the last winter ending explained

the last winter ending explainednancy pelosi's grandfather

About the wang discussion, i think wang told her that soo died 20 days ago, after her chimio was over, because she didnt want to give up on her chimio because of the sad news (im assuming wang found out oh soo died 6 months ago). Is she dreaming? The final scene of The Lord of the Tides is a tragic misunderstanding that could shape the fate of Westeros. I think they are dead. Young says that shes known his whereabouts for twenty days, since Secretary Wang waited to tell her until she finished her chemotherapy. A tiny moment passes before he asks if they can see each other again. This happy ending is what sealed this drama into my heart. Are they still alive? Yes, we do get a happy ending but it felt completely unsatisfying and made me feel so disappointed. He tightens the bell bracelet on his wrist in preparation, since its his life on the line. It's photographed beautifully and (by and large) acted with conviction and sensitivity. Writer-nim, you are SO much better than this-- please don't squander your gift. If it'd been left with Soo on a bicycle, then I'd have leaned towards him being dead. I thought Missing You was running amuck with epic logic fails that just reading recaps confused the heck out of me..But to each their own i guess. Did the CCTV goons end up getting him because his promise, in a sense, broke (to let Soo & Jin Sung go unscathed)? To me, this drama fizzled out around episode 8. Joel and Sarah get separated from Tommy shortly after they recover. But no, Young frequently visited Soo's cafe, hears the bell on his bracelet and yet Soo doesn't reveal to her that it's him until much later. 2,5, & 6 were my thoughts exactly. The kissing under the cherry tree was really true not a dream nor an imagination (if it was an imagination, how cruel the mind of Oh youn was, it doesn't make sense). A good cast that acted well above this movie. I wanted to see if, just maybe, the idea was to have Young hit such a low that she reached a moment of pivotal self-realization in order to decide that she wanted to live after all, in a change we could see and understand. Either way I guess its a happy ending that they are together! To be honest I wasn't expecting much going into this film, yet was pleasantly surprised about it for about the first 45mins. A final note: the KISSING! I've watched it happen in quite a few dramas. Drama pls! Is he dead, for real this time? It being a cry for help doesn't make her suicide attempt less legitimate or fake in any way. (Even Wang's redemption arc, though not something I agree with, was well supported within the story -- it didn't come out of nowhere.). Granted, some things started to not make sense towards the end, but NOTHING about this show makes me think the director or writer became lazy and gave up along the way. Theres a light at the end of every drama tunnel, but sometimes its how we get there that matters more than how bright that light turns out to be. Why? External Reviews Ur comments cracked me up!!! Hee-suns alive and living in the countryside with Jin-sung, and Jin-sung effectively scares away a possible suitor by telling him that hes already slept with Hee-sun. If i were Jin Sung, i would twist the situation turning the knife closer to the Boss Man's neck asking for his Family's safety in return!!! I thought Soo died. Her secretly hoping that Oh Soo would burst in and save her makes sense (the only thing that made sense in this episode). and because JIS's acting is so AMAZING - Soo looks so dead there to me! Oooh, a twist! From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Last Winter is a 2006 horror film directed by Larry Fessenden. The Last Winter premiered in The Contemporary World Cinema Programme at the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2006. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Shooting took place in both Iceland and Alaska. I salute the writer as well as Ju in sung and Oh young very well-acted characters. that would be too much. Though I was happy to see OS alive, I was not jumping up and down, I was not clapping (meaning I was not overly excited), and I couldn't help but wonder if MC dying (though maybe we had that coming) and the other characters being alive (I am assuming) was a way of doing fanservice, the main characters got to live and all. These last few episodes were off and did not match up to the earlier episodes. Superb for the writer can make the viewer confused and determine their own opinion about the end of the drama, Daebak! But he had some charisma so that got brushed away at the end. Neither of them died! I know what youre saying: Heads, thats crazy talk! Trust me, I know. First off, where did this apparition come from, is it an illusion created by the fumes from that white box? Then, again I don't believe Young would make up such an elaborate story for herself (even in a dream) to "blind" herself from his death. But its time to let bygones be bygones and say farewell to Winter. She doesnt want blindness to haunt Young any longer and cries that shes sorry, which Im guessing is finally an apology for causing her blindness in the first place. !good point haha. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Theres a light at the end of every drama tunnel, but sometimes its how we get there that matters more than how bright that light turns out to be. FB.init({ My biggest gripe is the directing of this show. Who knows. I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. But I thought her extreme trust issues were well shown so I bought her character as a whole. "If that had been me, Id have taken the knife and gone after Kim.". I was neither horrified, mystified, or thrilled. When that time comes, you will answer all of my questions without hiding anything. The vaunted cinematography of this drama may appear genuinely impressive at first, but it dawns upon you sooner or later that, however it wants to emulate it, this is not a Merchant-Ivory film. But it wasn't clear how our characters survived the stabbing, surgery, and road accidents. (I could buy him being dead if they'd left it at the bicycle scene -- but the restaurant was too real.). Except thenwhat was all that deal with Jin-sun about? We don't know but I didn't care because the atmosphere, music and beautiful pictures of the white nothingness are just too gripping. I guess its up to intrepretation but it may be that those two are actually alive and everything went well OR they both diedSoo died first bc he got stabbed which is why he is at the restaurant "6 months before" waiting for her. Yippee, a happy ending! hahaha, I can't believe more people didn't think of that, poor forgotten oppa Oh Soo :(. The only thing left are his boots, still propped up as if someone was standing in them. Fessenden said the monsters are not to be taken literally and are "a manifestation within Hoffman's mind". We know that the pursuit of it has led not only to vast environmental damage, but also numerous wars and countless deaths. Srsly the ending confused me i wanted to see wt happened next when Soo got staped i mean when he healed and stuff XD hmph oky i was happy that they ended together & happy ending but not like this lol . It didn't disgust me though. I haven't seen NHK's previous works, so thanks for sharing your insightful thoughts. A news anchorman is broadcasting over a television in the waiting room about natural disasters occurring nationwide. It always took some time with him. So my expectation was that in TWTWB, we would end up at least being able to understand all of the main characters. And yes, like mentioned above, to show lust and passion. This leads Abby to open a nearby door, to find a hospital team member hanging still from the ceiling. Though IMY is a drama I'd only recommend with warnings attached (it's definitely not for everyone) there was no story-logic fail. Why? What else could he have done? A warm, humorous and inspiring feature film, tells the story of a young mans struggle to keep his world from changing. Sans a passing mention of the attempt in a confusing conversation where she simultaneously told Soo that she couldnt forgive him yet she still loved him and wanted to be with him, I failed to see the step between I want to die and I want to try living because now Im extra sure you love me. His love couldnt cure her desire to die just one night earlier, but then by the morning after, his love cures all? His stern expression did make me think he matured a bit. Okay, nothing much to say here that hasn't already been said by all the other good reviewers on here. He was not quite ready hence she couldn't see him until he was. If it was Young's imagination, why did she have to make it so that Soo only shows himself to her after a year? This is one drama that defies logic. This movie prompted me to write my first review. Very pretty to look at like a picture, but barely engaging and forgettable in the end. Shes had it rough, but so did Soo. And I guess we underestimate the rate at which human hair can grow. Maybe you can pretend her long hair is a wig, LOL. Hmm .. Several hints: the sad look on Jingsung's face even though he was with his family safe and sound; Young's long hair-there is no way a woman who just finished chemo could still have such long hair just six months out; there was this sadness through out the last few scenes-the falling flowers from the trees, the blurry and white-out treatment of the shots-some contributed to the theory she must have regained partial eyesight and that is why you see the blurry shots. For taking the time to actually write it out or type it out in this case. Ill try to remember the good times, and Ill be sure to remember that through you, I discovered Jo In-sung. Jin-sung spots him while on his way to the hospital and starts to piggyback him the rest of the way, even though Moo-chuls already got one foot in the other world as he mumbles, Just leave me be, Jin-sung doesnt give up, until he feels Moo-chul go limp on his back. