project looking glass'' bill wood interview

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The way things are, so I explainedit. The whistleblowers Bob Lazar, Dan Burisch, and Bill Wood will tell you from their own mouths what the project is and what it has been used for. Despite the post's brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power. Your email address will not be published. Bill has provided supporting evidence of his claims. GODS PROPHECY IS TRUTH! Because there is no computer hook up to LG tech. Used extensively by so-called psychic spies during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world., Courtney Brown, Ph.D., defines remote viewing as, the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. Therefore the planet would either cease to exist or ascend to another dimension where the measure of time is different. version: 2, A message from David Icke: "As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult - the people win as they awaken to the truth. I do not hold any responsibility for the views expressed on the referenced contents channels. It is an expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. timestamp: true, The Core Message The Divine Completion (Earth is Becoming a Star) loop: false, Kerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood a third time about Project Looking Glass, early February 2012. Its the only possible explanation. Runtime: 2:30 hrs Video unavailable live: true, Bill said that the timelines hittting a wall would mean the end of time, which could also mean the end of duality since duality has its own kind of time or frequency. Kerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood a third time about Project Looking Glass, early February 2012. Maybe this could happen in the coming months? Discussion about Q Bill Wood and Project Looking Glass [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. Thank you, AdvertiseAnother way to support our work is placing ads on our sites. Thank you.Any comments that question Bill Wood's credibility will be removed, because basically such comments suggest my intuition would be wrong. Groundbreaking in every way. But he warns us that its going to get really wild and dirty, as they dark ones controlled this planet for over ten thousand years. To understand what is a timeline, please check my article about the Mandela Effect. provides more illustrations of Project Looking Glass. In order to understand the dynamics of Time Travel we must first understand the laws of theuniverse. You can use Patreon. Show Links: IMPEACHMENT HEARING HIGHLIGHTS DAY 1: Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and George . Quantum Joy! This would suggest that with this technology, they fixed Jesus after being dead for 3 days and are bring him through time to our future, which should be anytime now. He gies on talking about the looking glass tech and what the elites seen when it came to year 2012 but this year 2020 is actually 2012. . This interview was conducted in January 2012 following the earlier interview with Bill Wood in the same month; January 2012, about Project Looking Glass, which can be found here: Cassidy interviews Bill Wood and David Wilcock.The first part is only about Bill Wood's credibility. Yes, this is sounding like the plot behind Avengers: Endgame, but its a fascinating premise: the glass is actually a portal for us to not only view alternate timelines but also to use it as a sort of time travel device thatll allow those who possess it to influence our current timeline. features: { Here are some images, Photo: David Wilcock on Project Looking Glass | Secret Space Program Tech REVEALED. Any chance there is a written transcript available, somewhere, so this interview can be heard by those who are hearing impaired? (, describes remote viewing as a skill developed via mental discipline, which enables the practitioner to observe events or locations in any space or time, even in alternative timelines, with the assistance of a trigger and what is called a conductor.. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. But I am not entirely sure that mass does not move, or that mass is not affected. Very relevant today! You Are Now Subscribed. Dan describes a stargate in Area 51 as a huge apparatus with a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other instantly. ( BILL (WOOD) BROCKBRADER & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS BILL (WOOD) BROCKBRADER & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS INTERVIEWED BY LISA HARRISON I apologize for posting anything that reflects on Project Camelot in a potentially negative manner, but this interview contains too much valuable information to not post. The guys examine Project Looking Glass and how the Great Awakening movement is occurring around the world. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Other videos come thru fine. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass (LG) and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG ( Looking Glass ): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. }).render().setUser('projectcamelot').start(); There are many ways you can support our work and mission. Picture drawing is a crucial component of these protocols (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Please visit the Support Us page to find out more information. 13:37 They, the benevolent star nations, want this whole thing done and resolved by December on our clock.. They all have the descriptions of its functions and abilities wrong. I am thinking about how the convergence of timelines will be brought about as the end of 2012 approaches, which is something that Lisa asked Bill whether he saw any events that would confirm the convergence of the timelines. It seems that they removed all mentions of this specific technology. He was asked in another talk if the massive die-off had to do with the vaccinations campaign and he replied that it has everything to do with it (2:37 minute mark). According to, the Yellow Cube technology is allegedly used by industrial-military complex to manipulate timelines. Thanks Lisa for another great interview. If you listen to his language in this interview, you will hear every description of Project Looking Glass, only absent that name. According to Adams, our future becomes our present through our free will. Read More Its terminate.. 