nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes

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A/N: This is not proofread so be aware of writing mistakes :) I hope you enjoy!! You noticed, but decided not to say anything, everyone does it. my inbox is always open for requests or anything. Renjun:i cann. Good. I gained like 8? Here sit next to me, we can share a blanket! you know that thrasher hoodie? Excuse me? He asked all the members, excluding WinWin, if they saw it too. He took off his jacket and put it around you, making sure none of the members were staring.Ai, you shouldnt wear clothes like this infront of them!Well, it was hot out.Well next time, pleasee stick to a t-shirt and athletic shorts?. Would you like to go shopping for new clothes darling? Which you were butttt . -Do not worry about replying immediately. This is complete fiction, my imagination. :3 most likely, mark will actually offer you his clothes himself just because he loves cuddling you in them. A little too close for his liking, considering the fact that you were basically naked. 393 notes Oct 28th, 2018. Why arent you asleep? You snap back, eyes finally adjusting to the light. Then hed force feed you Korean knowledge, then yall would just watch a movie at the end of it all. Until you came over to him people think your not wearing any pants and thats all that really happened. Much love <3, Minho (Lee Know):No! He whipped around, staring at you. Would tease you from time to time but more often, he'd just laugh and giggle to himself, admiring how small . This is also mafia au so if that make you uncomfortable do not interact. After he found you hiding in the basement, hed then lock you in the basement with only a blanket to lay on instead of straight on the hard, stone floor. ! He whined, hugging you from the front so no one could see your beauty, while you laughed at him with the members. ?I CANT BELIEVE YOUD EVEN ASSUME THAT, I AM SO OFFENDED YOUD EVEN-NO NO DONT YOU DARE TRY TO PIN THIS ON ME, CHEATER!HE LOOKS TOO MUCH LIKE JOHNNY FOR YOU NOT TO HAVE HAD SEX OR SOME SHIT!I-IM NOT EVEN CHEATING ON YOU, DONGHYUCK! If Omega, you/your OC has to be a Beta or Alpha. Then he would go upstairs and grab a penguin onesie from the closet, thinking of an idea.ANYONE WHO DRESSES UP IN A ONESIE FROM THE CLOSET IN THE HALL GETS EXTRA FOOD, *whispers* and cuddles~, SiCheng (WinWin): He would smirk and go to back hug you, pecking your neck lightly. Like age, personality, et cetera! So you got ready, putting the best clothes you could find and walk down the stairs. This is Mafia!au so if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. I accept your apology, but you know I would never do that. He wouldnt miss a second of your little English lessons, just like you wouldnt miss his Korean or Chinese lessons. You'd be able to tell he wouldn't know what to say. He would let his members stare for a little bit, give the reactions they want. I read 127's reaction and I love your writing Answer: Hello, thank you so much for requesting!! He wouldnt even care if the members stared or looked you up and down. Thank you for requesting!! Yeah, he was a devil in disguise.Babe. You don't even ask to be invited, but take a seat in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck. Jaehyun. Nakamoto (Yuta): He chuckled and bit his lip when you came into the kitchen with no shirt on, liking what he saw, That was until he realized his members were sat at the counter, looking over when you walked in. jaemin: adores you so much, even more when you initiate affection. Its crazy, gonna tell Jungwoo! He didnt think anything was going on between you two, he just believed it was a coincidence. I love you baby., Jeongin (I.N):Honestly, when he scolded you for some of the first times, he thought you were trying to get out of it by making him feel guilty.He then started to realize that you actually were just really sensitive. -You Wearing Revealing Clothes Around Other Members. Chenle just smiled and went back to playing some sort of game on his phone. yourself. jenofun is a whole smiley mess when he sees you show up in his WHOLE tracksuit, he cant handle how hot you look honestly and is really blushy bc you didnt even run it by him you just showed up lookin like a snack, jeno definitely took the chance to show you off and give you a million and a half kisses which made you really flustered, you were almost the same red as the tracksuit you were wearing, which btw was a couple sizes too big so the sweater paws were real, ever since then jeno just gives you whatever item of clothing you ask for from his closet, full sun is flattered that you love his clothes and all but giRL thats his favorite Michael Jackson shirt, lowkey though he wasnt mad about it??? yeah can I um have it back?, dont worry though, hell offer you another hoodie of similar size and style and almost melts when you get excited over it. Who wouldnt? He loved to tease you, sometimes mocking what youd say, then calling you cute, which honestly made you question why you were still with him. And if you were eating something, hed tell you how to say what you were eating in Korean, and then in English if he could. If not thank you xx. His expression went soft when he heard you cry and he looked at the food.