tceq equivalent single family connection

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0000001247 00000 n Check to see if this reference is included anywhere and if not, call the supplier or the manufacturer for a copy to keep in your files in case the question comes up in the future. There are many points that need to be addressed before agreeing to this offer. These waivers usually apply only when the customer voluntarily contacts the system to either install the appropriate number of meters or allow for inspection by system staff to verify that the other connections are not being used. << Does the owner have the choice of either getting a meter for each unit or getting one master meter? described above, SWWC currently supplies water to at least 5,465 active LUEs (i.e., single-2 Living Unit Equivalents (LUEs). 1616 Rio Grande The member wants to know if a neighbor can hook up to the meter and if so, under what circumstances. @0A2@p0@T!EQL& L Aa0w"[!-Si7qH>D The Uniform Plumbing Code does not allow for booster pumps under this condition and TCEQ rule Section 290.44(d)(3) states that service connections that require booster pumps taking suction from the public water system lines must be equipped with automatic pressure cut-off devices so that the pumping units become inoperative at a suction pressure of less than 20 psi (thereby preventing a back siphonage condition). The purpose of an equity buy-in fee is to establish parity between the new customer or applicant and those who have already been receiving service. o0?LgGt{Cifk_Kat2'~ez{*R,r08e0@Bf1+oxG t%&L!XD(gTn6"LXa9t> endcmap trailer To Top. hbbd``b`+A| "[@@ebX H0X "$k $BG HI (,HW *##6F0 w Fax: 512.472.5186 <82> <82> <201A> Some meter manufacturers also require strainers or other devices to be installed to protect the meter and straighten or condition the water so that their meters will be as accurate as possible. And what if one or all of those new meters were located on the same property, but a half mile away from the end of your current line? end (In fact, conservation rates can escalate, in proportion to the total gallons, for customers using the greatest amounts of water on a monthly basis.) Some engineers and systems took this to mean that if we remove the meters at these dormant locations, the system would not have to charge future new customers the price for upgrading their old water mains until the freed-up capacity was allocated to new active connections. Do you have a source for best practices when planning to deal with this issue? 36 beginbfrange /Supplement 0 A licensed operator of a water system can calibrate their own master meters regardless of size or type by using the volumetric calibration method. The result is an estimate of total pSaU0t}% tAkmBxJ _`TzJjzm*cUxh$IRJ\&O N'>Mg2:I&L=w.- ?A~}TmCi6?IV PnzN' k~"KcJMi?kvEw-a]z}k#AUGH}+ImKefXv~i^v0~Lz_ANxO}toc3X] u:^on}{_ZT_[=u?Z-?ZI{_oVVt}U&/z^mZowam}Mc*)Xk}v>51KuR[M45qQQE{N?ToTvM;,t_KvN=< SM4'e`]'vx\R"""""#[l&`Me!0|Ez/hDDDDDDipPL,qD_{nb~@ 7dnUEh(}|Df1emQ|DGX%A7q3+;* 2r'dDg&J":' tQT[NO1;Z" 0a;AS#ii Single family Non-Residential Flow (gpd) # Users 2. Duplexes and triplexes are sufficiently similar to single family homes so that a duplex equals twice the ERU . endstream endobj 5 0 obj<>/Width 2550/Height 3300/BitsPerComponent 1/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/Type/XObject/Name/background_2/Subtype/Image>>stream Define Equivalent Single-Family Connection. <80> <80> <20AC> 1. /Registry (Times-RomanOPBaseFont0) If not then the meter accuracy is over or under by that difference since the tank is a definite volume (provided the above calculation and tank dimensions were accurate). Where is the middle ground here? /CMapType 2 def R02 - Single Family House (larger than 5/8 " meter). During these discussions, we talked about vacant and dormant taps to see how the agency would rule on a cost of service appeal if the system were to remove these dead taps to free up system capacity for other applicants along that water main. <95> <95> <2022> In addition to the cost of the meter installation as well as any upfront impact or buy in fees. 36 beginbfrange The NSF 60 standard is for chemicals used in a water system. hb```m ea>O)~N7vy)20:sLr Installing multiple meters on a single undivided property with a line running across the property could lead to easement issues in the future. Published in May/June 2020 (Issue 3 of Quench). Due to an expansion, the two split and are now serviced by the same meter. Usually, the original person that is allowing the other persons meter to be installed on their property (the front property owner) is agreeable and welcomes the chance to help their neighbor (the back property owner) save some money. A: If your board has adopted the basic TRWA Sample Tariff language, then the meter costs and impact fee should stay with the property on which the meter was initially installed. For example, in Section E, Members Responsibility: d. Therefore, all water usage registering upon and/or damages occurring to the metering equipment owned and maintained by the Corporation shall be subject to charges as determined by the Corporations Tariff as amended from time to time by the Board of Directors. (2) Active connection, as used in this section, means a lot or . <84> <84> <201E> What should we do? The assumed population equivalent per connection should be indicated. u5e` T If your 1.5 inch line is already overloaded, then the WSC is responsible for paying for the difference in costs from a two inch line to serve the single applicant to the 6 inch line your engineers say is required to install. 