crossing the mississippi river in 1850

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Annual Report, 1873, p. 411; Annual Report, 1874, p. 287. Between 1800 and 1860, 'at least 875,000 . Allied with them were sawmill operators and boom company operators William W. Eastman, John Martin, Sumner W. Farnham, James A. Lovejoy, and Joel B. Bassett. Hundreds of wing dams and closing dams studded the rivers banks from St. Paul to St. Louis. Throughout his article (pp. While the river naturally eroded its banks, closing dams and wing dams accelerated erosion by increasing the channel's velocity and volume. The most comprehensive and authoritative history site on the Internet. | Ferry | Page 2 David Garlick and Elizabeth Buck (Found on the Internet . By 1905, the Engineers had built about 340 wing and closing dams from the Minnesota River to the southern end of the MNRRA corridor below Hastings. There they took a steamboat upriver to Prescott, Wisconsin, some 30 miles below St. Paul, arriving in June 1854. Without enough current, this happened too slowly for navigation. From Minneapolis' perspective, the channel improvement works on the upper Mississippi River only benefitted its principal rivalSt. In his next report to the Chief of Engineers, Warren stated that new surveys showed that the Corps would have to build a second lock and dam, locating it near the mouth of Minnehaha Creek, about one-half mile below Lock and Dam No. Ibid., p. 243; The Select Committee recommended a depth of 5 feet at low water for St. Paul to St. Louis. Warren brought new hope for the project, when, in his 1867 annual report, he requested $235,665 to construct a lock and dam at Meeker Island.78 Warren engaged Franklin Cook, a former employee of the Minneapolis Mill Company, to undertake the survey. By Staff Writer Last Updated April 06, 2020. The Granger Movement As railroads spread throughout the upper Mississippi River valley and the Midwest, they began monopolizing the shipping of bulk commodities, especially grain. . This misplaces the authority for authorizing the project with the Corps instead of Congress and makes the Corps a proactive proponent of the project, which she does not demonstrate they were. But City West soon declined and passed out of existence. as the mat went down under the load . This time I have to overcome obstacles to reach him., When Grant finally presented his plan to his senior officers, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman voiced opposition to it. On June 23, 1866, Congress passed the first postwar River and Harbor Act. Gary F. Browne, The Railroads: Terminals and Nexus Points in the Upper Mississippi Valley, (in John S. Wozniak ed., Historic Lifestyles in the Upper Mississippi River Valley, (New York: University Press of America, 1983), p. 84, says the first railroad reached the Mississippi River at Rock Island on February 22, 1854. As with the drive for railroad legislation, the push for waterway improvement was not just a farmers' movement. Hundreds of miles of riverbank had been secured with riprap. While mining Fold3 today, I ran across the Citizens Records of John McKay. Responding in part to Minneapolis business and political interests, he requested $235,665 to construct a lock and dam at Meeker Island, which lay between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Simple Add/Edit Procedure . Playing on the desire of Minneapolis navigation boosters, they proposed building a lock and dam between the two cities to aid navigation and to secure the hydropower for themselves.71, Meeker, a territorial judge and local entrepreneur, and Morrison, a St. Anthony Falls sawmill operator, lobbied for and obtained permission from the Minnesota Territorial Legislature to build their lock and dam near Meeker Island. As Anti-Monopoly parties threatened to undermine the Republican party's dominance in the state and nationally, Windom and other Republicans began working for railroad reform and began seeking ways to solve the farm crisis.54, As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Transportation to the Seaboard, Windom was in an especially good position to help both farmers and his party. The area is ideal for classic resort cabin or camping vacations. "This was like a day after he crossed the river. . he concluded, calling on Congress to appropriate funding for every navigable stream in the West and to open the natural outlets free to all.47 To restore river traffic, Kelley insisted that the Mississippi needed grants like those given to railroads, and the Grange had to establish an agent in St. Louis to buy and sell Minnesota's products. They would have to focus the river's current into one main channel and block off the myriad side channels. (circa 1850) No connections to the east. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. The St. Paul businessmen included William E. McNair, Eugene M. Wilson, William S. King, Edward Murphy, and Isaac Atwater. 2, 62nd Cong., 3d sess., Doc. Jeffery's 1776 Map of the Course of the Mississippi River from the Balise to Fort Chartres. 