clean talk communication

clean talk communicationnancy pelosi's grandfather

Youre sorry about spending too much on the couch, just like you were sorry for going over budget on the kitchen remodel, and sorry for spending so much on the dress for our wedding, Youre so irrational, just like your mom., None of my exes were ever as clingy as you are., Why cant you be more fun like Dereks girlfriend is?, If youre going to act like that, then Im not going with you to your parents house this weekend., If you cant get your act together, then maybe we should get a divorce., If you dont want to be more adventurous in bed, I can find plenty of other women who are willing to be., I feel disrespected when you make jokes at my expense when were out with your friends., I feel jealous when I see you texting your ex., I feel hurt when you ignore me when I come home from work., Why didnt you take out the trash last night?, Is there a reason all the dishes have been left in the sink?. 1. Would you be wiling to tell me what youre hearing me say?. Angry fighting leads to distance and weakens intimacy. CleanTalk provides not only anti-spam plugins for websites. What days are New Dawn Works open? It's called the "Clean Buildings, Clean Air" ordinance. So, in my judgment, using the word need when talking to someone who isnt an NVC practitioner is likely to create misunderstandings. I think he was trying to express his sense that a certain stance of the heart was the true key to navigating human relationships in a way that would align with our deepest aspirations. I imagine that one makes judgments in the course of doing Clean Talk: What emotion do I want to name, and is that word free of judgment? Boeing will work with NASA to "build, test, and fly a full-scale demonstrator aircraft and validate technologies aimed at lowering emissions," the agency said. The examples you site are arguably examples where the need was not named as clearly as it might have been, or were named in ways that left you wanting to know more. Price: US $24.84. Note to self: If one were to invite people to name judgments rather than allowing them to hide in the shadow, this might be the way to do it. In an earlier section, you quoted Rosenberg as being willing to say "'I am fearful of the use of violence to resolve conflicts; I value the resolution of human conflicts through other means." It helps fuel the body with vitamins and minerals, supports maintaining blood sugar levels, and adds crucial nutrition and lifestyle shifts to keep hormonal peace. We'll get back to you as soon as possible. Convenient registration/commenting forms increase the number of registrations. Through proven brand-building strategies, we position companies for success on the journey from brand awareness to brand loyalty. I imagine it as a practical question, that need not have any deeper meaning. Well, given how reactive I was to a seemingly inescapable charge of violence, clearly some part of my psyche holds violence as "bad." Check IP or Email with the Blacklists Database. Perhaps something could be lost as well, if one isn't careful. . You say, "In an exercise during the NVC workshop I attended, one person asked, 'Am I myself or the other person?' The key to this kind of positive interaction is what the authors of Couple Skills call clean communication. Matthew McKay, Patrick Fanning, and Kim Paleg (hereafter referred to as MFP) define clean communication as taking responsibility for the impact of what you say. By being more intentional about their communication techniques and leaving out rhetoric that wounds ones partner and creates defensiveness, a couple creates a safe place in which to honestly and respectfully work through their differences. You express a concern that, "NVC loses a precious opportunity here, particularly for parents, mentors, teachers, and others who wish to acknowledge work well done or to offer blessing or support. Im not sure what you think NVC is advocating for that that would prevent this from happening? You offer "There's something I'd like to talk to you about. In actual NVC conversations with people who dont know NVC, saying I need in a way that is likely to trigger a sense of obligation in the listener would be the total antithesis of NVC it would amount to making a demand (and NVC is specifically designed to be about not making demands) in the guise of what superficially appears to be NVC. Moving away from moralistic judgments is central to NVCs agenda of paradigm change. I suppose if I asked someone Would you be willing to give me a ride to the ferry terminal? they might say, Id be willing, but I dont have a car. But, in this sort of example, at least, I dont see my asking about willingness as likely to lead to much of a disconnect. Then, imagining what might be going on for the other person, maybe you remember that theyve been stressed about a project at work, might have been caught up in being totally focused on that, and would likely wish for understanding and acceptance around how overwhelmed theyve been. Note to self: There could be value in articulating more explicitly when to use the model." I believe that condemning is not a sufficiently deep or effective mechanism for producing the sort of change that I am longing for. You say that the Magician is the "head" or "mind" part of us, and share some quotes in which Marshall says". This is likely to take some processing. CleanTalk Inc | 63 followers on LinkedIn. I notice that you seem concerned about NVC practitioners not sharing certain things, yet I have no idea why not sharing these would be of concern. You say "NVC permits each speaker to talk for an unlimited length of time before allowing the other person to respond. Actually, Dr. Rosenberg is famous for advising people to try to say whatever they want to say in 40 words or less (which is often unduly restrictive in practice). This encompasses strategic consulting services for brand positioning & messaging as well as strategic planning. CleanTalk currently scores 83/100 in the Cyber & Data Security category. Please feel free to discard whatever is not useful to you. Im tired of your perpetual poor me attitude., Maybe if you were more