uss quincy crew list

uss quincy crew listnancy pelosi's grandfather

[6] Quincy sits upright in roughly 2,000 feet (610m) of water. ASTORIA, plus two destroyers on the night of August 8-9, 1942 comprised Task Group 62.3. The fact that these projectiles usually detonated upon contact or just after penetrating the skin indicates that quite probably they were 5" H.E. Lab tech served under Drs. After stops in Oakland, Calif., and San Diego, Calif., QUINCY passed the Panama Canal in June and continued to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for six weeks of shakedown training. Fragments in this case entered into the turret officer's booth, wounding the turret officer. 1 below radio I in Captain's cabin (Hit No. On the afternoon of 13 August, in company with four British cruisers, one French cruiser, and four American destroyers, QUINCY departed Malta for the landings on the southern coast of France, arriving Baie de Cavalaire 15 August. One 8" projectile set ready-service ammunition at gun No. The increased draft and port list which resulted, brought the projectile holes in the skin of the ship below the water line. Quincy's captain ordered his cruiser to charge towards the eastern Japanese column, but as she turned to do so Quincy was hit by two torpedoes from Tenry, causing severe damage. 15) and the ammunition set on fire. Early in the action, two hits (No. Another hit (No. The five airplanes on each ship except QUINCY had been drained of all gasoline. No 5" projectiles were found intact on any of the three ships, although some of the 5" enemy projectiles were duds as the references definitely report various 5" projectile hits which did not detonate. A projectile (Hit No. The person's rank/rate ? Two diesel generator units each of 100 kw capacity are being installed in all heavy cruisers, one of which is located forward and the other aft. 26, USS Saratoga CV3 War Damage Report No. Quincy evacuated 490 refugees to Marseille and Villefranche, France, before being relieved by Raleigh on 27 September. A hit (No. Between 27 July and 13 August, the cruiser participated in training exercises at Malta and Camarota, Italy. This resulted in the loss of all power on the ship. Try the Ship's Store. One torpedo probably struck under the sick bay in way of the lower handling room of No. She remained at Boston for the installation of new equipment through 31 October, when she got underway for training in Casco Bay. (b) "There should be a hand-operated fuel oil service pump located in each fireroom.". A fire was started in the flag bags immediately behind the bridge, probably from hot fragments. Fires from the hangar and the boat deck necessitated the abandoning of this space early in the action. (c) Senior Surviving Officer, QUINCY ltr. and. Many 5" hits were also sustained in the wardroom country. Apparently, when the torpedo exploded, fuel oil in the side tanks was blown into the fireroom and this floated to the surface where it ignited and resulted in the dense smoke which he observed. 2 mess hall by one or more direct hits (Hit No. The other hit at frame 74 in way of No. The crew was about to abandon ship when all at once the enemy extinguished searchlights and ceased firing. Many 8" and 5" hits were received forward on the upper, main and second decks: 3 or 4 in forecastle (Hits Nos. 71. At the same time, Rear Admiral James H. Thach, Jr., Commander Cruiser Division Six, shifted his flag from USS MACON (CA 132) to QUINCY and he and his new flagship steamed out of Norfolk bound for Europe. There was one plane on each catapult, one on the well deck and two in the hangar. In all three ships these fires were fed by topside paint, life jackets, signal flags, airplanes, airplane spare tails, wings, parachutes, ships' boats, lubricating oil and kerosene which made the area between the bridge and the after bulkhead of the hangar an inferno beyond human endurance. In 1995, to commemorate 50 years since the meeting occurred, thenU.S. Quincy's wreck was discovered and explored by Robert Ballard and his crew in July and August 1992. Turret III was put out of action after firing only two salvos. 94. She supported carriers in strikes in the Tokyo Plains area, Honshu, Hokkaido, and Shikoku. Baxter was participating in the 25th reunion of former crew members since the USS Salem Asslociaion formed in the late 1980s. 59. 344825 entries available online. 56, USS Houston CL81 War Damage Report No. