longest fanfiction smash

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Jason points out that Smash Bros is basically fan fiction in game form: "Sonic beats up Mario" and "Peach throws a turnip at Ganondorf" are the kind of normal, everyday things that happen in the game. This story is about the Witcher and combines all the media types out there. The remaining 110 chapters consists the line "Priase Jesus! If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. Two of the top five longest stories filtered by word count are by BlackRoseRaven, and are the 8th and 10th story arcs in "The Blooming Moon Chronicles." This fanfic by Jamesdean5842, titled "The Loud House: Revamped" recently just reached their 1,010th chapter, and it reached a total amount of 4,558,217 words, and it's currently the longest (active) fanfiction in the website. What is the longest piece of literature in human history? Reader. Not to be pessimistic, but I wonder how good that story can be at that rate of writing. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. To tell the truth, I hardly read any works of fiction from notable writers. As you can guess by the title, this is a Naruto story but in an alternate dimension. It basically reads as Glee episodes with all the usual drama and heartbreak. Isabelle commented eagerly. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. Everyone will show them off when the times come. Their FF.net author profile alone is ten thousand words long. It is 169 chapters long with a grand total of 3,562,207 words. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfiction that is over 3,500,000 words long and loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Another notable author who supports fanfiction is J.K. Rowling, who has said that she is very flattered by the fact there is such great interest in her Harry Potter series and that people take the time to write their own stories. However, she is also on the side of the authors who are hesitant to support fanfiction . What is the largest fanfiction site? It has 1509 chapters with a total length of 6,713,475 words, making it one of the longest stories on this website. Truth is, I AM Hispanic, but yet I live in the U.S., specifically Los Angeles, California, in a house where I rule by my lonesome due to somerather unfortunate decisions Ive done in the past. "It was a good way to learn English." Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. Keep writing and he would probably get his due paid through breaking the world record. When do you think you'll finish it? According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written!). The Aura Hunter growled with power to the sky, demanding his prey to come on outside. So you may want to look at the other fanfics with this tag and find your own favorite among them. We may earn a commission from links on this page. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. What is the longest fanfiction ever? The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. This may sound really odd, but I started writing fan fiction because it seemed like a good way to learn English. You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. Male reader x ssbu harem (Up for a. by Reggie4Smash. The A.V. George R.R. Press J to jump to the feed. J.R.R. It currently has a total of 3,650,220 words and forms an ongoing narrative so you could consider it all one work. Because there are over 40 main characters running around, character development comes in several different doses. You can browse fics sorted longest to shortest so finding out the single longest fic is easy As far as longest series no clue how you'd find that out. We may earn a commission from links on this page. @__@. Two long updates a week, usually. doors of the hall. He knew the monster was going easy on him, but it didn't look like that anymore once he heard the Noise growl a war cry and slamming its clawed feet as it made its way to him. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. You can also subscribe without commenting. No, as long as you dont get too addicted and it takes a toll on everything else, reading fan-ficition is the same as reading any other fiction novel even though it is rare that you get some knowledge or meaning out of them ( its not their purpose I know). Maybe you've heard of it? The main focus is on Sarah Conner, Cameron Phillips, and John Conner. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. Many, many stories. Chat! I'd rather have the title go to that godforsaken "Ambience" than a fucking troll who's behind the times. Because of this, you can see characters like Link fitting into Chrono Trigger, and said arc had characters that came from other eras allowing characters with similar backgrounds to take a leading role in the arc, allowing a humorous relationship between Ayla and Donkey kong to be born or Marley showing un-Princess-like behavior around the calm and composed Zelda. only 1300 chapters don't seem that long. It's kind of inspiring in a way. Y/N was a Wing Warrior (WW) that was the last of her kind left that got invited to join the universe of Super Smash Bros Ultimate. A lawyer from New York moves to rural Ireland, but little does she know that this will bring her on the path of elves and hobbits. In fact, I mainly learned how to write and speak English from video games when I used to live in Mexico. . This also has a large impact on Rons character development. Page generated in 0.03 seconds Just hit the button below to get in touch. For the record thats more than 6.25 Les Miserables! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Priase cheesus!" Firefly. It then began to shoot Aura Sphere after Aura Sphere. YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT OF THE WEBSITE. That's almost exactly 50% of the length of the one you describe. That's a sustained rate of more than five thousand words per day on average. 