2:03:10 He says that very smart people realized that something big is coming, as a result of seeing only one particular future materializing in reality (despite the different probabilities fed into the Looking Glass device). Please visit the - ADVERTISEpage for rates and details. I initially became aware of the project via David Wilcock, in his presentation The 2012 Enigma.In the video, Wilcock discusses how the Looking Glass device apparently resembles what is depicted in the film Contact starring Jodi Foster.Since that time, I have seen a huge number of subtle disclosures within movies, tv and even video games using similar symbolic elements to suggest time . ORIGINAL BILL WOOD AKA BILL BROCKBADER INTERVIEW PROJECT LOOKING GLASS Live Q&A: FOLLOW . 11:31 So all of you are ascending whether you realize it or not.. Anyone have a clue why I was able to watch this yesterday any today cant access it Anywhere? This program grinds us up until we see the light. Phil Godlewski and Jerome Corsi have answers. They close the show by talking about what to expect within the coming years with Trump, 5G technology, and evolution of culture. (Group Update Feb 17th) Convergence of Timelines Represents the Diminishing of Duality Lessons. MILITARY INSIDER: They Panicked When They Saw The Future. new TWTR.Widget({ He repeats what other sources say that only by this technology, Hillary Clinton wasnt elected but Trump with the white hats in the military (and intelligence agencies) that saved humanity. We are in the darkest days in 2021/22 and into 23 before dawn breaks and a whole new reality emerges based on love and freedom. According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. According to Courtney Brown in his book Cosmic Voyage (1996), the original purpose of training these remote viewers, or psychic warriors, as Brown calls them was to remotely spy on the perceived enemies of the U.S. We took the opportunity to focus on the spiritual implications of the information gained through his experience with project looking glass. Lisa we love you..x x, p.s. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. Irrelevant comments won't be appreciated either.Disclaimer: I own nothing. It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. ( THE MARSHALL REPORT, CABALS PROPHECY IS A LIE- MIND CONTROL! Next post: Biderman's Chart of Coercion - Written in 1956 and being . The Alliance is INTENTIONALLY Destroying the CABAL-Controlled EconomyBut A New Development Will Bring Us Back from the Brink, CLAIM: The Alliance is Rescuing Children from Deep State Pedophile Tunnels, Red Cross Ships Mercy and Comfort are More Than They Seem, Listen to music proven to reduce stress and anxiety by 65%, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url,, Looking Glass, Zeitlinien und so viel mehr | AVA Sabine. Years after the first Gulf War when we were supposedly not at war with Iraq yet he and Seal Team 9 were targeting Tomahawk Missiles on a monthly basis taking out . Your contributions allow me to continue researching and providing investigative insight, whether from news or intel sources, along with my commentary. If after watching this video you wish to contact Bill Wood here is his email address for that purpose: bill wood : above & beyond project looking glass. According to Bill Hamilton, a consulting senior programmer-analyst who served in the Air Force (USAF Security Service) (, a UFO investigator and author,With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. 2:04:21 He says that this secret sent everyone who knows this secret (including the Elites of the world) into a blind panic in Bill Woods words. The last article contained so much information that I had to move to such server twice. It gets really interesting after about 100 minutes or so. And for those with a similar message, you can promote your work on my site in the form of an ad or guest commentary. Read here. That goes for all videos I share on this channel. I'm not, it's me. 2:09:58 When Kerry Cassidy asked him to verify whether all different types of looking glass devices, systems, were shut down, he says that yes, because they all came to the same timeline. Please remember this andshare far and wide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks. But he does talk . What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamilton's] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on Project Looking Glass and Time Travel experiments: "With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. To skip that, click here: 23:58Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. No one knows me likeIknow myself. March 24, 2013. Burisch holds disconcerting great information about extraterrestrials, the time machines called "Looking Glass" (Orion Cube Stargate), the plans of the secret government and the extinction of the human race. Bill is in a Federal Prison because he gave away secrets the American Government wanted kept away from the American People. Project Looking Glass. I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Bill Wood/Brockbrader Thank you Bill, Overview of a U.S. Navy Seal revealing State Terrorism by the U.S. against Iraq from 1992-2000. summarize the situation. theme: { It would be hidden from the United States within Area 51 ( I receive royalties from KDP when you buy these items. Real OC Politics, Idiocracy "vati-crown-ington re-veil" - Word-Skill .buzz. tweets: { Time to wake up to the fact that we are Divine Sparks and love is the key. Taking on density and a new swimming suit. Illustration: The Orion Cube mentioned-above is allegedly, according to Burisch, a Stargate device, that is also known as the Looking Glass device. Buy a Camelot T-ShirtAnother way to support Project Camelot and get the word out, is to buy a Project Camelot T Shirt. And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. Used in Montauk project and other projects, then got into the wrong hands through replication now also referred to as yellow box or yellow cube. I urge you to watch this incredible talk here: I would like to end this article with a track that I recently listened to and I feel its very relevant to our extremely chaotic times. What we focus our thoughts on creates our reality, and it is high time for us to focus on love and hope and create a better reality. I think the reason why Bill was brought in to