1851 (age 35), Goddard, George He came from England with his wife and seven children, five of whom died before reaching Utah. You will then create a visual (posterboard, glogster, MS Word, etc.) (Figure 1). Mackenzie added that the Corps would have to build a third lock and dam with a 10.1-foot lift to bring navigation to St. Anthony Falls and a fourth lock to bring navigation above it. And, did Kelley want to make the Grange into the radical organization it became during the early 1870s, or did events force the Grange that way? The Mississippi River, the state insisted, provided the natural link. Two of the 1850's most significant corporate developments was the original New York Central Railroad's formation on May 17, 1853 and the Erie Railroad's completion in the spring of 1851. . The Corps of Engineers was working on a project to save the falls. . Ahead of him lay the capital at Jackson, and then Vicksburg. But when the Father of Waters was reached, these methods were out of the question: here apparently was an insurmountable obstacle. First, did Kelley get the idea for the Grange on his trip through the South? This will then be shared on a discussion board with . Grant rejected any idea of a retreat. 58, pp. Merrick, Old Times, p. 100; Havighurst, A Wilderness Saga, p. 158, says that early steamboating was a triumph of men more than machines, and, p. 159, that piloting was not so much a trade as a miracle.. It came to me strongly every time the men hoisted a swishing bundle of brush to their gunny-sack-protected shoulders. Behind the bar lay a deep pool of water. Upstream from Vicksburg, the river bent north in a broad loop before turning south again, forming a peninsula opposite the city. To secure their objective, the company needed support from businessmen in Minneapolis, and for that support, Minneapolis interests won back control of the company. While steamboat traffic had remained strong before the Civil War, steamboats had begun losing passengers and grain to railroads. . C $25. From their pioneer days on, they insisted that the federal government should improve the river for navigation. Solon J. Buck, who wrote the classic study of the Grange, observed that, although avowedly nonpolitical, the phenomenal increase in the membership of the order during 1873 and 1874 awakened the liveliest interest, and sometimes apprehension, among politicians throughout the Union.45 As a result, he says, the New York Tribune, referring to the Grange, declared that within a few weeks it has menaced the political equilibrium of the most steadfast states.46 While the Grange refused to form a political party or actively participate in the established parties, its members did not. St. John the Baptist Parish (SJBP, French: Paroisse de Saint-Jean-Baptiste) is a parish located in the U.S. state of Louisiana.At the 2020 census, the population was 42,477. Minnesota Historical Society. Before he could develop a plan for achieving the 4-foot channel, Warren had to learn more about the upper Mississippi River and he had to complete his survey. A thick limestone mantle formed the riverbed. In 1867, they held, according to one historian, the most important navigation improvement convention before 1873. . Doc. With river traffic failing and railroads monopolizing the regions transportation, many farmers and business interests believed they were facing a shipping crisis. June 4, 2021 7:50 AM. Focusing on navigation, the Minnesota Legislature, in 1866, petitioned Congress to authorize navigation improvements above St. Paul and requested the land grant on behalf of Meeker's company. On the Mississippis west bank, Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand marched his XIII Corps and two divisions from Maj. Gen. James B. McPhersons XVII Corps south to Hard Times, La., opposite Grand Gulf, the planned crossing point. They yearned to make their city the head of navigation. Lauren McCoy dove deep to explore how it was a means of freedom. During the frontier era, settlers used old animal and Indian trails, fording most streams or building crude rafts to cross larger rivers. When the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad was completed in 1854 under the direction of Henry Farnam and his partner Joseph Sheffield, it became the first to connect the East with the Mississippi River. These slight dams, Warren commented, had been somewhat successful, indicating a way of deepening the low-water channel worthy of special attention. But these measures had been only temporary; high water usually swept the dams away. . Twenty-seven river miles downstream, at Hastings, they recorded a rise of about one foot and at Red Wing about one-half foot. The Confederates hammered the fleet, preventing a crossing. The map shows frontier forts, outposts, and settlements, the primary migration routes of the Oregon Trail, Northern California Trail, Santa Fe Trail, Old San Antonio Road, Emory's Route, and Cooke's Wagon Route. No. This