0000000015 00000 n Know how, know you | We are IQ-EQ, a leading investor services group employing 4300+ people across 24 jurisdictions worldwide. The two businesses had been in a partnership in the past under one roof. 9CT Q: We have been made aware of a customer who has installed an inline booster pump on their side of the meter. A: This is a common question. <9B> <9B> <203A> /CIDSystemInfo A water well is a hole drilled into an aquifer with a pipe, screen, and pump to pull water out of the ground. Unless a local governmental authority requires otherwise, or unless otherwise established, an ESFC is defined as 360 gallons per day for average water usage and 300 gpd for average wastewater return flow. Written comments about an AO should be sent to the enforcement coordinator designated for each AO at the commission's central office at P.O. endstream endobj startxref endstream endobj 340 0 obj <. A: TRWA does not make recommendations for rates, but we do provide rate calculation training so that a system can set proper rates that are equitable to all customers. <002D> The member knows that resale of the water for a profit is not allowed. <86> <87> <2020> Those base rates dont have to be the actual meter size equivalent listed in the TRWA Sample Tariff, but one of the reasons/ justifications for a higher base rate for these larger meters is the TCEQs capacity requirements that each system must maintain. <<9e8032b06c2c514a87349e8822134d26>]>> Afo/.# G(omQb#\9 Ive also not heard of a system providing a water commercial permit. Use of the word commercial by a water system is typically a reference indicating that it is non-standard service and not a regular residential service location. <00> <00> <0000> Others were due to leaks grounding out meters. Should not effect transit. Even if the customer would only need standard service, TRWAs Sample Tariff includes the requirement that the property of the applicant/ member shall be inspected to ensure compliance with state required Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Drinking Water Systems as promulgated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or successor agency. C+vdt\?K(Pwu,Gu-=s-^|8o!$cntc}Egg=/ckY0 \ The CSI inspector should make a note on the CSI form stating that the well has been completely disconnected from all the potable water lines serving the dwelling units. pc#P3C"!GB448]o_ AtCCk*AC)ADc90cLrU The date of construction is not relevant to the issue of whether a single master meter or individual meters would be preferable; however, it is important when considering the required customer service inspection (CSI) which must be completed for all eight units and the tract of property to be served. Using the formula 3.14 X Radius X Radius X Height X 7.48 (gallons per cubic feet) you can calculate the number of gallons of water added to the storage tank. Q: Our system is replacing all of our meters. Instead, growth should pay for growth, even if a current member is responsible for the new growth through the addition of a second meter on their property. <99> <99> <2122> 0000000536 00000 n R02 includes a pool and lawn and landscape irrigation of the lot as long as there is no separate irrigation meter. In either case, the utility must ensure that fees are assessed fairly. The inspector would also check for chlorine residuals at any location which the customer says is being supplied water from a private well or other source. begincmap A. 1 begincodespacerange Q: Some of our customers have built duplexes in our system. Now subtract the first master meter reading from the current meter reading and compare that to the gallons added to the tank. I have also seen frustration when the front property owner requests a second meter from the system and the line is at capacity. We encourage you to consider options for providing service and, most immediately, to ensure compliance with the 85 percent requirement. >> def Climb the tank and use a steel measuring tape to measure the height of water in the tank to the manway. 0000006249 00000 n B. Multi-Family Residential A twelve-inch (12") water main shall be required to loop through a multi-family district. Systems generally dont want to extend their liability onto or across private property to read meters or make repairs after dark within a private property on the off chance that frequent trips onto that property raises the chance of some type of accident or damage to the owners property or tenants. All connections shall be calculated based upon its equivalency to a customary Equivalent Single Family Connection using the City of Houston's equivalency table. In fact, there are laws about meter tampering, damage and diversion if a person is caught or found guilty of messing with a utilitys meters. <8E> <8E> <017D> <8B> <8B> <2039> An eight-inch (8") water main will generally be required to distribute water and provide fire protection within the multi-family district provided that the water main does not exceed 600 feet in length or serve more than two If your engineer has not approved the use of the booster pump or sized the lines and