words with friends scammer photos

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Do you report as abuse name impersonation? Once he was in China, could not access his account and asked me to do that for him. All want hangouts and all fall in love with me, some in hours! Working as a road and bridge engineer on a contract in Russia. I also have been also getting friend requests on Facebook from military widowed men. Me to Alex Collins shipping contractor from New York. Dark hair, gorgeous blue eyes & nice beard? So Sad, & he keeps wanting me to get the Telegram Messenger App. I am currently talking to 5 of them. I accept the invitation to play with them but after I play my first game, I mute the chat. Watch out and NEVER send money no matter what. All he wanted to do was chat .. Im not playing to chat! I also find it insulting that they assume youre playing to be chatted up. I might add: If they say they are from the USA, & licensed here for work, you can check to see if they actually have a License as an engineer, etc. Anyone have any dealings with Kevin Coleman? Kids, Annie & Logan are being homeschooled to be safe but Robert goes to the hospital to be w/his friend, James, who was recently in a car wreck. January 18, 2020. I've only gained two FB friends in the 10+ years I've been playing. At least it does now. But for those that may fall for thus scheme, please do.so)])990 conversations! Gorgeous! But again, I was flattered he said all the right things and seemed too good to be true. Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.s photos. I have also been scammed by someone playing Words with Friends. In reading the above stories, mine sounds very familiar. The person I was playing with the last few weeks goes by the name Thomas Ethan. Made the mistake of giving one my email. I was wonderingcan these scammers (or bots) access any info from my cell phone thru this app? Both said they needed money for their school exams. The profile pictures are usually extremely attractive and provocative, and they immediately strike up a conversation. i hope that in the near future scrabble companies will filter messages like these. Their typos and repetitious inquiries are consistent throughout our conversations, along with the You there?, when I dont respond right away. Now I play the game and the scammer. When men ask for my phone number I give them the number to Dial A Prayer (704 482 0022 ). I wish there were more laws and regulations in place to prevent this type stuff from happening on gaming/social apps. I am married and have three children. But, his checking account in Atlanta has been frozen because the previous company he had a contract with went bankrupt due to the Coronavirus, so now he cannot access the money he needs to fix the issues with the rig to continue production. Ill say stuff like thats an interesting word or this is going to be close or good game/play. Hopefully people dont mind. WebThe WWF scam is newer, but it has already claimed at least one victim: a New Zealand woman lost $60,000 over the course of months to a con artist. Nice looking. oh and not to forget. I started getting hit with scammers too. Heard this or variations si much its like a broken record. Same scenario as most of the comments above, widowed has a daughter in boarding school and works on a ship. Hi Nella! Fortunately did not give them any personal info. The first two disappeared when I called him out on it. They usually come across with a picture of a young attractive chick joined like on the same day they send you an invite to play with a request to chat straight away. Ive had over 50 men with the exact same statements and questions your mom received . I told one guy I lived in the southern U.S.. I believe that Romeo plays the part of many fake people using different accounts to message her to back his story. Thanks for the warning. Teenagers. 2 more clowns Frank Scott, who sends you poems and prayers. As time and many matches go by, Owen tells the woman player his life story, asks dozens of questions about her life and tastes, and talks romantically with her. 72 likes. Radgal77. Yes there is also a scammer pretending to be a UN worker in Afghanistan. THIS is the kinder, gentler Uber? He sent me his number. Said was in Dubia but was sent to Nigeria where he was robbed anf beaten . So, when I was first approached with a chat, I answered back. Eventually he got too personal and I knew he was looking to hook up. What made me suspicious was that he sounded like a foreigner (he said that he was from Germany and he lived in NY and Florida in the past) and might have been using a translator device or something. He goes by name of Steven Looney so beware. Or I tell them I dont chat with strangers. It looks like he is just Robert E. on WWF2. . I have 5 of these scammers going on right now It is fun to mess with them Yes I m married with 3 husbands and 11 kids, Now they are refunding WWF players through Pintrest. Yes, happened to me. Am I being paranoid? Anyone have a Brandon Wyatt, Manuel Rutherford or Wilson Mark? Lol. I feel like such a fool. Your email address will not be published. Look out for a Mark Spiegler. Sadly, he realized there was no cell reception on the ship. Each time he would try to guilt me into sending it. Yeah, ok. You are barely literate and youre a big shot at the UN. When I liked who he was online enough to try to get him to meet in