also caused some delay. Crossing the Mississippi River, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 20,655 views Nov 24, 2015 77 Dislike Share Save Josh Huffines 578 subscribers Eastbound on I-10 crossing the Mississippi River in. All this, they believed, was part of their manifest destiny. . Overall, Warren found that those who had been using the river evince a shrewd knowledge of the action of running water and the means of temporarily controlling it, gained by their constant experience and observation.33 Warren listened to these knowledgeable sources, but came to his own conclusions. Ibid., p. 293. Sawmill owners also feared that they would not be able to continue dumping sawdust into the river, as it would obstruct navigation, and boom company operators did not want a dam obstructing the lumber rafts they sent downriver. Hundreds of islands, some forming and others being cut away, divided the natural river, dispersing its waters into innumerable side channels and backwaters. The many islands dividing the river disbursed the little water available into side channels and sloughs. Second, was the idea of the Grange really his? From this time forward, the Corps' role in the river would become as deep and broad as the river itself. This image pair shows the area around St. Louis, Missouri, in August 1991 and 1993. Navigation boosters in Minneapolis failed, however, to convince Congress of the importance of their project. Congress, however, would soon authorize new projects for the upper Mississippi River that would make this impossible. 58, 39th Cong., 2d sess., p. 46; Kane, St. Anthony, pp. Merritt, Creativity, 140; Lucile M. Kane, The Falls of St. Anthony: The Waterfall that Built Minneapolis, (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1987), pp. Rail lines were generally shorter, more direct, and could reach deep into lands served by no navigable rivers. The bridge was included in the Phase II survey as it is a large of exceptional span or overall length, which according . The parish seat is Edgard, an unincorporated area, and the largest city is LaPlace, which is also unincorporated.. St. John the Baptist Parish was established in 1807 as one of the original 19 parishes of the Territory of . Major General Ulysses S. Grant stood over maps searching for answers. Sherman advocated a withdrawal of the army to Memphis, where it could regroup and then move south. 309-10. No general plan had been developed or implemented. Printed in the Minnesota Monthlys July edition, the convention's preamble to its resolutions declared: "The Mississippi River traverses for thousands of miles the noblest agricultural regions of the earth, running from North to South, . . On April 30, Porters gunboats passed Grand Gulfs guns and began ferrying McClernands infantry and artillery across the river. The 1850s also saw railroads reach across the Mississippi River, serve parts of Texas, and lay down roots in California. Despite the frustrations and controversies, he had assured his wife: Vicksburg will be a hard job. Nate [Nathan] Daly, Tracks and Trails: Incidents in the Life of a Minnesota Pioneer, (Walker, Minnesota: Cass County Pioneer, 1931), p. 18. Henry P. Bosse. Petersen, Steamboating, p. 298, also recognizes the railroad at Rock Island as the first to reach the river. The works built under the 41/2-foot channel project embody these national movements and local efforts. Over the next five years, the city's newspapers, civic leaders and the Territorial Legislature called for locks and dams to carry the booming steamboat trade to Minneapolis. In this way, pilots hoped to walk their boat over the bar. As this requirement had proven cumbersome, the company asked Congress to modify it to allow for the sale of more sections within a single township. Download the official NPS app before your next visit. La Crosse, Wisconsin, joined these cities, becoming the terminus of the Milwaukee and La Crosse in 1858. After 1847, as miners depleted the lead supply, the trade quickly declined.1 Despite the fall of lead shipping, steamboat traffic on the upper Mississippi boomed. . It had been nearly two years since Confederate forces had closed the Mississippi River to Union shipping. The Mississippi River can be broken down into three parts, which in turn decided on whether the crossings were constucted with fixed or moveable spans. II The Midwest, (The University of Alabama Press, 1973), pp. 318-19. I expect to get through it successfully however.. And in a speech before the Senate, he asserted that it was an admitted fact that present transportation facilities between the interior and the seaboard were totally inadequate. These transportation networks, he charged, were controlled by powerful monopolies who dictate their own terms to the people. The Civil War then delayed construction of the railroad. U.S. Congress, House, Laws of the United States Relating to the Improvement of Rivers and Harbors, vol. Despite the growing menace of the railroads, river traffic remained strong.38. 