medical kidnapping adults

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Done yet? This agency receive referral from the Division of human services children services for exchange of favors , favors of the agencys workers statements on court records against parents, just like certain doctors and medical facilities slander families for a kick back of referral for service provided , along with future service contract. There are multiple reasons why this is happening, but they are very easy to understand. They fear the State, because they hold their children, and they want to believe that if they just do what the State tells them to do, they will get their children back. You may also recall our report on young Cassandra C., also published that same year. Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Home Crimes, Health, North America Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Listen to Post They are accused of having "mental illness" and confined to psych wards against their will. He is allegedly being forced to take drugs his family does not approve, and is kept locked up like a prisoner. 12+ years old children are the kidnapping victims in around 80% of all cases that include minors Girls from 12 to 17 years of age are the most typical victims of abduction Human trafficking is a $150 billion-worth industry 99% of sex trafficking victims are females Human trafficking wasn't a federal crime in the US until 2000 The investigation was prompted by the Orlando Sentinel's report that one of her patients died due to her "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order, even after the patient and family requested that the DNR be rescinded. To stay informed on this subject, check out the newly-launched website which documents even more cases of this systematic medical abuse of American children. First you have to make an account here:, After you have registered on the site (you just need an email and a, password), then click on the "groups" button in the top black bar, or,, From there, click on the Kentucky Bluegrass Families group to join. Anna and Alex had received poor care for their baby at a local hospital, and when the hospital wanted to do heart surgery on their infant, they wanted a second opinion and took the baby to a different hospital. These public officials do so through physical and financial exploitation of the elderly. Adult Medical Kidnapping in New York: 1950s Air Force Veteran Held Hostage in Hospital. Adults have the right, both morally and legally, to make decisions about their medical care. The Daily Mail reported that 16-year-old Isaiah Rider was medically kidnapped by Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago earlier this year. If the parents dont like it, according to Judge Brain, they can fight it out in Civil Court and pay a lot of money. Radio talk show personality and activist Marti Oakley has dared to ask the question: are rules and regulations intentionally being written to encourage the Medical system to systematically "cull" the very sick and the old from the rest of society by confiscating their wealth . Treatment of Baby Alfie While Ignoring Same Medical Kidnapping Seen in U.S. Every Day, Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care $50 BILLION in Assets Seized, Public Warning: Boston is a Cesspool of Adult Medical Kidnappings, Medical Kidnapping of Seniors: A $273 BILLION Industry, Medically Kidnapped Disabled Man Held Against his Will in Orange County California, World War II Veteran Medically Kidnapped in New York Dies in Pain on Thanksgiving Day. Congresswoman Schaefer lost her Senate seat in Georgia as a result of her speaking out against the corruption within CPS, but states it was something worth losing for standing up for the rights of parents who were having their children kidnapped by CPS. North Carolina Child Medically Kidnapped Starving to Death in Foster Care, A Year After Emergency Room Visit, North Carolina Couple Still Fighting for Medically Kidnapped Newborn, Two Sisters of Homeschool Family in Ohio Removed from Parents During Hospital Visit, Ohio CPS Destroys Family of 5 Children Parents Acquitted of Any Wrong Doing, Oklahoma City Parents Lose Their 2 Children to CPS Due to Shaken Baby Allegation, Oklahoma Takes 3 Children Away from Parents When One is Found with Possible Brittle Bone Disease, Ten Year-old Girl with Cystic Fibrosis Medically Kidnapped in Oregon, Mother Loses 3 Children Because Daughter is Too Short, Medical Kidnapping in Pennsylvania: Parents of Baby with Rickets Accused of Abuse, South Carolina Family has Children Medically Kidnapped Based on Wrong Diagnosis from Child Abuse Specialist, Another Baby Medically Kidnapped in South Carolina over Broken Bones Parents Thrown in Jail, Four Boys in South Carolina Medically Kidnapped When Parents Ask for Second Opinion, Healthy 17 Year Old Dies Shortly After South Dakota Takes Custody Away from Mother, Parents Find Injury to Baby After Daycare, Doctor Visit Results in CPS Removing all 3 Children, South Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children, Baby Found with Broken Bones Parents Assumed Guilty of Abuse and Lose Custody, Accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome in Tennessee Destroys Family Lands Parents in Jail, 4 Month Old Texas Baby Seized from Parents in Medical Dispute. The author issues a call to action from the public to charge all levels of government to make necessary changes in these agencies. Hostage and kidnap survivors can experience stress reactions. Summary: medical kidnapping The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL. So it begs the question: why are similar stories happening right here in the U.S. not getting the same kind of media coverage? The corruption of CPS, which is growing, has been well documented since the late 1990s. The protesters, mostly adults, carried signs with messages such as "Honor Your Oath" and "Mother + Baby 24/7." Several children were also there. Part of their condition is also suffering with Gastroparesis, which is a partially paralyzed stomach. now reports that a woman who has been court-appointed as a guardian in at least 93 cases from 2015 to 2017 has a considerably criminal history of fraud, bad check writing, and forgery. It was during this time that the girls were diagnosed with congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). What this means is that all the childs expenses are now paid via federal funds, including medical costs via Medicaid. Skip to content. How many of this agencys clients are FOSTER children providing a large kick back. Little is known about the outcome of these arrangements, because states do not keep complete figures on guardianship casesstatutes vary widelyand, in most jurisdictions, the court records are sealed. However, I want his twenty-one years of life on this earth to count; his life was not in vain. He never got to come home." Is the remedy to dismiss the dependency in these kinds of cases? Upon years of my reviewing and obtaining voluminous court documentation throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusettsparticularly, in my professional experience as an attorney, there is no doubt, whatsoever, that public officials have been operating a racketeering enterprise through the probate and family courts, feeding off our most vulnerable citizens, the elderly. So is this training video for judges in Arizona designed to carry out their oath and seek justice for protecting families, or to fill their quota of children that need to become wards of the state to receive federal funds to pay everyones salaries and benefits? The state agencies would cease to exist. Guardianship in Massachusetts "Medical Kidnapping" - an Attorney's Accounts and her Subsequent Suspension February 26, 2021 LostMessiah Edler Abuse, Healthcare, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight Elder Abuse, Elder Care Fraud, Medical Kidnapping, Nursing and Rehabilitation, Nursing Home Oversight Maranda Johnson, assistant director of Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging, or M4A, said, "We just want to let the public know that we . There are also federal funds in place for foster care. Some will complain that children who are legitimately abused by their parents will suffer. Medical Kidnap and "Death by Hospice" Two Dirty little secrets nobody's willing to talk about Until now! Adults Medically Kidnapped: 3X More than Children in Foster Care $50 BILLION in Assets Seized, Family of Amish Girl Who Fled the Country to Avoid Forced Experimental Chemo Tells Their Side of the Story, Child Taken Away from Parents for Medical Reasons Dies in Foster Care, Mother Forced to Give Son Chemo, Even Though He is in Remission, State of Michigan Sues Parents to Force Chemo on Cancer-free Child, Gulf War Vet and Wife Lose Children to CPS because Doctor Prescribed Medical Marijuana for Headaches, Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital, Alabama Girl Medically Kidnapped and Forced on Drugs: Parents Facing Jail for Failure to Pay State Child Suppor, Bret Bohn from Alaska was medically kidnapped for 8 months, Mom of 2 Year Old Special-Needs Child Asked for Help: Arizona CPS Took Him Away Instead, Eight year old Jaxon Taken By Hospital When Parents Ask For Second Opinion, Infant with Brittle Bones Medically Kidnapped in North Carolina as Mother is Arrested. the person is willfully transported in interstate or foreign commerce, regardless of whether the person was alive when transported across a State boundary, or the offender travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any means, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in . Kidnapping Lawyers | Marietta Office | Serving Atlanta, GA Avg. They want the public to know their story. Their daughter's removal came months after authorities took their 18-month-old son from them following a trip to Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg for dehydration treatment on. Corruption and Medical Malpractice Coverup involving Arizona CPS? Its not just children, young adults are also at risk. Will Massachusetts Doctor Send Another Innocent Parent to Prison Over Shaken Baby Syndrome Accusation? In a jaw-dropping moment caught on video, an 18-year-old high school senior rushes to escape from the hospital that saved her life and then, she says, held her captive. This because her father refused to obey a court-directed gag order and went to the media with their story. 401903 651252Spot lets start work on this write-up, I truly believe this wonderful website requirements much more consideration. ", How the Elderly Lose Their Rights: Guardians can sell the assets and control the lives of senior citizens without their consentand reap a profit from it. The first stories we published were stories that were originallypublished by local mainstream media in the communities where the medical kidnappings allegedly occurred. Police later . Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing February 3, 2022 Print This Post Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing Image Source. And you'll have more dignity in prison than you will have - than we have witnessed - in nursing homes. It is time that we the people and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and Family Court system are againequal before the law. More than 30 years ago, throughout the United States, state governments created agencies known as elder protective services. According to the AFCARS report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, there were 437,465 children in foster care in 2016. Child protection services today has so much power, that they can literally remove children from homes simply on the tip of an anonymous phone call. If you question anything in an er, you at risk of having urself or loved one harrassed, coherced, threatened and surrounded by hospital staff and forced into being held/ involuntary confinement with no end in sight! This transition often results in significant adjustment difficulties. The person the complaint was filed against would be removed, all the while having their Constitutional rights protected, by arresting them, reading their Miranda rights, and bringing them before a judge to face the charges. Stockholm syndrome is often linked to high profile hostage situations. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Special Needs Sisters Kidnapped From Homeschooling Christian Family, Kentucky Parents Found Not Guilty of Charges in Criminal Court but Family Court Refuses to Return Children, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, EXCLUSIVE: State Corruption Exposed in Louisiana High Profile Medical Kidnap Case, Medical Kidnapping in Maine: Child with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome & Sister Seized Grandfather Commits Suicide, Maryland Father Accused of Abuse over Broken Bones Both Children Removed from Home of Loving Parents. Sort by: Results: 111 Items. Nate is now an adult. Oct. 19, 2011 -- A 19-year-old girl who has been missing for 10 years has been found with open wounds, burn marks, scars, and broken . Suspected criminals who are charged with things like murder, rape, and terrorism are afforded more legal rights in the criminal justice system today than parents are, when social services removes their children, assuming they are guilty, and then forces the parents to prove their innocence in family or juvenile court. Some involve senior citizens. They bounced between several different doctors at PCH, but they were all in the field of genetics. It appearsfrom this video that the first concern of the family courts is not justice, but federal funding. Done in the name of 'the best interest of the child', states and hospitals are taking children away from their parents in order to force treatments, vaccines, or tests on children. Since the father is a Russian national, this incident caused an international uproar. He died in pain in the Montefiore main branch. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Here is what Judge Brain said: What happens then when a majority of the removal team under (section) 8-822 doesnt agree with the removal? Doctors recommended "more medication and long-term care," but his parents, according to ABC11, "instead insisted that a good diet, exercise and faith could restore Ian's sense of self." Laredo Regular relates the tragic ending of this World War II Veterans life: "My Grandpa, Julius Corley, officially passed away on Thanksgiving afternoon after being on life support in the prior weeks. The police did not seem to care what the facts were at all, and gave full authority to CPS to remove the child. As a result, they seized custody of Isaiahand put him into a foster home in a rough neighborhood in Chicago, where he claims he was sexually abused. What follows is just a small portion of the medical kidnappings and forced medical poisonings of children happening across America. Media heavyweights such as Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee, and Glenn Beck picked up her story. Interviews with lawyers, caseworkers, and others who work within the system, point out specific steps that should be taken to improve how these agencies work. However, Justinas case was neither unique nor rare, and what happened to her and her family has happened to many thousands of other children and families all across the United States. Medical kidnapping isn't an issue that often makes headlines, but it is nonetheless a serious violation of patient rights. She was confined to a nursing home and psych ward against her will, and denied basic human rights. "A man died at a Tampa hospital after staff could not perform life-saving procedures because of a do not resuscitate order his Orlando guardian filed against his wishes, state investigators determined. Actually, it is a rather simple one. What is Medical Kidnapping? And doctors are quick to issue them if they feel their medical advice is not being followed, or the parents want to take their child out of their care to seek a second opinion. The child protection social worker allegedly received $10,000 in exchange for the names of 25 children. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2023, a panel of U.S. Food and Drug Administration advisers narrowly backed an experimental vaccine from Pfizer that could become the first shot to protect older adults against the RSV respiratory virus. Wehave published some of these stories as well, but it is an even larger issue than the medical kidnapping of children, and we do not have the resources to cover all of the adult medical kidnapping stories that come to us. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic Diagnosis & treatment Oct. 14, 2021 Print Products & Services Dehydration Symptoms & causes Diagnosis & treatment

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medical kidnapping adults

medical kidnapping adults