*sigh* Get back here please! Out for the night. NCT 127 Reaction | Their Child Looks More Like Another Member. Imagine have someone who loves you this much and you try to avoid them? by Hana000000888899999. Or both if you would like. God, you knowYoure SO disappointing! Then he saw you, well first heard your high heels echoing down the stairs. Probably screams "YOU'RE SO CUTE, SO SMALL MY JAGI" at least 4 times a day and never fails to give you a pinch on the cheek when he sees you everyday. May 9th, 2022. I always thought he looked like you, especially his eyes.Seriously? Then he saw you, dressed better than he has ever seen you before. he liked the memes you sent so he dmed you. Dont they have like the same features!? Seriously? He sighed, covering your mouth when you began to speak. You get upset too easy, we need to work on that. I could really use it, my treat~!, Haechan: He wouldnt like it. No no no, I dont think so. He chuckled, while you glared at him. You knew he was looking at you, though, as his game . I basically mean they are baby (not literally), the one taken care of in the relationship. He got you whatever food whatever you wanted, whatever show, whatever clothes. So finding you hiding in the garage just earned a very long stern talk, ontop of an hour long time-out. This is Mafia!au so if that makes you uncomfortable please dont interact. It was a total accident, breaking Seungmins camera.You knew you had to tell him, so you practiced what to say in the mirror for around an hour. Okay?. Was actually humored by the fact that you thought you could hide from him. By that, I mean he would be the loudest about it and the most dramatic, bringing un-wanted attention from the members. You are the love of my life. He gulped, lightly kissing your forehead.ItsIts okay. By that, I mean do not message me excessively in a row. In a similar vein to wearing new clothes, trying them on indicates change may be on the way. Mark: Another fluent English speaker, since he grew up in Canada. Plus you are very ridiculous you had to put that in, your comment made Hongjoong smile a bit before walking towards you. It was all fun times. Someone was mad, youd cry. Mark squeaked at the sentence, skin flushing a deep crimson at the thought of bringing the toy with him on tour, and felt a wicked smile press against his skin at the reaction. Jeongin groaned, trying to contain his smile. Here, go in my bag over there, and take one of my tanktops to change into and a sweat rag. He softly said, handing you a cold water. You just listened quietly, not wanting to anger him into doing something rash. A/N: This is not proofread so be aware of writing mistakes :) I hope you enjoy!! Main blog is: Wykynct. WHAT? Where the fuck did you go? Out. Wow he squeezed you tight in a hug. This was an important camera, used for missionsHad a lot of important stuff on it..But its okay, well get a new one! Hed go up and give you a kiss, then lead you away from his members gazes. Youre too fucking adorable, oh my god. I-I dont w-wanna do it Oppa/Hyung/Lino You whimpered, letting the tears slide down your cheeks. You knew he would follow, so you allowed him to place his hands on your waist, not letting you go any time soon. kilos more during pandemic. As I realise a lot of my followers dont really like reading mature stuff and I understand that so therefore Ill be moving that type of stuff on to my other blog. : Yes! ?, Jeno: He would smile cutely at you, trying to ignore the choice of clothes you picked. I dont want you getting hurt., Felix:You walked into his office with a tray of food and coffee. Now lets go play videogames., Jaemin: He would raise an eyebrow with a lowkey smirk on his face. Taeil: Okay, so Taeil really isnt too good at English, there would be phrases he could understand and words he could pronounce almost perfectly. Please never do that again. Then lets get covered up., Kunhang (Hendery): He wouldnt make a huge deal about it, because you probably wouldnt even exit the bedroom looking like that before he stopped you. your lucky Im tired if not I will still be walking around. oh god if youre wearing his shirt AND holding his dog? I ONLY do bottom/sub Changbin and bottom/sub Jisung. You dont need to. it doesn't suddenly hit him one day that he fell for you. You didnt think you had to warn Kun you were going, hence him ignoring you every given chance. I should of double-checked the bathroom..I love you so much sweetheart.. Disgustingly sweet almost. Do you understand now?Good. Stray Kids' Bang Chan Names His Favorite Korean Actor, Revealing They Are Close IRL. Yah yah, no staring. You thought maybe Hongjoong fell asleep, he probably didnt care that you walked out at almost midnight, it wouldnt surprise you. But he would bother you a lot