call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip

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Their labors are solitary and the rewards solipsistic: only a relative handful make much Suggested Contacts: Art galleries, critics, wealthy pa- money in the present day, though in previous eras the trade trons, the advertising industry. If youre unsure about this, talk to your Antiquarian [Lovecraftian]Keeper. The private eye usually acts in non-police situations, gather- ing information and evidence for private clients in impend- ing civil cases, tracking down fleeing spouses or business partners, or acting as an agent for private defense attorneys 87investigator's handbookin criminal cases. Explorer [Classic] In the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament are In the early twentieth century there are still unknownpopularly elected every four to five years. (e.g. Expert: advanced expertise. No game rule Step Five: Equip thedistinguishes between male and female; neither sex has an Investigatoradvantage over the other. maternal grandmother, paternal8. Adjust the following for the investigator:S Choose a starting age of 30 or over.S Deduct 1D10 from SAN.S Add a Phobia/Mania associated with medical experience to the investigators backstory.S Add 60 bonus skill points divided amongst any of the following skills: First Aid, Law, Listen, Medicine, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Science (any two).S Note on the investigator sheet: Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse or gross injury.Mythos Experience Package aAddphtoothoegrraCpthhueuprlhmduraiMvyicnyatghphotuesrrsekmiilmalda!gaens dthmatamy eanydThe investigator has knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos,either in an academic sense or through tangible experience. Illegally breaking into computers and other user accounts is required, the outcome of which could be anything from Skills: Accounting or Appraise, Art/Craft (any, e.g. Sibling (e.g. 54chapter 3: creating investigatorsPeriod Names, ContinuedMale Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames50 Kirk Irene Lockhart 76 Percival Myrtle Schroeder51 Larkin Iris Luckstrim 77 Porter Naomi Schwartz52 Leland Ivy Lynch 78 Quincy Nora Shane53 Leopold Jeanette Madison 79 Randall Octavia Shattuck54 Lloyd Jezebel Mantei 80 Reginald Ophelia Shea55 Luther Josephine Marsh 81 Richmond Pansy Slaughter56 Manford Joyce McBurney 82 Rodney Patience Smith57 Marcellus Juanita McCarney 83 Roscoe Pearle Speltzer58 Martin Keziah Moses 84 Rowland Phoebe Stimac59 Mason Laverne Nickels 85 Rupert Phyllis Strenburg60 Maurice Leonora O'Neil 86 Sampson Rosemary Strong61 Maynard Letitia Olson 87 Sanford Ruby Swanson62 Melvin Loretta Ozanich 88 Sebastian Sadie Tillinghast63 Miles Lucretia Patterson 89 Shelby Selina Traver64 Milton Mabel Patzer 90 Sidney Selma Urton65 Morgan Madeleine Peppin 91 Solomon Sibyl Vallier66 Mortimer Margery Porter 92 Squire Sylvia Wagner67 Moses Marguerite Posch 93 Sterling Tabitha Walsted68 Napoleon Marjorie Raslo 94 Sidney Ursula Wang69 Nelson Matilda Razner 95 Thaddeus Veronica Warner70 Newton Melinda Rifenberg 96 Walter Violet Webber71 Noble Melissa Riley 97 Wilbur Virginia Welch72 Oliver Mercedes Ripley 98 Wilfred Wanda Winters73 Orson Mildred Rossini 99 Zadok Wilhelmina Yarbrough74 Oswald Millicent Schiltgan 100 Zebedee Winifred Yeske75 Pablo Muriel Schmidt 7. Ensures expertise in settinggoing native for a period; taking an active role in a up and excavating a dig site. particularly in the fields of astronomy, physics and other theoretical sciences. Expect dard. You wronged them and seek reconciliation. Search. These rules are intended to allow materials from efit of using one-fifth of the characteristic did not seemall previous editions of Call of Cthulhu to be made compat- significant enough to justify the added complication.ible with 7th edition using minimal effort. Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Sleight of Hand. Occasionally they edit. On inspecting a site, the userceremony, rite, etc. Other editors specialize in fashion, sports or some other area. Shared experience. Track. There have been very few changes in those 30 years. If the target is on the ground, a kick might be more The base value for Archies 7th edi- tion skill Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) is 25%, 7th edition 6th edition to which is added the greater of the two Appraise -- values (40%) to give a Firearms (Rifle/ Charm -- Shotgun) skill of 65%. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Credit Rating: 2050Pilot Suggested Contacts: Law enforcement, street level Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 crime, coroners office, judiciary, organized crime. In the U.S., his or her responsibilities at any one time may number in the Some pilots actively serve in the military. Credit Rating: 970 Governors are responsible for entire states and have con-nections across the country. Jumping radio, television and Internet news services.trains in the dark is no easy feat and many a hobo has lost afoot or hand from getting caught between train cars. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Parapsychologists study the supernatural Credit Rating: Middle to Upper Middle class. 9. The detectives cruciallearned to fly during their service and as a result still hold function is to marshal enough evidence to allow an arrest, incommissions as officers in the armed forces. Few manage to sell the grandiose designs theyall nurse. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Many origins are given for the name flapperit most Credit Rating: 930 likely dates back to the early years of the 1920s, when it became fashionable to wear rubber galoshes left unbuckled Suggested Contacts: Local bank, local Politicians, state to flap while walking: however it equally could derive from agricultural department. ganized crime, professional trainers.Book Dealer Skills: Dodge, Fighting (Brawl), Intimidate, Jump, Psychology, Spot Hidden, any two other skills as personal or era specialties.A book dealer may be the owner of a retail outlet or niche Butler/Valetmail order service, or specialize in buying trips across thecountry and even overseas. you lived throughyou. 53investigator's handbookPeriod Names Choose or roll 1D100 twice: first roll for either a male or female first name; second roll for a last name.Male Names Female Names Surnames Male Names Female Names Surnames1 Aaron Adele Abraham 26 Emanuel Cordelia Fandrick2 Abraham Agatha Adler 27 Emmet Cynthia Farwell3 Addison Agnes Ankins 28 Enoch Daisy Feigel4 Amos Albertina Avery 29 Ephraim Dolores Felten5 Anderson Almeda Barnham 30 Everett Doris Fenske6 Archibald Amelia Bentz 31 Ezekiel Edith Fillman7 August Anastasia Bessler 32 Forest Edna Finley8 Barnabas Annabelle Blakely 33 Gilbert Eloise Firske9 Barney Asenath Bleeker 34 Granville Elsie Flanagan10 Baxter Augusta Bouche 35 Gustaf Estelle Franklin11 Blair Barbara Bretz 36 Hampton Ethel Freeman12 Caleb Bernadette Brock 37 Harmon Eudora Frisbe13 Cecil Bernice Buchman 38 Henderson Eugenie Gore14 Chester Beryl Butts 39 Herman Eunice Greenwald15 Clifford Beulah Caffey 40 Hilliard Florence Hahn16 Clinton Camilla Click 41 Howard Frieda Hammermeister17 Cornelius Carmen Cordova 42 Hudson Genevieve Heminger18 Curtis Caroline Crabtree 43 Irvin Gertrude Hogue19 Dayton Cecilia Crankovitch 44 Issac Gladys Hollister20 Delbert Celeste Cuthburt 45 Jackson Gretchen Kasper21 Douglas Charity Cuttling 46 Jacob Hannah Kisro22 Dudley Christina Dorman 47 Jeremiah Henrietta Kleeman23 Ernest Clarissa Eakley 48 Jonah Hoshea Lake24 Eldridge Claudia Eddie 49 Josiah Ingrid Levard25 Elijah Constance Elsner4. Suggested Contacts: News and media industries, po- litical organizations and government, business, law Skills: Drive Auto, Electrical Repair, Fighting, First Aid, enforcement, street criminals, high society. The standard list of possessions iswhere it is being kept. Skills: Climb or Swim, Firearms, History, Jump, Natural Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 World, Navigate, Other Language, Survival. [Uncommon] denotes an uncommon skill not written onthe standard investigator sheet. Use thetables on pages @@@@ for inspiration. film star, politician, musician). Credit Rating: 940 Commercial sailors may work aboard a fishing vessel, Suggested Contacts: Businesses within the same sector,charter boat or haulage tankers, carrying oil or commodi- favored customers.ties. Number in brackets denotes maximum number of shots that may be fired in one round.Common in Era: denotes availability by era. If they were able to stack their respec-tive knowledge on a table like poker chips and measure the Master: among the worlds best in thedifference, a physicist of 60% in the modern day knows skill.much more than a physicist of 90% skill in 1910. the Keeper agrees that there is sufficient overlap with that Equally, some skills would be affected by location. These skills should be an essential con- Aviator [Classic] see Pilot Bank Robber see CriminalKey: Bartender Big Game HunterOccupations are listed alphabetically. Differ- Suggested Contacts: Other IT workers, corporate work-ent churches have different priorities and hierarchies: for ers and managers, specialized Internet web com-example in the Catholic Church a priest may rise through munities.the ranks of bishop, archbishop and cardinal, while a Meth- Skills: Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Li-odist pastor may in turn rise to district superintendent and brary Use, Science (Mathematics), Spot Hidden, anybishop. Some work deep cover Suggested Contacts: Other office workers, senior execu- for many years, while others change their identity at the tives in client firms. the Keeper may add or amend a country and regularly went hunting background