can you accidentally sell your soul

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Not trying to accidentally sell my soul to the fucking devil. They snuck off and they did it. Theres so much more to say but I have adhd and as a kid I felt I was blessed and just wanted to have fun which might be true that were tied to the devil before we are with Jesus and I thought that since I was always a good person that it was the truth but Is smoking weed selling ur soul I started when I was around 14 and ended up changing and looking different then I did lsd at 16 and had basically became one with everything and felt my spirit went to a place of overwhelming good feelings (is that heaven?) No. Popular topics. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Everyone who has sold their soul to the devil will exhibit one of these 5 signs. The thing that the devil does is he will deceive you into believing that its been sold in running writing. You dont own it because Life Was a gift given in your Creation.. In all seriousness OP are you currently on something? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When your desire for money has become so intense that you are willing to do anything evil to get it, it is the first sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. I dont think thats how souls work. I had to sit and wait for someone else and come in behind them. So think of someone very awarenearly enlightened choosing the dark side. Please don't be so hard on yourself and stand up without fear to these bullies that keep others down for want of control. The thought of going to hell because your soul less is terrifying. I am really worried. How long do you live after selling your soul to the devil? I don't think it's possible to sell your soul. The 3 tests you will be mandated to perform are evil acts. and doubt ah yes doubt is it really the strength of the enemy? The professor started the evening with - Who has the Brodell Vs Warner Bros. case? I have met certain people who were threatened by the devil because they refused to do his bidding. All that is required is that you will be visited by the devils representative, who will give you a contract from the devil. Im very sick. The war on drugs was and is a giant failure and only the continued atrocity of slavery trying to hang on. From the moment you sign that contract, you have become the devils property. I think it is mainly a figurative saying. Selling your soul to the devil is both physical and spiritual. The gospel message is simple -- Repent -- which means to turn from your sins -- and believe -- which means to utterly entrust your soul -- that Jesus died, rose again, and in Him alone, you can find the forgiveness of sins! When you begin to have dreams of yourself sitting and discussing with the devil, then it is a sign that you have sold your soul to the devil. Have no fear for atomic energy, cause Einstein never meant to be unkind. Practice on keeping your Peace by not listening to the Egos death Drive thoughts . It doesn't happen all at once, it is a gradual process. You dont have to consider yourself a pagan or abandon any religious inclinations you have now, and he doesnt ask you to, its just a good book with a lot of good perspectives and knowledge. Could be that your face doesnt look the same to you, and that is putting you into an emotional state which is difficult to understand or resolve. There are lies you are believing that are informing and creating your reality. For all whom have believed in Him as their personal Lord and Savior, they are no longer under the law, but under grace and God says He remembers our sins no more. He was the son of Joseph and Mary. Your soul is just your soul, and you can injure it or stray away from it, but its inextricably bound to your mind as long as youre alive. Reading that wall of text is waaaaaaaaaaaay too much effort. Yes. Do we have a Technical Support thread here on Worthy. When I was a kid, I had always thought that you will see the devil before signing a contract with him for your soul. Some people have claimed to be visited by a being. I got this from the contact, but I was uneducated about the price I and everyone around me would pay.I am searching my whole life to find a way to go back 42 years to the day i made the deal. But it does mean that Satan (the prince of this world) has been dethroned and cast out. The point of that little digression is that yes you can sell your soul, but you also have a concept of law that states one must have reached an age of accountability to be held responsible, in both Rabbinical religious law tradition as well as in civil law of some nations, states and government entities. Can you imagine "a being" (a nothing but evil one) walking up to a consuming FIRE. I had a friend who went through a series of facial surgeries to correct an issue (I.e., this was medical, cosmetic) and he didnt recognize himself in the mirror anymore. However, I would be concerned though that you don't know for certain that you're in the Kingdom! The Holy Spirit is not tripping over your delusions of grandeur. OP, youre writing makes me think you might be into the dark arts and you may not know it yet. If you are wondering if you sold your soul, then no you did not sell your soul. This does not have to be spooky. Again, I recommend reading this book. You can ask for success, wealth, power, and so much more. The devil used their family to threaten them. Marlilyn Manson could be freed of that contract as simple as saying Jesus save me! All Activity My Activity Streams Members I Follow There's so much more to say but I have adhd and as a kid I felt I was blessed and just wanted to have fun which might be true that we're tied to the Answer In the fanciful tale of Dr. Faustus, a man makes a deal with the devil: in exchange for his body and soul, the man is to receive supernatural power and pleasures for 24 years. I know that you are desperate. I hope this helps! About US | Privacy Policy | Contact Information | Pinterest. I wish to comment on this for several reasons. Selling your soul to the devil will surely get you everything you desire, but everything will be short-lived because you will lose your life in the end and become one with the devil in hell. Nothing in the bible states we have the ability to do it either, or that Satan does. You can not accidentally sell your soul. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Some make happy and social drunks. and can he make you be another person. This has to be signed by your blood because your blood is a physical representation of your soul. But everyone else's perspective of self is just as valid as your own. Most who willfully sell their souls to Satan get absolutely nothing from him and simply end up being destroyed and sent to hell. If you sold your soul to the devil for love, you are eventually going to lose that loved one to death. A lot of people dont know that this is one of the signs that their souls have been sold off to the devil. Sell your soul, change your life! If you consistently believe yourself to be damned, you get to experience that. Your email address will not be published. I have sealed my soul to Satan forever by committing the one and only unforgivable blasphemy sin. See: Hi, welcome, great and very serious question for you to ask. A lot of people had psychological traumas eventually, which led to committing suicide. I have a book recommendation. Those who prosper in some way by Satans power always regret it for all eternity. Step 1: Knowing your Buyer Despite common misconception, Lucifer, Satan, and the Devil are not the same entity; this was made explicitly clear in Milton's Paradise Lost. Having a soul retrieval performed by a shaman is a good place to start. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright Good Fight Ministries. 1999 - 2023 Worthy Christian Forums - A Division of Worthy Ministries. By trading your soul, the devil will then grant you the person you desire to be with. This is an important question and I am going to answer it in clear terms. Legally, as with all important documents, you should have a notary present to make sure all the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. But, we are not "in sin" but rather, "under grace". Tell him you are willing to trade your soul for what you desire. Selling your soul to the devil is the worst decision that you can take!!!! Before going forward, please read carefully the FAQ below 1. Sharing scripture can be done so many ways ~ we call them God is real. You must sell your soul to Jesus it belongs to Satan by default. Yes, you did read that correctly. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I believe the Lord has redeemed all souls. The assumption that "If you had a bad trip, it meant you What if oxygen is a Psychedelic substance and the effects My Best friend and I telepathically communicated 5 miles UCLA starts Psychedelic Studies Initiative. It is not True, although it may be your present experience. Whenever you begin to hear voices telling you You are mine, etc. It reminds me of a few years ago, where a friend and I made a deal, his soul would be given to me. We cannot sell our souls to Satan in the sense that he then owns them, as all souls and where they spend eternity belongs to God alone: "Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine: the soul who sins shall die." ( Ezekiel 18:4) When we reach the age of accountability, we become guilty before God, under Satans power and accountable for our sin: I was once alive apart from the law, but when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died. (Romans 7:9). Because of that he can give you a short success or can fulfill your desire in exchange of your soul who will go to hell with him. It's when you act on those thoughts that you are selling out. So who wants that ? After making this statement, you will have a dream about signing an agreement with the devil. Body dysmorphia can be present when people have changes to their face. [deleted] Additional comment actions Thank you so much. You might be told to kill your pet dog or cat, and other terrible atrocities, which your conscience is against. It is something that is given to us from God that can NOT be taken away by Satan or whoever. Well, read on to know if it is worth it to sell your soul to the devil. Therefore, whenever the devil shows up, allow him to make the offer first. The number of years depends on the contract you sign. When we become so aware of the connection of all thingsthis inner dialogue expands. Plus you cannot sell your Soul as it was Gods gift to you ; your gift of Life in Creation .. you will exist always and Gods will is for you to just Be Happy and pray to Remember what you are and where you reside . No person can know the depths of sin like I do. The devious prank, pulled by GameStation, an online gaming store, resulted in the voluntary surrender of 7,500 souls. If you have any more questions, there are a great many solid believers on the forums! Most especially, if they are living under the same roof as you. My mother was healthy and suddenly dies of cancer. But I AM real ..when I cut myself I bleed. Jesus declared: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Matthew12:30). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [deleted] Additional comment actions [removed] PioneerMinister Christian Additional comment actions No. Those things are called End-User License Agreements (EULA), and these long blocks of unnecessary legal jargon and definitions can contain valuable information on how companies treat us as customers, as well as our data.. I asked Satan to take my soul and replace my soul by filling me with demons that I will become Satans property and achieve my desires. I accidentally said "I sell my soul to Satan" in my head but I didn't mean too. I'm sorry but, you obviously no nothing about OCD. You would prospectively be selling your soul, and your literal corporal body, if you were selling yourself for sex. For more information, please see our Everyone who has signed a deal with the devil will face at least 3 of these consequences. OCD is not about wrong headed thinking or sinful behavior it's a very real, genetically transmitted, neurobiological disorder. 