pan am 806 passenger list

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American, Stinnett, Stacey Leanny, 9, Duncanville, Texas. Greek/ Karen Hunt, 20, Rochester, N.Y., Syracuse group. American, Otenasek, Anne Lindsey, 21, Baltimore, Maryland. No one, it seems, was watching the flight instruments. Richard Monetti, Cherry Hill, N.J., Syracuse group. At 2311:55, Flight 806 contacted Pago Approach Control and reported its position 160 miles south of the Pago Pago airport. But the winds before and after do not suggest a micro-burst along their approach path, but the increasing headwind does explain the why the aircraft went above glide path at first. American, Swire, Flora Margaret, 24, London, England. Q: Sometimes you get repercussions from those who expect you to do more than maybe is physically possible; they complain to their congress people and Congressmen. American, Merrill, John, 35, Hertfordshire, England. Approach control responded, "Clipper eight zero six, roger, and Pago weather, estimated one thousand six hundred broken, four thousand broken, the visibility -correction, one thousand overcast. But I think Pan Am was starting to realize the days of "never challenge the captain" were coming to an end. Listed in the report was other possible contributing factors including poor visibility and a lack of altitude and airspeed callouts by the aircrew. Argentinian, Canady, Valerie, 25, Morgantown, West Virginia. American, Trimmer-Smith, David William, 51, New York City. Windshield wipers were turned on and the flaps were set at the 50 position, which completed the checklists for landing. Swiss, Apfelbaum, Martin Lewis, 59, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Photo of Pago Pago air strip by Rodney Williams who spent many years in the 60s and 70s filming and photographing life in American Samoa. American, Williams, Brittany Leigh, 2 months, Crown Point, New York American, Williams, Eric Jon, 24, Crown Point, New York. American. May 25 2022. family farm and home chickens. American, Klein, Patricia Ann, 35, Trenton, New Jersey American, Kulukundis, Minas Christopher, 38, London, England British, LaRiviere, Ronald Albert, 33, Alexandria, Virginia. At 23:40:22 the co-pilot reported "You're a little high" and at 23:40:33 "You're at minimums." Flight 806 departed Auckland at 20:14. The "little high" comment was at 2340:22.5, the rapid descent began at 2340:26, and the crash at 2340:42. British, Cory, Scott, 20, Old Lyme Court, Connccticut. One passenger died the day after the accident. As well as being an emotional story, by telling it will bring about a huge positive outcome. Continue with Recommended Cookies. American, Cummock, John Binning, 38, Coral Gables, Florida. Captain Petersen underwent simulator training on January 16, 1974. American, Ammerman, Thomas Joseph, 36, Old Tappan, New Jersey. William Pierce served as the General Services Officer (GSO) in Surabaya, Indonesia from 1973 to 1975. A post-impact fire consumed most of the aircraft. American, Leyrer, William Chase, 46, Bay Shore, New York. It was, and still is, in a really quite undeveloped area of Bali; very much jungle. A Pan Am 707 plowed through the jungle short of the runway, then burned. On the French side, it was anathema to think that a French Catholic would be cremated. The S-40 introduced the famous 'Clipper' names that the airline continued to use into the jet age. It was an extremely trying time. Although the ILS approach procedure requires that DME be used to establish the final approach fix (FAF), the DME is not available on the ILS frequency. American, Saunders, Theresa Elizabeth, 28, Sunbury-on-Thames, England. At 23:38 the approach controller informed the flight of a bad rain shower at the airport, then at 23:39 stated the wind is zero three zero degrees at two zero, gusting two five. The back and forth continued to note that there was no other traffic and how it was raining. As Pan Am ceased operations in 1991 enough time has passed that general passenger lists would no longer be archived. we have had rain here. Moochetta's Fale Kofe & Gifts. Guyanese, Morson, Eva Ingeborg, 48, New York Citv. The first officer replied, "Eight oh six, we're still getting your VOR, the ILS and the lights are showing." American, Smith, James Alvin, 55, New York Citv. Miriam Luby Wolfe, 20, Severna Park, Md., Syracuse group. Pan Am Aircraft: Pan Am's Aircraft, Clipper Manufacturers and Names by Type and Airplane, 1934-1991: Airbus A310, Boeing 307, Boeing 314, Boeing 377, Boeing 707, Boeing 720, Boeing 727, Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Convair CV-240, Convair CV-340, Curtiss Wright C46, Douglas DC-2 , Douglas DC . 