to teach him more English, sometimes even wake you up at 2 in the morning just to tell you a new word hes learned. We dont want her to be awkward too, ya know? Bet you all are jealous~, Jungwoo: He covered his mouth and raised his eyebrows, lowkey grinning when you looked like that. The personality traits I used in this do not reflect on any of the members used. When one of your friends messaged you saying she is having a bachelorette party, you were excited. Ever try any diet? Why are you crying, sweetheart?I-I just..I felt bad for him, he was trying his best and I-I Jinnie just sighed, giving you a kiss.Dont feel bad for him. But he wasnt amazing. Baby, why did you come here wearing that.Because I didnt feel like trying to get dressed.Oh He just smiled and kept hugging you so the others couldnt stare.No moree, only dress like this for meee! "that's just how he is. couldn't believe his eyes. YouWill NEVER disobey me againDont you dare everSay you are afraid of me, little slut. Interesting and cute. You wouldnt.Y/N! K-Pop girl/boy groups do it ALL the time!Hehe, its just new for them to see me like this sweetie . With that, he had a small debate in his head whether to be mad or not.Oh, whatever. Indeed, they are expected to flout these maxims for their creations to acquire an 'artistic' character. Now the button. Go downstairs and sit down at the counter, Ill be down in five.. NCT REACTION what they would do if you flinch away from them. Hed probably lock you in his room and not let you leave until two weeks was over. If Beta, you/your oc has to be an Alpha), Build A Jisung (Give him whatever personality traits you want [sensitive for example], whatever kinks you want, however tall you want, etcc! Chenle are you okay with that? Haechan joked making the boy finally raise his head and look at you as you poured yourself a drink. NCT Reaction To You Wearing Revealing Clothes Near Their Members. Didnt want to think you would ever cheat on him, but what else reason would there be that his daughter looks like she could be Marks? This is complete fiction, my imagination. You do not have to have both Changbin AND Jisung at the same time, you can one or the other. You are not wear things that make you uncomfortable just for me. What are you doing? You laugh not understanding why. WinWin:He never really thought about it, till he saw a pic of Jungwoo and his daughter together. I love you baby, so so so much. Haechan:To be honest, it just started a screaming match after he confronted you, looking very angry.I CANT BELIEVE THIS, YOURE CHEATING ON ME WITH JOHNNY! Huge range of colors and sizes. He would glare at all them, rolling his tongue against his cheek. He always saw resemblance between the two of you. Jisung ran his hand through your hair in a comforting way.Keep away from my weapons, okay? Trust me, they will! Its roleplay. Feel free to send in request, just dont expect them to be out fast TT, I hope all of you are doing wonderful, I wish the best for you all and I hope to write a new reaction on here soon. renjun wouldn't say he fell for you, that's too abrupt and harsh. -You dont need to be a GREAT roleplayer to roleplay with me. -The moment you appeared in front of him at a the fan sign, he immediately had the urge to be close to you. Yes, she may look like Jungwoo. Why would you ever cheat? "Nope. when you visit in his T-shirt and some leggings Mark nearly falls over on the spot, youre his whole angel and he feels so much love in his heart for you because seeing you in his stuff makes him feel secure, it just kinda reinforces to him that you love him equally when you steal his clothes and brag to *certain* people that this is your boyfriends, Mark probably wouldnt ask for the shirt back, hed give you a pair of sweats to match and then buy the same set for himself, when Renjun found you sleeping in one of his hoodies he had to cover his mouth from awing too loudly, he took his chance to lay beside you and curl up next to you while you slept bc lets face it honey boy doesnt get enough sleep, injunnie was excited to see you in his clothes the first time bc although its a small gesture, it meant a lot to him, kinda signifying that you trust him and love him and miss him even though youre literally in his bed in his dorm. Showing: 1-15 of 42. So if its not good Im sorry about that. I see I have gotten a decent amount of requests and I will get to them eventually. You manage to pull both sides of the jeans together so that the button and the hole line up. Sorry, its just my members dont need to see you in this way. Really tried to understand from your point of view, why you tried to hide from him. Im sorry okay., Hiii! I just need you to tell me when youre going to the garden or anywhere like that. If you protested, he would roll you up in a blanket like a burrito then roll you down the stairs.You will stay as a baby burrito since you dont wanna listen and just put on one of my ts., Renjun: He would walk in a little late to practice, only to be surprised to see you there. With