meters to accommodate the 60 rental homes, the customer is not in compliance with the terms of the agreement and your tariff. You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. <9D> <9D> <2022> This allows the water to straighten out and have less turbulence, thereby allowing the meter to register as accurately as possible. This eliminates the need for a system to conduct manual drive-bys and allows all meters to be read from the whole system in a matter of minutes from the office. It doesnt matter whether the extra capacity is used to supply brand new customers who have never had service or to existing customers seeking an additional meter. Re: US travelers connecting in AMS what are the rules now? Therefore, existing customers have been paying for extra capacity for many years and these new customers are being asked to provide a portion of the cost associated with the capacity they will be using. A: We get this question from time to time, and the answer as to whether you should have one master meter for each apartment building or one meter per individual apartment is it depends. In general, the Public Utility Commissions (PUC) rules first want separate meters for each unit so each individual users water usage can be measured accurately. w;A`@3YceL 0a0DD8T#_ _~qd"D|%U0 a`q]HEWls!G29h4 67.016(d) provides that a corporation may make water or sewer service conditional on ownership of the real estate designated to receive service and from which the membership or other right of participation arises. Subsection (e) authorizes a corporation to cancel a persons membership if he fails to meet a condition of service prescribed by the corporation. ESFCequivalent single-family connection. A: This is an issue weve been talking to TCEQ about as far back as 2004. <8F> <8F> <2022> Google Map, Tel: 512.472.8591 1 year ago. Given more information about your utility we may have suggestions regarding ideas on sharing the cost of any upgrade. X1'H`7g3a*|f{h00eiF` BVb`+c0 z^ 0 <9F> <9F> <0178> Until Saturday there was a higher level called "very high-risk area where there is a variant of concern" but that category . <7F> <7F> <2022> Language establishing the utilitys ownership of customer service meters runs throughout TRWAs model tariffs and service policies. <]/Info 87 0 R/Prev 844706 >> Example: A 20-space trailer park with a 2-inch meter has been evaluated by some TCEQ inspectors to be the actual number of trailer spaces available. All the meters or at least the material data sheets should state that the materials used to manufacture the meters meet NSF 61. A reason for rate training is so the board can justify the base and gallonage charges to all ratepayer classifications and also to TCEQ in case the rate is appealed. The TCEQ interprets an "active connection" as a connection that is completed or existing and able to supply drinking water from the PWS to a single-family If your system already has this language, then TRWA suggests that systems that have several multiple connection issues send out a letter informing all customers of pending changes or stepped up enforcement of existing policies. CONTACT 1002 Washington Ave., 3rd floor Houston, TX 77002 832.394.8888 8 am to 3 pm Wastewater Capacity Reservation Letter - Wastewater You, the property owner or authorized agent, must apply for a Wastewater Capacity Reservation letter if you are: Wastewater Capacity Reservation Letter - Water end Texas Water Code Sec. One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. 1 begincodespacerange If so, that is another major concern for liability should he interpret this agreement to read the meters as having free reign to the systems facilities. Back in 2004, TRWA staff met with TCEQ to discuss several issues relating to their capacity regulations and interpretations. Based on the level and manner of service being requested by the owner, a 2-inch water meter may or may not be sufficient to provide the water capacity being requested. I am not aware of any legal or state regulations that would prohibit this, but I caution your board to look at every conceivable contingency and try to address them before agreeing to this free meter reading offer. /CMapName /Times-RomanOPBaseFont0 def The sample tariff also allows service to be disconnected, after notice, if access is denied for three consecutive months. I told her that was incorrect and that I would mail her the documentation to prove it. \8h;""-[a]_aM7#0dpq6;tDdX)A!BuU ]H#Fjf )aAC;D The impact fee and other front-end capital improvement fees also remain with the existing tap and location and should never be transferred to another property for the same reasons above. You also should consult your system attorney so an agreement can be developed to set out the scope of volunteer work, as well as the timeliness of these meter readings if you decide to enter into this free meter reading arrangement. endstream endobj 4 0 obj<>stream A: The TRWA Sample Tariff states that a meter is to be set on the property designed to receive service and the owner of the property has to be the member of the corporation. The normal benefit to the applicant and the system is that the applicant/landowner can design their own water system within their property and not have to worry about multiple meters and which service lines goes to which office or trailer space. (7#~mz*B