lou gehrig speech rhetorical analysis

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He shared his gratitude toward his parents, his wife, and mother-in-law. This disease eventually results in paralysis and imminent death over a period of time. Lou Gehrig delivered a great speech on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium on July 4th, 1939. In this heartfelt speech, Lou Gehrig expresses his gratitude for all of the positive things that have occured in his life, despite his recent diagnosis of ALS, in order to convey that he is still lucky even though he is now unable to play baseball. The Iron Horse as he was known, was forced to retire at a young age due to a life threatening disease called ALS and often known as Lou Gehrig's disease. of his Farewell Speech, but it is likely that he was feeling a mix of sadness, frustration, and At the close of Gehrigs emotional speech, Babe Ruth walked up, put his arm around his former teammate and spoke in his ear the first words they had shared since 1934. During the 1960s, the group of people was treated poorly than another group of people. Being ok with being mediocre is unacceptable and that the men must strive for greatness. The body is where majority of the information is contained. Therefore, he was no longer able to play baseball, a sport in which he played 2,130 consecutive games. 2012. American Rhetoric: Lou Gehrig Farewell to Baseball Address. Gehrig appeals to pathos, ethos and uses repetition in order to thank the fans and convince the public that he is not to be pitied. Throughout the presentation, Evans embraces the fundamental skills of baseball, as they can be connected to lessons of life. He views himself Introduction a. Hook: Quote from ESPN article about Gehrig speech: ESPN staff writer Steve Wulf shares the background of Yankee great Lou Gehrig's funeral, where "his Episcopal priest said there would be no eulogy: 'We need none because we all knew him'" (Wulf). Gehrig appeals to ethos in his farewell speech by explaining to his audience how lucky he feels about who he was able to play, Without the usage of pathos, Gehrigs farewell speech wouldnt have been nearly as effective with his audience and the audience that would hear his speech or read his speech at a later time. It requires careful consideration, thought and imagination to effectively organize the speech. Web. Yet today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face Kennedy establishes common ground to make an attempt at unifying the United States as well as inputting a direct reference to a greek poet and an empathic tone to convey his emotions. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, which is He was blessed with an amazing career playing for the New York Yankees setting many major league records such as 2,130 consecutive games from 1925 to 1939. In the first sentence, Gehrig addresses the elephant the room, (his doom due to the degenerative disease ALS, ironic due to the fact the disease attacked the very thing that made him exceptional, his athleticism) but reassures the audience by refuting this point with the fact he believes he is the luckiest man on earth, a point he goes on to defend for the remainder of his speech. Children, men, and woman across the ballpark cannot believe that this icon, this hero to all American, is dieing as he speaks. It was also a thanks to his sports team for supporting him through the years. It is impossible to know for certain what Gehrig's emotions and mindset were at the time Pages 2. The speech Kennedy gave was crucial in the maintenance of peace in tragic times. Gehrig's farewell speech included rhetorical stratigies. Rhetorical Analysis Of Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech. He explains that it would be the highlight of any career just to spend a day with these men, yet he has been lucky enough to play with them throughout his career. As he stepped down as President he was eloquent and it was as clear as ever that he is a master of oration. Ethos and pathos are the two appeals combined that allowed him to establish himself as a self-effacing and thankful man who believed, he was nothing but lucky to have been given the opportunities in life that he had been given. From political figures to sports players; these people have provided deep thoughts and great insights about who they are and the world we live in today. His usage of rhetoric strategies such as ethos, pathos, and metaphor support his statement that he is both lucky, and fortunate, even with a debilitating disease. Each one of us can leave a mark in this world and that is all conducted by effort. He was substantially more gifted on the baseball field as opposed to conveying speeches. On April 4, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy gave his remarks on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Roberts goal was to inform people on Martin Luther Kings journey and to strengthen peoples attitudes on the whole situation. As Gehrig reached High School he was not playing the sport that he will eventually become one of the greatest to ever play. match. That was what happened to the legendary Lou Gehrig. Who knew that with so called, Americas Pastime, he would play such a huge role and make such an outstanding impact on this great nation. From helping these people Hank received many awards. His accomplishments on the field made him an authentic American hero, and his tragic early death made him a legend. (1939) Lou Gehrig Speech - Farewell to Baseball Address, AP Collaborative Activity Group Rhetorical Essay. I won't send you spam. Being a Missouri native, Angela Juergensmeyer grew up watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball with her family and enjoying every minute of it. Lou Gehrig was a renowned baseball player for the New York Yankees in the early 1920s. All he could think about was his beloved momma (Bryson 778). There are multiple treatments for ALS, but no cure for this fatal disease. He shared certain details about his life, the good parts. htm&. Because of his leadership, bravery and sacrifice to make the world a better place, Martin Luther King was awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize. 8 (2011): 8. The fist technique that Lou Gehrig uses is repitition of key phrases. He adopts a thankful tone by showing how humble he is to have played the game of baseball with many great people thus using grateful terminology for his teammates and associates and reassuring terminology for baseball fans who were worried about him and his fatal disease. the appeal to emotion. When examining the history of baseball, Lou Gehrig remains one of the most highly respected and most inspirational figures in the game. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth." Nonetheless, I think youll do a great job! Ethos Logos Pathos Appeals And with Lou Gehrigs decline that season, the spotlight was on Babe Ruth and his legendary season that players today cannot even match. Likewise, a man Lou Gehrig is considered to be one of the greatest first basmens ever. He talks about his kids and how they are the ones he wrote this last lecture for, saying I only wrote this lecture for three people, and when theyre older, theyll watch it. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most influential African-American activists in American History and was a key participant in the Civil Rights movement, the goal of which was to provide full civil rights to all rights in America. His profound use of rhetorical appeal made this speech a homerun. Lou Gehrig's "Farewell Address to Baseball" was a short speech directed at baseball fans to discuss his great life and career. Always regarded as one who could pull through anything, Gehrig finally made it clear through this speech that battling this disease was going to be the hardest battle yet and it would prevent him continuing to do what he loved which was play baseball. Although I have also found to make that claim that Jackie Robinson was a good example of someone who grew up, not just with unequal opportunity because of the color of his skin, but also due to his financial situation. perseverance, and hope is one that resonates deeply with people of all ages and backgrounds, and Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Outline: Analysis of Lou Gehrig's 1939 "Luckiest Man" Speech I. Copyright 2023 service.graduateway.com. All rights reserved. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and on July 4, 1939 Gehrig stood before his devoted fans at Yankee Stadium and announced that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best This amazing athlete with impeccable strength contracted this disease which would trap his sharp mind inside his own body. Lou Gehrig was a professional baseball player with the New York Yankees from 1923 to1939 and delivered one of the most unforgettable speeches. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your He wasnt only responsible for possibly the greatest baseball era this world has ever seen, he is responsible for paving a way for new African Americans to join the league. 15 rhetorical analysis questions to ask your students. Gehrig delivers this speech on a day of celebration towards him while coming to terms with this new diagnosis. Besides the use of pathos, King uses repetition to enhance the effectiveness of his argument. He starts off by talking about the war and those who fought for us, to be brave like them. I always knew that as long as I was following Babe to the plate I could have gone up there and stood on my head. Lou Gehrigs farewell to baseball speech was about much more than just baseball. Science 259. This disease later became known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. Lou Gehrig Speech Analysis Imagine a young boy and his father going to the New York Yankees ballpark on a warm sunny day. The first warning Washington gave was to stay neutral, the second was to understand the importance of the separation of powers, and the third was not to form political parties. In Kings speech he, In Lou Gehrig's "Farewell to Baseball Address," his main goal is to make the claim that is "the luckiest man on the face of the earth" by using multiple techniques. Being a sports enthusiast, a memorable speech comes to my mind. His farewell address is a perfect example of Obamas mastery of discourse as it is chock full of oratorical devices. By: Bailey Paulus Hanna Bastien Kathryn Brooks Olivia Seely What is a rhetorical analysis? This evidence, revealing MLKs use of pathos, was used to reach out to the emotional citizens who have either experienced or watched police brutality. Also, the many people he impacted and helped them get away from racial violence. Robert Kennedy could easily relate to this death since his brother was recently killed just as King was. She grew up watching John Tudor, Ozzie Smith, and all the greats from St. Louis play baseball. Gehrig's words are infused with emotion, as he speaks with gratitude, of the earth. This statement is a prime example of pathos, as it evokes feelings of sympathy and, admiration in the audience. 