of a man, youd be able to handle this., Youd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and finally did something about it., Youre just being ungrateful like always. When we closet-fight, MFP write, The message is: Youre bad, youre bad, youre bad. As I interpret it, the recipes of NVC are largely oriented towards advising how to skillfully address what I might term Relationship Talk having conversations which, at some level, have to do with the relationship between me and you, and where there is a risk of a sense of separation creeping in between us if we're not attentive. My sense is that anger seems to involve a belief that someone has made a choice that has had a significant adverse impact on us, and that they could have made a different choice. Post in topic forums and browse thousands of posts. Posted Dec 2022 4:47 TED-Ed 4 things all great listeners know Its seldom something that can be done in real time in the middle of a conversation. You say"On Dr. Rosenberg's stated preference not to hear what people think, Flack comments, 'I am not sure that is a recipe for nonviolence, when what so many desperately need is that their fully human minds be fairly heard.' As you discuss whats bothering you, describe your emotions as specifically as possible. Your visitors are more loyal and not annoyed guessing characters or puzzles. (NVC, p.151) and". "You're acting so childish right now.". As a result, at times when I am concerned that sharing an interpretation might stimulate disagreement, and when there seem to be more productive options for drawing attention to what is ultimately most important to me, then I will tend to avoid sharing interpretations. Note to self: Think about examples of requests that seem to limit options, consider what might be special about the situations where it feels like that, and what could be done instead. Rosenberg believes that many people experiences challenges that get in the way of their benefiting from receiving appreciation and offers some thoughts about how to help with those challenges., This topic is about the suggestion that, if you hear a no to a request, you empathize with the need behind (or guess the good reasons for) the no. as a way of alluding to whats there without unduly triggering the listener.). The body's immune system can also function . Yes, making beliefs explicit and expressing them, can help with this but I wonder if there is support for realizing the tendency towards beliefs to be unduly limiting in the experiences they allow us to access? Many NVC practitioners express a need as a single word, in a way that isn't always as expressive an clear as it could be. 4100+ talks to stir your curiosity Find just the right one More Active filters: communication Remove Clear Sort by: 4:46 TED-Ed The best way to apologize (according to science) Posted Dec 2022 13:02 Josephine Eyre Are video calls the best we can do in the age of the metaverse? Something acts as an NVC-style need if it draws attention to something that is wanted in a way that people are likely to have sympathy for and find understandable, and at a level of abstraction that supports flexibility in thinking about possible ways of addressing it. Condition: Good. Yet, you are apparently disturbed that the word "bad" isn't explicitly used, while I perceive good reasons for avoiding that word. FAQs . What is important about something NVC calls a need is that it: Focusing on needs ideally tends to support: Ultimately, I think some core goals of NVC are to offer a way of thinking and speaking that supports: NVC is intended to support a paradigm shift in how we relate to self and others, and how we invite others to relate to us. ", (In your examples labeled NVC you mix text that seems to be of your own construction with text quoted from Rosenbergs book (NVC, p. 96). Likely, and I agree that most NVC teaching doesn't fully explore this. But, it could happen, so I value the possibility being named. They hear something much different than you intended. The Art of Manliness participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links. I make sense of NVCs advice about speaking interpretations or moralistic judgments as being dependent on context, and as being about understandings, rather than rules. How is New Dawn Works rated? There is probably something to be learned about skillful use of requests so as to not fall into this trap. Keep Body Language Open and Receptive Your body language communicates a lot, sometimes more than the actual words you speak. "You'd probably feel better if you got off your fat, lazy ass and . If you approached me with the Clean Talk expression, "I want to connect with you and then stopped talking, I might feel frustrated with you for beating around the bush, and putting the burden on me to figure out what you meant by that and to propose a way of addressing it. However, my hope is that NVC practitioners will express interpretations in contexts where it is useful to do so, and be willing to listen to interpretation, and treat them as invitations to carry the conversation somewhere deeper. This pattern ends in thinking Joe is wrong and deserves to be punished without ever considering other aspects of the situation, such as Joe making a tragic choice in order to address something that we could probably all agree was important to address, and our collectively modeling the use of violence as the way we address conflict, and so on. I'm guessing that, implicitly, you have some criteria about what type of things that we do in our minds rise to a level of importance that not sharing them would be a concern for you. That said, I think that this guessing practice can be over-emphasized, at least as a spoken practice (as opposed to something that is done silently, to support more active engagement in trying to understand the other), and that there are times when pure attentive listening is best. Note to self: Consider seeking more understanding around this point, to support assessing whether this is something I feel would add useful clarity. Here are some examples of global labels, and how they could be better rendered as specific critiques of behavior instead of character: As