TwIewVq_kgcQyQ4Jd/ K3E\_%9=G$#. %PDF-1.5 % Q: I am aware of the rule that requires meters to be located on the property being served. These existing capacity components were and are being paid for through monthly water rates. This includes design, review and approval of all plans and all on-site and off-site service facilities by the corporations engineer and compliance with any applicable municipal or other governmental codes and specifications. We have generally required individual meters for each unit, but one owner wants to know if they can put in a 2-inch master meter for all 10 units in five nearby duplexes. TCEQs Chapter 290 requires a meter to accurately determine the usage of each customer unless a master metering arrangement has been made. Present Ave. Daily Flow (B 6 + B 7 ) Single family - include all single family homes, mobile homes and seasonal dwellings in this category. It is best to work with your customers so that a reasonable solution can be found. <8C> <8C> <0152> "General Plan" means the General Plan prepared by Developer as submitted to Industrial 3. Do I need to calibrate the meter? <8D> <8D> <2022> Q: A current member of our WSC has asked for a second meter on their property. <00> <00> <0000> <95> <95> <2022> The customer does not own the meter just like the customer doesnt own the electric meter or gas meter, even though they have to pay all costs for these other metering devices to be installed. <0D> <0D> <000D> First, the customer must supply the system a final plat showing the intended use and ultimate development of the property to be served. 0 {e9Q $b@;l0$" This can be as little as one foot or several feet of water added to the tank. One note here about equipment costs to replace the assets being removed TCEQ explained this to include the price of a meter, tapping saddle, curb stops, meter box, service tubing and any parts which were purchased by the original applicant when the service was first installed. CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop end Email:, Water University/Utility Management Certification, TCEQ Requirement All Occupational Licensing, Wastewater Technical Assistance & Training Program, Click Here to Return to the Ask Larry Archives Homepage, Metering & One Meter per Residence Rules (Ask Larry). 69 0 obj<> endobj The capacity is being used either way, and these new meters and customers are utilizing their share of the systems resources. 0000053091 00000 n >> def Then a straight run of pipe at least three times the diameter of the pipe after the meter. Finally, it is also important to be clear with the applicant regarding how the drought contingency and water rationing requirements apply to the irrigation meter. However, the applicant or landowner can request a single master meter if they dont want to re-plumb their entire property to accommodate individual meters. Next write down the master meter reading on the meter to be tested. Sometimes multiple lines from multiple meters can become a maintenance nightmare because all the lines, meters and valves look the same. Q: One of our members has offered to read meters each month for free. =4$y]/%(%DL /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin %PDF-1.3 % Q: Our 1.5-inch water line is at capacity and someone who is building a home in the area asked to add a meter to our line. This is a hard line for systems to take, but otherwise you are operating on an honor system in which the applicant has little incentive to uphold his or her end of the bargain. %%EOF 71 0 obj<>stream First, the one meter per residence language should be part of your tariff or service policy. A particular manufacturer is selling a pretty good meter, but it is not certified and before I invest a lot of money into their radio read system I need someone to answer this question. Many times, a customer has a shut off valve installed to the second residence that can be turned off for plumbing repairs or when inspections like these are to be conducted. 0000005203 00000 n With regard to your 1.5 inch line, please note that the TCEQ Chapter 290 Rules state that a 2 inch main line size is the minimum to be installed on any public water system. Q: We have a convenience store and a chain restaurant using the same meter. <9D> <9D> <2022> <8F> <8F> <2022> 0000000903 00000 n Accordingly, at Section 24.169(a)(2) of the PUCs rules, the Commission unequivocally states that unless otherwise ordered by the commission, each utility shall provide, install, own and maintain all meters necessary for the measurement of water provided to its customers.. <8F> <8F> <2022> each new commercial connection and $1,000 for each new residential connection. 0000000016 00000 n We really need to understand the regulations and what action we need to take prior to approaching either business. Your WSC cannot demand that a person pay the entire cost to extend a 6 inch line unless the engineer determines that is the size line it takes to serve that particular applicant. 