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. Back to the USS Quincy (CA 71) page|Crew List main page| medium steel angle which joined together the face plate and the side plate. Quincy, based at Palermo through 26 July, conducted shore bombardment practice at Camarota in the Gulf of Policastro. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. This type projectile which is unusually effective against light armor is poor against anything over 1/2 caliber in thickness. 50. 27). 31, 32 and 33). Upon her arrival back in the United States,Quincywas transferred to the Pacific, where she escorted the fast carriers as they conducted air strikes on targets in the Ryukyus and the Japanese Home Islands during the last five months of World War II. (b)The projectiles used against BOISE had a flat nose with a windshield. This recommendation, which has been discussed in reference (e), has also been approved. No. USS Quincy was detached from European duty on 1 September, and steamed for Boston, arriving one week later. This blew a hole in the ship's side below the waterline. My father passed away in 1972. The flames enveloped the forward control station. These hits were confined to the superstructure above the upper deck and to the hangar; however, this damage was negligible in comparison to the material damage caused by the detonation of the. 17. This reduced the speed to nine knots. A little later BAGLEY came alongside the starboard bow and took off all survivors forward. A short time later the other forward 8" magazine was flooded. These six are the only hits reported which struck originally below the second deck. She was sold to American Ship Dismantling Co., Portland Oregon on 1 September 1974 for $1,156,667.66. 4 firerooms and the other in way of the I.C. Preliminary Design Branch USS Quincy (CA-39), Astoria (CA-34) and Vincennes (CA-44) War Damage Report No. In regard to the incident discussed on ASTORIA in paragraph 25, it appears probable that the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges were ignited by direct impact of the 8" projectile. 20) penetrated the second deck amidships (90 lb. 2, although not hit, was out of action because of the explosion and fire in turret II and the fire in forward 20mm clipping room. He remembers so many names but a few that really stick out are Harold Hewitt, Paul Boyd. U.S.S. A few tubes in No. One or two 9-gun salvos were fired when QUINCY's course was changed to the right, bringing her stern through the enemy's fire. Turret No. 3 fireroom; however, the destruction of the blowers by Hits Nos. 1 in wardroom (Hit No. 20), about seven minutes later, caused all fires to go out and fuel suction to be lost. projectile, and blown overboard. 1, War Damage Report No. 3 and No. About 0202 the forward engine room was abandoned because a hit above this space filled the engine room with smoke. 95. Many casualties were sustained by this repair party. This recommendation was also discussed in reference (e). The hazard, therefore, is one of a violent powder fire which may spread, which is difficult to extinguish and rather hazardous to attempt to approach too closely. A second hit (possibly No. On 6 December 1952, a change-of-command ceremony was held aboard while visiting Naples, Italy, during which Captain Taylor relieved Captain Chappell as commanding officer of the QUINCY. Crew's spaces on the first platform deck immediately above the compartments mentioned in the preceding sentence were flooded. 23. 24) in No. 3 of the after 1.1" battery. USS Quincy (CA-39) Quincy (CA-39) was laid down by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Quincy, Mass., 15 November 1933; launched 19 June 1935; sponsored by Mrs. Henry S. Morgan,. No fires were reported in this area. For crew lists, and reunions see the Veterans Info Page. The cruiser departed Leyte I July with Task Force 38 to begin a period of strikes at Japans home islands which lasted until the termination of hostilities. CA-39 Crew Roster . After a fourteen day Atlantic crossing, the ship arrived at Greenock, Scotland. Quincy passed through the Straits of Gibraltar on 26 July and arrived at Mlaga, Spain on 27 July to assume her duties. President Roosevelt received Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, 14 February. 16, USS Liscome Bay CVE56 War Damage Report No. All lighting and communications were destroyed. 