38, Esher, England. American, Tsairis, Alexia Kathryn, 20, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, American, Vulcu, Peter, 21, Alliance, Ohio. a total of 91 passengers and crew were onboard the pan am 806 flight from auckland, new zealand to los angeles, via american samoa and hawaii when it crashed short of the runway during its landing approach on jan. 30, 1974, according to the american samoa visitors bureau, in its january 2014 enewsletter released over the weekend about the Thus, the flightcrew is required to monitor the frequency on at least one radio receiver until passage of the 7 nmi DME fix (FAF) position. (At right, the memorial to Pan Am flight 812 in Bali. British, Stinnett, Charlotte Ann, 36, New York City. The Siberian Seven: Escaping Religious Persecution in the U.S.S.R. and 10 crewmembers on board with an instrument flight rules (IFR) flight plan to Pago Pago. Pan Am 806, from "Air Crash May" on Twitter. Iranian, Vrenios, Nicholas Andreas, 20, Washiligton, D C. American, Waido, Janina Jozefa, 61, Chicago, Illinois. n 1974, Pan American Flight 806 was hoping to land safely in Pago Pago, Samoa, but instead plummeted at 140 miles per hour into the jungle oor. Michigan. American. We had representatives from the French, the British, the Australians, the Japanese, all the consulates. In October 1958, the airline's first 707 passenger flight from New York to Paris ushered in the "Jet Set.". As I found out, it was only then that the aircraft fuel engulfed the plane and combustion occurred and anybody who wouldve been alive at that time wouldve been annihilated. We had a crust of Indonesian bureaucracy. ,American, Capasso, Cregory, 21, Brooklyn, New York. There were no full bodies, but some torsos. Four seconds later, a sound similar to electric stabilizer trim actuation could be heard from the CVR. Registered N454PA with manufacturer's serial number 19376/661, it had accumulated 21,625 airframe hours since its first flight in 1967. The animation illustrates how weather and a flight crew's incorrect actions combined to cause the downing of Pan Am 806 in Pago Pago, American Samoa.To view more animations and exhibits, visit our exhibit library: us on your next aviation case for consulting, trial graphics, animations, medical illustrations or presentation services. It took years before Ali'imau J.R. Scanlan could forget the worst aviation disaster in the territory's history following the 1974 crash of Pan American World Airways also known as Pan Am when flight 806 came in short of the Pago Pago International Airport. Senate Prez: Why was media banned from Nuu fou SSIC hearing? That the necessary pitch attitude and thrust changes were not t applied only indicate that the flightcrew was not aware of the high descent rate and the impending crash. It was operated by a Pan Am Boeing 707-321B bearing the registration N417PA and named Clipper Winged Racer. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. American, Owens, Sarah Rebecca, 14, Cherry Hill, New Jersey . On January 30, 1974, the Boeing 707 Clipper Radiant crashed on approach to Pago Pago International Airport, killing 87 passengers and ten crew members. At 23:11, Flight 806 contacted Pago Pago Approach Control and reported its position 160 miles south of the Pago Pago airport. 27, Middlesex, England. Clipper 806 The Anatomy of a Disaster Cross Winds (An Airman's Memoir) Empire of the Air Escape of the Pacific Clipper Fasten Your Seat Belts Flight of the Silver Bird Flight to Anywhere; A Navigator's Life Flying Boats & Spies Flying the Andes Flying the Oceans; A Pilot's Story of Pan Am For Pilot+s Eyes Only We took our FSN [Foreign Service National] consular clerk with us. Air Disasters. The ILS glide slope is installed at a descent angle of 3 and is not usable below 138 feet because of the effects of the irregular signal reliability. The information was compiled by news services from a variety of sources including the airline, relatives and