MFP put it, the essence of a you message is simply this: Im in pain and you did it to me. And theres usually this subtext: You were bad and wrong for doing it to me. When people slight us, it may be true that they are entirely, or almost entirely, to blame. I suspect that shifting our habits in regard to judgments is likely to be most effective if both practices are used regularly. I feel a little embarrassed, relieved to be clearer about what is happening, and hopeful that this act of transparency might in some way be useful.). NVC is not a verbal formula for what is allowed and not allowed in speech, and what must be hidden. Here, I offer a detailed (and long) response to that essay. Create sincere, inviting body language by relaxing your face, making warm eye contact, leaning forward, keeping your arms uncrossed, and nodding to show youre listening. How do I say without the use of judgments, 'I believe that there is a God,' or, 'I've learned that violence only begets more violence' or 'I think what I did was wrong?. The example you give of a request seems too vague to serve as a useful NVC request. What is skillful around duration of speaking or listening depends on context. By doing this, the other person can hear what you are feeling without being overwhelmed by you. Any model is likely to need to adopt particular definitions for the words it uses. If Dr. Rosenberg says I need this is primarily for pedagogical purposes, to draw the attention of his students to what he is doing, much like a dance instructor calling out the steps they are doing. But, if we're conscious of the risks of making up stories about things, we can also check our beliefs in other ways, by naming observations, or by being curious about the good reasons another person might have had for their choices (i.e., the needs behind their actions). If it's a spam bot, then CleanTalk blocks this comment or registering. Real-Voice technology provides speech playback at a high audio quality. I think the apparent paradox is an illusion that arises because Rosenberg was not clear in naming that his guidance was intended for certain specific types of contexts. Clean Talk TM is a communications approach specifically designed for expressing challenging or difficult messages by using language to evoke collaboration rather than compliance, proaction rather than reaction, and agility rather than rigidity. These are innovators focused on disruptive clean technologies who know a strong brand is the pathway to a high valuation. Clean 21 Cleanse Program . Note to self: Is there something that could be added to my teaching to reduce the chances of untransformed anger being related to in an unskillful way? ". So, I would translate the issue you raise to something like, would it be beneficial if NVC encourage people to try to reveal how they would benefit from what they say they want? For NVC to offer rigid rules would not be congruent with the type of attitudes NVC hopes to foster in its practitioners. We learn to communicate clearly and effectively. NVC invites us to move out of the frame in which good/bad is the only means of expressing our enjoyment of others actions, and to provide more useful information to support others in understanding what we mean. ), All of these concepts involve discernment, or determination of what it makes sense to believe. Realizing that you want this for them as well, you may feel some tenderness towards them, and find that much of the energy of blame and judgment towards them drains away even as you continue to really want dependability and trust. Straight Talk About Communication Research Methods. Recognizing that, I realize that most of what anger I feel doesn't have much to do with you, or with this interaction. One thing to understand is that need is an NVC technical term, a concept, reflecting a category of qualities that NVC practitioners are invited to focus their attention on, and think in terms of. ", You say "Despite his expressed dislike for thinking in general and for judgments in particular, I see Dr. Rosenberg suggesting that an NVC user make an extraordinary number of judgments, to divine the needs of ourselves and others, to respond to the "deeper meanings" beneath another person's words (p.9), to sense the other person's reality (p.97), and, when a request is refused, to guess what the other person is feeling or needing.". There is an intermediate step, if one hasnt gone through this sort of processing: One can remind oneself that our anger isnt the full truth of the situation, and that the blame component of what we feel is only there because we havent done the work to understand the situation more deeply. (I find the story you cite on p. 113 in NVC: A Language of Life.) I think the logic is basically that sharing interpretations is viewed as likely to stimulate arguments about whose interpretation is true, in a way that diverts attention away from matters that would be less divisive and more important to talk about namely, what needs are at issue, and what could be done to address those needs? Our support of GRID Alternatives goes to training opportunities for women looking to jumpstart or advance their renewable energy career. They accomplish this mission but at the expense of trust and intimacy. Saying I want you to know is not a phrase that I associate with NVC. What I say then would be an honest expression of what Im really feeling at that point. The premier brands our team has collectively supported across the cleantech value chain represent over $1 trillion in market capitalization. You offer some example of how (moralistic) judgments can leak out. Clean 7 is a 7-Day detox program that blends Intermittent Fasting, Ayurveda, and Functional Medicine for powerful . You also say "it seems to be inviting a discussion of reasons with no clear guidelines for how reasons might be expressed safely using NVC. Actually, one of the main reasons for suggesting guessing the reason, as opposing to simply asking for a reason, is to model the type of reasons one is looking to hear. All Speakers. But what actually comes out of our mouths may only be a slice of that bigger picture a partial fragment that is then