person he wasnt ready. One guy asked me if I was married (among other things listed). Curious to know the outcome, I am so happy for all the posting on here. I am not going to use WhatsApp or Hangouts. I started a few conversations just to see telling them I know youre gong to tell me you work over seas as an oil digger, etc Do not go to any other site outside of the game. im fascinated by this phenomenon. If they wanna get to know me.. were chatting on wwf, So WHY must we leave and go to Hangouts or whatever other place! There were others with similar stories but I cant find my older games on my Phone App. Anyone played with Hyten Fitzgerald? Wants to go on google hangout to get to know each other and talk more about our feelings. hope his not scamming other people. Then, when the victim started to engage in conversation, the bot would hand the victim over to a human con artist. I played that guy too. Says his wife died, and has a son named Jayden who is in college. It shouldnt matter what anyone else thinks if you trust me, kinds of crap. One particular man hit me up bit me up again after i blocked him. Sure enough, after a few games they chatted with me. Can be entertaining some days when bored. I should never have fallen for these. We had so much fun stringing him along! Im going to stop. I like playing new players, and have made many words with friends friends through player of the day or being the player of the day, but this is a constant annoyance. Sounds like the same one I got. After the first one sucked me in and It got a little creepy, I just do not engage. Wife died of breast cancer. I blocked him. Next thing I know, they disappeared from the game. Hey, mine is a single dad of a 15 yr old daughter, too! Every single one of them. So now I too have been scammed by George Woodland, a lumberjack from Houston TX who went to China to cut down a large forest. Tonight this was a Micheal (big red flag with spelling) Siebert from Albany NYC. I was totally scammed by him. Careful GIRLS, Hes good! Scammer Alert: James Adam Jamesadamdesign501 AdamJ3308 Play along for a bit..feeding false info. The same scenario with me and 3 different men chatting on WWF. When I told him he was a fake he said I was accusing him of being a goal digger I really knew then he was a flakeHe sent fake pictures through WhatsApp. Ive been playing with a scammer who calls himself Alex Normal. These guys stop playing as soon as you stop talking. I allow them to think they have my undivided attention and when they ask me what I do for a living I tell them that I work for the government. Plays on the heart strings for the purpose of a payout. He claims to be a Marine Engineer for Maersk Shipping line. After them saying their speeches. English is great and spelling too. I have 13 guys that have hit me up to play WWF just this week. Christopher Brown (British army). A petroleum engineer whose wife died, from England but lives in Alabama now. There are sites you can image search. I dont think so! So sorry Emma. He told me he was from Poland and Vienna, Virginia. Big Deal!! Is there a script for this stuff? So you can play with a stranger, arent they all, just dont talk to them! The funny thing is that they all ask the same questions. My favorite is Anthony Paulo. I am a female, and I actually had a female trying to hit on me and get my personal info. Its a fun game, but something should be done about the message option. Scammer Mario Bertolini. Id love to see the photo hed using. Me too! I tell these guys I am married, broke, 6 kids. They all have pretty much same stories. He asked how my husband died and I said I shot him when I discovered he was an internet scammer. From Atlanta, GA. Has two girls Alicia-12 and Rennie-6. Maybe google account is not so secure and they can get banking info from it. He asked why I didnt ask my husband to buy me one. Click on their profile and they usually have a very recent start date, a very low top score and very few wins. Reported them to Zynga, but theyve done virtually nothing to block them from WWF even though they are aware that the photo of George belongs to someone else. There is even a new shield that you can block and report. The guy that is claiming to be a Doctor an his wife died of cancer is still on words with friends going by Tommy I wouldnt talk to him really an he deleted me an his account theres another guy claiming to be for Texas dont remember his name thought he did the same thing to me I wouldnt really talk he deleted me an this was all in January 2021! I should have meant that I do send occasional chats too, but there are always more than appropriate. Just playing with him now to see how long it takes for him to dump me. More names to watch out for: walter stone, Stephen James, Fred Anderson. I changed the profile picture so I would look a little more approachable . They all say the same thing!! He got mad and disappeared when I told him it was none of his business. I didnt do online searches or push him because I didnt want to know it wasnt real. Here are some simple best practices to follow in order to keep scam artists at a distance: 1. Supposedly working in Syria for the UN. Then when they ask for things or money tell them that I know all about what they are doing and hope I wasted their time. They love you and dont understand why you cant help. Words With Friends. I also amuse myself by telling them all sorts of