148, 151-52, 155; Schonberger, Transportation to the Seaboard, pp. By narrowing the river and thereby increasing the main channel's velocity, the Corps hoped to scour one uninterrupted navigation channel the length of the upper river.63 Wing dams, closing dams and shore protection required two simple components: willow saplings and rock. While railroads could send many cars in both directions with full cargoes, barges delivering their commodities at St. Louis or New Orleans or points in between too often returned empty.43. How the Mississippi River Made Mark Twain And Vice Versa No novelist captured the muddy waterway and its people like the creator of Huckleberry Finn, as a journey along the river makes clear. All the campaigns, labors, hardships and exposures from the month of December previous to this time that had been made and endured, were for the accomplishment of this one object. A turning point had been reached in the campaign for Vicksburg, the Western theater and the war itself. The Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroads were the first railroads to be built in Iowa reaching Rock Island, Illinois, in August 1854 and connecting with Iowa by a ferry crossing the Mississippi River. The conservationist and local hero hails from the Quad Cities, a 300,000-person metropolitan area spanning two states on either side of the Mississippi River. Gone now, the island lay some three miles below the falls, in Minneapolis. In turn, the Federal army would have to march south over poor roads and await the arrival of the transports. The Mississippi River facilitated this growth in two ways. Construction of the five-and-a-half-mile, six-lane bridge cost fifty-seven million dollars. On November 20, 1855, the Mississippi and Missouri Railroad, which later became part of the Rock Island System, operated the first . Petersen, Captains, p. 235; Tweet, History of Transportation on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, pp. The Upper Mississippi, that is the Mississippi from its source to the mouth of the Missouri, drains 173,000 sq. Wing and closing dam construction began at Pike Island at the mouth of the Minnesota River. In 1976, repairs were made to the west abutment and four piers on the west side of the bridge. . There is the city of St. Paul, and there is the city of Minneapolis. [and] suggested that the Congress study the problem and find a solution. Windom, Select Committee, p. 7; Schonberger, Transportation to the Seaboard, p. 29. Originally published in the July 2006 issue of Civil War Times. The project would permanently reshape the river between Lock and Dam 1 (the Ford Dam) and St. Anthony Falls. Capt. To steamboats, even half a foot was important. In newly constricted reaches, the channel might be good for a season or two and then become difficult again, due to the river's natural tendencies or as a result of the improvement works themselves. contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. Vol. 1491, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1913), pp. When the white explorers finally reached the valley region, they also adopted the customary mode of crossing long followed by their red predecessors. The Engineers did not build all the works depicted in one area at the same time. Many just mention herds of Government cattle, but one, for 305 head in June of 1863, specifically mentions Texas cattle. and finally crossing near St Cloud. The keynote of the meeting was a determined effort to obtain federal money for the improvement of western waterways so that they might be used as reliable routes for cheap transportation.48 Cheap transportation, delegates argued, would allow the United States to monopolize the markets of the world.49, In May 1873, cheap transportation advocates held another convention in St. Louisthe Western Congressional Convention. Assistant Engineer W.A. Direct communication, they pleaded, is both natural and necessary, and the all-beneficent Creator has graciously anticipated the wants and necessities of unborn millions in having given us exactly such a continuous means of supply and exchange from the Falls of St. Anthony to the Gulf of Mexico. The petition even cited editorials from the St. Paul papers stressing the importance of Minneapolis to the region's economy. it is destined to become the most popular region of the world, and its waters should forever be kept free and untrammelled and open to the use of every citizen within the entire navigable length, and all obstructions, whether natural or of human device, are like impediments to the prosperity of the people who till the soil of the great valley.". During its 1872 to 1873 session, Congress temporarily ended debate over the project, when it refused to amend the land grant.84. Background on the Crossing Strategy To examine Quad Cities crossing needs, a study was conducted between 1996 and 1998 that culminated in the identification of three crossing improvements in the . St. Paul District records, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2, Appendix CC, Reports on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, p. 455. This act signaled a new era of internal improvements and the beginning of dramatic changes to the upper Mississippi River. 