reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf

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%PDF-1.5 These maladies have led to a renewal of the call for secession by the South-Eastern ethnic group of Nigeria for a Republic of Biafra, on the basis that they are being short-changed in the political cum socio-economic largess accumulating from the Centre. The political parties involved in the first republic were more formed on a regional basis. Problems of Nigerian Federalism 1) Revenue Allocation: This has been a problem in Nigeria. Even the masses in the rural areas of the country are allowed to participate in politics by electing their representatives into office. /F3 12 0 R Nigeria is confronted to the boomerang effects of the evolution of its federalism. /F1 6 0 R MCC Vol 2 No 1 Article 04.pdf, GJ #2018, 2, Globalization and Federation in Peril: Renewed Agitations for Statehood and the Future of Nigerian State, by A. M. Maigari and U. Dantani, GLOBALIZATION AND FEDERATION IN PERIL: RENEWED AGITATIONS FOR STATEHOOD AND THE FUTURE OF NIGERIAN STATE, RESTRUCTURING NIGERIA: BEYOND POLITICAL RHETORIC AND THE MORAL PANIC, PDF copy of Published paper on Agitation and restructuring.pdf, ESSAYS ON RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION AS A PEREMPTORY NORM AND THE LIMITATION IN EXERCISING THAT RIGHT.pdf, Federalism, Military Legacies and the Restructuring Debate in Contemporary Nigeria, Legal Aid Journal of Legal Issues Vol. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. The history of Ijaw, Edo, Igala, Yoruba, Igbo, Nupe and Hausa Kingdoms are enriched with social-political relationships that existed before the emergence of the white man. Take for example, in the Nigerian case of Attorney General of Federation v Attorney General of Abia and others (2002) 3 NCLR 1ar p 54, the issue of resource control in a true federalism was the bone of contention in that matter. So for effective governance of a country of this big size, federalism has to be adopted. To learn more, view ourPrivacy Policy. 4 0 obj The military were able to create more states because military decrees do not pass the same rigorous method bills pass in a democratic government. As I have already explained, Nigeria is an amalgamation of three different regions with beliefs and customs. /Subtype /Image /F2 9 0 R The size of Nigeria is therefore managed and maintained with federalism. Since 1954 successively Nigerian constitution had adopted the federal system of government without much emphasis on the unity or disunity it has accorded to Nigeria. government and the governed by enhancing political cohesion in such country with regional, ethic, racial, linguistic and cultural diversity like Nigeria. Full History of Nigerian Federalism. Before the amalgamation of the Northern Protectorate and the Southern Protectorate in 1914, there was nothing like Nigeria. The constitution must be rigid to avoid frequent and unnecessary changes. /Type /Page Local Government In Nigeria : Definition, Functions, And Importance, Bad Leadership Causes, Effects And Solutions In Nigeria, How To Calculate OAU Aggregate Score for Admission, Best Education Websites and Blogs In Nigeria (2021), Lakzeland Regional High School Board Of Education, Student Loan Planning Educational Webinar With Justin Rice, Is Agricultural Chemicals a Good Career Path? Nigeria thus consists of various ethnic groups and sub-national states, all of which are at the mercy of the Central government. And this is one of the factors responsible for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria. Regrettably, this system is founded on a militarily-conceived constitution lacking a fully enforceable bill of rights and clear governmental functions. It was believed that federal system of government would take care of the interest of the minority and human rights that had been the fear of the minority under colonial rule. or this it really helped me, Your email address will not be published. Nigeria, a previously unitary state, became a federation in 1954. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Nigerian Chapter), Abstract: The Nigeria civil war (1967-1970) provoked by declaration of Biafra republic had indelible imprint on Nigeria state. It is also an undisputed fact that the Hausas and Yorubas fought Biafra to keep the unity of Nigeria. That is often the reason why some adherents of Marx quarrel vehemently about such preordained classification such as: haves and have-nots; and the liberal minds grappling with, insisting not only that all hands are not equal, but that they must never, for whatsoever reason at all, be made equal - believing that that would tantamount to the highest injustice. The Plural nature of Nigeria. Indeed, whatever scholarly connotations they bear, one strongly believes that they all enjoy one clear focus. The British in their quest for economic wealth and geo-political edges over other Europeans in Africa made Nigeria the largest British colony in Africa. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Federalism therefore involves the linkage of individuals, groups and policies in lasting but limited union in such a way as to provide for the energetic pursuit of common goals while maintaining the respective integrities of all parties. However, where there is a conflict of authority between the federal government and regional government, the federal authority supersedes. This helped to solve the problem of marginalization in the leadership. Besides the Big Three Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, there are other macro and micro ethnic minorities in the country. In some areas where major communal or other social antagonism cuts across territorial boundaries, ranging through all the federating units, communities or classes have been driven to seek to protect or strengthen their position by inter-territorial union. As a result of this, it has brought about the cry of the minorities clamoring for their own state. /Filter /DCTDecode +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Your email address will not be published. Each state has the same level of self-governance. no longer supports Internet Explorer. SjHw`d"*z;3N&W3k]:}N\t+5 (Nw3hW"T"aDV$V e. Ethnic, Religious and Geographical Factor 3.5 5. It needs proper review so that the country can move forward as a nation. Then Nigeria was organised into a federation that had three regions. >> THE THEME OF IMAGERY AND SYMBOLISM IN THE IPOB SECESSIONIST STRUGGLE, Abdul's Assignment on 711 Dr. Usman Mohammed, A nation divided against itself: Biafra and the conflicting online protest discourses, Ethnicity, Political Exclusion and the Resurgence of Separatism in South-Eastern, Nigeria, Hands Behind their backs: Making a case for a region-centred restructuring framework, THE EFFECT OF CRIMINAL INJUSTICE AGAINST EASTERN NIGERIA AND THE DEMAND FOR SELF-DETERMINATION BY IPOB. The main goal of the Convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation, the agreement that governed the 13 colonies and was adopted by the Continental Congress on November 15, 1777, shortly after the end of the Revolutionary War . Federalism shares power between the central and regional governments; thus promoting efficiency in service delivery and governance. Do you know the reasons for federalism in Nigeria? Nigeria is a heterogeneous nation facing challenges within the balance of economic development along ethnic divisions in society. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ British North American colonies unite 3 Up to 1867, the colonies 4 of British North America had no political or geographical links. This paper consequently argues that the anxiety as well as angst attributable to this agitation has the tendencies of not only disrupting the relative-peace presently enjoyed by the various groups, but is also, if not controlled, capable of plunging the country into a state of economic comatose and perpetual fragility. In the same way, the political culture of the United States is civic, republican and participatory. /Parent 2 0 R Meaningful studies, especially the comparative study of Vile, have significantly shown that emerging challenges of conflict, cooperation and competition amongst levels of government in classical federalist states such as U.S., Canada and Australia, are important rationales for federating as well as the hallmarks of federal government (Vile, cited in Jinadu, 1979). A large body of literature exists on Nigeria's fiscal federalism particularly with reference to revenue allocation. The chief architect of this theory is Riker. In other not to control only some parts of the big country, Nigeria, the colonial masters thought it wise to divide the country into different component units that will be represented in the government. This type of government is also known as a "federation" or a "federal state" in common parlance (eg., United States of America). 2023, Bscholarly LLC. From the onset, Nigeria, like most of her federating peers, has faced one major challenge in the course of her political voyage - the crisis of who is who. Ordinarily and without much logicality, by who is who, one means the problematic and destructive component of identity. Federalism also in this manner, preserves cultures of the minorities from being drowned in the ocean of the cultures of the majorities. Generally speaking, one of the reasons for federalism is common historical or ancestral background. This feature of federalism is widely believed to be a veritable framework for even and need-sensitive development. This is also one of the reasons for federal system of government in Nigeria. Wheare who contends that it is a system where powers are shared between central and regional governments so that each is in a sphere cordinate and independent. Federalism: Federal Features in the Colonial State." A chronology of critical events in Nigeria's political development from the adoption of a federal system in 1954 to the present is provided in Table 1. As a result, issues relating to marginalization, economic imbalance, social alienation, ethnic suspicion and superior-subordination contestation are recurring malaises in the system. The possible reasons for the practice of federalism in Nigeria are several, and have, for instance, been presented as British imposition targeted at a post-colonial relationship, or as a. Northern Cameroons should remain with Northern Nigeria but Southern Cameroon should be granted autonomy with a legislature of its own. From the above explanation, one can rightly say that the constitution of Nigeria and United States of America are federal constitutions while the constitution of France and the Republic of Ireland are Unitary constitutions. According to Ayoade (2009:iii): Nigerians have come to identify the first republic 1960- 66 as the golden age of federalism in Nigeria. Pls visit us again dear reader. Besides the Big Three - Igbo, Hausa and Yoruba, there are other macro and micro ethnic minorities in the country. Federalism was favoured among other systems of government in a bid to averting both fancied and real fear of domination among the minorities. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. endobj Parliamentary and Unitary system of government were in operation in Nigeria between 1914 and 1946. << Emphasis on indigeneity, the federal revenue allocation formula and the increasing formalization of the 'federal character' principle, to mention only a few issues, increase sources of tensions and potential conflicts. In 1963 Midwestern region was created and Nigeria became a nation of four regions. Excellent, thanks a lot f Dear Chidera, federalism allows the creation of ethnic-based federating units (States). Payment Details. Justice Udo Udoma is of the view that regionalism was introduced by the colonialists in order to divide and rule, and weaken true national unity in Nigeria. 2012, Issues and Trends in Nigeria's Development. I love this article,very educating and interesting 74 . Besides this desire, there was also the presence of certain socio-economic conditions (Babalola, 2013 . Historical experience 3.2 2. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] So majority if not all of them were in favor of a federalist system of governance. What a nice article, very educative for students in school, Could you please explain fear of minorities, Could you please explain fear of minorities, Economic factors and Diversities in culture. All attempts to solve these problems over the years have failed. 4 Topics . Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. The constitution emphasized areas of authority between the central government and the regions. Defence, Security, Economy and Development, Chigozirim Odinkalu, Ebenebe Ernest Onyeka, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies (eJECS), International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS), Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, African Journal of Governance and Development, Calabar Journal of Politics and Administration. In a Unitary system, the minority states cannot govern the entire region which is controlled by majority. Also, there was a demand for more local regions by all these ethnic interest groups which was what led to the creation of new states. Everybody would likely agree that the conscious awareness and awakening of the course of who is who invariably determines who gets what, perhaps when and how. Now, because the level of the development of the productive forces was still at a rudimentary stage, the pervasiveness of commodity relations was equally at a low level. INTRO: Federalism has been approached with variegated definitions such that one might argue that there are as much definitions of federalism as there are authors on the subject. Federalism, State creation and National Integration State creation like federal character, quota system, etc. Federalism as a system of government has been approached with variegated definitions such that one might argue that there are much definitions of federalism as there are authors on the subject. Another factor that prompted the adoption of federalism in Nigeria is the fear of insecurity and the desire for union. The federal government however has occupied a very strong position vis--vis the State and Local government since the 1970's in Nigeria. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government . ideology, federalism becomes the only solution to ensure peace and unity amongst the. Voter Turnout, Voting Behavior and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria By Professor Sakah Saidu Mahmud Kwara State University, Malete 1. We can offhandedly list all of the reasons for the adoption of federal system in Nigeria. Nigeria and Ghana can not easily form a country chiefly because they are not geographically contiguous. The Emergence of Nigeria as a political entity under colonial rule was not an easy affair. /Resources << This regional arrangement gave rise to ethnic sentiment and political struggle for the center among the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. Book excerpt: Defensive Federalism presents an original contribution to the field of federalism and multinational democracies, exploring the concept of defensive federalism as a protection of self- government against the "tyranny of the majority". Some of the reasons include preservation of identities. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Federalism will shape the long-term health and economic impacts of COVID-19, including plans for the future, for at least two reasons: First, federalism exacerbates inequities, as some states have a history of underinvesting in social programs, especially in certain communities. This prototype edition of the daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. In his judgment, Ogundare JSC agreed that the provisions to Sections 162(2) of the constitution re-stabilized the principle of derivation. % Therefore, striking an acceptable delicate balance between these two divides, has, time and again, become a well known problematic world over. The construct of federalism, which originates with the concept of intergovernmental relations, dates back to the Greek civilization. As one of the most effective frameworks for governing a pluralistic society, Nigeria adopted Federalism to manage her multi-ethnic state. Political culture of Nigeria: 3.4 4. There are three major tribes in Nigeria namely Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba. A Policy Brief examining the actors, factors and dynamics of the agitations, questioning if the current agitation is another flash in the pan and if current responses are adequate to address the agitations for secession of Biafra from Nigeria. Biafrans who are geographically in the South and SouthEast of Ni-geria feel and believe that their economic and developmental prowess are not well represented in the Nigerian state, and this lack of representation leads to marginalization. Nigeria as a nation has succeeded in commanding influence among member states by the virtue of its size. The proximity of the tongues and tribes in Nigeria made it possible for the adoption of federalism in the country. Therefore, the problem with federalism in Nigeria is the mix-application or non-application of this clause especially as it has to do with power distribution (Awa, 1977). By the time Nigeria got her independence, the various party involved had been regionally based. Just very few words have evoked much more controversy in the discus of politics than the word, federalism. Also, Read: Bad Leadership Causes, Effects And Solutions In Nigeria. Naturally, federal system of government has some distinctive features namely: 1. What a nice and educating document!We are grateful for this post. The federal system adopted in 1954 comprised a national government and three regional governments: Eastern, Northern, and Western. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Also see: Differences between Cross-offers and counter-offers, five reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria. /F5 18 0 R The benefits of federalism are that it can encourage political participation, give states an incentive to engage in policy innovation, and accommodate diverse viewpoints across the country. federalism, a heavily coercive effort by a nondemocratic centralizing power to put together a multinational state, some of the components of which had previously been independent states. The Political Economy and Un-ending Search, Agitation for Restructuring and Resource Control in Nigeria's Federalism: Issues, Perspectives and the Way Forward, Federalism, Military Legacies and the Restructuring Debate in Contemporary Nigeria, Federalism, Decentralisation and the Liberalisation of Business Environment in Nigeria, Hands Behind their backs: Making a case for a region-centred restructuring framework, Nigerian Pseudo-Federalism and the Agitations for Restructuring, The evolution of fiscal centralism and strong centre federalism in Nigeria An historical analysis, The Nigerian fiscal formulas and the agitations for resource control in the Niger delta region of. Abacha regime, added more states making Nigeria a federation of 36 states and Federal capital Territory at Abuja. %PDF-1.5 Journal of public administration and Management Vol.6,No.12, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The states' territories were formed around ethnic groups with common interest and close ties, culture, and dialects. This embodies ideas of promise, obligation, and undertaking; and consequently, the federal idea draws on collaboration, reciprocity, and mutuality. And this is one of the factors responsible for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria. Nigeria's founding fathers desired a federal political framework, believing that federal states have the structural capacity to accommodate diversity. Despite that, instead of unity, cooperation and consensus, there has been apparent division, disagreement, and dissension. All rights reserved. 1 Issue 2, BETWEEN THE PRISMS OF NECESSITY AND LEGALITY - THE IPOB PROSCRIPTION IN CONTESTATION_pp.43-57, RE-THINKING BIAFRA IDEOLOGY OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN NIGERIA, A (UN)JUST AND (UN)HOLY WAR? It is on this footing, herewith, that one can properly understand the rational for, and theory of federalism, what and why certain trends theme up federal-state relations in Nigeria, and the features of federal-state relations in Nigeria. Very often, the problem has appeared in twofold. Present Nigeria was formed by the amalgamation of two regions which many see as a big influence in why federalism was later adopted by the British and later on by Nigerian leaders as at the time of independence. In light of this, a constitution is said to be federal when its operates two levels of government, that is the federal and state, and each of this level exercise its different powers without interference by the other level. Roxy Horner biography: who is Jack Whitehalls girlfriend? Fiscal Federalism and Democratic Governance in Nigeria - I. O. Taiwo 2004 It submits that the problem with constitutionalism in Nigeria is poor leadership and poor implementation of the Constitution.

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reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf

reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria pdf