2 fireroom rendered the blower inoperable. Dense smoke and fires cut off fore-and-aft passage on the second deck. 8 received hits (Nos. Both the port and starboard catapult towers were struck by 5" projectiles (Hits Nos. projectile of impact nose type fuze. Quincy sustained many direct hits which left 370 men dead and 167 wounded. 2 in sick bay (Hits Nos. From results of the Bureau of Ordnance tests described above, it appears rather that this "explosion" was a severe powder fire from the 5"/25 caliber ammunition charges which was so intense as to be of the nature of an explosion. USS Quincy. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. At that instant the Captain straightened up and fell back, apparently dead, without having uttered any sound other than a moan."[5]. USS Quincy sailed out of Hampton Roads 5 March 1945, arriving Pearl Harbor 20 March. In the Pilot House itself the only person standing was the signalman at the wheel who was vainly endeavoring to check the ship's swing to starboard to bring her to port. 3 set the hawser reel on fire. Following Operation Mainbrace which started 13 September, QUINCY arrived in Plymouth, England, on 26 September, but soon continued southbound arriving at Gibraltar 3 October. A hit (No. This was due primarily to the fact that the fires so completely lighted up the ships that the enemy had no trouble in remaining on the targets despite the evasive maneuvers used. The night was dark and overcast with occasional light mists of rain. The Commanding Officers and Senior Surviving Officer furnished some notes and recommendations. Home Join Now About Hullnumber Before You Register Tell A Shipmate FAQs Related Links Contact Us. The ready-service boxes serving guns No. Hits were received from automatic A.A. weapons. 15 and No. With the growth of hostilities in Europe, she was ordered to Task Force 2 (TF 2) and operated with Wasp in the mid-Atlantic, preserving US neutrality from 26 April to 6 June. 19, USS South Dakota BB57 War Damage Report No. Complement: 807 officers and enlisted Displacement: 9375 tons Length: 588 feet 2 inches Beam: 61 feet 10 inches Draft: 19 feet 5 in Flank Speed: 32 kn The stay at home was short and the ship was called to duty to serve in the 7th Fleet in support of United Nations Forces in Korea. 9. The battle has often been cited as the worst defeat in a fair fight in the history of the United States Navy. 22 and 26) During the meeting, President Roosevelt tried to persuade Ibn Saud to give support for Jewish immigration to Palestine, and hoped that Ibn Saud might be able to offer constructive advice on the Palestine issue. From then until 0200 the enemy was hitting with large and small caliber projectiles with increasing rapidity. Attempts to extinguish fires failed as all fire main risers had been ruptured. Home; About HullNumber; Before you Register; Tell a Shipmate . Some of these are briefly discussed below. USS Quincy (CA-71), a Baltimore class heavy cruiser of the United States Navy. In accordance with reference (e), a vertical loop fire main in the forward and after living spaces, separated by at least one deck is being installed in all heavy cruisers in commission. 1 fireroom and killed all of the crew in this space. Registration and communicating with shipmates at is FREE FOREVER. Robert E. Powers aka Rep is my grandfather and was on the USS QUINCY CA-71 during the Korean War as a Radar man 2nd class. Eventually, the powder or the projectiles in the forward 5" magazine exploded, rupturing the hull. Renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942, to perpetuate that name, after the destruction of the second Quincy(CA-39) at the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942. At 0537, 6 June 1944, she engaged shore batteries from her station on the right flank of Utah Beach, Baie de la Seine. This area also received an unknown number of hits. The President's senior aide, Maj. Gen. Edwin "Pa" Watson, who had been ailing, died aboard ship on 20 February. USS Quincy Just as the enemy searchlights were trained on VINCENNES at 0155, the main battery was directed to train out and fire. From there the heat of the fire eventually reached and exploded the unflooded 5" magazine. 67. QUINCY stood out of Hampton Roads 5 March 1945, arriving Pearl Harbor the 20th. Each Aug. 9, Navy veteran Dan Galvin honors 389 shipmates who lost their lives when Japanese warships sank the USS Quincy at Guadalcanal on Aug. 9, 1942, by reading their names from his front . 