misconstrued by our partner. With regard to perceptions that he minimizes the role of thought, again, I think that Dr. Rosenberg sometimes expressed things strongly to try to overcome the inertia of habits that undervalue emotion and values. There is a topic in NVC called connection requests, which unfortunately isnt addressed in the book you read. Some people win, some people lose; and often, if you look closely, everyone loses. I think there are two main strategies for shifting our habit around (moralistic) judgment: The first practice requires setting aside time to do this work, over and over again. That orientation towards fighting tends to be associated with a belief that a moral contract has been violated. Its assumed that it makes sense to look for ways to honor everyones needs, so that (to a very real extent) there are no winners and losers everyone gets to win. You also say "Dr. Rosenberg isn't a Jungian, so perhaps he believes that it's possible to stop our inner river of judgments from flowing if we try hard enough.". The idea is to find a way to let go of blame and moralistic judgment while retaining the full importance of the underlying concerns that that blame and judgment was pointing towards. We only recommend products we genuinely like, and purchases made through our links support our mission and the free content we publish here on AoM. Plus, your partner will likely be hurt that youre still holding onto something she thought youd forgiven her for, and you both will feel like your relationship isnt progressing. As an NVC practitioner, I engage my moralistic judgments and transform them into a more holistic and humane way of thinking about situations. This ease of communicating helps to maximize productivity, by eliminating the need for personnel to de-gown to leave the . Considering the three beliefs you named, the one that stimulates a little concern in me is I think what I did was wrong. It all depends on what associations you have with an action being wrong. If you associate being wrong with I deserve to be punished and to suffer, then I would be concerned that this belief may amount to a type of violence towards self that may ultimately contribute to there being more violence in the world. NVC seems to often be able to transform conflicts without wading too far into the interpretations. I think NVC discourages the use of moralistic judgments because they are entrenched tools of coercion and battling for domination, and NVC is about shifting out of a paradigm where one engages in those sort of activities. I agree that under many circumstances it could be off-putting to hear this. At the same time, I have concerns that the whole framework of beliefs that lend weight to a word like "bad" is built on a foundation that ultimately increases violence. Is it that?". / Clean Talk suggests that a word ending in "ed" is subtly suggesting that something outside of us is doing something to us, and that therefore we are not taking full ownership of what we feel and perhaps even accusing someone of something harmful.. A few years ago, I facilitated a process to gather input from people around the world who cared about NVC, and people from 42 countries participated, in 4 languages (which was as much as we could logistically manage). But, over time, we build up trust that there are alternatives to moralistic judgments, and we more naturally are able to go straight to a new way of relating to things. This framework is less tied to coercive associations with there being one right/objective perspective, and with searching for who to give social approval to and who to punish with disapproval. You say "Expressing our judgments may be the only way we can detect the judgments we hold that are inaccurate." What NVC recommends is that the speaker express how the other persons actions have contributed to them personally. It can be installed on glass or plexiglas window, doors and thick walls. All that NVC says is that, when trying to connect with another human being, there are often more fruitful things to focus on, in our speaking, and in our listening, than on the sort of thinking that many people habitually focus on. The main risk is that, when anger is expressed, the listener is likely to infer the presence of blame and moralistic judgment, and this typically stimulates defensiveness in ways that are likely to interfere with optimal communication. We are simply talking about the case where all we really know is that they said no to our request. Neither usage is intended to imply the sort of connotations conventionally associated with distinctions between wants and needs. Avoiding the word need when using NVC helps reduce the chances of people making these (understandable) associations with these words that are spurious to the actual intention. So, paradoxically, because of my belief that the world would be better if there were less violence, I feel worried about endorsing conventional patterns of condemning of violence. The physiological response suggests that on some level we've made a judgment that fighting might be an appropriate response. Maybe I would need to see some examples of what you would enjoy better, to sense into the advantages. Some NVC practitioners are able to integrate their use of connection skills with keeping a focus on the purpose they are attending to, and this can result in a high degree of effectiveness. Yes and they are also signals concerning what is going on inside us, about how we have processed the information about what is going on around us. CleanTalk plugin sends action parameters into the CleanTalk cloud. That is, if your partner is unwilling to meet your needs, create a plan to meet those needs yourself, but dont do so in a way thats specifically designed to punish your partner. This comment or registering who isnt an NVC practitioner, I engage my moralistic judgments and transform into! An NVC practitioner, I offer a detailed ( and long ) response that. The actual words you speak to the ferry terminal Alternatives goes to training opportunities for women looking to or... 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clean talk communication

clean talk communication