1850: Birth of the levee system. Grant had to abandon another joint army-navy effort when he lacked enough transports. proof Most of the trail crossed Arkansas from northeast to southwest, entering at Hix's Ferry (later Pitman's Ferry) across the The Saints left in companies and on June 14, 1846 Grandfather with 225 others arrived at the Missouri River, where a large . To create a 4-foot channel and deal with the Rock Island and Des Moines Rapids, the Corps established its first offices on the upper Mississippi River: one at St. Paul and one at Keokuk, Iowa (the latter would be moved to Rock Island in 1869).28 On July 31, 1866, A. A major focus of the Big River Crossing is the "big river" itself, which visitors view from the nearly one-mile walkway built alongside the historic Harahan Bridge, one of the river's former roadways. As it had learned more about the upper Mississippi River, the Corps had recognized the futility of keeping the river navigable by dredging.61 In 1874, when the Montana could not dredge due to high water, the Engineers refitted it with a pile driver and went to Pig's Eye Island, five miles below St. Paul (Figure 8). His ., Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, Turmoil in Richmond: Joe Johnston, Jefferson Davis Command Alliance Was Doomed From the Start, How Allied Forces Used Code and Hunches To Turn the Tables on German U-Boats. Low water was based on the rivers elevation in 1864, when a severe drought occurred. Doc. Tributaries like the Ohio and Missouri join the journey that starts at the top and finishes at the bottom of the country. Droughts had the same effect, but could last an entire season. Mississippi River, the longest river of North America, draining with its major tributaries an area of approximately 1.2 million square miles (3.1 million square km), or about one-eighth of the entire continent. From St. Paul to the St. Croix River, the controlling depth at low water was 16 inches. Sherman once said, Grant is brave, honest, & true, but not a Genius.. They would build as many wing dams, close as many side channels, and protect as much shoreline as needed to establish a 41/2-foot channel. Few boats plied the river above Galena. Alberta Kirchner Hill spent 19 summers (1898-1917) with her father's fleet as they built the dams for the government. Little and Ives Company, 1944), p. 166; Hartsough, Canoe, pp. . Nick is crossing the Mississippi for the first time, and feels the crossing will be "a big event". Railroads moved their freight quicker, giving their users greater flexibility in responding to market changes. 1682-83; U.S. Congress, Senate, Construction of Locks and Dams in the Mississippi River, 53d Cong., 2d sess., Exec. . 1850-1899. The first enslaved Africans brought to the colony during the John Law Company period (1717-1731) were housed directly across from the settlement on the West Bank in what is now Algiers Point. Desiring to keep traffic flowing past their city, the citizens had attempted to close the Wisconsin channel but had been unsuccessful. Connected with this matter is a secret history, upon which I proceed as discreetly as may be to cast a little light. By the time it got to Collierville (20 miles east of Memphis), there were no warnings or watches. Pilots, Merrick recounted, had to study the nightmares first. 341, p. 14; Annual Report, 1879, p. 111, see figures 1, 2, and 3 and Plate 3. From this work, Warren contended that in its natural state the Mississippi River's navigation channel frequently changed and that the Corps would have to survey the river each year until they understood how it worked.29 In some reaches, Warren reported, sandbars moved in waves along the channel bottom, looking something like snowdrifts. Another in September 1862 mentions 720 cattle crossed at Natchez and . I t took approximately 300 years from 1500 to 1800 for European population to extend from the East Coast of America to the Mississippi River. 1578-79. From the quarterboats you could hear the big rocks hitting each other, like a rapid-fire rage. Merrick lists the number or arrivals and the number of boats at St. Paul for each of these years. Cook completed his survey between 1866 and 1867 and, to Meeker's surprise, recommended that a lock and dam be constructed at Meeker Island, with a 13-foot lift.79 Cook's report and lobbying by Representative Donnelly and Senator Alexander Ramsey finally convinced Congress to give the State of Minnesota a 200,000-acre land grant to finance the dam, rather than having the Corps build it. A bad bar could sever St. Pauls and Hastings connection with St. Louis, the Gulf of Mexico and the world.14 Normally, during the late summer or early fall, the river began falling and would enter the stage steamboat pilots and Corps engineers called low water. The company needed the grant, the state contended, because the company's income from water power would be limited by the inexhaustible resources in this respect above and on the falls and because the company's state charter required it to lock boats through free.73 Anticipating opposition from the millers at St. Anthony, the state claimed that the petitions principal purpose was to bring steamboats to Minneapolis and that hydropower was incidental.74 Meeker, himself, emphasized navigation. 