and missed on the right side and it is usually because I didn't go deep enough. I've been using trimix 30/1/10 for a couple weeks with positive results. I have settled on high quality single use insulin syringes. I took. I had just received a phone call from my General Practioner to say they will NOT prescribe the cialis that my consultant ( we refer to specialist sugeon as our consultant ) had prescribed might help my/our problem. I tell those that are considering this, there virtually is NO discomfort in the shots compared to the incredible joy it brings us. Trimix is not good for your penis, and it does not increase the size. However, there are some typical dosage ranges, best practices, and other details that may be helpful for those new to Trimix and dosing. ED for several years now. Thanks. Thanks to both of you for your openness in sharing what youve learned. 2 and 1/2 units would be VERY small dose. When done correctly there should be NO pain. I tried again, 15 units this time and bang! That same dayDH went off to Vermont on a bike trip, and I became the Trimix lady. Trimix begins to function immediately after being injected. "935-1035 gf begging for mercy i cant take any more she says im done i cant walk." Trimix is administered intravenously. However, at the beginning of this year, I realized this dose was no longer effective. Im using 100 units of trimix now but only getting about 70% hard. When administering an injection, especially in such a delicate location, always employ good cleanliness and safety precautions. Got the tip on trimix from my younger diabetic brother who nagged the hell out of me to give it a try. No side effects at all So, about 4 months post op, my urologist shared with me about Trimix. Step 2 Wipe the rubber top of the bottle with the alcohol pad. Papaverine HCl 30 mg/ml. Just like with the Tempur-pedic bed, *you* set the firmness. These are the two primary biological requirements to sustain an erection. Dr doesnt want to change mixture. Surely you are not taking 10-12 cc of tri-mix! Consult your doctor if you're thinking about buying Trimix and trying to determine if it's the appropriate choice for you. Since The single dose of caverject causes pain, or aching in some, I elected to go straight to Trimix. dosage prescribed by your doctor, filling this volume with air. INJECTION There MUST be 24 hours in between EACH injection. With injections I found adding some constriction around the base of the penis while doing the injection and for three minutes after, makes a big difference to the reliability. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. Clearly, the trimix itself isn't the problem since that variable is held constant. I switched to Tri Mix and it has taken me a good two months, with sex once week, to figure out the dosage. New video added to the list. One more huge point: TriMIx now comes in a gel which, with a special syringe, is forced into the urethra. I read many forums regarding Trimix, like this one, before visiting my urologist and getting Trimix prescription and learned from others posts so here goes. Its an inexpensive and well made device. Trimix has been proven to be quite helpful at treating ED, particularly in men who have not responded well to oral treatments. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. Thank you for taking the lead on this. Sourcing your Trimix through a licensed and reputable pharmacy, with a prescription, is the only way to go. mL or milliliters a measure of liquid volume, equivalent to 1 cubic centimeter (cc). You Doubting Thomases can learn a lot from this lucky guy. Sourcing your Trimix through a licensed and reputable pharmacy, with a prescription, is the only way to go. Well, I took 30; close to 25 right? At $120 for each prescription this is $7.50 per shot. Moving the plunger from 0.6mL to 0.4mL will place 0.2mL of Trimix Gel . Hi Leah , I tried a smaller dosage but it doesn't last long enough. While we strive to always provide accurate, current, and safe advice in all of our articles and guides, its important to stress that they are no substitute for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Event marketing. You must make sure the needle penetrates the Caverness. Thank you so much, you cant imagine how much youve helped people. Be aware of what you are taking as a supplements as well. I have not seen syringes discussed. Happy first anniversary which I trust you and Ted will celebrate well. I can speak with experience that, yes, trimix is wonderful. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Learn more about the signs of sex addiction and how to treat it. You should be sure to ask them any questions or seek any clarifications to ensure you are only administering the correct dosage, as higher dosages carry an increased risk of side effects including erections that require medical attention. More Than You Thought, But What About The Rest? This is my 4th month.Any suggestions. Cost for 3 month supply is $16 each injection. Answer. Trimix is delivered via injection. I was pretty much in the same boat. bypassed the Mega trimix (double strength) to the Super Mega (double again) Wow. So I rhapsodized a bit about it in alt.impotence and I was wondering if theres a lot of people that have the same affect. So an experimentation time is required for each person to get the correct formulation. This is not working for my husband, he has three bottles frozen and we are not having sex. That is CORRECT! That was a great story. it gives the provider a baseline representation of how each patient will respond to the medication alone (without sexual stimulation of any kind). The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not thoroughly mixed prior to every use to ensure uniformity of solution. Hi Leah , I would like nothing more than for my partner to take an active role in the process, however women can be just as squeamish as men about any injection anywhereespecially there. It may take 2-6 injections to find the dose that causes an erection strong enough for penetration. So happy there are women like you out there. 7 Ways For Men to Improve Sexual Performance, Getting Trimix Injections in Florida (Sun City Center), Ways to Get a Rock Hard Penis Without Drugs, All about male infertility that you should know, Does It Save To Buy Trimix Injections Online - Doctors who prescribe Trimix, Erectile Dysfunction Treatment | How to Get TriMix | Buy TriMix Injections Online. Wow, your info is changing how I look at things. Great comments. Alternate right and left side of penis with each injection. Here's what you can expect to discuss with your doctor when inquiring about ED problems and Trimix: Cigar56 I noticed you are using the AutoJect EI. I ended up driving to the ER to get a injection. make sure the vial of trimix is mixed up very well prior to every injection. Most men start to see an erection resulting in as little as 5 minutes, which typically increases in rigidity over the course of 20 minutes or so. Is there any concern about that?

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trimix injection dosage forums

trimix injection dosage forums