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical?) It's lovely and I don't think you can blow it off as just pretension. i can't believe that is finished best drama i have ever seem and it's the best drama of 2013. Now he knows, and knowing is half the battle. i don't think dreaming would be like that. It was amazing because it is not really easy to write an open ended story and with so much twists. BOO-mother-frikkin-HOO. Gary, the pilot, and the replacement environmental scientist, Marshowitz, are both killed in the crash; Foster is horrifically burned, but manages to live out the night before dying. Secretary Wang wants to know why, considering how she made Young, you know, blind. When I slit my wrist, I looked forward to you opening my door instead of feeling scared. It's a happy ending! You made viewing this beautiful drama (scenes, actors and soundtracks) even more memorable. Thanks for everything, drama! I wish I wasnt so conflicted over this finale or the last few episodes, because I truly did love this show in the early stages, and wish that love could have carried all the way through. It was a pretty ride that just got weird and choppy and bumpy the last four episodes. I wonder, I wonder. Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Out of all the signs in the zodiac, Virgo could probably be considered the most organized sign of them all. It was blurry because it was trying to show it in Young's perspective. It wasn't even that the characters were unlike-able or underdeveloped. Everything made its own logical point UNTIL the last episode. The first eight episodes were executed close to perfection imo but I didn't really mind the change in pace afterwards. There are pools of water on the ground nearby. But for some unknown reason, we refuse to move forward. A group of people located at a work station in the artic are the first to bear witness to the end of the world. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Thanks for your input on what was said by the actors about the finale coz I was confused and I wanna be happy.Yep,if she was in heaven her vision would be 100%!! Soo keeps an eye on his watch, knowing time is of the essence. I don't think it was an excuse to put in alot of sex scenes. Oh, and yes, thanks to TWTB, I also discovered Jo In Sung!! Period. but I wondered if it would be rude in a way or something. It's as if she got fed up with pouring her heart and soul into writing dramas that weren't very popular, and she watched a bunch of more conventional dramas like Nice Guy and said, "Hey-- you want a slick, uber-intense, OTP-centric, not-necessarily-sensical melodrama full of PPL? These flowers symbolize happines, wedding, and love. I hate unreasonable story, because it messes my head. If you're on the edge of deciding whether to watch this or not, I'd say find it for free since you won't listen to a reviews on here wishing away your curiosity. A call to Hee-sun affirms that Boss Man isnt lying, and Jin-sung looks devastated as the mean old geezer slides him a knife. (And not a moment too soon!). 7. All rights reserved worldwide. This is a happy ending. Episode 7 ended with a big moment for the show, the kiss between Wednesday and "normie" barista Tyler. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Thats where Young fails as a character, even though earlier episodes showed her growing and changing from the cold and prickly person she once was, which was mostly due to Secretary Wangs heavy hand in keeping her in a child-like state, into a woman who realized that the world wasnt always out to get her. Jin-sung arrives in the meantime so Boss Man can declare him Soos gambling partner, and all of Soos huffing and puffing cant reverse the situation now. Nooooooooo!!!! As Wang recites Youngs table setting like the old days, Youngs eyes brim with tears. The game amps up as Jin-sungs family loads the truck to move though theyre being watched by a shady-lookin dude. You brought up an interesting point for 1. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. Because now just isnt a good time? The man with the bracelet stops ahead of her, but doesnt turn back. I thought it was a nice touch. As things progress from bad to worse each succumbs to their own belief with wild and unpredictable results. Metacritic Reviews. Unfortunately, the flash-forward in the 1883 premiere episode was not a dream or a hallucination. It is the reason why she is such an I dont buy that this show was making a statement about clinical depression through Young, but I do buy that she had Drama Depression, with all its requisite symptoms of plot convenience. Why shill on a movie 12 years old?? Now that i know there's a happy ending TIME TO WATCH!! After waking up from what seems to have been a nightmare, composed of the whole duration of the film, she looks for others. Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. You will answer all my questions honestly. How about NOW, since youre already asking the questions? But that's really the only thing I wonder. It is only 16 episodes. I wonder what it will be? This article contains spoilers for The Last of Us episode 1. Because I could relate to Oh Young's character. Super evaluation! Another obvious thing was the discussion between jin sung and jung eun, they were obviously reffering to his grave (why didnt they get married as they planned if things settle down?) Moo Chul? One particular part of the ending that was outlined for him by Team Jordan was the fate of Rand alThor, the Dragon Reborn. Just read and look where Song was interviewed, she also concluded TWTWB was a happy ending story. Then the shape of a man starts to form. Which might be realistic. Placed in the rural setting of the mid 1950s, it revolves around William Jamison and his colorful old Grampa Jack. Me too Jo In Sung forever.I'm like Lee Min Who?hahaha. I absolutely love your comments and totally agree word for word with your analysis. | Interesting, flawed film with engaging themes and possibilities. - I really praised the writer for having this kind of story. (Seriously though. I think that is what the writer ment. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Fessenden introduces North Corporation, a government-backed oil research and building team, working under the watchful eye of two environmental experts. Since Will was born they have shared the same bed and often the same dreams. The Brattle Film Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit, supported in part by grants from the Cambridge Arts Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. I guess I understood his decision 'against' Soo ("the needs of the many blablabla blood is thicker bla") but it was so rushed that I totally did not connect on an emotional level. (I am just curious about that part). Blurry happy ending scenes are so cliche. I guess there are so many probabilities with this, it's kind of crazy. In that case then, why stab him in the first place? When I first started watching More Beautiful Than a Flower, I didn't know that it was written by NHK. He has, because he loved a girl who was blind. 2. At times, I couldn't understand OY and I found her irritating sometimes. But after actually watching it, I'm 100% sure they're both alive. The male protagonist is a con-man in some sorts. I loved this drama. Red Letter Media sells VHS copy of "Nukie" on eBay for Harry Melling talks about leaving Dudley Dursley behind Official Poster for Dave Franco's 'Somebody I Used to The Whale Star Brendan Fraser Gives Emotional Speech At What are the small things that scream "movie set" for you? Then, in the final seconds, the camera places Abby within her surroundings. And is of a piece with the whole, what about Boss Kim? I love you, very much. Soo pulls her into an embrace even as he cant help but crying, and he repeats over and over again, I love you. The scenes are blurry because that's how Young sees the world now. My big plot-hole question is why didnt Pollack and Hoffman get the dead truckers boot to replace the one lost in the ice river? Five minutes before the ending: WHAT!? The flowers suggested by MC are the favorite flowers of Oh young and her brother same with Oh soo. Jin-Sung didn't finish Oh Soo off, and they were merely bringing flowers to Oh Soo's shop (which can be seen in the final scene) Someone even stated that in an interview with one of the Honestly, after having long hair for so long and not being able to see it, probably one of the first things I would do is buy a wigif only just to see how I looked all that time. Everyone else acting was as good as high schoolers reading a PowerPoint word for word in a presentation. The New Amsterdam series finale followed Dr. Max Goodwins final day at the NYC hospital but many Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, And I do wonder if everyone really takes the time to read all comments or just stay firm in their opinions no matter what? I think part of the problem lies with how the show quickly glossed over Jin Sung's dilemma and there were also no explanations on how Soo all of a sudden is alive in the end. Yes, I know a lot of this is subtext and supposition (and the interpretation is questionable), but the ending of The Winters Tale requires it, no matter which interpretation you choose. For example, If you want a miracle, then why does Hermione say shes been preserved? (Seriously! Out of all the melos I've seen, this one is definitely the most satisfying. Though I did see the charm the actor brought to the role that was a little too fan-servicey for me. He kept his con going for a lot, lot longer. Tags: featured, Jo In-sung, Kim Bum, Song Hye-gyo, That Winter the Wind Blows, Your email address will not be published. As she takes a taxi home, she opens the window to feel the wind. The white apparitions can be interpreted different ways. The promise of sizzle from early on in the show fizzled out too. Soo makes Jin-sung and Boss Man nervous when he keeps folding, but Soo reveals his tactic during a time out he wanted to come this close to losing so Boss Man would have no option but to buy in. Maybe it was the timing in which it happened. And then i realized, she was only recuperating possibly and thus through her eyes, things are still blurry. Young made it thru surgery. Love it! Can she see? 6. Once it's over, you feel like asking, "What the hell did I just watch and why did I keep watching?" But the scenes with Lawyer Jang and all of them wasn't from her perspective. I'm in agreement. I concluded. It was a visually lovely show to watch. Dreaming should be kissing already or running while laughing, no real people will talk and if everything was all a dream then why not the director chose to have that scene be with Oh young and Oh soo only and no other people will be part of it and no other thing will included. 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the last winter ending explained

the last winter ending explained