24 October 2022 Group Rhetorical Essay Assignment Activity (50 Point AA), Easy to extract files (Zip files see below), English Grade 11 and 12 Honors/AP Language Test Prep Practice. Dont The mans name is legendary Jackie Robinson. Rhetorical Analysis Essay-Lou Gehrig Luckiest Man Speech, A Look to the Future: Civic Issues on Natural Gas, Hydraulic Fracturing, The Truth of a Disputed Topic, Civic Issues: Aging Pipelines Pose Danger, Natural Gas: Gas Lands Presents the Evils of Fracking. When he talked you listened so many yogi-isms that not only were related to baseball, but life itself every time you hear these a smile should come across your face remembering Barra and his influence on the field and off! Gehrig gave his farewell speech to a sold-out stadium full of devoted fans, coaches, teammates, friends, and family. Before boarding his plane, Kennedy found out that Martin Luther King, Jr. had been shot in Memphis, Tennessee. Gehrig establishes his ethos by reminding his audience of his Miller, Michael C. Did Lou Gehrig Have Lou Gehrigs Diease? George Herman Ruth was an important figure in 1920s American history because he gave millions of people hope during the Great Depression, saved baseball from the Black Sox Scandal, and he became known as the best player in Baseball American history. Gehrig's words are infused with emotion, as he speaks with gratitude, I love teaching my students about rhetorical strategies and devices, analyzing what makes an effective and persuasive argument, and reading critical speeches with my students. Without any prior warning, this icon begins to talk about a deadly disease that he has been contracted with and that he must immediately retire from the game of baseball forever. It is, however, so widely accepted that Lou Gehrig had ALS that it is not a huge controversy. In 2014, ALS was brought to major attention by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. This statement is Graduateway.com is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd Imagine that one of the greatest baseball players ever had to retire due to a life threatening condition, later to be named after him. His name is Lou Gehrig's in his 272 word speech which lasted about two minutes. It has been Next, Gehrig was successful in reasoning that he has an awful lot to live for and he shares a personal experience that touches the reader emotionally. Though he knows he will shortly die, he believes that he really is the luckiest man alive. It is even more flabbergasting to imagine that Gehrig knew that his death was soon, yet he had the courage and humility to go upon this podium and speak about how lucky and blessed his life has been. For as long as I have known the game of baseball and learned of our countrys history, there is one man that has always stood out to me. been reading about the bad break I got. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS for short, is a a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function, usually killing the person in two to five years. Though this guidance is not often followed, Washington had good reasons for giving it. The Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Activity Packet, I Have a Dream Close Read and Rhetorical Analysis, September 11 Address to the Nation Sampler, September 11 Address to the Nation Rhetorical Analysis Unit. You may use it as a guide or sample for Another. Born in Cairo, Georgia, Jackie was the youngest of five and moved to California with his mother after their husband/father left them. Lou Gehrigs play that season started to declined though due to his concern for his mother while she was in surgery. Lou mentions several baseball icons such as Jacob Ruppert, Ed Barrow, and Joe McCarthy. However, what made this speech memorable and powerful was the rhetorical situation in which it was given. to retire, and gratitude for the support and love that he had received from his fans and loved ones. Throughout his farewell address to baseball, Gehrig heavily exercises the use of ethos and pathos to convey his message. Gehrig's mom pushed her son hard and is the reason he was such a gifted athlete not only in baseball but in football as well. In this case, Lou Gehrig has provided his viewpoint regarding the sadness of baseball fans, and the role that fans should perform not to overshadow the baseball game (Gurak, Lannon and Seijts. He does not feel sorry for himself. Gehrig wanted people to know that he has had a good life and they should not feel sorry for him. ALS is also named Lou Gehrigs disease because he was the first person to bring ALS to a national attention in the 1930s. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism (Gehrig) This statement wiped any question of the self-abnegation of Lou Gehrig from the minds of the 62,000 spectators that were in attendance that day. Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech: "Fans, . remembered as a moment of great emotional power and significance. In the third paragraph, Gehrig goes on to use repetition again to show how blessed he believes that his life is. She new a inconsequential amount of information about Mark McGwire before his debut with the Cardinals but never really watched him play until his first year with the Cardinals in 1997. Becoming a great roll model to kids around the world,Little kids loved me so I gave them something to watch. (Jackie Robinson Interviewed.). 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He is addressing the crowd gathered for the Home Plate ceremony at the Yankee's stadium. Immediately following the death of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Robert Kennedy's job was to inform his African American audience of King's passing. During Luckiest Man, he is addressing why he is retiring from his beloved sport of, He was catching the attention of his fans and letting them know this speech was being given for them, since they helped him reach this point in his career through their unending support. To this day this address is referred to as one of the most well-known athlete speeches ever given. He had to walk away from the game that he grew to. Gehrig was a slugger and was loved by fans for not only for his ability to hit the ball out of the park, but also for his social influence in baseball. Kennedy was making a type of statement, on how we the americans should show more compassion to those who dont have anything.

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lou gehrig speech rhetorical analysis

lou gehrig speech rhetorical analysis