smut, I do NOT do coprophilia (feces kink/fetish) OR feet kink/fetish. He seemed to only care about himself lately. Okay bye and with that he watched you walk out the door. He would keep calm and sit you down, having a stern talk and relisting his rules again. It'd make him sad for obvious reasons There'd be a point where you'd want the old Doyoung back. But all of them said no. I-I was scared You admitted, making him shake his head and grip your shoulders, staring into your eyes with a soft look. I would NEVER do anything to hurt you and you know that, please you have to know that. Yes, Im a bit..Upset. NCT Reaction To You Wearing Revealing Clothes Near Their Members. So he would probably call up Johnny, Mark, or Jaehyun to help him translate, and give you Korean lessons. Jisung just couldnt stop smiling here is my hoodie he started taking the material of and handing it to you. Tell me who you want to RP with, Changbin or Jisung. 6. So seeing his s/o in his clothes would make him shy asf. so sorry about it. that may be the moment chenle knows hes set for life, but he wont be so obvious and instead accuses you of stealing his clothes, and just offers to buy you a store of shirts instead, but his entire defence melts off him when you say to him, and kiss you on the nose to see you smile, doesnt know what power youve got over him, but hes okay with it since you make him happier than hes ever been, goes through about 5137492 emotions and reactions in 30 seconds, blushes and gets nervous and cant remember what he was going to say, then looks at how his shirt looks on you and is just filled with so much love, then cant stop smiling because youre so beautiful and youre his s/o and hes, and then gets nervous again cause it hits him that its, and this circle repeats for quite a while, he eventually comes to settle in a general state ofi love you, pulls on the shirt slightly and raises an eyebrow while smiling, pouts at your reply until you laugh and wrap your arms around him, mr confused bilingual is so shook when you surprise him, he would have literally no idea that you were even learning, he probably initially responded in the same language, not quite registering that it isnt the language you normally speak in together, when it finally sinks in, he just pauses exactly where he is, and slowly turns towards you with that wide eye stare he does when shocked, is taken aback as to how much you already know, and promises to do his best to help you learn more if you want, really likes being able to switch between both languages with you, since he does that a lot already, hes now not as worried about accidentally excluding you from the conversation, sometimes switches to see your progress and give you any tips he can, is a quiet supporter but everyone can see hes immensely proud of you, so mark is absolutely terrified to tell yuta, literally waits for as long as he can until you force him to come clean, as soon as he finds out yuta just goes as intimidating as possible, and literally stars mark down with a death glare, eventually you calm him down although mark is now scared for his life, so mark immediately tries to show yuta just how much he loves you, and once yuta sees that, mark begins to relax around him again, these two arent gonna sit down and talk about it, rather have a mutual agreement to keep their friendship and your relationship separate, yuta literally brings you everywhere with 127 and if fans ask, you just came to see your brother, but in reality he lets you spend the whole time with mark, honestly, considering how busy mark is, yuta doing this is probably the reason that the two of you made it through some rough patches, mark feels a bit awkward talking about your relationship with yuta but is still eternally grateful that yuta helps you two so much, realises that yuta cares about you both and will do literally anything for you to be happy, cant look you in the eye for a week while he figures out if this is real or not, just wouldnt know what to say so he avoids you slightly, then you walk into the practice room, armed with food and you make eye contact, he watches as you smile at him and when he cant stop himself from smiling back, he just stops in his tracks, everybody somehow melted away into the background and it was as if you were all that mark could see, greets you with a hug and is very aware of how hard his heart is beating, immediately offers to carry the food for you and hands it out to the other members, like subconsciously sits next to you and finds himself always standing near you, this does not go unnoticed by the boys who definitely question him about it and when mark says he doesnt realise he was doing it, the teasing begins all of them screaming about how mark was in love, his was completely in love with you and nothing could take that away from him or wipe the smile off his face.

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nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes

nct dream reaction to you wearing revealing clothes