entry. school, university, Traits apprenticeship). Vishnu, Jesus Christ, Haile Selassie I).you may be happily married with a family. That way, S Rank and file soldiers choose from: Climb, Fightingan investigator with INT 90 can boost it to 99 with a roll of9 on the die. First, who? 259, investigator's handbook Rifle and Shotgun were previously two Combat Skills (Kick, Punch, Head separate skills, but have now been amal- Butt, Grapple, Knife and Club) gamated. comics, to their life. Operating on very similar lines to their 1920s coun-terparts, the contemporary gangster boss also needs a range A man of good breeding, courteous behav-of underlings to promote, secure and trade their business ior and good conduct. What is this evil? the following skills: Climb, Drive Auto, Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (Handgun or Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Other Language, any two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or Intimidate), Track. Often driven by circum- may resort to subterfuge to gain the information they want.stance, many dream of a way out. Guns are Equipment among theequipment The final step is to write down any important a gangster items, weapons or equipment your investigatorinvestigator possesses. Suggested Contacts: Union members, trade-relevant Christian and Islamic proselytizers and Buddhist and specialists. Traditionally low-paid, the waitress agitates for a better life for humanity or for some advantageearns tips from clients by giving good service and trying to for the group imagined to be the most worthwhile part ofestablish a rapport. In addi-theory an investigator could spend an amount just below their tion he may spend up to $10 per day, all with no lossspending level every day, but in practice it should be used only of Credit Rating or bookkeeping on the players part.occasionallyif the Keeper feels a player is exploiting this finan-cial abstraction, a use of assets may be called for. Perhaps your investigator served in a war, or gained some familiarity with knives or guns while growing up on a farm. ( Classic) Occupations only available in the Classic 1920s period. Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Archaeology, History, It should be noted that, in the main, occultists are fa- Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Spot Hidden. Harvey wakes one over another. park bench where you first kissed, your university, your grandmothers home). How? Equivalent toa game set in Victorian London, and should be reworded a bachelors degree in a specific subject.appropriatelyin this case as Drive Carriage. (e.g. Psychology, Stealth, Spot Hidden. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- Credit Rating: 2050 date or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties. country walks on your estate, fishing). (Brawl), Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Listen, Stealth, Throw, Sleight of Hand, This option can be used in combination with any other Spot Hidden, Survival.method. Usually the term ison the streets. Few people in any era are expert with weapons, though often they have passing acquaintance with them. Second homes in thegins at zero. A pet (e.g. Upon graduation from basic training, most are as- signed to the infantry, although the army also needs soldiersA position that ranges from high-paid private executive as- for artillery and the tank corps. in hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, climbing and camping. You are indebted to them. Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), History, Occult, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry).Students tend to be younger characters Union Activist Union activists are organizers, leaders and sometimes either visionaries or malcontents with an axe to grind, normally a friend to the workers and an enemy of the bosses. S Add two of the following to the investigatorsS Add one of the following to the investigators backstory: Injury/Scar, Phobia/Mania or Encounter with Strange Entity associated with Mythos backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associated experience. 86chapter 4: occupationsPilot Police Detective/Officer [Lovecraftian]Professional aviators may be employed by business, for The plainclothes branch of police agencies, detectives exam-example the U.S. Mail, or work as pilots for a large or small ine crime scenes, gather evidence, conduct interviews andcommercial passenger line. Dont feel constrained to usewhat you roll; if it doesnt mesh with your character concept Rugged Handsome Ungainlythen roll again or choose a different option. A belief in fate (e.g. Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Art/Craft (Forgery), His-Skills: Drive Auto, Fighting, Firearms, two interpersonal tory, Library Use, Spot Hidden, Sleight of Hand, skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any one other skill as personal or era specialty (e.g. Neighbor-hood ethnic gangs, who had heretofore limited their activi- Suggested Contacts: Gangsters, law enforce-ties to local protection schemes and small gambling rackets, ment, local businesses.discovered the immense profits to be made in the illegalbeer and liquor industry. Allocate 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80 where you like among your characteristics.Option 2: Modifying Low Rolls 2. If a profession, this could include climbing Nurses are trained healthcare assistants, usually workinginstructors, guides, athletes or rescue services. It is recommended that the Keeper ignore this differ- ence for monsters and enemies. project manager and Skills: Appraise, Art/Craft (any), History, Library Use, oversee the construc- Other Language, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Spot Hidden, any tion. You should choose only those Alienist [Classic]skills appropriate to the historical setting in which your Animal Trainergame is taking place. Science has all the answers. Where points were spent in a skill that no longer exists, these points should be recorded in a Skill Pool, for later distribution. 2 to 64 2 2 205 to 284* +2D6 3 65 to 84 1 1 285 to 364 +3D6 4The number for unarmed combat 85 to 124 0 0is your investigators Fighting +1D4 1 365 to 444 +4D6 5(Brawl) skill. leOsIncectseukrpeilaslst-if wished. Your hometown (e.g. The designer may work freelance, Skills: Diving, First Aid, Mechanical Repair, Pilot (Boat),for a design house or for a business designing consumer Science (Biology), Spot Hidden, Swim, any oneproducts, processes, laws, games and graphics and so on. their encounters with the Mythos, it may be their brother or sister who Try to phrase each entry to em- Try to present a reason why your picks up the baton in the future. They taught you something. lazy, drunk, unloving). The allocation of skill S Choose a starting age of 25 or over.points derived from the EDU characteristic reflects the factthat older people tend to know more. This level of wealth affords great luxury and(see Credit Rating in Accommodation: restricted to the cheapest comfort.Chapter 5: Skills). Does a high skill in unrelated to their current profession ity, or as a result of major wounds, shooting mean they grew up in the could point the way here). Download PDF Join Telegram Thousands of similar and other books are available on Telegram Channel. 1920s changes most minds, and by the present day such a background is generally felt to be an advantage. Skills: Computer Use or Library Use, Electrical Repair, Other Language, Science (Chemistry and two oth- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ers), Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal specialty. Partner (e.g. In modern enlisted man is promoted to Warrant Officer. determine causes of death and make recommendations to the prosecutors office. Often famecould be won by competing in organized air races, either Though present day detectives may attend police sciencecross-country or on fixed courses. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Note: With the Keepers agreement, the Hypnosis skill may be substituted for one of the listed skills. luxury of concentrating on a single case. Sometimes nick- art, journalism and wildlife conservation. During the twenties, Hol- classes, take a degree and undergo special training and civillywood makes fair use of stunt pilots. A major portion oftheir time is spent debunking fake mediums and mistaken Photojournalists are essentially reporters who use cam-phenomena rather than recording actual evidence. The Keeper may wish to enforce a cap Science (Chemistry) Chemistryof 75% on starting skills. knowledge. tigator sheet. Key Backstory Connection 2. The signature setting for Call of Cthulhu, prohibition-era America is covered in detail. There is a recommendeddiscuss and decide which method or combination of meth- minimum value of 40 for INT and SIZ, although this may beods for creating investigators best suits his or her group. Average Rating (32 ratings) 5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Solo Investigator's Handbook, a 95-page supplement for Call of Cthulhu. This was done where a skill in one area would clearly Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) Shotgunconfer a higher level of skill in a related area, such as with Idea roll (rare) Idea rollrifle and shotgun. On an Extreme level of success an impale has displaced. You may find that too much back- ground constrains your creativity in G Specify a name. chemistry, physics,Antiquarian [Lovecraftian] geology, etc. John Garfield transactions, financial statements and other and Francis Bushman are forgotten for new stars such as records. Freelance thugs Bank Robbermight work as muggers, stickup men Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 +and armed robbers. Each dice roll will give Pale Sullen Ordinaryyou something from that realm of life to react to; embrace Rosy Tanned Wrinkledit or reject it, but be sure to react to it and use it to help fuel Stuffy Mousy Sharpyour imagination. In the modern day this per-and the level chosen son would own numerous luxury cars.should reflect the in- A reasonable level of comfort, three meals a There is no requirement to make any accountvestigators rank in that day and occasional treats. Aside of the problems of being dents of the day, writing as many words in a day as an authorpoor and having no home, the hobo faces hostility from the may in a week. All enlisted persons receive basic trainingboot campwhere raw recruits are taught how to march, shootSecretary and salute. 2. Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (Technical Drawing), Law, Own Language, Computer Use or Library Use, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Persuade, Psychology, Science (Mathematics). A non-player character (NPC) in the game. Published by startobb, 2020-12-05 13:09:34 . The decadesaw the professionalization of academicanthropology in the U.S. and the growthof psychological anthropologyanAmerican contribution to anthropo-logical theory. Suggested Contacts: Universities, parapsychological Photojournalist Publications. (e.g. Europe. There is a higher power that you worship and praythe options; you may have had an affair with a marriedwoman, your wife may have died and your child fostered, or to (e.g. When an Extreme success is achieved with an attack roll G (HG): Handgun the damage is increased. Take the result and rifle, the hidden knife in your boot).make it specific and personal to your investigator. tainers. Think of a name for these people.6. the enchanting eyes). 61investigator's handbookOrganized Crime Experience Package S Reduce maximum Sanity in line with CthulhuThe investigator has spent most, if not all, of their life Mythos skill.involved in organized crime. Perhaps they have was once held dear becomes mean- and skills. Something you found but you dont know what it is you seek answers (e.g. turn leading to a successful criminal prosecution. (Personal Description, Ideology/Beliefs, Significant People, G Try phrasing it in a way thatMeaningful Locations, Treasured Possessions and Traits). Skills: Accounting, Firearms, Navigate, First Aid, two interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate Skills: Accounting, Library use, Other Language, Own or Persuade), Psychology, any one other skills as Language, any four other skills as personal special- personal or era specialties. Own Language, Persuade, Psychology. The SAN characteristic served only to set starting Sanity points and is no longer recorded as a characteristic.The decision was taken to unify characteristics and skills; Characteristicboth are now on a comparable percentage scale. This a part of your asset value.will have an impact if the investigator is robbed or loses their gear. If you dont like your dice rolls then This method is recommended if you wish to get up andscrap them and start again. 8. 82chapter 4: occupationsReporter Laborer, Unskilled Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 + STR x 2) Credit Rating: 930 Suggested Contacts: Other workers and supervisors within their industry. Tribe Member In modern times, stunt performers will largely be mem-bers of a union where they have had to prove their creden- In the sense of family allegiance, at least, tribalism is every-tials (such as advanced drivers license, divers license and where. Forinvestigator is adept at certain things, example, my wife identifies thewhether through their work, hobbies Dont write too muchjust a few subject, but tells us nothing aboutor upbringing. 3. In game play this means that the player must be presented with the oppor- Birthplace tunity to make at least one dice roll to save the connection. cialists include organizational psychologists who work with businesses and governments, as well as academics conduct- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ing research or teaching psychology. Skills: Climb, Geology, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Oper-Laboratory Assistant ate Heavy Machinery, Stealth, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.Working in a scientific environment, the assistant (or tech-nician) performs laboratory and administrative tasks under Lawyerthe supervision of a lead scientist. , shootSecretary and salute recruits are taught how to march, shootSecretary and salute Trainergame is taking place ( )! Persuade ), Psychology, Sleight of Hand the Classic 1920s period, Hol- classes take. Particularly in the U.S., his or her responsibilities at any one time may number in brackets denotes maximum of... 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call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip

call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip