i overheard my wife talking about me

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( like nothing wrong with it but the fact ur so scretive about it speaks volumes, SHAME is an individual thing. I knew I wasnt in a good state and ignored all of them. I think you did the right thing in the moment but I would want her to confront her friends if what she said was true and come clean herself to them, Shes bullshitting about not meaning any of it. One of the guys who was there called me and I answered. Her exact words "I feel like i settled for him. They are not good people (homophobes are not good people), and they don't give a shit about you or your relationship with her. Maybe you should ask him if that not problem why he upset. Hes outed now. She criticized him and tried to get me to break up with him. I will always defend my guy. Take care of yourself, you have the right to take more time if you need it. Youd always be thinking if you can trust them enough to give them certain information about yourself. Author Hazel McBride claimed that she's so "average-looking" that she feels uneasy around her more handsome husband in a now-viral TikTok. She's lying to you to save face. If she cant trust herself to keep her mouth shut around her friends when drunk, then she shouldnt drink around her friends. I bet you can still hold your head high with them. It was a private part of your life that you trusted her with. She failed at the number one attribute an SO needs to be, your SO's most ardent defender. I packed a bag, kissed the kids goodbye, and told them I was going to grandmas house to help her with something. She put you down at your own house. Youre not overreacting. I'm sorry. She feels bad for being caught. I would suggest that you avoid any hasty decisions that would blow your life up until you take some time to process this on your timeline. Oh buddy, I'm sorry you've had this happen to you. What drops it a full letter grade for me is that the protagonist is always an Abercrombie model. She's betrayed you. It was lovely that the mate called you and said what he did. 2.) The trust cannot be restored and it would be better to separate for now. Your wife shouldnt have outed you to her friends. I have no advice but as a fellow bi, my condolences. If they outed me and mocked our sex life with their friends, I would never be able to be intimate with them again. I probably wouldnt have. i think you do need to consider the idea that it probably was indeed just girl talk, same as when guys just chat shit together. we're both 28. It was a low blow, but fuck that shit. But Id advise against staying with someone like that at all. You can always tell when they offer up explanations to any potential objections before they're asked. Your wife was actively talking shit about you behind your back when she thought you werent listening. My only advice is to give it time. A couple of laffs? That is an absolute must in a healthy marriage, and she has taken it away from you by outing you and then never warning you that she did it. I thanked him. I would be trembling with furious anger and wouldn't be able to face her with the same amount of trust for a long, long while after this incident. Decide what you need to keep the relation ship going. It actually did make me feel a little better. The whole oh I was just really drunk excuse for any stupid decision is pure bullshit. No. She does have a right to talk to you about it, and you with her. I found out that Im extremely affects by stress, including fight at home. When people start talking about things that are intimate, sometimes they succumb to the pressure (not necessarily peer pressure in the "tell us, tell us sense, but more the pressure to feel bonded, to feel close to friends) to share things they shouldn't. So props to you. How disgusting can she be? Fourthly, buy that man a beer. I would divorce my husband if he let his friends make comments about my sexuality, and then proceeded to say he fantasized about other women during sex. Must feel betrayed and really hurt. I even heard her shoosh the friend who said it and peek inside the kitchen but I hid behind the counter and kept listening. Its one of the biggest consequences to a pushover personality and if she wants to get back on OPs good side/have a better go with a different relationship, shes gotta level up on her backbone first. Which is obviously shit because she's willing to throw you to the wolves, but not admit her fun time with you. People are too quick to run away from a marriage and give up when issues come up. I would DIE if my husband mocked me being bi like your wife did. "Hey babe, sorry I shit-talk about you and betray your trust. She forced him out, and its time for her to join him. Reading this brought me back to heavy hearted times. And she continues doing it by bringing it up HERSELF to her friend while discussing how her ex is more sexually interesting. I can understand your hurt, and breach of trust, but people act stupid sometimes. I'm not sure how your marriage survives without professional help. There were 3 friends with her. He is my best friend, and I would never make fun of him behind his back like that. No. You poor man, I so want to give you a hug. Prepare to be known as 'that guy who is really sensitive about his sexuality". Here are some of my favorite quotes (I collect them). I suggest an open minded conversation. You two will need some couples counselling after this incident, and some of what you will do in the future will be decided by if you can overcome a natural feeling of anger and resentment that you feel. this sounds like a case of she only sorry she got caught. Very few people know so I was instantly fucking pissed because if they knew, its cause my wife told them. Own who you are and youll feel so much better. Honestly the only advice I have is to go for that beer with your friend, he seems to be the only one in the situation treating you decently. Yes, I do think you need to talk to her about it - it's not something that's going to go away. To me, this is a divorce-level event because you will never trust her again. You pave the way for us, and I appreciate you tons. Its not an easy solution. Im a masculine male with a bit of a cocky arrogance to me and I feel like all my confidence is gone. People are weak sometimes. Wife talks shit to friends to be funny/gossip/have fun, and does not honor the trust that was placed in her. Right I mean she volunteered stuff when she could have kept her mouth shut. Are you being a bit harsh? So our RC is this weekend and I overheard my wife talking on the phone with a friend about it. Your wives friends are just horrible little Voltures and spineless cowards, definitely go have that drink with your friend and have some time to just calm down and have a break from this shit show. Your marriage is between the two of you. And about Tom's bitchass it didn't seem like anything at first but when she said she thought about but ultimately said no because you treat her better makes me think that had Tom gotten his shit together, you would've lost her right then and there. Life works in a whelm of duality. Relationship therapy, lots of work, regaining trust. Yup. Same! Im so sorry this happened. I believe you'll deal with this and adapt. Your sexual relationship is basically the basis of trust in your relationship as a whole. That is a messy situation. She invalidated everything you knew about your sexual relationship with her. We were chatting in my kitchen (we own a two family house) and her boyfriend was eavesdropping at the connecting door. Just the circles I run in a guess. I would 100% be considering divorce over this, if in OPs shoes. She's painting an imaginary picture for these "friends" with absolutely no regard to the feelings of the person she's supposed to love & care for. She stopped criticizing after that. Do you actually believe that she didn't have any agency? This opens up two main issues, and a third tangential one, as follows: In the first scenario: She crossed a boundary and (un)consiously violated your trust. It seems like it doesnt bother your one guy friend all that much and maybe having it a little out in the open will be nice. Now this doesnt mean shes a 100% shit person. That's something only he would and has already been judged for. Do you think she feels the same way about you?? Clearly and simply. For the record, any intelligent person knows that there is no straight/gay/bi sex acts. I would never be able to fully be myself around my wife again after such an event, and to me that means there's just no way we can work anymore. A DAD whose wife and kids stopped talking to him because he was covered in tattoos says he has no regrets. Firstly: Even though it may be difficult: try and see this as an opportunity to strengthen your relationship. I will admit i dont tell my friends everything either, but if it comes up i wont join in and make fun of people who get made fun of for doing what i am into. I'm getting angry just sitting here cause I've personally witnessed this so many times. Your story is isn't as violent, but its just as embarrassing and horrifying to hear. i would like to add a partner should never ever make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about your sexuality. She's probably just as judgemental as them because people surround themselves with people like themselves. My 2 cents is not worth much, but why did she not feel the need to tell you when she realized she let it slip from the drunken night? Me: Oh, does (friend) work with Tom? I said this as sarcastically as possible. But at least this one has some panache. You must not lose faith in humanity. Let's give your wife the benefit of the doubt for a moment. She betrayed your trust, and she makes fun of your sexuality to her friends? Maybe you could come around trusting her, but i wouldn't trust her friends. She's just shown you that you can't trust her with your sexuality. ", I doubt he cares about that, its mostly that his wife was saying all of those things behind his back but she acts like she likes it to him. My conjecture is that she did so because of the above reasons basically to seem cool. Id almost go with divorce but with the kids, I sincerely hope counseling is able to help. personally id be filing for divorce right away, being outed alone can be dangerous let alone your own partner then further breaking your trust by cracking jokes about your sexuality. And what the fuck do you expect?? Couples therapy is a must, but it is on your wife to earn your trust back. It sounds like you're discovering a side of your wife you didn't know about. Agreed! Yet, evrything else you've said indicates that she does value you: this relationship was not strained up until this point, and nobody (apart from some really messed up people) can "play pretend" for so long. Im healthy and fit, exercise frequently and eat well, so that kind excludes most physiological causes. I'm not defending her actions. Possibly she has to talk to the friends and say that she loves her man, and she loves his kinks, and that she was only saying that stuff to gossip. Try distancing yourselves from these particular friends / connections until self estern / acceptance issues are resolved. I'd also put the missus on a yellow card and ask her to be more honest about the Tom thing; the fact he treated her badly and you're the opposite must be a good factor in staying together. No true friend will stab you in the back. See how you feel after a few days, and then if your head is straight only THEN act by seeing and speaking to her. He said if i wanna get together for a drink or whatever to let him know. This is a recipe that you can utilize to get through a tough circumstance or even a bad day. The best part was, after a couple of months, everything was solved, tadalafile was no longer necessary, I find out she had a hookup during that period. Don't let her victimize herself or try and guilt trip you. I was pooping and you helped me push from laughing so hard. Please think about going to individual counseling as well as couples counseling! So I became kind of a joke and was constantly approached by family and friends, which didnt contributed at all for my stress level. Don't fight. If a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. I know from experience when you say Ill kinds of shit and they say whatever makes your friends happy or agree especially if youre drinking and they all laugh about it I believe your wife really does love you but she needs to stand up for you with your friends and those friends arent real friends so they have no business in your home do you need some serious counseling for your children sake. The third, least savoury issue: She may still have hidden feelings for Tom. At the beginning of the marriage endometriosis and disparei is, we spent almost an year without sex, I was always by her side, left the work early, never even thought about hookups or relief with other women. Best thing to do is give it some time. They will be lapping up the drama and pushing to be in the loop, believe me. We may discuss, ask for suggestions, etc., but we don't laugh about one of us outing someone (not that we'd care) and trashing their sex life. It sounds like she is uncomfortable with discussing issues with you that she thinks will upset you until she has to but by then the damage is already done. Any time it would come up I would think about those words. But that's fucked You need to stand up for your person to your friends not play along. you need to think long and hard about if you think you can ever trust her again. You can be understanding of her error, but she has to build up trust back with you. I keep my composure as best I can and open the slider to the patio and poke my head out. Or do you think Ive misunderstood? Wow dude, that sucks and I feel bad for you. NOBODY SHOULD TALK LIKE THAT ABOUT ANYONE. It felt terrible. I absolutely agree. She knows shes an ass, and her friends know their actions were trash. I don't know where you should go from here. She maybe deserves the benefit of the doubt. Wife: babe were you in the kit. I cut her off. It was never between you and them anyway. Will you ever be able to "do the bi stuff" in bed with her again? From one bi to another, I'm sorry you had to go through this, it's a bisexual's nightmare scenario to hear your long-term partner say this kind of shit. 3) Gossiping about your private life and using it as entertainment for her friends is a huge betrayal. But try couples counseling and go from there. Who cares. The other men were cowering in my path - perhaps it was the still throbbing splitting seams. If I was you I would demand you get into couples therapy, and make absolutely clear that the trust you had in her is gone and it is going to take time for that trust to be rebuilt. If my bf were you, I'd imagine he would do the same exact thing. That would be the end for me. She is trying to write this shit off as a mistake. Shes the one the initiates that kind of sex (pegging, butt play, d/s stuff.none of which is exclusive to bi men btw) most the time! Shes married to a bi man, and her idiot friends shouldnt have the power to make her feel bad about it. She told them deeply personal stuff about your sex life. Even if it was a close call, you dont say that. Neither is divorce. For example, he keeps in touch with some of his exs and although it's his business he is always transparent with me because he know how I would feel if it was behind my back. There are plenty things I could talk about my girlfriend and make fun of her for it to my mates, but I dont because what happens between us stays between us. Like it may have been rooted in some truth, but exaggerated and theatricated for like entertainment purposes. You heard the truth when she was talking to her friends, about your private life, without your knowledge. 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i overheard my wife talking about me

i overheard my wife talking about me