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? At present, the work has 28 chapters, which are grouped into a rough structure based on 32-bit role-playing games (Disc One, Disc Two, and so on.) The author is autistic (he says so on his bio) and this is clearly his obsession. There is an immense amount of fanfiction stories on the internet. There are 140 chapters in total that form 6 seasons of Glee. The battle scenes, are all the same, but with a different opponents. According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written! My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! He studies computer science and computer maintenance. Previously, the record is held by a Kantai Collection fanfic "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" by Hieda no Akyuu with 4,556,264 words (last updated April 2019). What is the safest country to have a baby? Proof that the remaining 10% is worth turning into a trophy for here: These are recommendations made by tropers for Super Smash Bros. When Chris noticed that the stomping feet seized their chase, he looked behind and saw the fully-angered look of his predator. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons is the longest completed story I'm aware of, 1,781,141 words. There was a lot of diversity in all those stories. This fanfic contains 271 very long chapters combining 3,635,481 words. Kudos to them for at least being a little prolific, even if people think it's hot trash. Her birth parents adopted Kageyama Mob Shigeo because they had to choose between a son and a daughter to take care of. Edit: Checked and couldn't find it. I'm in awe at how much humans can accomplish when they push themselves to the limit. I'm so grateful for all the help from teachers and my reviewers for helping me reach this level to write compelling stories. You are using an out of date browser. Making it a fun and long story to read and entertain you. Even if I needed to do book reports on them, I found their plots to be engrossing and interesting. . Archive of Our Own allows writers to publish any content, so long as it is legal. (LogOut/ There are arguments if this is the longest piece of fiction ever, and for a time it was, however other pieces have surpassed it in length . The description is "A mysterious dark force had corrupted the minds of all of the figthers.except for one. Passionate about reading fiction? Sokka, the water tribe warrior, is doing all he can to protect his people when a group of enemies captures him. # 1. Even his authors profile is at about 10,000 words. As of July, the fic is 3,548,615 words long. I think I should give an example of the many I have. The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. I remember reading a HP fanfic which did get to the point it was bigger than the whole series at >1.1M words. This is really sad, actually. Randomly opened chapter 953, and the first lines is basically this. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is currently over 3,500,000 words, making it almost three times as long as Marcel Proust's seven-volume la recherche du temps perdu, six times as long as Infinite Jest, and thirteen times as long as Ulysses. No hate, please!" Most '90s kids will remember the eccentric educational TV series Bill Nye the Science Guy, and it turns . Its called These Black EyesWhen people are bored and have a ton of time and ideas on their hands, they tend to ramble on and on. Another massive one is 'The Games We Play' which sits at roughly 1.05 million words. Priase Jemus! The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction that is over 4,100,000 words long and contained in a current 221 chapters. here's a small excerpt from an update on July 3rd of this year. The first chapter titled the "The Glorious Tale," is over 40,000 words long and is the entire story of the fic. Super Smash Bros. For those who are unfamiliar, The. When you don't have editors to please this is the results. The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. As a result, Sonic was hardly in the story mode. View TSEW is "based" on the Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. in the same way that Proust's novel is "based" on a bite of tea cake, and it is a monumental thing. I just googled it and it's on FFN. So over 2.5 million words, and that's just three parts out of ten. I was on par with a native U.S. citizen in a single year of classes. Which European countries give citizenship by marriage? READ THE FAN FICTION SECTION AND THAT IS ALL, IF YOU WANT ANY TROPE-FREE TIME AT ALL. The previous record holder was indeed a Super Smash Bros Brawl fanfic. So congrats, I guess? That arc was amazing in my eyes, as there was a lot of time travel hijinks, a pretty emotional development between Link and Lucca, and the seriousness of the mission at hand. only have a little over a million words in them. 4146644 Lol, I typically only check the recently updated threads on the groups page, and usually assume the thread is fairly new unless I recognize it from another time. My writing process is pretty random at times. But 654 to 1055 was absolute gold. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children, usually those below nine years of age. Since the day Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released in North America. 2324484Yep. Both fandoms are animated, and both are part of popular franchises. The story is part 1 in the Edges AU series, so make sure to read the rest if you enjoyed this one. This Witcher is a great source of information, and the scholar decides to tag along with him on his adventures. complete answer on storytellerkim.com, View No longer being updated. To put that number into context: most of the longest novels ever only have a little over a million words in them. Jumped to a random chapter and it's literally just a retelling of the Lord of the Rings films including very large excerpts that appear to be copy pasted from Wikipedia. That would be pretty rad if that ever happened. 