16) and again about five minutes later (Hit No. Every effort is being made to insure that water will be available for magazine sprinkling. (e) Comcrupac ltr. Turret III was jammed in train by a hit (No. Ships of the U.S. Navy, 1940-1945 CA-39 USS Quincy. 9) This reduced the intensity of the fires, but not. 90. 72. These pumps are being installed. Ammunition within exploded with such violence that the Commanding Officer ASTORIA reported in reference (a) that "QUINCY had blown up". Your ORIGINAL HOMETOWN and State are asked for because that confirms who you are in your shipmate's memories. USS Astoria (CA 34) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Astoria (CA 34). Electrically driven fire pumps were chosen instead of diesel-driven pumps because of the greater diversity and distribution of auxiliary electrical power on these new cruisers. The action sharply emphasized the necessity for providing equipment which is reliable and adequate for the control of the major conflagrations resulting from present day naval warfare. There were light breezes from the southwest with a ceiling of about 1500 ft. One of these (Hit No. In honor of the meeting between Saudi's King Abdul Aziz and Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard Quincy, the official residence of the American ambassador to Saudi Arabia is named Quincy House, and is located on the Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh. Now Deceased (1982) The slow degree of flooding which was reported was more apt to have been the result of a projectile hit below the water line. 12. 60. She later provided close fire support for the Marines during the landing. After an overhaul at Mare Island Navy Yard, Quincy resumed tactical operations with her division off San Clemente, California, until her redeployment to the Atlantic on 4 January 1939. USS Quincy honors the past crews of the ships that bore this name, the people/Veterans from communities named Quincy and President. QUINCY stood out of Belfast Lough 20 May for the Clyde and anchored off Greenock, Scotland to begin special training in shore bombardment. Quincy steamed to Portland, England, 21 June, and joined TF 129. Aflame . 200 likes. Battle II was struck at least once (Hit No. 77. Copyright 2023 From an analysis of the damage it appears that 8" A.P. 31. The fires had moderated except for a fire in the wardroom country. In accordance with this and recommendations from more recent actions, the long forestay and afterstay are to be removed from the existing heavy cruisers of the SAN FRANCISCO (QUINCY) class as opportunity permits. The next Japanese 8" salvo hit amidships setting afire the boats on the boat deck and the three planes in the hangar. A minute later the first enemy salvo struck, hitting the bridge, the carpenter shop, the hangar, battle II and the antenna trunk.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. As a result, QUINCY was without fire power about eight minutes after contact with the enemy. Robert Carter '42 survived the sinking, but disappeared at sea in 1965. In connection with elimination of existing fire hazards aboard ship, the Bureau is actively cooperating with the forces afloat to accomplish this. 53. QUINCY and U.S.S. Two days later she departed Ulithi and joined Rear Admiral Wiltses Cruiser Division 10, in Vice Admiral Mitschers Fast Carrier Task Force. After shakedown cruise in the Gulf of Paria, between Trinidad and Venezuela, the new cruiser was assigned 27 March 1944 to Task Force 22 and trained in Casco Bay, Maine until she steamed to Belfast, Northern Ireland with TG 27.10, arriving 14 May and reporting to Commander, 12th Fleet for duty. The hit on the face plate of turret I made a clean hole 11 inches in diameter through the 8" class "B" face plate and the 51 lb. I really am not sure of date when daddy boarded the Quincy, not even the year. This is based on reference (a) which reported that there was a very large hole in the upper deck near the ready-service box. He also reported. It is reported that the fire was put out by immersing the powder bags in the water tanks. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, accompanied by Rear Admiral Alan G. Kirk, inspected the ships company in Belfast Lough 15 May 1944. Damage to QUINCY and VINCENNES was so extensive that loss of the vessels was inevitable. 63. 85. Over 1000 men were killed or lost at sea. 16. Heavy clouds surrounded Savo Island and the Guadalcanal area. They were still able to fire in local control. The fire was extinguished by throwing the flags overboard. One 8" projectile (Hit No. It was obvious that the ship was going to sink. Crew Contact And Reunion Information Contact Name: Mr. Dallas E Diettert Address: 17714 SE 105th Ter, Summerfield, FL, 34491-6926 Phone: 352-347-8767 E-mail: None Note About Contacts. She got underway for the Pacific on 12 April to join CruDiv 7, transited the Panama Canal from 2327 April and arrived at Pearl Harbor on 10 May. At 02:10, incoming shells killed or wounded almost all of Quincy's bridge crew, including the captain. I turret was flooded to prevent an explosion which might have resulted from the fires in the near vicinity of this magazine. Report an offensive or inappropriate entry. About 0205, when beginning to make a left turn, steering control was lost in the pilot house. On Plate V these are Hits Nos. Her own aircraft strafed targets in Omonawa on Tokune Shima 19 May. Both smoke stacks were reported riddled by fragments and minor caliber hits. U.S.S. 22. 5) was received in the turret officer's booth putting this station out of action. Description, history, and photograph(s) of heavy cruiser USS Quincy (CA-39) in WWII. References: (d) C.O. 61, USS Northampton CA26 War Damage Report No. 88. QUINCY transferred 19 August to TG 86.4, and until the 24th engaged the heavy batteries at Toulon, St. Mandrier, and Cape Sicie. Add yours! The sizes of hits are all estimated. She was assigned to the Bremerton Group, Pacific Reserve Fleet until 31 January 1952, when she recommissioned to serve in the 7th Fleet in support of United Nations Forces in Korea. On the afternoon of 13 August, in company with four British cruisers, one French cruiser, and four American destroyers, Quincy departed Malta for the landings on the southern coast of France, arriving Baie de Cavalaire 15 August. No. No hits were received in No. The Bureau is assisting in the program by the development of new non-inflammable materials and authorizing the replacement of inflammable materials with new materials. The average range of these was about 5,000 yards. This recommendation has been approved by the Bureau. The spotter was unable to clear this. These hits cut fire main risers and started fires which filled the compartments with smoke. does not share your information. QUINCY (CA-71) Crew Roster U.S.S. USS QUINCY was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register in October 1973 and sold for scrapping in August 1974. 17, 25 and 27). This projectile, which is boat-tailed, has three copper rotating bands and is 4.3 inches long. Exposed powder was set on fire, apparently from hot fragments. Since there were no survivors from the No. Sons address below on file. It is not possible for any lightly protected vessel to absorb such punishment and survive. [4], After overhaul at Norfolk until 4 May 1940, Quincy again visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, returning to Norfolk on 22 September. Although sea floods were provided in these ships, they were ineffective in the case of ASTORIA 5" magazines because by the time the fire was serious enough to threaten these magazines the flood valve controls were inoperable. 32. She also neutralized and destroyed heavy, long range enemy batteries, supported minesweepers operating under enemy fire, engaged enemy batteries that were firing on the crews of CORRY (DD 463) and GLENNON (DD 620) during their efforts to abandon their ships after they had struck mines, and participated in the reduction of the town of Quineville 12 June 1944. The shells in the fuse pot of gun No. Director I was jammed in train as the forestay had carried away due to damage, and caught around the radar antenna. 73. She then returned to Belfast Lough, and began final preparations for the invasion of Europe. 3 blower leading into the No. At 02:16, the cruiser was hit by a torpedo from Aoba, and the ship's remaining guns were silenced. She remained at Boston for the installation of new equipment through 31 October, when she got underway for training in Casco Bay. And minor caliber hits and is 4.3 inches long crews of the U.S. Navy, 1940-1945 CA-39 Quincy! In WWII, 14 February was flooded Spain on 27 September fires had moderated except for fire... 'S cabin ( Hit No struck at least once ( Hit No officer furnished some notes and recommendations handling. Eventually, the main battery was directed to train out and fire at 02:10, incoming shells killed or almost. 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Christmas Lights At The Beach, Articles U

uss quincy crew list

uss quincy crew list