23-25; Tweet, A History of the Rock Island District, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, 1866-1983, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984), p. 39; William J. Petersen, Steamboating on the Upper Mississippi, (Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1968), pp. Key local projects included Locks and Dams 1 (Ford Dam) and 2 (Hastings), Lower and Upper St. Anthony Falls Locks and Dams, and the little known Meeker Island Lock and Dam, which was the rivers first and shortest-lived lock and dam (Figure 2). Merrick, Old Times, p. 162, says that From 1852 to 1857 there were not boats enough to carry the people who were flocking into the newly-opened farmers' and lumbermans' paradise.. . Formed in 1868 by Oliver Hudson Kelley, a Minnesota farmer who had moved to Washington, D.C., to work as a clerk in the Department of Agriculture, the Grange had established nearly 1,400 chapters in 25 states by 1873 (Figure 6).44 The number of chapters multiplied to more than 10,000 by the end of the year. The remaining maps focused on problem reaches or detailed the river near a specific town.32 From these maps and from what he would learn about early navigation improvements, Warren began planning the 4-foot channel project. Location: Illinois, United States. But in 1868, he quarreled with Minnesota's senior Republican leader, Alexander Ramsey, and failed to get reelected. Edward L. Pross, A History of Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Bills, 1866-1933, Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1938, p. 44. The second advance resulted in a bloody repulse at Chickasaw Bayou, north of Vicksburg. Overall the dam was 600 feet long and six to ten feet deep.62 From this experimental dam, channel constriction would grow into a comprehensive and expansive project that would reconfigure the upper river's landscape and ecology. At this point only 310 miles of levees had been built along the river, allowing for expanded cotton production within the Delta region of the state. Blegen, Minnesota, A History of the State, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1975, 1963), p. 290. As the river fell, each wave formed a bar that acted like a small dam. After charging men under him to undertake the tributary surveys, Warren began the upper Mississippi survey from the Rock Island Rapids to Minneapolis himself. Thomas A. The next day, Colonel Benjamin Grierson and 1,700 troopers started on a mounted raid through central Mississippi to destroy railroad tracks and mislead the Southerners. The number of boats at St. Paul, arriving in June of 1863, specifically Texas... Cross larger rivers how it was a means of freedom top and finishes at the same,... There they took a steamboat upriver to Prescott, Wisconsin, some miles... The second advance resulted in a bloody repulse at Chickasaw Bayou, north of.! D.C.: government Printing Office, 1913 ), there were no warnings or watches he had assured wife. 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To Prescott, Wisconsin, joined these cities, becoming the terminus of the transports this will then a... The Select Committee recommended a depth of 5 feet at low water for St. Paul District Records, St.,. To explore how it was a means of freedom steamboat upriver to Prescott, Wisconsin, joined these cities becoming! On, they also adopted the customary mode of crossing long followed by their Red predecessors another army-navy... Miles east of Memphis ), p. 287 explorers finally reached the valley region, they recorded a rise about! The Minnesota river pioneer days on, they also adopted the customary mode of crossing long followed their... It came to me strongly every time the men hoisted a swishing bundle brush., 62nd Cong., 2d sess., p. 46 ; Kane, St. Anthony falls Chickasaw,! Their Red predecessors D.C.: government Printing Office, 1913 ), there were no warnings watches... These Transportation networks, he quarreled with Minnesota 's senior Republican leader Alexander... Larger rivers and St. Anthony falls Union shipping government cattle, but could Last an entire season animal... Broad loop before turning south again, forming a peninsula opposite the city of St. Paul St.... River, 53d Cong., 3d sess., Exec head in June 1854 of about one and. Indian trails, fording most streams or building crude rafts to cross larger rivers,.

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crossing the mississippi river in 1850

crossing the mississippi river in 1850