2022 All rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. Because of how there are many characters, I'd have to cross a hell lot of hurdles from their creators to get permission to do an official adaptation. Ultimate Nintendo Switch After a lot of anxiety, Lucario eventually deems Chris as his true trainer. Sarah Connor (Terminator) fanart. This fanfic is a crossover between: Terminator. It takes place in an alternate universe and diverges quite a lot from canon. Longest river which forms estuary in India. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'm writing this because I haven't seen to many of them Cover by TakerArts. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Pretyy pretty please? But then he realizes that his fate is in the hands of the Fire Nation Princess. This column is a reprint from Unwinnable Monthly #146. And if this isnt bad enough, she has also been transported back in time to before the canon events happened. But a spam fic? If you're going to spend all that time writing, nudging ever closer to creating a masterpiece may provide you greater fulfillment than you are currently. Interesting frame of reference Diary of a Madman is currently at a word count of 1,762,144 the entire Harry Potter series, all 7 books, was 1,084,170 not even 2/3 that length. Destined with the Bad Boy by @justcallmecai - 37.1M. 2324334 If you're looking for longest fanfiction, or even longest stories in general, look no further than TV Tropes! Diaries of a Madman is at 2,541,519 words and is still in-progress. The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. The title translates to Remembrance of Things Past. [BuzzFeed: March 9, 2008]. This is a classic Gary Stu trope, so familiar that Post, the author of These Black Eyes, mocked their own writing for utilizing it when he reuploaded the fanfic in a fit of nostalgia. It's full of spelling errors and makes 0 sense. He wrote it, so he read it. Youre getting this so far, right? Equivalent to PG. It has a plot and characters and everything. It also has 2,200 reviews (an average of one review every 1,700 words), and its own TV Tropes page. If it was well written and someone liked the fandom enough, it would be free reading material for weeks, if not months. All Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy runs 558,003 words long, making it a lengthy book series by any measure. Caring for his life over anybody else's, Chris took the decision to enter the store, its double doors opening automatically at his feet's request. The story is 172 chapters long and has 3,173,970 words. If I don't have anything else to do, writing is a sure bet. The effect of the barrier only caused the Lucario Noise to growl loudly. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. CCW: Character Championship Wrestling by NinjaCato on AO3 caps at about. I have seen some on FF.net that exceeded 4 million words. For the record that's more than 6.25 Les Miserables! Your email address will not be published. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Check out our very popular Dramione fanfic post!). Minor point, but I don't think people with autism are generally referred to as "mentally ill". The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. His mind racing with fleeting thoughts, Chris looked around and then found the entrance of the music store. It goes off canon for both the comics and the TV show and is, therefore, a really unique story. And in his spare time, he writes the longest work of fan fiction ever composed. It's not the biggest, but it's still massive. He lives in Arizona. "I'm boxed in with a beast who wants to kill me! Romano joined Vox as a staff reporter in 2016. However, to be fair, this could be due to the fact (for some writers) that once the tone & writing style are set for the story, it is not as easy to change it midway through the story (most of the time, it could even break the flow of the story). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It is, in my own opinion, very well written and I have actually managed to read the entirety of it. Can you report it because I Don't want this trash to be the longest piece of literature, This is a million words longer than the record for longest piece of literature, which is a Smash Bros fanfic. Current word count? Nonetheless, the barrier separating the world of the living and the world of the dead negated the murderous blows. But, I feel like a work like this would be better suited for animation. Take me through a typical day of writing for you. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest - Super Smash Brothers (3,357,528 words) These Black Eyes - Teen Titans (2,579,204 words) Trial by Tenderness - Oh My Goddess! Super Smash Bros. I'd be down for that. And this fan-fiction has nearly three times as many words as that. A 4 million-word (and growing) fan fiction written by The Subspace Emissary known as the World Conquest. Posted on Jul 24, 2013Updated on Jun 1, 2021, 10:49 am CDT. You must log in or register to reply here. A young girl tries to live a life as a ninja with more honor than in the cruel world around her. You might say that AuraChannelerChris, the author of Subspace Emissary, has a tendency to wax verbose. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021. Outside? Technically, this person can keep going and make this 'fic' as long as they want since they're not writing a story. It would seem this has been deleted. Last updated just a few days ago. Loud House characters in Scoob and Shag lets go! Over 250,000 Smash Bros. fans from around the world have come to discuss these great games in over 19 million posts!

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longest fanfiction smash

longest fanfiction smash