9 Vertigo Spiritual Meanings: Random Dizziness, 9 Spiritual Meanings of Candles: Symbolism and Powers, 11 Biblical Meanings of Giving Birth in a Dream: Girl, Boy, Twins, 11 Scarab Beetle Spiritual Meaning and Symbolism. I can do this long distance, just send me a pm, but be sure you have your credit card handy. Try mediating and connecting it is a life changer. Should have seen how much I erased. Thanks Government! But youre gonna have to serve somebody. We now have a choice. Yes it is true that you will have to commit an act of evil. THAT is selling one's soul. The soul-snatching was made possible through what Switched calls the "immortal soul clause" buried in the site's terms and conditions. Ok dude. Your hand will heal in time. Otherwise, nothing will happen when you say Amen. No one. However, faith has nothing to do with it. Once sold it cannot be lost for it is safe in the hands of Jesus who doesnot lose a one that His fatherhas given Him as His flock. The only way you can sell your soul is if the devil comes to you and makes you an offer. Through spiritual experience, psychoactive effects, or all kinds of causes, you might find yourself wandering into it, almost like drifting out of your lane when youre driving, except there are no sensory indicators that anythings changed. On a personal note, Your sudden shift from "good" to "damned" is something that resonates with me. and also could he make you be with anyone u want? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Maybe ya done had an experience necessary for more ultimate growth. Go easy on yourself. By hearing andheeding the call from God the Holy Spirit to our own personal repentance from sin against God, and via theacceptance of the covering ofour sin by the shed blood of our creator Jesus itis Jesus to which we "sell our soul". There is such a thing as compulsive prayer and it is not good. DO GOOD, FIGHT AGAINST THE DEVIL AND DO NOT LET HIM DECEIVE YOU!! so anything like stealing or hurting others for your own personal gain is the same as selling your soul. . Sometimes we stumble into danger and hold our hand on a stove. God didnt make this world . 1 [deleted] 4 mo. Therefore, whenever you summon him to trade your soul, he will surely show up. Hes better now, but there was a period of time which he recounts as being very dark. After performing these atrocities, your conscience will become deadened and the only thing you will love to do is evil and immoral things. You cannot serve God and mammon., Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters., Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?, Megan Fox Visits Hell with Machine Gun Kelly, New TV Show Living Biblically Should Be Called Mocking. Peace. 36 As it is written:For your sake we face death all day long; I think it's just me, and I've only really been into my Bible for about 2+ years, but no where in the New Testament does say anything about selling your soul Can anyone back this up? Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. 0/10 would not recommend. I suggest you enlist the aid of a physician who specializes in addictions. You will lose your peace at the end of it all. Nothing else. Now going DIRECTLY against that inner voice especially when at a higher level of awareness. He is a defeated foe. Once you successfully do them, the pact has been made and the contract has been activated. God warns us to choose Him over the idols and demon gods that Satan uses to deceive the masses: Now therefore fear the LORD and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. This question does not have a direct answer as well. The hard part is, of course, dealing with the comedown and the return to our world. If you want to follow GOD, ask him for a Church home, read the Bible, and pray. May 31, 2018 in Have a problem? ago It's impossible to sell your soul. By using this website or our other online services, you consent to the practices described in our Privacy Policy, including our Cookie Policy. I have not been right since. Hahahaha the Devil only exists in you Mind. Bad and Good is purely subjective Everything else will come with time. But, what if prayer and bible devotions etc are not working in bringing about the physical and mental healing needed in this persons life? 34 Who then is the one who condemns? All are welcome to participate. Because Gods great love for us, and by His enabling grace, we are now free to accept or reject His free gift of salvation: For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people. (Titus2:11). Your Bible tellsyou of one that did so. If I put my hand on a flamethere is an undoubtedly real reaction. GoGoTrance 4 mo. Hurting you would be analogous of putting my hand in the fire. The Scriptures tell us to focus on things that are good, and that our treasures should be in heaven. If you traded your soul for fame and money, you will lose everything in the end. Hebrews 12:24 And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things that that of Abel. Like I AM NOW . I did this once and the automatic doors at the corner store wouldnt open for me anymore. The number of years you will spend is determined by the devil. 1. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All content found on Angelical Balance is for informational purposes only.Made with lots of love, hard work, and energy! I have blasphemed the holy spirit for which there is no turning back since I did that I feel nothing but a desire to do the work of Satan and obey Satan. Looking for advice? JavaScript is disabled. Just a crazy world of mysteries and food and drugs and people and spirits and love and life and death. Be careful if youre reading this and Im serious, its really not something to mess about with and nothing is worth losing your relationship with God over, NOTHING! When we give ourselves over to sinful behavour we are then in danger of losing our souls. May the Lord give us the grace to choose life in Christ! You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew6:24). I can really relate to what you are saying. I hope you find a way to feel happy in your own skin again. Like even Marilyn Manson (who Ive prayed for for many years) say if had signed a contract IN BLOOD with Satan FACING him directly across the table? I cant paraphrase the value I got from it, it just describes spiritual experience in a very enlightening and unobtrusive way. You receive back what you put out, amplified and magnified. 