0000000766 00000 n <83> <83> <0192> Whatever the reason for requesting a second or third meter, they get irritated when they are denied the other meter (or told they will have to pay the cost of paralleling the line) while the person behind their property is enjoying a meter on their property. The NSF 61 is the standard for all pipes, repair clamps, and any other fitting or material used in a public water system. startxref If a system has a trailer park, RV park, apartments, and so on being served by one meter, the TCEQ doesnt count it as one connection but either counts the number of spaces being served or calculates the capacity needed by size of meter. The ERUs would be equivalent to what would be used by typical single-family residences, if they were using the water. 0 The main billing consideration is normally that meters for irrigation purposes only are typically not charged a sewer bill and if your system provides sewer service this could reduce the overall revenue if enough of these meters are installed. Q: We are revising our tariff. <8A> <8A> <0160> Examples of Equivalent Residential Connection in a sentence. Going back to my earlier example, if a current customer wanted a new meter placed at the end of a road a 1/2 mile past the end of the existing water line, that new customer should pay their costs for extending that line and not have that cost be paid for by the rest of the members. 0000001445 00000 n /CIDSystemInfo Total non -residential 6. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78701 /Ordering (UCS) 374 0 obj :RA%_Xo($N4jKA$iH~5]_]_W_4_'MAzcbhS Gj,+ NPt%TJMvM'B!41F"#4_M}:C?o_o_Z__^_,bD-CF`s;7Qfdcq12FnfhPM4w*`Rthj7v>N2nAqNtF?ON~kEWTB}WLO'?~_Kjjv?ijpU5l%.^=8I>5jtLd%-A^XABL4"?DDDD~~/a?i{`TG{`_+IW21 ffy./HZU"L3FRCa;5.Z qa?C$;VY!v +rxO%}^F'dvwtkV~JW_k#Nq|o|!mm+DcWS62q}9jQi|:{MT'^K{Ul%kr#x~jBXDvK{!ZoI";NaZa4?AWuAR#kM4Nh0Ai#'A"""!D~" }~},Tv;R*2@YDxw4& f0OeqXYDtc/DCXt(P 4(A|;Z -tjOXWIR-9L#|qAH)=ya[AXO>_u 9U]](M:?`^V a/X`jsV60;aC}18Y_{/c%nmVlf.0FVL The valve shall meet AWWA standards (a ball valve is preferred). PUC rules also support the tariff stating that customers/members of a WSC are only qualified to receive service when theyve complied with the written provisions included in the WSCs tariff. <93> <94> <201C> trailer Is it ethical for us to charge a second equity buy-in fee for this meter if we already charged such a fee for their first meter? 363 0 obj 362 0 obj Is this a fool-proof verification? The base rates for larger meters should be set to pay for these larger required capacities instead of making the customers with standard size meters subsidize the customers with bigger meters that place more demand costs on the system. CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop 0000003802 00000 n endstream endobj 77 0 obj<>/BaseFont/Courier/FirstChar 0/LastChar 255/Subtype/Type1/ToUnicode 78 0 R/Widths[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600]>> endobj 78 0 obj<>stream <9A> <9A> <0161> or ESFC- shall mean the amount of capacity allocated to a commercial customer expressed in terms of the amount of capacity used by a single-family residence, as determined by the volume and type of wastewater discharge. <9E> <9E> <017E> Either way, the system has to maintain these higher capacities of well production, storage tanks, pumps, lines and so on, or be fined for non-compliance for violations of 30 TAC Section 290.45 of the TCEQs rules. <09> <0A> <0009> endobj According to subchapter D, rule 290.46(s)(1), flow measuring devices and rate-of-flow controllers that are required by 290.42(d) of this title (relating to Water Treatment) shall be calibrated at least once every 12 months. TRWA recommends that systems stop floating memberships and meters from one property to another because of the confusion it creates. Then, once the system reaches 100 percent capacity, that system should begin constructing these new facilities to replace or build that extra 15 percent or more back into their system for future growth. A: Yes, under Chapter 13 of the Texas Water Code you must provide service to the applicant if the location of the request for service lies within your certificated service area and your utility is privately owned or a nonprofit water supply corporation. The regulations of the Public Utility Commission also make clear in Section 24.163(a)(2)(A) & (B)that the system is responsible to furnish and install, for the purpose of connecting its distribution system to the service applicants property, the service pipe from its main to the meter on the service applicants property. Ownership of meters by the retail public utility, whether a district, WSC, city or privately owned system, is essential to the ability of the utility to effectively comply with its regulatory obligations. Is this legal or what problems could this create? <90> <90> <2022> One ESFC is defined as equaling a typical detached single-family house. After you establish a system's ERU quantity, you can use it to determine the number of ERUs for other types of service connections. Our engineers say the only way we can meet TCEQ standards for water distribution if we add the meter is with a six-inch line extension. A: Your question is very common for all rural and some urban systems. If your system refunds memberships then the original member should get their membership back and the new property owner should pay for a new membership. <>/OutputIntents[358 0 R]/Metadata 360 0 R>> However, the only leverage we have is to disconnect service to the convenience store in order to compel the chain restaurant to get a separate meter.

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tceq equivalent single family connection

tceq equivalent single family connection