rubbish, one just sent me a pre written script about his tragic life (strange how this verse and chapter is all ready to go in seconds no one could type that fast !) WebSCARS SLATE BOOK A Guide For Families & Friends Of Scam Victims. In separate matches over a few weeks, not one, not two, but threedifferent opponents claimed to be widowed engineers working aboard ships on the high seas. My guess is hell resign the game and block me. Im a nurse and know thats not how English speaking physicians speak. Can we be friends , and, Im widowed etc. Got really shitty when I refused, persistent. Guy is from a foreign country, the wife is dead, and his daughter needs help. I was like cant you buy it online. I said my husband wouldnt so would he send me money to get one? Its sad and shameful. Did not have a clue about the chatting until recently. I am presently worried about that also. She persuaded me to invest, which cost me around $8,000 and then I discovered this was a scam. Hi, Wendy. Does anybody know what this is about? He did look like Bin Laden, lol! Theyve all asked me to join hangouts. The game completely disappeared! But this last week, when 3 guys started chatting, I told them I loved the game, but not chatting, then gave them a list on guys who loved to chat as I keep screen shots of these scammers. He continued to harass me via text message so I blocked him. I do not care if I am rude to them or not (and I am actually not a rude person). Yes so tired off fakers. Do any males get girls doing this too? He resigned pretty quickly. I helped Mom change the profile picture to one of just her, but the new picture functioned as bait for the scammers, who seem to presume that older women playing WWF are lonely and susceptible to pretended attention and affection. Well, the second guy started saying the exact same things the first guy did! Oh also a son of one but that one dont msg much. Ive noticed my phone runs slow when they talk and I wonder is it being hacked at that time as Ive been hacked in two months twice! I live with embarrassment and shame now. Pictures, videos the lot. 2. Me too. To myself & friends I wondered aloud, Is there a place a ship could leave from in Dallas? I like your style! Petter Snow. It was fun while it lasted, but I blocked his ass. nor can he make facetime calls or else (also because the rig had been attacked by pirates in the past so no localisation possible LOL). He is looking for someone to love and take care of his son which I didnt fall for. Scammer Raymond Thompson. I wanted to quit the game & block him, but didnt want to be rude. And thats how he spelled, red flags everywhere! It's one of the easiest ways to check for a scam. I had to block him in words with friends and whatsapp. Beware. I must have hit an age where they think I will fall for this garbage. I had to change my name in settings so they dont actually track me down. Lol watch for CORBIN BEN,EDDIE JOHNS,BENNET JACK, RICHARD RODGERS,EDDIE JOHNS, Donald Gentle, Frank Edwin. Last week he was transferred to Yemen. Reading these posts has made me feel ashamed because all of the communication gives them more information on how to be convincing to other women. The photos are lamely model worthy too. All want me to go on other apps or give them my gmail, and spend hours begging me to when I say no. He said he left it in Iraq but needs to get it out of there. Weve tried taking her electronics. Claims hes German, and in Then she kept asking me if I had texted her yet. (I admit that Im biased.) Most would not play me if I would not chat so I started to chat just to have a games to play with others. I have a wonderful next door neighbor who is in up to her eyeballs with this guy. This started in February. When he resurfaced after four days saying he was sorry about how we left things I admitted I was too. He said all in I had 1200$. WebDid you know scammers play online games like Words with Friends to try and source new victims? His knowledge of the english language is not good and hell drive you nuts about going on Hangouts. I as a guy never message anyone first especially after hearing the stories from my regulars. My grandmother has paid for Jaydens tuition many times. A few years back it did not have that. How can I do a reverse image on a man I met in WWF? I heard a story about two people on WWF that eventually got married. My profile picture was the Betsy Ross flag. To activate Chat, please follow these steps: 1. Has anyone encountered Michael (or Micheal) Shaund? Hes a very convincing con man. Claims to me from Denmark but moved to Toronto once 16th with the family. He said it sounded interesting but I told him it was exhausting trying to find places to hide the bodies. Has anyone come across Alex Peterson ? Because they turn over so fast the date is very recent. Not like he previous 9 that had no clue. Check out his facebook page and ALL his photos and you will soon realize there are quite a few scammers using the handsome Capt.s photos. I just posted I forgot to say the scammer I just dealt with was named Henry Lucas from Atlanta, who says hes an environmental engineer. He would try to guilt me into sending it the comments above, widowed has daughter! Oh also a son of one but that one dont msg much assume youre playing to chat just have. 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words with friends scammer photos

words with friends scammer photos