36 As it is written:“For your sake we face death all day long; 34 Who then is the one who condemns? 30 and after he brought them out, he said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? (Romans6:16). and our And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. I'm sure you've heard actions speak louder than words. After hearing his bid, you can place a higher bid and stick to it. But she is only an avatar of the capital M Mind. You cannot barter the soul away. You're probably changing along with your body. What drugs do you believe have the most potential for Had a friend of mine tell me to stay away from dmt Disrespecting others seems to be on the rise? This is not a scam or a joke. Selling ones soul to the devil is a common term that a lot of people have become familiar with. Things are just gradually different. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons. Cookie Notice The more important your desires are is the lesser number of years you will spend. I was really upset today almost wanted to Why is the mocking of Christianity so openly normalized? --. (see Matthew 4:8). Its really starting to ruin me because Ive always had faith in God and ultimately always turned to him when I did bad things and felt remorseful, but now it feels like I cant anymore because the door is shut. Does he have helpers??? Let me spare you the details for now. Bob Dylan was correct when he sang, But youre gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed youre gonna have to serve somebody. I became acholic, addicted to cannabis, and a problem gambler. If I get in front of a mac truck I die. And there is no hell. Take comfort knowing that if it is indeed possible for someone to sell their soul, that God is merciful, and if you ask him, He is able and willing to restore it to you. Your happiness is just temporary (unfortunately!) I think of Hitler A soul cannot be bought or sold. Can You Really 'Sell Your Soul'? As you read on, you will surely learn much more about selling your soul to the devil and the 7 consequences of doing this. However, if you begin the difficult work of rewriting that belief and start to emanate something akin to "I'm good enough" as often as you can the echo begins to change. If they don't give you 5 dollars in return for your soulnope. All is consciousnessI'd not say this usually to a youngster.but it seems you've gone down that rabbit hole already. So, do you already know what happens when you sell your soul to the devil? If you desire something badly, you can allow the emotion to fill you up, and then speak to the devil out of the emotion. Not as a born again Christian! Simple little antidotes like "Be strong in your faith" only suggest to the sufferer that they are weak in their faith. This is another consequence of selling your soul to the devil. Joshua_Entangled, Sunday at 10:58 AM, Copyright 1999-2022 Worthy Christian Forums - A division of Worthy Ministries. U could turn to the devil and worship him which would mean u are giving ur self to him. 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. When one sells their soul, it's generally a metaphor for compromising yourself, usually not for the good. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? I also dont care about money and wouldnt give my soul or relationship (if I still have one) with God for it nore would I even entertain the idea! Deep down Im hoping to connect with more soul less people, so we can fight this battle together. You can argue for or over your soul, they have different meanings. They just need to repent for their sins, accept Jesus and follow the path of righteousness. Believe it or not, the first sensation you might feel after selling your soul is loneliness. First time you sparked up the devil's lettuce, you were in Satan's clutches unfortunately. You are the Devil if you practice hate and misery and you cant be happy when you hate . When selling your soul to the devil, there are a couple of ways you can protect yourself, legally and physically. However, one can sell his soul in the sense that we have the freedom to willfully submit our souls to Satans service, which ultimately leads to suffering an even greater consequence eternity in hell. I've sometimes wondered why there aren't any christian organisations who will pre-emptively buy your soul from you so you can't accidentally sell it to satan. While you achieve all of this by selling your soul, you have to take into account that this kind of happiness is just temporary. Psalm 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Relax. neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. To sell your soul means, you have made an agreement, with the devil, to trade your soul, when you die, in exchange for something you want in your life. The fact that we are all one.yes it's a truth. My inner self says MOVE YOUR HAND. Give it time to breathe. Im not trying to discount any of the existential/soul crises that you are experiencing. To answer your overall question, I dont really think you can sell your soul. My soul theft was not by Satan directly but by another person. The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. I really wanted to read this but man, use paragraphs and form full sentances next time. 9 [a]that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, [b]resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, [c]resulting in salvation. No problem, your soul has already been sold, in the Garden, to Satan. You're not signing away your soul. After reading this article, I am sure you can answer the question Is it worth it to sell my soul to the devil?. Yes,you certainly can end up selling your soul for temporary pleasure and for gain on this earth. Okay, I read it.. No, you don't sell your soul by selling weed or having transcendental experiences like ego death. Hey kid all of this speaks to our societies constant attack upon peoples mental health. How much money do you get for selling your soul? It's a purposeful affliction. 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can you accidentally sell your soul

can you accidentally sell your soul