Syracuse University. (Closed - Acceptable Action), AMEND 14 CFR 139.55(B)(2) TO PRESCRIBE MINIMUM LEVELS OF MEDICAL SERVICE PROVISIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE PROVIDED FOR IN ADVISORY CIRCULAR 150/5210.2 TO INSURE THAT MASS CASUALTIES RESULTING FROM AN AIRCRAFT ACCIDENT CAN BE ADEQUATELY HANDLED AND SATISFACTORILY TREATED. Update now. 2 1y View 3 more comments The copilot was First Officer Richard Gaines, 37, with 5,107 total piloting hours all in the 707. American, Dinardo, Gianfranca, 26, London, England. Unfortunately, the airline that brought the titles "captain" and "first officer" into aviation also brought the culture that said the captain was always right and nobody would dare challenge the captain. But I think this kind of culture beats other members of the cockpit crew to the point they stop actively monitoring because there is often very little to gain from doing so. Wendy Lincoln, 23, North Adams, Mass., Syracuse group. Pan Am Express was a brand name for a code sharing passenger feed service operated by other airlines on behalf of Pan American World Airways ( Pan Am ). The flight was receiving signals from the Localizer and was using the Instrument landing system (ILS) for runway 5. American, Berkley, Alistair Davis, 29, London, England. According to NTSB 49 CFR part 830, fatalities occurring more than seven days after the accident shall not be attributed to said accident. Hungarian, Roller, Zsuzsanna, 27, Hungary, Hungarian, Rosen, Saul Mark, 35, Morris Plains, New Jersey . American, Stow, James Ralph, 49, York City. Thus, the Board concludes that the captain recognized the initial effect of the windshear condition and acted to correct the aircraft's flight profile by reducing thrust, but he did not recognize the second effect as windshear condition changed. 1st Lt. George W. Williams, 24, Joppatowne, Md. ), (For airplane aficionados and movie buffs, the Clipper Climax was also known for its brief cameo appearance in the 1971 film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as the aircraft used to deliver the much sought-after shipments of Wonka bars to candy stores around the world.). Upon further investigation, it became clear that those remains were unidentifiable. Password: Forgot account? You can also read about the Lockerbie crash, the1996crash of Commerce Secretary Ron Browns plane in Croatia, and the 1996 hijacking by drunken Ethiopians of an Ethiopian Air flight over the Comoros islands. American, Woods, Joe Nathan, Jr., 2, Willingboro, New Jersey . Bolivian, Thomas, Arva Anthony, 17, Detroit, Michigan. The Third officer was James Phillips, 43, with 5,208 total pilot hours of which 4,706 were on the 707 and the flight engineer was Gerry Green, 37, who had 2,399 total hours as both a Flight Engineer and reserve first officer of which 1,444 were on the 707. ", Auckland International Airport (AKL/NZAA), Pago Pago International Airport (PPG/NSTU), Accident investigation report completed and information captured, 1,2 km (0.8 mls) SW of Pago Pago International Airport (PPG) (, AMEND 14 CFR 121.439 TO REQUIRE THAT A CHECK AIRMAN (1) OBSERVE A PILOT AS HE PERFORMS THE THREE TAKEOFFS AND THREE LANDINGS SPECIFIED FOR RECENT EXPERIENCE, AND (2) CERTIFY THAT THE PILOT IS QUALIFIED AND PROFICIENT TO RETURN TO HIS ASSIGNED STATUS. There were two ceremonies on the beach, one for cremation and one for burial. Most of the passengers were American citizens. Seconds later, the first officer stated, "Turn to your right," followed by "hundred and forty knots." In 1970s, after what was described as a comprehensive investigation the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew's tardy identification of microburst-induced wind shear. 21, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. No further conversation was recorded by the CVR. Mail me , if I made any mistakes, and I shall correct them at once. Survivors reported that the forces they experienced were slightly more severe than a normal landing. Apparently the Pan Am plane, as I understand it and this is from reading some transcript of the black box several years later navigationally strayed and was not where it was supposed to be. American, O'Connor, Daniel Emmett, 31, Boston, Massachusctts. Of the 101 occupants of the aircraft, 9 passengers and 1 crew member survived the crash and fire that followed the crash. One passenger died nine days after the accident. In order to requalify in the B-707, he made three takeoffs and landings on January 19, 1974. Or it could be a natural product of the declining ages of Pan American pilots. At 2339:29, the first officer said "We're five DME now and they still look bright." [1] On July 22, 1973, at 10:06 P.M. local time, the Boeing 707 took off from Faa'a . American, Pescatore, Michael. Flight 1736, operated by Boeing 747-121 Clipper Victor, collided on the runway with KLM Flight 4805, also a Boeing 747, at Los Rodeos Airport due to errors of ATC and the KLM pilots, killing all 248 on board the KLM 747 and 335 of 396 on board the Pan Am 747 totaling out to 583 dead. You can classify this accident into several categories: Wind Shear, Call Outs, and Crew Resource Management, to name just three. 8, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American, Owens, Martha, 44, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Alexander Lowenstein, 21, Morristown, N.J., Syracuse group. British, Valentino, Barry Joseph, 28, San Francisco, California. American, Fuller, James Ralph, 50, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, America, Giebler, William David, 29, London, England. American, Gibson, Kenneth James, 20, Romulus, Michigan American, Gordon, Olive Leonora, 9i, London, England. Three days after the accident, the remaining crew member and three passengers died. They set up a workshop in the hangar down in Denpasar and were convinced that they would be in a position to identify some of the remains. Pan Am was the main airline user of these amphibious flying boats and the only operator of the S-40 and S-42. Indian, Sheanshang, Joan, 46, New York City. The captain asked the first officer about visual reference with the runway, and the first officer answered that the runway was visible. Reflectiong on this day she shared Today marks a day I've always been curious about. This approach to Pago Pago was the first instrument approach the captain had flown in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) since his return to flying status. The flight was a popular island hopping and connection flight between the Pacific and the US during the golden years of Pan America simply known as Pan Am. Gary Colasanti, Melrose, Mass., Syracuse group. Contents 1 Aircraft and crew 2 Preceding events 3 Accident description 4 Investigation 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Thirty seconds after takeoff, the airliner, carrying 79 passengers and crew, crashed into the sea. A crew member and three passengers passed 3 days after the accident. Notably, all the passengers and crew survived the initial impact. Family members such as Sopo Sua who lost her grandmother Telinga Tangatauli on the flight. American, Coursey, Willis Larry, 40, San Antonio, Texas. The Cockpit voice recorder (CVR) recorded normal cockpit conversation during the last minute of the flight. At the time, there were no direct flights between Apia and New Zealand and all flights at that time came through Pago Pago with a connecting Polynesian Airlines flight to Apia. So the body bags were divided, and obviously not everyone in one body bag being burned was a Shinto, and everybody in the ones that were being buried was a French Catholic. Ahern, John Michael Gerard, 26, Rockville Center, New York. All our content comes from Wikipedia and under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The captain's "A" Phase check was completed January 18, 1974, with the notations that he exhibited a good knowledge of systems and procedures and that the simulator work was "very well done throughout." The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined the probable cause of the accident was the flight crew's tardy identification of microburst-induced wind shear. From a variety of sources including the airline, relatives and Syracuse University senate Prez Why! North Adams, Mass., Syracuse group 707 plowed through the jungle short of runway!, Stow, James Alvin, 55, New York still look bright., Otenasek Anne. Minimums., Indonesia from 1973 to 1975 in 1967 Pan american pilots 's serial number 19376/661, it clear. 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pan am 806 passenger list

pan am 806 passenger list