look at the data from Looking Glass was because they thought that Looking Glass could be similar to the Yellow Cube, where the observer could find his own future that could be different from the others future. } PROJECT CAMELOT BILL WOOD ABOVE BEYOND PROJECT LOOKING GLASS. It was also used to see the probabilities of future events ( The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. All guest blogs are published with mutual consent and are the opinions of the guest blogger and not my own. Still, please continue buying it as this educates you and others about the origins of the global conspiracy to control and undermine humanity and ways to reclaim our world and live as a peaceful, happy, and supportive community. If hitting the wall means the end of duality for planet earth and its people, where would the people of this planet end up after the end of 2012? US nationwide arrests of 750 Mexican cartel members (CJNG) during Project Python. We then may release the darkness, rising at our own progression. Just fill out the pop-up form. World Bank had launched its first-ever pandemic bonds to support $500 million pandemic emergency financing facility. DonateYour generous donations make it possible for us to continue our work. Please watch these interviews in the video mentioned below on Bitchute. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. However, we are not aware about the war going underground or in the sky. If you know Q and haven't seen this old interview it confirms much. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. Last part (Kerry . She has predi Only one possible explanation. Don. Wells Fargo Home Projects Card VendorsAmong pages recommended for Wells Fargo Home Project Account , if the not-working page is the official login page, it may be because the site is temporarily suspended *The Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued with approved credit by Wells Fargo Bank, N 10, up 5 percent Revenue of $84 Please call 1-800-577-5313 Monday- Friday, from 7:. Please pass on this message to Bill if you can and to let him know I have a group so happy for him, and in such deep appreciation for ALL he has done to date! It became useless to the Elites as they were unable to control or manipulate it. This is taken from my Facebook group. Its an evolution of consciousness (ascension) that cannot and will not no matter what decisions or possibilities are injected into the equation, it all resolves to one (scenario) which is coming to the truth. And as for any changes in mass, or movement within time-space. LISA HARRISON. Mental image.- From a high diving board above the earth, our soul dives into the gene-pool. Go Bill , Go! Bill did not reveal any information from Looking Glass that reveals any major triggers for the convergence of the timelines. Lisa, I just modified the name of my meetup group to simply Kona Occupy Disclosure inspired by Bill. height: 300, The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. 2:00:31 hour mark According to Bill Woods understanding, the problem was that at a certain point in time, the timelines converge (sounds similar to what Mike Adams talks about in the previously-mentioned video). Essentially, IIRC, it states that the US military has time technology called project looking glass that the evil cabal of this realm have lost. Every little contribution matters. It/She expands to hold larger population. The virus is non-terrestrial beings. Fear or Love. So all the evil that were currently seeing, including the censorship, the crimes against humanity are the last desperate moves of the anti-human globalists, pro-Luciferian agenda even though they already lost the game (1:08:50). I can feel the positive energy growing and growing as people stop feeling helpless to change the corruption and start feeling empowered. They brought him into the future and showed him a possible outcome. bless thee and keep thee well. Although Ingo Swann was not a scientist, his protocols was the early version of the remote-viewing protocols used by the U.S. military (Everybodys Guide to Natural ESP: Unlocking the Extrasensory Power of Your Mind, 1991). Your contributions also enabled me to start promoting my book on a new platform for half a year. This M.G.A. I couldve gone into denial, but Mass Awakening is my way of fighting back by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers. BILL (WOOD) BROCKBRADER & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS. Hi Lisa we suggest you watch this video interview, Ben Lowrey interviews Arthur Cristian because the information Arthur shares will have you question much of what Bill Wood is sharing as truth as is project camelot, david icke, jordan maxwell and so much more information that is coming out of both alternative and mainstream medias. I highly appreciate your continued support.Much love and blessings to you. Bill Brockbrader was supposed to be a United States veteran, a loving husband and a doting father. Time travel. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness directly. (, According to Courtney Brown (Cosmic Voyage), the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. Purchase TicketsSupport our work by purchasing tickets for various conferences we offer. The targets would be attacked by Tomahawk missiles. GODS PROPHECY IS TRUTH! Bill Wood's Full Interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2010 'Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass' Source: Project Camelot You might like Related news coverage Bill Wood Talking About Project Looking Glass w/ Kerry Cassidy (last 20 mins of interview) Rumble Advertisement 11k views. But if the person was a Christian, they may see the infamous crucifixion event. ( background: '#f1f0f8', Your email address will not be published. links: '#9560c7' To make a donation click here. Editor's Note: Very Interesting Video giving validation after validation for a timeline contraction (The Event). Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. Also, he came to me in 2002 so I know he's real I justdidn't know who he was until I saw him speaking in this video 15 years later. color: '#56527d', From my experience, many people embrace a very defeatist perspective on our destiny. 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project looking glass'' bill wood interview

project looking glass'' bill wood interview